The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 17 Big Man from Headquarters

It's really Kongwen Society!

Xiao Tian was excited and immediately wanted to go in and pat Kong Wenshe on the shoulder to see if he knew him. By the way, he thanked him for reducing the encirclement.

As soon as he moved, he was found by the fat man beside him who was chatting with Ye Zhenzhen.

The fat man stretched out his hand to hold Xiao Tian, gave him a wink, signaled him not to be impatient, and whispered, "Don't go, let's see how his kung fu is?"

Xiao Tian smiled bitterly: "Fatty, you have an old problem again. Do you want to show off your skills when you see an acquaintance?"

The fat man blushed, and Xiao Tian's words coincided with his mind.

In those years, when he fought with Wang Lei and other people, Kongwen Society was very heavy, and the fat man suffered a lot of losses from Kongwen Society.

Now this guy takes the initiative to provoke the beard owner, but he is in the arms of the fat man. In recent years, the fat man has been at the helm of Tianjiao headquarters, picking all kinds of rare elements casually, and Xiao Tian, a holy disciple, has a continuous supply of elixirs. The fat man eats high-level elixir and fills them into his mouth like fried beans. In addition, the fat man realized his gap after a battle of thunder and practiced extremely diligently. In the past few years, he has made great progress in elemental power and ancient martial arts.

In Tianjiao, the fat man has become the first master outside Xiao Tian. Not only that, with the growth of kung fu, there is also insight. Every day, he deals with students with different levels of kung fu, and is often abused by Wu Yi's old monster. The fat man's knowledge is rising steadily.

Just after Kongwenshe got off the scene, the fat man took a look and knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the bearded museum owner. As a fat man now, of course, it is impossible to personally take action with Kong Wenshe. As the head of Tianjiao headquarters, the fat man is still very self-contained.

Besides, even if he is willing to put down his airs and fight with Kong Wenshe regardless of his identity, Xiao Tian will definitely not allow it.

Hey, go and challenge it. If you lose, you will vent your anger and avenge the black and swollen face that you beat you.

I didn't expect Xiao Tian to expose his mind all of a sudden. The fat man blushed and said vaguely, "I'm not showing off my kung fu. I just want to see how his kung fu is. Besides, I won't bully him by myself. He killed him."

Kongwenshe said very seriously, "Do you only accept disciples under the age of 16? On what basis? Are you not a human if you are over 16 years old?

The owner of the Beard Museum didn't expect Kong Wenshe to look like a kicking field this time, but asked such a question. Many people have asked this question, even Kong Wenshe himself has asked him more than once. Therefore, the owner's answer is also very familiar: "The practice of ancient martial arts pays more attention to physical flexibility and coordination. When you are old, the conditions in this regard are not as good as younger ones, so..."

Kongwenshe interrupted him and kicked him in the heart: "I'm 21 years old this year. Look at my flexibility and coordination!"

Xiao Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly, and the fat man was proud - this guy was still the same virtue as before, and he did it without saying a few words. That's right, it seems to be in line with his identity as a kicker.

As expected by the two, the owner of the museum easily leaned back, avoided the chest and foot, took the opportunity to hold Kong Wenshe's ankle and gently twist it with his right hand. Kong Wenshe's huge body turned over in the air, fell down on the red carpet, and fell into a dog to eat shit.

With a roar, the onlookers laughed.

Someone whispered, "Kong Hunzi is going to come to get this beating every few days. It's uncomfortable for him not to be beaten."

With no move, Kongwenshe lay down gorgeously, which fully proved the curator's previous truth that learning ancient martial arts must begin before the age of 16.

Seeing that his former enemy was lame, the fat man was so happy that he patted his thighs and laughed. He was so happy that he leaned back and forth.

The curator is a very good person. He bent down to help up the grinning Kongwen Society and said apologetically.

The fat man laughed happily. Xiao Tian gently pushed him. Only then did the fat man come to his senses, took Ye Zhenzhen's hand and followed Xiao Tian out of the crowd. Walking far away, the fat man looked back reluctantly.

The three walked around the city market, and the fat man's arms were full of all kinds of small things bought by Ye Zhenzhen, and then returned to the Tianjiao Martial Arts Museum.

The performance of the martial arts hall has ended, the crowd of onlookers has already dispersed, the door is open, and the red carpet has not been put away.

Xiao Tian, Fatty and others walked into Tianjiao, and immediately some students greeted them with a smile and asked, "Are you two signing up?" His eyes fell on Ye Zhenzhen: "Heavenly pride only accept students under the age of 16."

The implication is very clear - you two are hopeless, but this little girl may not.

The fat man replied solemnly, "Call your curator to come to see me."

"This," the student looked embarrassed, but still smiled: "The curator is very busy. What can I do for you?"

