The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 132 Three Layers of the Ground

See that the monster was indeed silent, and the other dwarves also came to their senses. Xiao Tian helped several dwarves clean the wounds one by one. This time, he learned to be good and did not be affectionate anymore. He distributed the medicinal herbs for the dwarves to chew by themselves.

Except for the copper hammer, the other dwarves seemed to like to talk and silently took over the medicine and chewed it.

After doing this, Xiao Tiancai found that his right hand was in hot pain. At first glance, the back of his hand was full of bubbles. I don't know when it was broken and bloody.

"What about the medicine I just chewed?" Xiao Tian looked for a long time before he saw the medicine paste thrown on the ground. Well, he had to chew it again...

Put the monster's body into the Black Ring, and the group continued to move forward with horrible faces.

After walking for another half an hour, the fire moss on the ground suddenly increased, and the explorers realized that the temperature had dropped.

Sure enough, there is a trace of cool breeze in the air, and there seems to be a sweet and moist smell?

Walking in the direction of the cool wind, the lava river turns to the cave at the bottom right, and the cool breeze blows from a dark cave at the bottom left.

The fire moss on the ground completely disappeared.

On the right is a dazzling red, and on the left is a deep darkness that seems to eat people.

The flow speed at the turning point of the lava river has slowed down significantly, and the color has become dark red.

The ground under his feet is no longer hot, and several people stand at the fork in the road and don't know where to go.

Xiao Tian can learn to be obedient this time. He stood obediently at the end and closed his mouth tightly for fear that these hundreds of-year-old dwarf predecessors would embarras him.

It's a pity that it backfires...

The copper hammer said, "Brother Xiao, which side do you want to go?"

Seeing that he couldn't avoid it, Xiao Tian came forward with a wry smile: "Senior Copper Hammer, why don't we go to the left? Isn't it said that the third floor is no different from the ground? Well, the wind blows from the left, and it is very humid. Should there be a large space and water on the left?

Xiao Tian was uneasy: Shouldn't the dwarf suspect that he should avoid the important things and go to a safe place?

Several dwarfs patted their thighs at the same time, and their hand guards collided with their armor and made a sonorous sound: "Yes, Brother Xiao is still smart!"

The bronze hammer added: "Why don't you say that human beings are the smartest and most cunning!"

Can this be regarded as a compliment? Xiao Tian smiled bitterly in his heart.

The dark pit went all the way down, the air became more and more humid, and there was no longer a burning feeling.

Plants appear on the ground, all of which lie flat on the ground and grow close to the ground, with blue flowers of different sizes and blue fluorescence.

Xiao Tian came all the way and collected several plants from each of the plants he saw and put them into the black ring. These plants are taken back to the Qingwu people, and it is estimated that the two masters of black and white will like them.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, coming with a damp smell of dirt.

The slope of the cave is getting steeper and steeper, almost straight up and down. Fortunately, the boots made of lizard leather under the ground have a very strong grip, and no one accidentally sat on the slide.

Since entering the fork in the road, Xiao Tian has walked in the front despite the opposition of the dwarfs.

In a dark environment, his vision is the best, so he insists on walking ahead. In case something happens, he can find out in time. If there is any damage to these simple and cute dwarves due to his vision, Xiao Tian will never forgive himself.

A glimmer of light shone in front of him, and the road under his feet suddenly became flat. The cave is coming to an end.

A few more steps forward, there is a huge vertical cave in front of you. Standing here, you can only faintly see the wall of the opposite cave. The light just now shines from below.

Xiao Tian looked up. There was a round dome above, and he couldn't see how high it was.

He stood on the edge of the cave and looked down, and couldn't help but feel dizzy: the cave was bottomless, and there were clouds surrounding it, and there seemed to be birds flying in the clouds?

The eyes of several dwarves flashed with excitement: dwarves often came down to the second layer of mining or expeditions, but they never reached this depth.

Now it seems that the cave in front of us is the passage to the third underground floor. It is really looking forward to the legendary third floor with the sun, moon, stars, rivers and sea.

The strong wind blew from under the cave, blowing his clothes and hunting. The dwarves were heavy, like square granite. The wind did not seem to be affected by anything, but Xiao Tian was different. A strong wind blew, and he only felt that he wanted to fly along the wind to the dome.

The copper hammer reached out and grabbed his arm, secretly suspecting that this human teenager took the dwarf to an unprecedented depth, but his small body seemed to fly away as soon as the wind blew. Can he really take the dwarf to find chaos?

Xiao Tian picked up a stone from the ground, and threw the stone down regardless of whether it would hit the flowers and plants below.

After a long time, I heard a dull sound: Wow!

Let's go down, but how to go down?

