The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 150 Luo Bing's Identity

After all, Xiao Tian is young and has little knowledge. Seeing several old people laughing and laughing, he is still guilty: "It seems that the two masters are really wrong. Although this will be held in the palace, it seems that this is really a small meeting!"

At this time, someone brought tea and pastries. Xiao Tian tossed water and rice for a long time. At this time, he smelled the aroma of the pastry and found that he was hungry. But I was embarrassed to reach out and get it, so I had to stand there with hunger.

The old man in front of Luo Bing smiled and said, "Let's eat something to cushion your stomach first. After talking, I'll treat everyone to dinner."

The sad middle-aged man said with a bitter face, "What else to eat?" The orcs called. I'm afraid they won't have a stable meal in the future.

Wu Yi picked up the teacup and said with a smile, "Lao Yang, why are you in a hurry? There is still Rocky in front of you. Just take good care of your house. Isn't it anxious next to the orc? It's so far away that you can't eat?

The old Yang's name is Yang Jian, and the smiling man next to him is Zhang Lang. The two are the prime ministers of the Bayannor Kingdom of another country on the mainland. Outsiders call him the second general.

At this time, he was teased by Wu Yi, and Lao Yang barely pulled up the corners of his mouth, even if he had laughed.

Looking at his awkward smile, Xiao Tian felt uncomfortable for him: It's better not to laugh than not to laugh!

The room is quiet.

Old Luo put down the teacup and said solemnly, "Brother Wu, tell me about the situation!"

Wu Yi still looked like that smiling face. He picked up a piece of snack with two fingers and put it in his mouth: "Don't mention it, your snack tastes really good!" He looked around the crowd and said with a smile, "Don't stare at me. I'm not an orc. I don't know what will happen to the orcs next.

He kicked the ball back to the old man Luo: "Lao Luo, an orc appeared in your land. Can you tell me what's going on?"

Old Luo Qianmo's face showed a wry smile: "Okay, I'll say it."

"On September 18, orcs appeared in Lugou Town in the east of the Porta Mountains, with more than 1,600 people, a small number of bear people, most of whom werewolves, blood washed Lugou Town..."

After the old man finished speaking, there was a long silence in the conference room.

The situation told by Mr. Luo is similar to the rumors heard by Xiao Tian and others on the road, but the data is relatively detailed, and there are no strange rumors.

Xiao Tian has now vaguely understood why the master and the dwarf king put that group of orcs into the mainland.

It's really an old traitor!

He thought of Yueer's grandfather, the skinny elf old man, and said, "When will the elf clan be able to walk openly on the mainland again?"

He thought of the grassland elves who died in the goblin forest and the extremely harsh natural environment where the grassland elves lived.

He thought of what was recorded in the book: the last dwarf died of a hunger strike at the Royal Zoo.

Xiao Tian thought of a possibility in his heart. He suddenly felt that his throat was dry and his breathing became heavy.

Wu Yi felt his change, raised his head slightly, leaned back, leaned against the back of the chair, and quietly touched him with his arms.

Xiao Tianyi, adjusted his breathing and stood as if nothing had happened.

He looked next to him. Yueer and Yan Dao did not react at all and looked at the people at the table with interest.

Old Luo saw that everyone didn't say anything, so he had to say again, "Since everyone is sitting here, they must have a general plan for this matter. Let's talk about it in front of Lord Yao Sheng and Brother Wu. How are we going to solve it?"

The snacks on the table seemed to suddenly become extremely delicious, and everyone's eyes stared eagerly at those hearts.

Black Joe picked up the water cup and took a sip without saying anything.

Wu Yi smiled and said to the old man Luo, "Don't pull me in. I'm a human. It has nothing to do with elves and dwarves!" As for the Qingwu family, there is Lord Yao Sheng, and I don't count it!"

Everyone's eyes were still staring at the pastry on the table, but the corners of their mouths twitched slightly: "Do you have nothing to do with elves and dwarves? Go to the devil! Who doesn't know that you and the elf dwarf wear a pair of trousers!"

What's more, some people thought to themselves, "This guy is obviously a human, but he is dedicated to elves and dwarves. I don't know how many bribes he has received from those two families!" I guess the weapons of elf beauties and dwarfs have piled up in his backyard!"

Wu Yi seemed to guess the thoughts of these people and laughed: "Although I am a fake human being, I am on the side of justice and justice!"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone, including Xiao Tian, an apprentice, gave him a middle finger in their hearts: "Cut! Blow it, you!"

The black-faced middle-aged man is Ao Chenkong, the prince of the Menijian Empire. After hearing this, he finally couldn't help raising his eyes from the pastry, looked at Wu Yi, and said to himself, "Isn't he talking lies with his eyes open? This guy is more cheeky than his father! Is there truth and justice in the world? Whoever has a big fist is the truth!

