The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 184 Fatty Do you want to lose weight?

Hei Qiao stared at Yan Duoduo: " Put away the elemental force! What's the look like?" He waved his hand to knock Xiao Tian's head again: "Don't tease your senior sister. Let's get down to business!"

Xiao Tian hugged Yan Duoduo with a smile: "Well, senior sister, for your fat brother's face, forgive your brother!"

The fat man smiled and looked at them teased and didn't talk.

Xiao Tian stabbed him with his finger and whispered, "Don't just watch the bustle. What did the master ask you?"

Only then did the fat man react: "Lord Yao Sheng, the younger generation is the golden elemental force, the eighth level of elemental gas, and the refined elemental formula was given to me by Xiao Tian." He looked very embarrassed: "My profession has just been said by Miss Duoduo..."

It seems that he is very ashamed of being a gang leader.

Black Joe comforted him: "It doesn't matter, child, there are many heroes in the market. If the gang does well, it may also be promising.

Xiao Tian interrupted anxiously: "That's right, when we kill Lei..., let's reorganize Tianbang!"

The fat man's eyes lit up: "Really?"


Ying Duoduo was anxious: "It sounds fun. I'm going to participate too!"

Black Joe waved his hand: "Okay, okay, help Chopin improve the elemental power first, and then talk about the rest later."

Xiao Tian took out the small bottle containing Dingqian elixir from the black ring and poured out the last three shiny crystal elixir.

Hei Qiao squined at Xiao Tian: "Do you think Lord Yao Sheng came in person and still need to take out your Ding Qiandan to show his ugly?"

Xiao Tian was overjoyed: "Master, do you want to take action in person?" He turned to the fat man and said, "Fat, you are blessed. Why don't you thank Master quickly?"

The fat man was very clever and knelt down and kowtowed his head: "Thank you, Lord Yao Sheng for the kindness of creation!"

The fat man's heart is blooming with joy. Thinking that I had no food and clothing a few days ago, I knelt down and kowtowed to my brother, shouting for my life;

Now he is also kowtoing, but he is facing the famous medicine saint on the mainland.

After hanging out for several years, he has also heard of Yao Sheng's reputation. For a low-level person like him, Yao Sheng is like a legendary immortal.

Chopin, a little fat man, never thought that one day he would meet the medicine saint face to face, and the legendary old fairy would personally wash his scriptures and cut his marrow to improve the elemental power.

Life, life! The little fat man kowtowed and sighed in his heart.

Hei Qiao stretched out his hand and pulled him up: "Okay, there is no need to beat it, or the wound that has just been healed will be broken again."

The fat man blushed, and the Lord Yao saw that his forehead had just been broken. When he wanted to explain, he couldn't open his mouth, so he simply blushed and stopped saying anything.

In the Dan room, Yan Duoduo and Xiao Tian opened their mouths and looked at the fat man together.

The Dan furnace has been removed and replaced by a big tripod. The sky under the tripod is burning vigorously, and the medicine in the tripod is boiling, revealing that only a fat fat man is tormenting in the medicine.

The fat man has become a red fat man by this time. All ** skin outside is red, like a newborn mouse.

His hair, eyebrows and beard have fallen out, and his whole head looks like a big red lantern, but he has eyes, nose, mouth and ears on the lantern.

Of course, these organs are also red.

The big lantern was sweating constantly, and a terrible cry was released from the mouth of the lantern. People who don't know will think that Locke has added a torture room. Although the sound insulation effect of Dan Room is not bad, Xiao Tian hurriedly added another sound insulation barrier.

He exchanged gloating eyes with Yan Duoduo and turned his strange eyes to the same red-faced Yao Sheng Heiqiao.

"Black, it's really black!"

Xiao Tian sighed in his heart that the master never let go of any opportunity to test medicine. It is not a problem that the elemental power of the fat man will improve, but it is hard to say whether he will be disabled by Lord Yao Sheng.

As soon as he entered the Dan room just now, Hei Qiao asked the fat man seriously, "Child, are you afraid of hardship? Are you afraid of pain?

As soon as Xiao Tian heard this, he immediately felt bad, but he saw that Yan Duoduo next to him also cast a strange look. The two exchanged eyes and looked at the fat man at the same time.

The fat man did not hesitate at all. He straightened his chest and replied loudly, "As long as I can take revenge, I'm not afraid of anything!"

The stupid fat man was immersed in the coming good luck and didn't see the anxious eyes of Yan Duoduo and Xiao Tian next to him.

Xiao Tian smiled bitterly - heaven can still live for evil, and you can't live for his own sins. I reminded you, but you can't see it.

Yan Duoduo was still unwilling. Her face was unbearable. She looked at the fat man, raised her heroic eyebrows, and a pair of bright big eyes blinked quickly. The fat man blushed at her and lowered her head and dared not speak.