The big eyes of the copper hammer blinked and took out a thin bundle of rope from his body.

The rope has the thickness of Xiao Tian's thumb. It seems that the animal's skin is woven with metal. It pulls it in your hand. It is slightly elastic, but extremely strong.

The copper hammer and the silver mill put the rope on a bulging rock, and the silver mill made a strange knot.

The two spit in the palm of their hands and pulled hard at one end of the rope. Xiao Tian looked worriedly at their arms with thick thighs and was afraid that the thin rope would be pulled off. Behind him was a bottomless cave. If the rope broke and fell back, then...

The strength of the rope is stronger than Xiao Tian imagined.

In the order of going down, the human teenager and the dwarf had an argument.

No one knows what's waiting for them. Maybe it's a monster with a big mouth or a beautiful fairyland on earth.

Xiao Tian's mouth is short-mouthed and soft-handed. After all, the equipment given to him by the dwarf is still on his body. If there is danger, he must be in danger. He feels that he should be the first to go down.

The copper hammer is not worried about this small teenager. For the dwarf, being big means strong. And Xiao Tian's size, to be honest, looks too, too, too limited in the dwarf.

So the copper hammer insists on getting down first, so as not to let this thin teenager go down in case there is something difficult to deal with.

In the end, the stubbornness of the dwarf prevailed.

The copper hammer stringed the rope on the wide belt around the waist, put both hands down, and gradually disappeared from the sight of several people.

Half an hour later, the rope shook sharply.

It seemed that there was no danger below, and several people slipped down the rope in turn.

Xiao Tian was the second to go down, and only he had an accident when he went down: his bones were so thin that the wind made him float to the right and was about to hit the rock wall. Fortunately, the dwarves below found it in time and fixed the rope, which was finally thrilling.

It was so easy to get to the bottom. The copper hammer looked at him with pity and pinched his arm: "Look at this child pitifully, like a chicken, but it's a pity for this good attribute. I'll make up for you when I get back!"

Where is this?

Xiao Tian was attracted by the scenery in front of him and couldn't care about the copper hammer. He opened his mouth and looked at it in a daze.

The steel teeth and iron furnace that came down first did not say a word along the way, and at this time, they also muttered: "Sea...sea..."

In front of us is an endless sea. The dark blue sea is undulating, hitting the snow-white sand on the shore, making a banging sound, mixed with echoes from nowhere, and my ears are full of deep surging waves. The white coastline extends to both sides and can't see the end.

The fine sand is dotted with several shells of different colors. There seem to be small crabs crawling on the beach in the distance.

The sea of clouds is churning in the sky, and the cave when they came down has been tightly covered by the sea of clouds.

There is light in the sky, but you can't see the sun. It seems that the light itself exists between heaven and earth. The sea shines with light, the sea of clouds emits light, and even the beach seems to reflect soft light.

All the people looked at the scenery in front of him in shock. Xiao Tian could no longer speak, but the dwarfs who seemed to speak kept muttering and didn't know what to say?

The copper hammer was the first to come down. It had recovered from surprise. It stood on tiptoe and patted Xiao Tian on the shoulder and smiled proudly, "Well, I didn't lie to you, right?"

Xiao Tian ignored the talkative dwarf and bent down to pick up a handful of fine sand. The white sand leaked from his hand and was blown away by the sea breeze.

This is not an illusion. The sand on his hand tells Xiao Tian that this is not an illusion.

There are seas, clouds, beaches and shells under the ground.

He shook off the copper hammer and took his hand and rushed to the sea excitedly.

The sea is warm and comfortable, just like a large natural hot spring. Is there such a big hot spring in the world?

Several dwarves also rushed over. Four thousand-year-old dwarves were like children, splashing water, and their brown beards, eyebrows and hair were all wet on their heads, and only saw their large and smiling mouths.

Several people made trouble in the water for a while, lay on the beach and began to study the next step.

The vast sea, the slightly salty sea breeze, and the rolling sea of clouds make people feel open-minded.

Xiao Tian also forgot the idea of avoiding suspicion just now, no matter what the dwarves would think: "Let's build a boat to go to the sea. Water is the source of life. If there is chaos, the sea is the most likely."

The dwarfs stood up silently and walked away along the coastline.

Xiao Tian watched the copper hammer and silver sword walk to the right, but the steel teeth and iron furnace went to the left. The white waves rushed ashore and hit the dwarf's feet.

He was anxious: "Hey, you don't have to leave if you don't agree. Besides, we can't separate. How can we divide it into two sides?"

He stood where he was and didn't know which one to follow.

The copper hammer turned around and greeted him. In the echo of the huge waves, he only heard the faint words "wood, boat".

It seems that it is going to cut wood and build a ship? But where are the trees?