The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 7 The Girl Is Abhorred

In the evening, Ye Zhenzhen came out of the ancient martial arts training hall, and it was pouring rain outside.

There was a wet fat man standing under the eaves, dripping with water all over and holding a black cloth umbrella in his hand. The wet hair stuck to the fat man's forehead, and the black trousers were splashed with mud.

Seeing Ye Zhenzhen come out, the fat man smiled happily: "Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise you would have been caught in the rain!"

At that moment, Ye Zhenzhen really felt that: In fact, the fat man is really good. Although he is a little fat, he has a very attractive and reassurable feeling. The depth and vicissitudes of life of the world are unmatched by those hairy kids on campus.

"A successful man is at a loss and incoherent in front of you, which shows that he has little experience in dealing with women or sincerely loves you, both of which are rare. This is a rare good man. You must catch it. Ye Zhenzhen's best friend's advice to her echoed in her ears.

Okay! Although the girl is not as eager to catch this rare good man as her best friend said, she is also moved by the sincerity of the fat man. It seems to be a very happy thing to be loved so strongly.

"Chopin, I won't have class all day tomorrow!"

"Oh," the fat man opened the umbrella and carefully covered Ye Zhenzhen's head: "It's just right that there is no class. It's raining and cool. Have a good rest."

It's really a nerd!

Ye Zhen smiled sincerely: "I want to go out to play."

Is that right? Where to go? Do you want to use a carriage? I asked my carriage to come and listen to your instructions. The fat man held her with one hand, worried that she would slip.

Ye Zhenzhen was a little angry: "Don't you have anything to say?"

What did you say? Oh, by the way, is there enough money to go out? I have..." The fat man held an umbrella for her with one hand and clumsily untie the money bag with the other hand.

"You are really stupid!" The green-shirted girl raised her eyebrows, and her slender red phoenix eyes also stood up. There was a trace of joy, anger and shame in the corners of her eyes, which made the fat man stunned: "Oh, I'm very stupid. Really, you, you are so beautiful!"

Ye Zhenzhen laughed and his anger subsided: "I mean, you can go on a date with me tomorrow!"

"Ah?!" The fat man loosened his hand and the umbrella fell to the ground. He grabbed Ye Zhenzhen's hand forgetfully.

The downpour poured on the couple without hesitation, but the fat man was unaware of it. He just stared at Ye Zhenzhen's happy and anangtu pretty face, and the huge happiness filled his chest.


A sudden wind blew in the square, and a watery wind blew the fat man's clothes and hunting, blowing his thoughts back from the sweetness of last night.

"It's going to rain!" A young couple ran over and pulled away the two children by the fountain.

It's going to rain!

The fat man is anxious. Why doesn't he come? Will you be damaged by the rain? He regretted sending the driver away just now, otherwise he could be able to pick up the driver now. Although this girl said that she was not allowed to pick her up, isn't it going to rain under special circumstances?

The wind became more and more intense. Finally, after a strong wind, it crackled and the bean-sized raindrops fell densely.

The fat man was poured into a drowned chicken, and his clothes were soaked and pasted on his body. He was hit by the rain and couldn't open his eyes, but he didn't dare to leave the sculpture - he was afraid that Ye Zhenzhen would come and find him.

A bright lightning passed through the sky, and then the rumble of thunder sounded, and the rain rained more violently. It seemed that the Tianhe burst to clean up all the dangers in the world.


Ye Zhenzhen's face turned pale and looked at the handsome man in front of him with wide eyes wide.

As she walked on the road, she was suddenly blindfolded and taken to this place. Several maids pressed her in the bathtub, like cleaning pets, cleaning up and down. Then she was forced to change into the now almost unruly clothes, and a woman tied the bell the fat man gave her to her ankle and sent it into the room.

There is only this tall and handsome man in the room who is extremely frightening.

Luo Mu was wearing a luxurious cyan robe, with a piece of beautiful jade tied to his skirt. His long dark blue hair spread around his waist, and his swollen eyes showed a smell of evil and ** evil.

Seeing the girl shrinking on the red carpet, Luo Mu smiled with satisfaction. He hooked his finger and said, "Come here."

Ye Zhenzhen put his legs together, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and tried his best to shrink himself into a small ball. When she heard Luo Mu's words, she was so scared that she trembling, but she didn't dare to move at all.

Luo Mu smiled evilly and walked to Ye Zhenzhen.

The man half-covered by the green robe stopped barefoot in front of Ye Zhenzhen. Luo Mu's slender fingers slid across Ye Zhenzhen's white chin, and his eyes stayed on the string of bells: "These women are tied to the wrong place, but it doesn't matter. I will tie it to the right position later. What's your name?"

Ye Zhenzhen didn't say anything and didn't dare to look up. Her whole body trembled, and the string of bells on her ankle made a slight tinkling sound.

Luo Mu squatted down laughing and looked directly at Ye Zhenzhen's slender eyes: "Beauty with single eyelids, hehe, I knew you were a beauty from my back. It's really touching!"

He reached out to catch Ye Zhenzhen's white and slender ankle.

The girl's desperate eyes made Luo Mu feel bloodthirsty in her heart. Move.