"I'm from Tianjiao's headquarters. Is this nothing?" The fat man is very unhappy. I don't know everyone at the headquarters. Except for the two old monsters, even Luo Bing has to give himself face. I didn't expect it to be so difficult to meet a small branch owner when I came back to my old nest Leiwang City.

Looking at the smiles on Ye Zhenzhen and Xiao Tian's faces, the fat man was depressed. He secretly made up his mind that when the honeymoon was over, he must print thousands of his images and send them to each branch, so that they could worship on the fifteenth day of the first lunar new year, and every new student would come in to visit his own images first, so that such an embrage like today would not happen.

The student still smiled, but his eyes became cold: "Are you from the headquarters? Then please wait a moment. I'll inform the curator.

He didn't even ask the fat man to sit down.

The three people waited for a long time until Ye Zhenzhen leaned against the fat man and began to doze off, and the bearded restaurant owner appeared.

When he saw these three people from afar, he immediately burst into his heart and scolded the student for not being blind.

It is often said that Fatty and Xiao Tian have been in high positions for a long time, and their temperament is also different from ordinary people.

That's all. Although his clothes are of good quality, he has been running outside for so many days, and he is dusty all over. In addition, he often mixes with Tianjiao's group of muddy kids without a normal shape. He looks like an ordinary fat man who is very easy-going and a little sloppy.

But Xiao Tian is different. In the past four years, Xiao Tian has accumulated contributions from an ordinary thousand captains to generals, and thousands of orcs have been killed by himself. In addition, after being a great general for a long time, killing decisively makes it necessary, and naturally has a shocking murderous spirit and majesty.

At this moment, Xiao Tian himself did not show anything to the curator, but the curator felt invisible pressure and only felt that the young man in front of him exuded a heavy pressure that people in front of him did not dare to look directly.

I don't know, these people are really from the headquarters.

He no longer dared to hold it big. He ran over and asked with a smile, "How many people are from the headquarters?" Without waiting for Xiao Tian and the fat man to answer, the curator turned around and scolded the receptionist: "Why don't you have good tea?" He turned around and greeted the three enthusiastically: "Please sit down."

He watched the fat man and others sit down, and then wiped the sweat on his forehead and sat down by himself.

In recent years, Xiao Tian has been in the southwest camp, and almost all of Tianjiao's affairs have been handed over to the fat man. After sitting down, he ignored the owner's inquiring eyes and motioned the fat man to speak first.

The fat man didn't have the same experience as the owner of this museum. He introduced his identity directly: "I'm Chopin from Tianjiao's headquarters, and this is Lord Xiao Tian, the general of Zhuguo."

The cold sweat on the owner's head came down. The identity of the fat man is not sure, but he can feel the spirit of killing and determination on Xiao Tian, the sharpness honed from the sea of corpses and blood.

So young and so energetic, I'm afraid there is no one else except the legendary general of Zhuguo. Besides, this young man has a pair of beautiful black eyes like a deep pool, which can be forged. These black eyes can never be forged. The legendary general with power all over the world has a pair of black eyes.

After confirming the identity of the general, there is no problem with Chopin's identity as the supervisor, but what are they doing here?

Is it for this fat Lord Chopin? Chopin's recent feats have long been widely spread within Tianjiao. It is said that he broke into His Highness's mansion and killed countless people for a woman. In the end, he not only rescued the woman, but also took His Highness away and threatened him to send him out of the city. These are nothing. The most awesome thing is that His Royal Highness has nothing to do with him in the end.

This matter was simply rendered into a myth inside Tianjiao. The museum owner thought of the mysterious legend, and then looked at the petite and exquisite girl next to the fat man, and suddenly felt that these rumors were not true.

The curator stood up cautiously and saluted: "It's rude. Welcome to the general of Zhuguo and the general manager."

The fat man looked at Xiao Tian and saw that he had no response. He knew that Xiao Tian meant to ask about Kongwen Society, so he asked for him knowingly.

The curator breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be for Kongwen Society? He didn't know what the two people meant when they asked Kong Wenshe, but he just talked about Kongwenshe objectively.

After the introduction of the museum owner, the two learned that on the first day of the opening of the Tianjiao branch in Leiwang City, Kongwen Society had come to sign up. But on the one hand, his age has passed the best age to learn ancient martial arts, and on the other hand, because his reputation in Leiwang City is not good, and the curator is unwilling to accept him in order not to damage his reputation.

If Kongwenshe can't sign up, he often comes to harass, which makes everyone tired of it. Fortunately, although this person is annoying, he does not bully the weak. Every time he comes, he only challenges the curator, but does not attack those students who are weaker than him.

"And," the curator peeked at Xiao Tian's face and carefully considered the words: "He also threatened that he had fought with the general?"

"Oh?" Xiao Tian was stunned and then smiled: "This is true, and he also fought with Director Xiao. Once, he broke two ribs and lay ** for half a year and couldn't get up."

The fat man was exposed in front of Ye Zhenzhen and stared at Xiao Tian with a red face, but did not deny it.