Of course, in return, no one can do anything about this cheeky guy. They know that he is lying with his eyes open, but they can't expose him like this. His Royal Highness pulled his eyelids and began to study the ring in his hand.

Several people present know in their hearts that after hundreds of years of peace, knives and guns have been put into storage, and horses are released to Nanshan, and no one can say how much of the combat strength of human soldiers is left. If the orcs really attack, it will definitely be an unprecedented disaster for human beings.

The dwarves and elves are at least native indigenous people on the mainland, but with orcs, no one knows what those with long hair and smelly shabby animal skins will do.

You can't say you don't know at all. Look at Lugou Town and you will know that the orcs are worthy of the word beast in their names. The most ferocious monsters are also kinder than them.

As for elves and dwarves, compared with orcs, they are simply harmless good babies in kindergarten!

If there were no elf dwarves and Qingwu blocking the orcs on the other side of the Porta Mountains, I'm afraid a catastrophe on the mainland would be inevitable.

Everyone is aware of this fact and is now waiting for the representatives of the three families to make a request.

But Wu Yi took care of him and didn't say a word. Everyone dares not force Black Joe.

Joking, you can't offend anyone. You can't offend Lord Medicine. Who doesn't have a headache when eating grains? No one can guarantee that they will never be hurt, sick or die.

The old man Luo, who is here, still snatched it from Death. I heard that he was breathless at that time, and his body was cold. Didn't Lord Yao Sheng take action. Didn't he live for so many years? Now it looks old and strong, and very energetic! Or can you kick out the emperor's son to hold this meeting?

The most urgent thing to say should be the old man Luo. The orcs were the first to suffer from the invasion. But the other two countries also have lands bordering or adjacent to the Porta Mountains, and no one can guarantee which direction the orcs will come from. It seems that Old Luo is not very anxious. It seems that he really came to talk about the past with the medicine saint.

Now it seems that the best way is to let the elves and dwarves worry about this. Even if they can't stand it in the end, as long as they can withstand it for a year and a half for the time being, the human country will at least have time to sharpen guns, train soldiers, and take out rusty weapons from the warehouse to dry.

Everyone is playing Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts, hoping that they will suffer less losses and take advantage of more.

The second general and Ao Chenkong looked at Yao Sheng and Wu Yi's attitude towards old Luo. Several people muttered that the two families must have reached some agreements in private, but they just don't know what they are.

Hmm, the two faces are all old and refined characters. Thinking like this in their hearts, they don't bring out their faces at all, and they should be worried and laugh.

Ao Chenkong couldn't calm down. After a moment, he still went to Wu Yi: "Well, brother Wu, have you discussed any way with Mr. Luo?"

Wu Yi has lived for more than 300 years, but he can't hear the meaning of this, so he will live in vain.

He put down the pastry in his hand and said with a straight face, "No, I haven't just arrived. I came before I ate, otherwise I wouldn't be hungry like this. You came early. Do you have any plans? If not, Lao Luo will be in charge of the meal later, and I will discuss it with him again.

This is very clear. The three of you are in the same group. If you want to make trouble, you are also the three families. Don't talk about me to Old Luo! It really annoys me. It's not impossible to do something bad behind my back!

However, Ao Chenkong didn't understand and was still entangled on this issue: "Is this your apprentice? He looks about the same age as His Royal Highness Luo Bing. The young man is heroic and has a bright future!"

Others heard that he was so endless and finally understood why His Majesty Obama was still in control of the government when he was 70 or 80 years old. How dare this prince was a little two.

Hmm, the second general is naturally happy in his heart. Of course, it's a good thing to have such a second-ass to take the lead in front.

Xiao Tian heard him turn the topic to himself and didn't know how to deal with it. He looked at the master, took a step forward, bowed his head and said, "Thank you for your praise!"

Everyone saw the surprised appearance when Xiao Tian and Luo Bing met just now. Old Luo didn't mention it, and it was difficult for others to ask. Now he was mentioned by Ao Chenkong. Old Luo looked back at Luo Bing.

Luo Bing was understanding, bypassing the table, took Xiao Tian's arm, and said to the old man, "Grandpa, today, Sun'er is in danger in the suburbs and his life is imminent. Thanks to the help of Xiao Tian and Yan Dao, he was able to survive. As soon as he came back and changed his clothes, he was called here by you. Sun'er didn't have time to thank him!"

Only then did Xiao Tian know that Luo Bing was the son of Loki the Great. Hearing that Luo Bing was talking about distress rather than assassination, he understood what Luo Bing meant.

Xiao Tian has also learned well with Wu Yi for a period of time, not to mention the Elf Kingdom and the Dwarf Kingdom: "Luo Bing, I really don't know your identity. Please don't blame the previous rudeness!"