The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 178 Every flower is a life

So he framed himself for this? Xiao Tian couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't call me boss. I don't have that idea. I have someone I like."

"You know, Lan Yueer, right?"

"Well, so I won't..."

Xiao Tian stopped talking and naturally thought of Yue'er when talking about the person he liked, and did not deny Bai Shuang's statement.

Since when did the shadow of Lei Shuang gradually fade away, and Yueer took more weight in her heart?

Let him think too much. Bai Shuang pulled him out: "Let's go. The carriage is still waiting at the school gate. Let's see my old man and see if we can get my sister by the way."

"I've already said that I have someone I like..."

"It's not wrong to have a large number of women as an excellent man, but if one of them is my sister, forget it."

"..." What on earth do you want me to do?

General Bai Xiao has been waiting in the quiet room in the backyard.

The old man wears a loose and comfortable cotton robe and loose hair, looking like an old man in his neighbor's house. What made Xiao Tian blush was that Bai Sa was beside him, and the grandfather and grandson didn't know what they were talking about.

Seeing Bai Shuang coming in with Xiao Tian, Bai Sa blushed, stood up and nod to Xiao Tian and went out.

Xiao Tian was still thinking about her carpet grass and pet, and his eyes couldn't help following the girl's figure.

"Smile!" Bai Shuang coughed loudly. Xiao Tian was awakened and felt very embarrassed. He saluted Bai Xiao: "Hi, General Anguo."

The old man smiled and didn't seem to see the scene just now: "Okay, is it convenient to see a doctor now?"

"Okay, please lie down ** and let the younger generation give you a needle."

Xiao Tian skillfully carried the needle while answering Bai Xiao's question.

I don't know when the shy Bai Sa came in quietly again and stood quietly in the corner watching.

The topic they talked about has always revolved around Luo Bing.

Only then did Xiao Tian know that Luo Bing's uncle Bai Congde, who is also the son of Bai Xiao, was the general guarding Shanglin City, the southeast gateway. Shanglin City is high and wide, and it is at the traffic point, which is the biggest obstacle for orcs to invade the hinterland of the mainland.

Since the news of the invasion of the orcs, Bai Congde's power has suddenly become much greater. All supplies such as food, horses, equipment, weapons, etc. are continuously transported to Shanglin City.

On the road leading to Shanglin City, there are endless vehicles and soldiers and horses, and the grass on the roadside has been nibbled clean by the horses.

Xiao Tian understood that it was because Luo Bing's uncle, or his mother's, had too much military power in his hands, which put a lot of pressure on Luo Mu that Luo Mu attacked Luo Bing, who was indifferent to the throne.

Bai Xiao closed his eyes and looked pale. He couldn't see what he was thinking, but his appreciation for Xiao Tian was undoubtedly revealed: "You're right. Young people are very smart. In the past, although Luo Mu was domineering, he didn't go to this point. That time in the wild bear forest outside the city, if I hadn't happened to meet you..."

He didn't go on, but Xiao Tian also thought of the consequences - it was too dangerous.

Bai Xiao turned his words: "However, this is not all a bad thing. If Luo Mu hadn't forced him too hard, I'm afraid Luo Bing would not have been a big deal in his life. Now he finally looks like a prince.

When it came to the royal private matter, Xiao Tian didn't know how to answer, but smiled and secretly poured the wood and water elements on the silver needle and transported the needle carefully.

"Okay," Xiao Tian took out a silver needle and put it in the needle box. Gently massage Bai Xiao's head: "Be careful not to suffer from the wind. I will ask Luo Bing to bring you medicine to consolidate it, and I won't do it again."

"Ser, you send Mr. Xiao for Grandpa." Bai Xiao opened his eyes and smiled at Xiao Tian: "The old man's legs and feet are not good, so he can't see him off in person."

Bai Sa blushed and looked at Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian's heart moved: "General, can I have a look at your leg?"

"Ha ha, look, it's just that I've been sick for a long time, and I'm afraid no one can recover."

Bai Sa didn't care about shyness and quietly came over.

Xiao Tian lifted the cotton robe, and the scene in front of him was extremely surprised: the powerful old man's legs were thin, and his skin hung loosely on the bones, covered with fine fish-scaly dark lines, and the shape of the bones was clearly visible.

He pinched the old man's leg: "Do you feel it?"


Xiao Tian took out the silver needle, poured the fire element into the silver needle, and plunged it into his leg: "Do you feel it this time?"

"No, huh? Does it seem to be there?

The white and beautiful face is full of joy.

Xiao Tian put away the needle: "I have a way to treat the general's leg, but it can only make you move freely, and nothing else can be guaranteed."

"Haha, I thought I could only lie in a chair for the rest of my life, and it was good to be able to act reluctantly. Is it possible that I still have to go to the battlefield with a big knife? Give the opportunity to make contributions to the children, and the old man will rest assured!"

