The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 1 War

Five years later. In the dense forest at the foot of Polta Mountain.

"Enemy attack!" The warning of the soldier in front of him turned into a scream at the exit: a crude javelin accurately penetrated his body and brought a bloody rain.

The javelin came like raindrops, and screams sounded one after another in the queue.

The attacked human soldiers quickly gathered into a round defense circle, holding a knife in one hand and holding a shield in the other. Hundreds of high and thick square shields were juxtaphed on the ground. The archers half squatted behind the shield and shot arrows back to the depths of the forest opposite.

There are arrows and rain, but the effect is not very good. The dense branches and leaves blocked most of the arrow feathers, so the orcs in the dense forest did not do much damage.

The javelin is still throwing out of the dense forest.

This orc native javelin looks rough and simple, but with the infinite power and accurate throwing of the orcs, the lethality is horrible. Human soldiers thrown by the javelin are generally not injured - they are all killed directly.

Fortunately, human beings are well equipped, and there are no casualties as much as at the beginning after the shield array was erected.

Seeing that the arrows were ineffective against the orcs hiding in the dense forest, Zhang Han, the captain of the shield array roared: "Second, third team, go! Pull out those beasts!"

Dozens of soldiers with long knives shouted: "Kill!" He took the lead in attacking the dense bushes. Dozens of soldiers with spears followed them silently.

During the impact, several soldiers were shot and fell to the ground, and his comrades still bravely rushed close and surrounded more than a dozen orcs to kill them.

The orcs in simple animal skin gasped and resisted without inferiority. They shouted in their mouths and bravely killed the sharp knives and spears of human soldiers with simple javelins.

Under the conscious guidance of human beings, the orcs gradually broke away from the bushes and turned to the open space in the forest.

Blood splashes, broken limbs and limbs and human organs are everywhere. There were continuous shouts and screams, and some people on both sides were injured and fell to the ground, but no one retreated.

Every time a long knife is waved and the spear is stabbed out, it will take away the life or limb of an orc. The simple javelin pierced the human body, the injured soldier roared and clamped the javelin with his arm, and the long knife in the other hand cut off the head of the owner of the javelin.

Whenever the fallen human soldier still has a breath, he will hold the orc's leg with his hands, and his comrades-in-arms will take the opportunity to stab the orc to death.

When Zhang Han saw that the orc casualties were more than half, he turned around and ordered: "Archer, Team 2 and 3, retreat!"

The arrow has been winding, and the archers suddenly answered and raised the arrow.

The surviving soldiers of the second and third team who were fighting were relieved and retreated, and were about to retreat to the shield array.

"Uglu!" With a roar, hundreds of orcs gushed out of the dense forest on all sides, holding high javelers and mace, and fiercely surrounding them.

The shield soldiers saw that the situation was not good and shouted urgently: "Regress! Come back here!"

It's too late. The two sides have been entangled and fighting together. The archers put down their bows and arrows defused - the enemy and us are mixed. At this time, it is easy to accidentally hurt their own people by shooting arrows.

Zhang Han's heart sank: Shit! The other party has an ambush!

He shouted, "The second and third team quickly approached the shield array!"

The two or three soldiers surrounded by orcs desperately broke through in the direction of the shield array, but were roared and entangled by the orcs with mace, everywhere wielding mace. The soldiers were hard to get in. They were beaten by the mace, their brains flew, and the screams tore the hazy sky.

The soldiers of the brigade were so anxious that their eyes were red and they tried to get along with them, but they were blocked by hundreds of orcs with javelled guns, and the two sides fought unstop.

Every moment, people on both sides splash blood and fall down. The distance between the soldiers of the second and third team and the men and horses of the brigade is only 40 meters. They can see and hear each other but can't meet.

A short distance becomes the day of life and death between comrades-in-arms.

If you can't go to respond, all the soldiers of the 2nd and 3rd Squadron will be killed!

Zhang Han's eyes turned red: There is a little brother who grew up together!

Despite the pull of the soldiers around him, he pulled out his two-handed epee around his waist and rushed to the enemy.

More than a dozen soldiers followed with long knives without hesitation.

Zhang Han's martial arts skills are really good, and the heavy sword in his hand is also extraordinary. Under the light of Lan Yingying's sword, the orc in front of him is either dead or injured. The orc's team actually gave him a bloody road.

He and more than a dozen other soldiers are getting closer and closer to the two or three teams!

An orc officer found it and blocked it from the side with dozens of orcs. The orc officer with long black hair rushed over with a large wolf tooth stick, which made a wind sound in the air and hit Zhang Han's head.

Zhang Han's epee has just cut off the orc's hairy head, which is the time when the old and new power has not been born.

The soldier next to him screamed and waved his knife to block it. The wolf's tooth stick only tapped gently, and the long knife flew out diagonally. The orc officer's eyelids did not flirt with the little soldier. His target was only the captain.

Seeing that Zhang Han was about to die under the mace, he closed his eyes and shouted, "Master!"