Just touching the girl's slippery skin, Luo Mu suddenly snorted, and a tingling came from a part of his body. He stood up angrily and walked out.

Ye Zhenzhen stared at his back in horror and heard Luo Mu shouting, "Drag the woman in the carriage out and feed the leopard!"

The sound of rain outside the window suddenly increased, as if there was only this sound between heaven and earth.


The rain is getting heavier and sharper, and the fat man has been drenched into a water man. A carriage came with a flash of lightning and stopped beside him. Zeng Jian jumped out of the car and put a robe on the fat man.

The two pulled and pulled for a long time, and the fat man was finally persuaded and followed Zeng Jian into the car.

A small heater is lit in the carriage, and the hot ginger soup and dry clothes have already been prepared. The fat man drank a big bowl of ginger soup before he regained his spirit. Zeng Jian helped him take off his wet clothes and change into clean clothes.

The fat man's face was full of frustration and he lowered his head without saying a word.

Zhen Jian saw that he had become like this for a girl, but he was funny but did not dare to say it. He comforted him in a low voice: "Maybe the girl didn't come out at all when she saw the rain? Maybe I came out and was blocked by the rain on the road? Maybe..." He wanted to say something unexpected, but finally his mind was still smart and stopped his words in time.

The fat man was refreshed: "Yes, she still had a good attitude towards me yesterday. Did she get sick because of the rain yesterday? It's not too late. I have to go to her house quickly!"

Zeng Jianjian smiled and said, "If you don't think I'm in the way, I'll follow you?"

"Go to hell, you are as shameless as you are?"


The carriage ran rapidly along the street, and the raindrops hit the roof of the car and made a dull crackling sound.

The fat man lay down in the window of the car, his eyes wide and glanced back and forth at the street.

They just went to Ye Zhenzhen's dormitory and home, and the girls in the dormitory said with one voice that Ye Zhenzhen went to date the fat man. However, Ye's father and mother did not see their daughter go home at all.

The two have looked along this road twice, and the shops on both sides have also asked one by one. Some said they had seen a green girl, and some said they had never seen it.

Zeng Jian couldn't help scolding himself. Did I think that she would have an accident, and the little girl really had an accident?

The carriage is still moving forward, but the rain is much smaller.

Zeng Jian shrugged his nose and suddenly shouted, "Stop."

The fat man turned his head and stared at him with burning eyes.

Zeng Jian avoided his scary eyes and lowered his head and said, "I'll buy something."

The fat man turned his head disappointed and looked out of the car window.

Zeng Jian jumped out of the car, but did not go to the shops on both sides, but directly turned to the back of the car.

Sure enough, there is a fresh smell of blood on the ground. Although it was washed away a lot by the heavy rain, I could still smell the trace of blood on the bluestone road.

I hope it's not Ye Zhenzhen.

Thinking of the fat man's godless eyes, Zeng Jian wisely chose to be silent. He sighed secretly, took out the elemental box, dialed Liang Jucai's number, thought about it, and dialed a few more numbers.

A large number of people and horses quickly integrated into the streets and alleys like raindrops without splashing water.


"What!" Zeng Jian lost his voice and screamed.

The fat man grabbed the elemental box and shouted at it: "Ty it again!"

Liang Jucai's face was full of fear and repeated tremblingly: "Miss Ye seems to have been taken away by His Royal Highness Luo Mu."

There was a roar like a beast in the element box, followed by a loud noise. Looking at the elemental box in his hand, Liang Jucai's calf trembling uncontrollably, with a feeling that the sky was about to collapse.

The fat man knows about Ye Zhenzhen's feelings and Liang Jucai. Now Ye Zhenzhen has been abduction by the notorious Luo Mu. No one knows whether the crazy fat man will order all the people of Tianjiao and the abandoned gang to besiege the prince's mansion.

Thinking of the legendary prince's house carrying out a body every few days, the leopard in the house turned red when he saw the person. If something really happened to that Ye Zhen, then... the good days with these orphans have only been a few years?

The old man's face was cloudy and sunny for a while. He thought of the respectable life of himself and his children for several years. Thinking about the appearance of those yellow and thin children who were beaten for stealing bags, Yueer's tearful smiling eyes in the wind and snow. He touched the money bag embroidered with Xiao in his arms and finally made up his mind and whispered. He said to himself, "Never mind, even if the sky falls, I will follow the abandoned gang!"

In contrast, Zeng Jian's reaction is much more sensitive and firm than Liang Jucai.

He knew that he and his family had already been labeled as Luo Bing. No matter how the situation developed, he was from Luo Bing's side. All I can do is try my best to help Xiao Tian and the fat man, and try to solve and deal with this matter as well as possible.

After living with these people for five years, Zeng Jian knew the weight of these friends in Xiao Tian's heart, and also knew that Xiao Tian's energy was by no means just a superficial general. Of course, it is terrible for a general with heavy soldiers to go crazy, but he also holds the largest ancient martial arts resources in the continent and the largest gang in the country.

No, as far as he knows, the abandoned gang has secretly divided into Menijian and Bayanor. Now the abandoned gang should be the largest gang in the whole continent. If the person with such power in his hands launches it, the consequences...

After offending such a force, Zeng Jian was worried about Luo Mu.