Xiao Tian saluted Bai Xiao: "Well, the younger generation will leave. You still need something to treat your leg. When you are ready, the younger generation will let the prince inform you."

"Okay, okay, Sa'er..."

Bai Sa said, "Mr. Xiao, please follow me."

Holding the fragrant tea handed over by Bai Sa, Xiao Tian said incoherently, "Miss Bai, we didn't mean it yesterday... We didn't know the grass..."

Bai Sa smiled and blushed and dared not look directly at Xiao Tian: "It doesn't matter. I can replant it."


The two sat in silence for a while, and no one knew what to say.

Looking at the girl's increasingly red cheeks, Xiao Tian felt that his face was also inexplicably red. He put down the tea cup and stood up: "That... Miss Bai, I'll leave."

"Hmm..." The girl lowered her head and her beautiful little face turned redder: "Let Uncle Zhuang see you off?"

Xiao Tian knew that Zhuang Bo was the driver of Baifu. When he came, he picked up Bai Shuang and Xiao Tian. He waved his hand hurriedly: "Don't bother. I'm just about to take a walk on the street."

"Well, I'll take you out." The little girl followed his footsteps and walked out, and her face turned red like a delicate and transparent red jade: "Grandpa's business is sorry to trouble you."

"Good to say, good to say." Xiao Tian was polite and finally arrived at the gate. Why is this road so long?

He didn't know until today that there was a kind of "ferocious" girl that was more frightening than Yan Duoduo, that is, a girl who was too shy like Bai Sa.

The redder her face is and the lower her voice is, the more Xiao Tian feels that he has made some mistakes? Is there anything wrong with the beauty?

There is too much pressure to be with her. No wonder Bai Shuang said that if Bai Sa married himself, his life would be over. As long as she blushes, Xiao Tian will be at a loss and doesn't know what to do.

It's so white and blushing so easily.

Yueer blushed and looked at the crazy Lu Chi in front of her.

Lu Chi held a large handful of flowers in his hand that were enough to submerge him and blocked it in front of Yueer, with an expression that you can't think about the past if you don't accept it.

Yue'er's face turned redder, not shy, but angry: "Every flower is a life, do you understand? Picking off the flowers is like killing a small life!"

"Ah?" Lu Chi was dumbfounded.

Yueer angrily pushed him to the ground, grabbed the bouquet of flowers, ran to the pool in the distance, and carefully soaked the flowers in the water.

As soon as Lu Chi got up from the ground, Yan Duoduo came over and kicked him to the ground coldly.

"You deserve it!" She said.

As soon as Xiao Tian entered the school gate, he saw Yan Duoduo using violence against Lu Chi again, which he liked to see - somehow, he especially hated Lu Chi.

greeted Yan Duoduo and Yueer in the distance, and Xiao Tian entered the Dan room.

Bai Xiao's leg disease is very entangled, and several drugs are needed. He remembers that there seems to be some in the Dan room.

Xiao Tian couldn't find them in the Dan room. It seems that those herbs have wings, so it seems that he has to buy some more.

Pandora Auction.

The auctioneer on the stage is endlessly introducing a Warcraft egg.

This animal egg is black, mixed with golden patterns in the middle. When the auctioneer shines on the animal egg with strong light, he can also faintly see something wriggling inside.

The bidding chirp kept ringing. Xiao Tian just looked at the auction book in his hand. What he wanted to buy was a piece of ore.

I came to have a look after buying the medicine, but I didn't expect to meet what I had been looking for a long time.

It's finally its turn.

Star gold.

The golden stars in the tray flashed, like the brightest stars in the sky blinking, causing a low-voiced exclamation.

Xiao Tian is not in a hurry to bid. Star gold is rare. It's so big and so good. It's better to let others test it first and wait a little longer.

It was the former teenager who stood behind him and served him.

Seeing Xiao Tian finally raise his head and staring at the star gold on the stage. The teenager knows that the goal of this young and golden customer today is this rare star gold.

After a while, the bidding price had soared to 9,000 gold coins. With Xiao Tian's current family, he couldn't help feeling a little pain, but he still resolutely pressed the button.

The auctioneer shouted, "10,000 gold coins!"



In the VIP room.

Xiao Tian looked at this star gold and was very satisfied. This star gold is the size of a fist, as light as nothing in the hand, with mysterious stars and silver light, which makes people feel dizzy after watching it for a long time.

When the Charming Eye is practiced to the second level of "disturbing", it needs to be assisted by medicinal materials, the most important of which is star gold.

Xiao Tian asked in the large and small shops on the street of medicinal materials, and couldn't even find a piece the size of a nail cover. Unexpectedly, he came to Pandora by the way and found what he was looking for. He was really lucky!

The teenager behind him saw that he was in a good mood and asked tentatively, "Son, someone outside wants to see you, don't you know?"