The orc officer also heard the sound of the master and saw the desperate eyes in the other party's eyes, which made him show a thirsty and bloodthirsty smile and shouted in half-incomprehensible human language, "Die!"

A faint lightning flashed in front of him, and the orc officer suddenly felt that his head was light. He was surprised to find that he had seen his body: the headless body stood on the ground, and a cavity of blood in his chest sprayed on the soldier who had lost his long knife, dyeing him blood red.

A short-handled hand axe shining with blue light rotated and flew away.

Zhang Han was overjoyed and rushed forward with his sword again: "Brothers, we are coming!"

The blood-stained soldier wiped the blood from his face, pulled down a knife from the body next to him, and followed Zhang Han to rush to the orc.

With a rough and long roar, a short and strong figure waved a wheel and a big axe into the beast crowd, and the blue light on the face of the axe lit up the orc's eyes.

"Kill the devil!" The orcs shouted in panic, like ants blowing up their nests and running away.

Wherever the wheel axe went, it was really stained with injury and died, and a bloody road was killed. The soldiers of the 2nd and 3rd teams shouted in a hoarse voice in surprise: "Your Highness Yan Dao!"

The morale of human soldiers was greatly boosted, and the orcs quickly dropped their bodies and weapons into the dense forest.

Zhang Han was unwilling to take more than a dozen soldiers to pursue him, but was stopped by Yan Dao.

The dwarf prince wiped the blood stains on the tomahawk and greeted Zhang Han and others: "Come back, be careful to ambush!"

The soldiers gathered around Yan Dao, with happy smiles on their bloody and sweaty faces, shouting:

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness saved us!"

"Of course, His Royal Highness is known as a ten thousand enemies!"

"It is also claimed to be an orc nemesis!"

"My God, look at how wide his shoulders are!"

"That axe can split three orcs into six halves at once!"

"He can run Warcraft on his arm!"

A small soldier shyly took off his military uniform and exposed the slightly cleaner earthy yellow shirt inside. He found a pen from nowhere and handed it to Yan shyly, "Your Highness, could you please sign it for me?"

Yan Dao looked at the young soldier flattening the cloth on his chest and straightening his chest, and couldn't help smiling shyly: "What's there to sign? I also passed by here..."

"We want it too!"

The rest of the soldiers followed suit and tried their best to get Yan Dao to sign.

A soldier's whole body was covered with blood, and he couldn't find a dry place in his chest. He had no choice but to bend his back to Yan Dao and shouted, "Your Highness, please sign here!"

Another soldier pranked hard on his round buttocks.

Yan Dao couldn't laugh or cry. Looking at these young and enthusiastic faces, he picked up the pen and wrote his name on these blood-stained clothes.

The soldiers jumped cheering, raised Yan Dao and threw it into the sky and took it: "I got the amulet of His Royal Highness!"


Wusu City.

Wusu City is no longer the small town five years ago.

The towering city and the cyan walls look extremely solid. The moat was dug deep and wide, drawing live water from the nearby Nerin River, and the water flow was quite rapid.

As a front-line city to resist the orcs, the Philpu Empire spent a lot of effort on the city of Wusu and built it extremely solidly. Four granaries were built in the city and stored a large number of grain weapons.

In the temporary headquarters converted by the city owner's mansion, Yan Dao stood the wheel and axe on the table, took a sip of the hot tea on the table, and spit it out again: "I'm so hot! How can you drink such a hot tea!"

Xiao Tian slowly picked up the teacup and took a big sip: "Is it hot? I don't think so."

"You, you freak!" Yan Dao laughed and scolded, and said solemnly, "Seriously, boss,"

"Don't call me boss!" Xiao Tian's calm expression immediately became angry: "If you ask my boss again, just pull out the military law!" This is an army, not a gang!"

"Oh, I'm wrong. Can't I be wrong? General Xiao.

"Don't call me a general!" Xiao Tian looked helpless: "Oh, well, as long as you don't call me boss, everything else is up to you."

Yan Dao's expression became serious: "General Xiao, the morale of soldiers is very strong, but low-level commanders still need to be trained. I don't understand why they chased into the dense forest to kill the orcs?

Xiao Tian is also helpless: "Most of the low-level commanders are raised from soldiers. They have not been systematically trained, but follow the practice of their former superiors. Did you encounter this again today?

"Well, the captain's name is Zhang Han."

"Zhang Han?" Xiao Tian smiled bitterly: "That's the captain who has just been raised. I said he couldn't do it, but Vice General Lin said that he fought bravely and was committed to recommending him. To tell you the truth, Zhang Han came from Liang Jucai and is also my apprentice.

Yan Dao smiled and said, "Is he a proud man?" He picked up the teacup and took a try to take a sip. He felt that the tea was colder. He couldn't wait to pour down a cup of tea and handed it to the serviceman next to him: "One more cup. No wonder I'm familiar with his epee. The young man is good. He is really brave. He will exercise properly, and he will be a good seedling in the future.

Xiao Tian smiled faintly and had an indescribable pride: "There are many such good seedlings."