The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 134 There is an island in the sea

The strange fish had a faint red light in their eyes and followed them kindly. If it hadn't been for the attack at the beginning, the big guys really thought that the strange fish was here to escort them.

Xiao Tian suddenly thought: Can you put a rope on the head of this strange fish and pull the boat away?

Of course, this is just thinking about it. If this huge thing doesn't attack them, he will thank God. How dare he put a rope on the fish's head?

Look at the fish, there seems to be no new movement. The copper hammer arranged for the two to rest, and the two were alert. Otherwise, it will continue to be so consumed. I'm afraid that I will die tired before waiting for the fish to do something to them.

When Xiao Tian woke up, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere around him was very strange. All the dwarfs craned their necks and looked at the back of the boat.

He got up and looked behind the boat from the dwarf's sight:

The sea was bustling, with fish heads surging, golden fish heads and reddish-brown tails everywhere, and countless ruby-like red fish eyes stared at the boat.

Seeing Xiao Tian stand up, the fish's eyes lit up, and a humane and affectionate light appeared.

stared at by countless affectionate eyes, especially the fish with extremely large bodies and extreme bad breath, Xiao Tian couldn't help shivering.

The helm has been replaced with steel teeth, and the copper hammer stood beside Xiao Tian and said in a low voice without looking back: "These fish have no malice."

"Nonsense, I also know that they are not malicious. If there is, now we have become fish dung."

In his heart, Xiao Tian didn't dare to say it. This copper hammer grandfather is a monkey spirit among the dwarfs, and this kind of person can't be offended casually.

He smiled and said, "So, senior copper hammer, what do you think they want to do?"

The copper hammer turned around and looked up and down at Xiao Tian: "I think, they seem to like you very much? Haven't these fish been underground for a long time and haven't seen handsome men?

"Cough..." Xiao Tian was almost choked to death by the words of the copper hammer. He bent down and coughed for a long time before he gasped.

straightened up, Xiao Tian was stunned: all the fish's red eyes were angry, as if they were about to drip blood, staring at the copper hammer viciously. The waves surged, and the boat suddenly bumped. Several dwarves stood unsteadily and hurriedly supported the port of the boat.

Xiao Tian held the shoulder of the copper hammer and looked at the copper hammer along the fish's eyes: a layer of fine cold sweat on the head of the copper hammer master was converging into bean-sized beads of sweat hanging on the brown beard.

The dwarf forced to calm down, cleared his throat and said loudly, "I think, first, these mythical beasts have a very high IQ!" Second, the mythical beast has no malice towards us!!"

The wind is calm.

This, it is certain that there is no malice, and the IQ may not be extremely high.

The anger in the fish's eyes disappeared and turned into gratitude and affection.

Xiao Tian is very disgraceful of the IQ of these fish: so simply patting the fish to fool you? I'm afraid your IQ is only 250, right?

I thought so, but I said another set of words: "Yes, senior, I also think so. Look how beautiful their golden brown scales are. Ruby-like eyes shine with wise light. Such a huge body is unique in nature..."

After half an hour of endless talk, all the fish's mouths grined to the root of the tail, and the ruby-like eyes bent into the shape of a silver moon. The bad breath came to my face again.

It's really 250.

Xiao Tian made a conclusion for these fish in his heart. Looking at each other tacitly with the copper hammer, one old and two little foxes sat down tacitly.

Xiao Tian (w whisper): "What do these guys mean?"

Bronly hammer: "These divine fish (let's use the honorific title, what if the fish closer can hear it? It can be seen that ginger is still old and spicy!) I guess it's because I saw your sword and skills that I didn't attack us. It seems that what is true in the classics is that people with both attributes can get chaos. Maybe there is another additional condition that is not mentioned, that is, this sword.

Xiao Tian nodded silently, which was thought that it was extremely dangerous. He had planned that he might take his life. Unexpectedly, he was swallowed into his mouth by the fish and spit it out again. Except for his saliva, he was scalded a little on the second floor, and there was not even a key injury.

If it goes so well, he will be embarrassed to ask for the dwarf's armor.

The ship drove rapidly on the sea and sailed to the depths of the ocean.

Have a safe journey.

Although I also met a few unsighted marine creatures who wanted to open up foreign meat and taste these human flavors, they were without exception eaten by the divine fish.

Another day has passed.

A dark shadow appeared in the far away on the dark blue sea.

The whole sky suddenly darkened.

The clouds rolled up and pressed against the sea, with lightning and thunder, and black raindrops poured down.

Huge waves surged on the sea, and the boat swayed in the waves like a leaf.

The thunderbolt sounded in their ears, and the lightning crossed their heads. The adventurers were shaken and grabbed everything they could grab on the ship.

