The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Xiao Tian stood still. He didn't want to admit that he was a little afraid of the two evil beasts: "Master, let's go to see Uncle Bai. Don't go around."

Wu Yi seemed to see through his mind: "Don't worry, the chain of the warcraft looks thin, but it is made of cold iron at the bottom of the sea. It can't be broken!"

Xiao Tian was surprised: The elf's treasure tree can't afford to provoke trees, the gold-worthy leopard gatekeeper, and the leopard chain made of cold iron on the seabed. What kind of people are so luxurious?

As he was thinking, Wu Yi stretched out his hand to him: "Do you have anything to eat?"

Xiao Tiantian consciously took out a piece of dried meat from his arms. Wu Yi grabbed it and threw it at the two monsters, shouting, "Come on, don't bite, eat meat!"

Xiao Tian hurried to grab it, but it was empty and grinned with heartache.

The dried meat fell to the ground. The two leopards stopped barking, came over and smelled it, turned their heads disdainfully and walked away, grinning at the two people.

Xiao Tian: "..." Damn, you are too picky about food. This is the famous Pinyao beef jerky in Cannes. You don't eat it. What on earth do you eat?!

This is definitely the home of a big man, either the patriarch or the elders in the clan, otherwise there is no such a great style.

Xiao Tian went out to practice for a period of time and learned a lot of worldly wisdom. No matter how much you and the master like the Qingwu people, after all, they are also human beings. Let's not talk about it under the shelter of others. If you cause trouble again, you will be a little unconscious.

Xiao Tian pulled Master and left quickly: "Master, let's go. Aren't we going to find Uncle Bai?"

He secretly added in his heart, "You are more than 300 years old, and you still attract cats and dogs. No wonder people call you old monsters."

Wu Yi ignored him at all and jumped and shouted, "Come on, come and bite me. If you don't eat meat for you, you have to eat alive?"

Angel Xiao vigorously took the master's arm in an attempt to drag him away from this place of right and wrong. However, Wuyi's feet seemed to take root on the ground. No matter how Xiao Tian dragged, he did not move.

In fact, the biggest troublemaker is not Lin Jie, but his old and disrespectful master!

"Mottering", a few coughs, and there was a rattling noise from the yard. An old man in ragged and dirty clothes came along the shady path paved with colorful stones.

The two monsters bowed down and their ears, as obedient as the most obedient kittens.

Wu Yi laughed and said, "Finally, it came out. If you wait a little slower, our master and apprentice will feed the horned leopard."

Master Bai Yang held a silver-gray pompom in his arms and walked out of the door. He didn't even glance at Wu Yi at the corners of his eyes and said directly to Xiao Tian, "Are you coming?"

So Master Bai is here to show the door? I don't know if the arrival of myself and my master will cause trouble?

Xiao Tian answered in a low voice, "Good job, Uncle Bai. We're leaving now. Please go back and check the door. Don't cause any trouble. Let's talk when you go to Danfang one day.

"What? Shall I watch the door? Oh, I'm the doorkeeper. I can't help it. I'm old and clean. I'm upset to see others staying here. I like to stay alone, so I have to watch the door by myself. However, the big and small bags are quite good, and those naughty children don't dare to come to me to make trouble.

"Watch the door by yourself? Come here to make trouble? Is this... your home?" Xiao Tian didn't have enough brains. This poor old man... unexpectedly! No wonder the master said that his family has a great career. This is really big and big!

Wu Yi looked pitifully at his apprentice make a fool of himself, with an expression that I knew you would be like this.

Bai Yang did not answer his words, groped on his body for a while, stretched out his hand, held a small yellow and white animal between his fingers, and filled the fluffy ball in his arms.

Xiao Tian noticed a stuffed animal in Bai Yang's arms, with two long translucent ears, a large furry tail and extremely thin limbs.

The fluffy ball's delicate mouth opened, and the sharp teeth knocked and crackled. Xiao Tian shivered - the little animal disappeared into the mouth of the hairball, smashed the mouth, and climbed to Baiyang's head with its short calves and pulled it in his messy hair.

Bai Yang didn't pay attention to it and looked at Xiao Tian and walked back: "Since you're here, come in the house? - Big and small bags, be honest, is this the master's child?"

Xiao Tiangang's moving footsteps stopped again: Sir, is Master Bai really the doorkeeper? Otherwise, who is this master talking about?

Wu Yi ignored him and followed Bai Yang into the door. Xiao Tian looked around and saw the big bag and small bag of warcraft staring at him maliciously and hurriedly followed him.

Bai Yang entered the largest room in the middle.

Xiao Tian secretly complained that Uncle Bai was ignorant: You are the doorkeeper. If guests come to you, you should take them to a small room. Why did you bring them to the main room?

