The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 3 Pearl Tianjiao

Because two cities in the fallen city, Bayin and Zhaouda, border the kingdom of Bayannur, this made Bayannur's king Qianghan panic.

His Majesty Qianghan has arranged a large number of soldiers and horses on the border between the two countries, stepping up the repair of the city walls and waiting for the battle. At the same time, he asked another human country, the Philpu Empire.

The help project of the Kingdom of Bayannor is very simple. It neither borrows soldiers nor money and food, but only requests the Filpu Kingdom to support a group of middle and lower-level officers who are experienced in fighting with orcs and help the Kingdom of Bayannur fully train a group of middle and low-level officers.

Loki the Great happily agreed to His Majesty Qianghan's request.

No one expected that the orcs would appear in Menijian, but this is not all a bad thing for the kingdom of Filp.

This at least dispersed the orc's troops. If all the orc troops appeared under the Porta Mountains at the same time, Loki the Great could not imagine whether the dwarves who were already exhausted divisions could resist, whether the orcs would**, and whether the Menical tragedy would be staged in Filp.

But for the overall situation of the mainland, it is a terrible thing for the orcs to stand firm and establish a base.

This means that in the future, orcs will no longer have to be beaten by dwarfs without a stable foothold. They can go ashore from Menigan and stand firm to fight with human beings.

In the past two years, the orcs have gradually developed and grown based on the seven cities occupied. Now almost all the orc troops have landed from Menigan, which has replaced the Porta Mountains and become the main battlefield of the war between humans and orcs.

For goodly, after two years of training, human combat ability has also greatly increased.

After all, most people who practice elemental secrets are wandering in the elemental qi stage, and few of them can reach the level of elemental masters.

And the orcs have no reaction to the elemental attacks below the elemental master. In this case, ancient martial arts began to prevail for a while, and various versions of ancient martial arts in the streets and alleys are widely spread.

What "Shaolin Shadowless Legs", "Wudang Two Swords", "Sunflower Treasure Book", "Invincible Sword"...

All schools put the ancient martial arts course first, and countless real and fake martial arts schools that teach ancient martial arts emerged like mushrooms after the rain in the streets and alleys.

Every child who can just walk is forced to squat by adults. Many people who test without elemental power are surprised to find that they are not a waste wood! I have a talent for practicing ancient martial arts!

They seek teachers everywhere, devote great energy and enthusiasm to change their fate, and at the same time contribute to the fate of human beings.

specializes in ancient martial arts and has a lot of ancient martial arts masters, becoming the most dazzling pearl in the mainland.

Tianjiao represents the peak of ancient human martial arts.

The instructors and students of Tianjiao are considered to be the most authoritative existence of ancient human martial arts.

The children who were regarded as a burden and abandoned by their parents formed every ray of brilliant light on the pearl, shining directly into the starry sky.


In summer in Cannes, only the morning and evening are cooler. It was sunny in the morning, and the sun didn't have time to emit its burning heat.

The fat man was dressed in short clothes, with a towel around his neck, panting and sweating on the open training ground of Tianjiao headquarters.

A group of students who were exercising shouted for him in unison: "Come on, fat brother!"

A sharp child's voice began:

"Fat brother insists! Lose weight!"

More voices come together to keep up with each other:

"Fat brother insists! Lose weight!"

The fat man stopped, waved proudly around, took off the towel, wiped the sweat on his head and neck, and continued to run.

"Little girl, wait, wait for the fat man to lose weight successfully. What else do you have to say?" The fat man ran and said hatefully in his heart.

Half a year ago, by chance, the fat man met a beautiful Miss Ye Zhenzhen, fell in love with her at first sight, and immediately made up his mind not to marry her.

The fat man launched a passionate pursuit while inviting the matchmaker to propose marriage.

Ye Zhenzhen's father was a small civil servant in the Philpu Kingdom. As soon as he heard that the marriage was actually Tianjiao's boss, the whole family was surprised and happy, and he agreed at that time.

Now the sky is at the top of the sky, not only has a great influence in the military, but also has a reputation in the whole continent.

Even children in crotch pants know that Tianjiao resists orcs and helps the poor, where there is the bravest and richest big brother in the continent. Only by listening to my mother's words, not being naughty or making trouble, can I go to Tianjiao to learn and become a general in the future.

When the matchmaker came back to talk about the situation, the fat man was so happy that he immediately sent a letter to Xiao Tian and Yan Duoduo, who were far away in the Porta Mountains, informing them that they were ready to come back to attend their wedding.

I didn't expect that the maverick girl Ye Zhenzhen didn't want to.

She personally found Tianjiao's door and put down a sentence in front of many students: "Is it embarrassing to get married like this? I won't marry him! If he forcibly marries me, there's nothing I can do but die!"

The beautiful girl said harsh words and turned around and walked away with light steps.