Xiao Tian had to admire the copper hammer. Fortunately, he took off his armor at that time, otherwise he would not have become a humanoid lightning rod now.

The adventurers are not worried that the boat will capsize, because the divine fish are densely next to the boat, and the boat is almost driven by the fish.

The shadow in front of it gradually became clear and was an island.

The pouring rain mixed with egg-sized hail hit the adventurers' heads. Several adventurers had already unloaded the sails and covered their heads and covered themselves tightly.

"Oh, my", the sound of hail hitting the sails densely.

Suddenly, the hull shook.

The ship stopped, and the sound disappeared.

The adventurer lifted his head, and in front of him was an island as beautiful as a fairyland.

The island is filled with a thick milky white fog. Strangely, through the fog, you can see all kinds of strange flowers and plants, as well as small beasts passing through the trees, flowers and plants.

So thick fog does not affect the sight at all. Everything, whether animal or plant, emits the same color as its own light, which penetrates the fog and enters the eyes of the adventurer.

I don't know when the rain stopped.

The clouds retreated thinly to the sky, and the sky was shining with colorful light.

The fish pushed the boat to the shallower beach.

The adventurers were shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of them and unconsciously got off the boat.

The white sand is warm and soft, and the warm sea water hits the feet. Wherever you go, the white fog retreats. In front of you is a large area of blooming flowers. Each flower has a different color, forming a colorful sea of flowers.

Yueer will be here. She will definitely like these flowers.

This idea came to Xiao Tian's mind.

There are naturally formed paths from flowers.

The adventurers no longer obeyed their footsteps, and the ghosts walked along the path into the sea of flowers.

No one noticed that Xiao Tian's Taiji sword emitted a slight colorful light.

The path is very long, and everyone walks as if they were hypnotized, forgetting the time and road.

The little beasts on the island played on their own and didn't look at them again.

After about two or three hours, the end of the path arrived.

A small pond. The pond is surrounded by milky jade, as if the pond was dug out of a whole piece of jade.

The explorers woke up from the beautiful scenery and looked blankly at the pond in front of them.

The water is extremely clear, but the bottom cannot be seen.

Because there is a milky ** in the middle of the pond, the colorful light faintly shoots out of the milky **, and it seems that there is life twisting and struggling in the middle.

Xiao Tian and the copper hammer looked at each other.

If chaos is really conceived in the sea as Xiao Tian thought, then this is the greatest possibility.

Xiao Tian squatted down and reached for the water in the surprised eyes of the copper hammer.

The copper hammer shouted, "Dangerous!"

The surface of the water sank with Xiao Tian's hand, and the shape of a hand appeared. Circles of ripples scattered in all directions. When it touched the four walls of the pond, it returned, and the water surface was undulating.

Xiao Tian's hand was still on the surface of the water, and he leaned down hard.

The shape of the hand became deeper, and the water fell again with his hand. The hand never reaches into the water.

Xiao Tian straightened up and said to the copper hammer with a wry smile, "I can't reach in. This water is a whole, and it is very elastic and resilient."

Without waiting for the copper hammer to answer, the silver mill behind them pushed them away: "Then who, dodge and let me try!"

He took off his mace and put it in his hand, put it back behind him, and said to the copper hammer, "Use your axe, don't break this thing."

The copper hammer smiled, took off the wide-faced axe and handed it to the silver mill with both hands.

Xiao Tian saw the smile of the copper hammer at the corner of his eyes and unconsciously stepped back a few steps.

The copper hammer also took a few steps back without a trace.

The two honest men, steel teeth and iron furnace, are still the same, standing at the end without saying a word.

The silver mill took the big axe, spit in the palm of the hand, and swished the big axe high. The axe blade drew a silver lightning in the air and landed on the water near the edge of the pond.

He didn't cut it in the middle for fear of cutting the milky white**.

With a loud noise, the silver mill was bounced out and fell to the ground, shaking so much that his face was full of blood.

A big axe created by the dwarf craftsman with rare metals and a variety of elemental secrets, the axe blade is curly, the axe handle is bent, and the axe handle is bent and flies out.

The copper hammer flew out at a very fast speed and caught the axe before the big axe landed: "Look, look, you don't look at throwing things. What if it breaks people? Even if you can't smash people, it's not good to smash flowers and plants!"

"If I had known this old guy was treacherous, I didn't expect it to be so slippery! It's simply a tall man among the dwarves!" Xiao Tian slandered and helped the bold and brainless dwarf silver mill in a cold sweat. He took out a box of ointment from the black ring and stuffed it into the silver mill's hand: "Just wipe it on the wound. Give me back the rest after using it."

He didn't diligently go to help Yin grind the medicine, and in case he thinks he is dirty. The drug-chewing incident on the second floor left an indelible psychological shadow on Xiao Tian...