The invited principal Akadu saw the movement between the three teenagers and laughed: "Black brother," he bit the black word very clearly and heavily: "What are you going to do to improve the elemental power of this little guy?"

Hei Qiao looked serious: "Prepare a big tripod for me. I got a deer hoofitis a few days ago. Fire can make gold. It happens that this child is metallic, but it completes him."

Akadu laughed and went out to order a few words, and then someone carried a big tripod and sent it over.

Yan Duoduo is still frowning and thinking, but Xiao Tian has already thought about the role of deer hoofitis in the pharmacopoeia. He smiled bitterly, observed a moment of silence for the fat man, and was relieved - although this method was extremely painful, it was safe and reliable, effective, and had a solid foundation without any side effects or future problems.

It's just that since ancient times, anyone who has been promoted once with this method, no matter how much he improves, would rather die than use it again.

Does the master have a grudge against the fat man? Xiao Tian shook his head and drove away this nonsense idea in his mind.

The fat man was still screaming loudly. Yan Duoduo had already covered her ears and got into the corner of the Dan room and couldn't bear to look at it again.

Black Joe's old face turned red, and he stepped on the mysterious frequency around the tripod. From time to time, he slapped the fat man's head and pressed his fat head into the medicine. The fat man screamed and drowned in the bubbling medicinal soup.

Acado moved a small stool and sat next to the tripod. From time to time, he added an elemental force to the spiritual fire under the furnace according to Hei Joe's instructions. At this time, the fat man's screams were bigger and worse.

Xiao Tian knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help begging: "Master, are you all right? Almost there? The fat man really can't stand it any longer!"

Without waiting for Black Joe to answer, the fat man screamed and shouted: "Ah! Don't...don't stop, it's okay... I'm fine, continue..."

Xiao Tian rolled his eyes and scolded, "You still don't hurt your feelings. Then why are you so happy? It made me nervous."

The fat man's lower lip has been bitten by himself, and the blood is flowing red: "It's okay, really, really, it doesn't hurt, medicine, Lord Yao Sheng, please continue..."

Black Joe and Akadu's eyes showed admiration. This kind of pain was unbearable for ordinary people. Many people were full of big words before entering, but as soon as they entered the soup pot, they immediately cried and shouted to come out.

Black Joe asked Akadu for help, on the one hand, to help grasp the heat, and on the other hand, he was afraid that the fat man could not support him and no one could hold him.

One of Xiao Tian and Yan Duoduo is his brother, and the other is saved by him. Both of them can't harden their hearts. At this time, there must be a hard-hearted person guarding.

I didn't expect that although the fat man screamed miserably, he could hold on, but he had guts.

The soup in the tripod gradually thickens and finally turns into a crystal black ointment, sticking to the wall of the tripod.

The fat man finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his shout turned into a low moan.

Hei Qiao breathed a sigh of relief and commanded Xiao Tian to apply the ointment to the fat man. As soon as Xiao Tian reached out and touched the ointment, he was so hot that he jumped up with a scream: "Ah! It burns me to death!"

Black Joe looked at him sideways: "Didn't you just say that he didn't hurt?"

Xiao Tianyun's hand turned into a crystal clear red, and a lot of red fire flowed happily in his hand.

"It's good this time." He muttered, picked up a handful of ointment and applied it to the fat man. The fat man screamed again, and his body convulsed involuntarily, but he was held down by the long-prepared Akadu and could only sit in the tripod and press Xiao Tian's poison.

"Cut!" Xiao Tian applied medicine and slandered: Principal Akadu is also an old slippery man. When he pressed the fat man, he also wore a pair of thick gloves. Don't wear it if you have the ability. Look, my fat man's fat can't burn you off a layer of skin!

is finally ready. Xiao Tian was sweating profusely, and Akadu and Hei Qiao were equally exhausted. The fat man has returned to a normal skin color. He huddled in the tripod, took over the clothes handed over by Xiao Tian, and jumped out of the tripod.

Yan Duoduo heard that the fat man had already dressed, ran quickly from the corner and surrounded the fat man and praised: "Fatty, can't you see that you are still resistant to pain? Can you survive this pain? Huh? Why do I think you have grown taller?

Hei Qiao's tired face showed a touch of regret: "It is said that he should have lost about ten pounds of meat after this refining. Why didn't he react? Is there something wrong with the technique?

The old man walked around the Dan room with his hands behind his back and frowned.

Xiao Tian couldn't help laughing: "Master, it's not that there is something wrong with your technique, but the fat man is born fat. Even if you starve him for a month, he is still fat!"

Black Joe's eyes lit up: "Fat, oh no, Chopin, do you want to lose weight?"

Xiao Tian shouted in his heart and hurriedly winced at the fat man, asking him not to agree.

The fat man was shocked, and the feeling of boiling people's cream just now has not passed. This time, he learned to be obedient and patted his trembling belly: "Thank you, Lord Yao Sheng, I, I actually like this fat man, that fatter and not cold in winter..."