The area of the room is very large, at least ten times larger than the appearance. The ceiling is extremely high, but the ground is full of things, and people can't even put their feet when they come in.

Bai Yang dug out two stools from the debris on the ground and handed them to the two: "Let's sit down. I usually don't have guests here." He himself sat down on a broken wooden box.

Xiao Tian looked at this messy appearance and was a little sure that this was Uncle Bai's home. If someone else's family had been tossed around like this, I'm afraid the owner would have kicked him out long ago.

The little fluffy ball is still digging on Bai Yang's head, making a creepy crashing sound from time to time.

Bai Yang stretched out his hand to hold it down: "Don't eat it for the master, and you won't have to eat the next meal." This must be Bai Yang's family. It turned out that he called himself a master of all animals.

The fluffy ball threw the last lice in its claws into its mouth, jumped off Bai Yang's body, and disappeared from the pile of debris on the ground.

Looking at this scene, Xiao Tian only felt itchy in his throat: It turned out that Uncle Bai didn't take a shower and was sloppy to provide food for the fluffy ball? This is also a little disgusting, isn't it?

Bai Yang stood up and said, "I'll find some hot water for you. I remember Lao Hei gave me some tea last time. I don't know where I put it. I'll find it for you and make a cup of tea."

"Don't," Wu Yi's hands swayed so fast that there was a shadow between his hands: "We don't drink anything."

"Yes, yes, we don't drink anything. Uncle Bai, just take a rest."

Looking at Xiao Tian's reluctant footsteps and Wu Yi's narrow smile, Bai Yang clearly knew what was going on between the two masters and apprentices. The old man was too lazy to fight with Wu Yi and got up and walked to a small door in the room: "Tian's come with me. I have something to give you."

For some reason, Xiao Tian felt that there was something wrong with Bai Yang today. He was listless and dusk. Looking at his rickety shoulders and back, the dirty and torn clothes on his body, he couldn't lift his feet when walking, and seemed to be dozens of years old.

He asked with concern, "Mr. Bai, are you all right? Are you not feeling well? Shall I let my master show it to you?

Bai Yang stopped at the door but didn't look back: "It's okay. Come in."

It's like stepping into the elves' council hall from the garbage dump. The small door turned out to be a huge elixir room. The windows are bright and extremely neat. The medicine rack, the medicine case, the elixir stove, the smooth and bright stone platform are placed in an order and wiped spot.

The huge contrast stunned Xiao Tian for a moment and saw Bai Yang wafering to him: "Tian'er, come here."

Xiao Tian walked over on the floor where he could see the figure. Bai Yang handed him a few seeds of plants: "You take these three 'farewell'. When you are in danger, crush one, and it will take you to a distance of ten meters. As for the direction, you just need to meditate in your heart when you crush it."

Xiao Tian hesitated and said, "Master Bai, I don't want it. I'm not here to knock... Ah, I'm not here to ask you for anything."

Bai Yang looked old: "It doesn't matter. I know you are a good boy and good to the old man. You don't think I'm dirty, and you don't think I'm weird, just like big bags and fur. Take it away. I don't need these."

The old man stretched out his black hand, and Xiao Tian had to catch it. He carefully put these three seeds that looked like hollow beans into the Black Ring.

"You go and tell Mr. Wu that I won't leave him to eat."

Somehow, Xiao Tian was very depressed when he came out of Baiyang's house. He didn't expect Bai Yang to live in such a big house, and no one in the house was empty. I don't know why he always thought Bai Yang was pitiful, but now this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

Wu Yi followed him and suddenly saidnaolessly, "Don't embrace sad people. It's not that the old man doesn't care about him, but that he doesn't want to live with his family."

Sad people have different arms... Xiao Tian thought of those three "partings".

The departure is just around the corner. The day of school has come. This time, the team is less Qingwu and Feixuan, and there is a dwarf prince Yan Dao.

It took a lot of effort for Yan Dao to follow Xiao Tian and others to Locke.

On that day, after Xiao Tian's master and apprentice left the underground kingdom, the more the dwarf prince thought about it, the more he yearned for the outside world. The little guy was a thief. If he knew that he begged like this, his father would not agree.

He tried his best to move his mother and asked Collia to pry with Napoleon and agree to Yan Dao to go out to practice.

At the beginning, Napoleon refused, fearing that he would be in danger.

Queen Kolya's words moved Napoleon: "In the future, if what the martial arts master did, the dwarfs would still return to the mainland. At that time, Yan Dao didn't know anything. How to deal with those cunning and treacherous human beings?"

This sentence speaks to Napoleon's heart - not only for the dwarves but also to return to the mainland, but also for the comment on human beings: cunning and treacherous.

Napoleon is afraid, respectful and loving Queen Collia, who is a human being. The most worried thing is that the queen will one day leave herself and her children and return to human society.