Are you leaving like this?

The hearts of many proud students present were broken...

How could you insult our most beloved fat brother like this?

Although fat brother is fat, he is fat with demeanor, level and backbone!

The fat man is usually very kind to these half-age students, and many orphans regard him as a big brother. Now the most beloved fat brother has been squeezed by a girl, which really makes these half-age children angry.

The indignant students trot to tell their fat brother. Unexpectedly, the fat brother's answer made them more admire: "It's not a good man who bully women. I won't force her to marry her. From today on, I want to lose weight. When will I lose weight? When will I propose marriage again!"

Everyone knows that fat brother's fat is not easy to lose fat. It is said that Lord Yao Sheng put him in the big tripod for three days without boiling a or two of oil. Instead, Fat Brother absorbed a little oil and water on the wall of the tripod.

It's worthy of being the proud boss! Have determination, perseverance and perseverance! Not bullying is really a good example for us to learn from!

A group of half-sized children praised and made up their minds: "I will do the same in the future!"

Xiao Tian and Yan Duoduo, who are thousands of miles away, and others heard this.

For half a year, the fat man runs ten laps around the training ground every morning and trains with the children at night.

Unfortunately, such efforts have had little effect. The raised part of his body is still bulging, and it has not been reduced at all because of hard exercise.

Now the fat man has just run five laps and is sweating all over his face. Sweat wet the blue hair on his forehead and sticks to his forehead.

A young man ran to the fat man from the edge of the runway and stopped far away to salute and shouted, "Boss Xiao, Your Highness is here."

"Oh? What is he doing here? Wait until I finish these five laps and let him wait in the living room for a while. The fat man stopped to wipe his sweat again.

The young man's face was full of embarrassment: "Isn't it good to let the prince wait?"

The fat man smiled, ran away again, and threw down a sentence from afar: "It's okay. Luo Bing has no airs and won't embarras you!"

His fat back is hundreds of meters away.

"Oh?" Luo Bing's handsome face seemed to smile: "Let me wait? When he finishes running? When will he finish running?

The young man's simple face turned red and knelt on the ground with a plop: "Your Highness, I forgive you. Morning exercise is very important to Boss Xiao. Your Highness, please wait a moment. I'll urge you again. Boss Xiao will come soon!"

Luo Bing shook her head and reached out to pull him: "Are you new here? Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you."

The young man couldn't kneel up: "Please don't punish our boss Xiao. If you want to punish me, just punish me!"

"Ha ha!" Luo Bing laughed loudly: "You are very dedicated. Don't worry, I won't punish anyone. Let's go to the training ground to see the fat man. How can he run?

The prince most favored by Loki the Great seemed to be really angry. The young man stood up and stretched out his hand in the direction of the training ground: "Your Highness, please."

The two walked slowly along the grove path. The students on the roadside saw Luo Bing and saluted with a smile. Luo Bing smiled and saluted. Several naughty children still jumped to his side, took his hand, and greeted him with a smile.

On the training ground, the fat man was still running sweating. I don't know when he was followed by another person, Luo Bing.

In the faint morning light, the two figures ran back and forward. The fat man looked back at Luo Bing and grinned, "I knew you would come here. You have to wait in the living room. What are you doing!"

Luo Bin smiled bitterly: "I also want to come to you, but your new reception is not allowed!" He insisted that I wait there and said that you would come to see me.

Luo Bing accompanied the fat man to run five laps on the training ground. Someone next to him handed over a towel. He wiped his sweat and followed the fat man back to the living room.

Before the two sat still, the simple and honest young man came in again. He blushed and dared not look at Luo Bing. He leaned over the fat man's ear and whispered a few words.

The fat man was happy first, and then shocked, "Really, why? I'll go and have a look!"

The fat man stood up, handed the towel around his neck to the young man's hand, and strode out.

Luo Bing followed him and handed the towel to the young man with a strange smile.


In the reception hall in front of Tianjiao, a petite and beautiful girl with a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes on her face is shouting angrily: "Anch that disgusting fat man to come out to see me!"

Several young students looked indignant. They stood by the pavilion and stared but didn't say anything. An old-looking student was negotiating with the girl: "Miss, please calm down. Our boss Xiao is very busy. No one can see him when he comes. If you really need to make an appointment."

"Make an appointment, hum, if he didn't hate to provoke me, I would never want to see him!" The girl's snow-white melon seed face was full of anger, but this anger did not make her look ugly, but had a different beauty.

Of course, this is the idea of the fat man. The eyes of several young students next to him were already full of anger. If they hadn't been afraid that this was a girl, they would have argued with her fists.

"Brother Iron Eagle, don't talk nonsense with him and beat her!" A student couldn't calm down and shouted.

Seeing the fat man coming in, the old student was relieved and quickly retreated. The fat man waved to them, "Go down!"