The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 25 Killing people also has the right to treatment

Lao Qi was kicked by him with a crooked face, and then screamed that he was overwhelmed by the fists and feet of several students brought by Hao Ba.

Liu Xiaogang narrowed his eyes and enjoyed the scene of dog biting in front of him with relish.

The pity in Zhihui's eyes flashed away, and he turned his head in disgust without looking at the ugly faces of Hao Ba and others.

"Bang!" Lu Ren, the owner of the city, slapped the table hard: " Stop! This is in the court, not in your martial arts school!" He wink at several government officials next to him, and several government officials came forward and pulled away the students who beat the crooked-mouthed old seven.

"Hao Ba, do you know the crime?"

Hao Ba blocked his neck and didn't look at Lu Ren. His small eyes were angry and just stared at the crooked mouth Lao Qi, who collapsed into a puddle of mud: "You told me honestly. Who told you to sue me? It's not too late to say it. I spared your life and won't deal with the old man who gave birth to you!"

"Bang!" Lu Ren slapped the table again. The pen holder on the table jumped and fell down, and several pens rolled everywhere.

Hao Ba still didn't look at him and continued to ask Lao Qi as if he didn't hear it: "Who supports you? Is it possible that you collude with the old guy above to deal with me? You know that he is not my opponent!"

Lao Qi did not dare to answer his words, but kept kowtoing to the hall: "Lord, what I just said is true. The old hall advocates that He Tao was really harmed by him! Please make the decision for us...ah!" Before he finished his words, he was kicked on the head by Hao Ba and fainted.

The yamen on both sides are angry. This guy has always been rampant. If he doesn't look at the city owner's government, everyone knows that his power is great, so he will put up with it. Usually, he walks one side of the road facing the sky and tries not to violate the river.

But today this man is too much. He openly beats people on the lobby. If you don't give him some color today, how can the people of the city's government go out in the future?!

Several government officials looked at Lu Ren in the hall with angry eyes. Lu Ren waved his hand: "Bring up Hao Ba, who despised the court!"


In the largest pharmacy in Shiyang City.

Xiao Tian and Ding Yifei picked up medicinal herbs. Ding Yifei looked at the guy in the distance, and then peeked at Xiao Tian's face. He still closed his mouth tightly.

Xiao Tian felt the fluctuation of his mood, put down the herbs in his hand with a smile, and looked at Ding Yifei: "Brother Yifei, do you have something to say to me?"

Ding Yifei was so scared that he knelt down: "The general killed the villain. I dare not be a villain. Just ask me to fly!"

The guy in the distance cast a surprised look, and Xiao Tian pulled Ding Yifei up: "Brother Yifei, don't do this. I regard my soldiers as brothers. There is nothing to dare to be true." He laughed at himself: "I'm just luckier than you and killed a few more orcs."

Xiao Tian's warm smile has a pleasant and convincing power. Ding Yifei hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth, pulled Xiao Tian out of the pharmacy, found a secluded place and knelt down: "The villain has something to report to the general. If he doesn't say it, the villain will never dare to be a general."

"Say it!" This time, Xiao Tian did not pull him up and let Ding Yifei kneel on the ground to talk.

The story of Ding Yifei is very old-fashioned. He was originally an ordinary country child in another small town. His parents were honest farmers and a sister two years older than him.

Five years ago, a dung bee from an official eunuch in the city accidentally met his sister and became lustful, pulling the weak girl to the roadside wilderness and spoiling it. The girl was so humiliated that she didn't even return home. She jumped into the river and committed suicide. When she came up, it was already a cold body. Ding Yifei's parents went to sue, but the ditch was opened early by the joints. A mess and died in court on the spot.

Soon after, the Ding family's thatched house suddenly caught fire in the middle of the night, leaving only a charred flat land.

That night happened to be my sister's birthday. Ding Yifei stayed up all night and sat on his sister's grave all night and escaped the disaster.

The warm home suddenly burned flat, and all the relatives died alone. Ding Yifei did not complain again. He disappeared quietly.

The 16-year-old thin teenager disappeared and did not attract more attention. Even the dboy didn't think much about it: maybe he was burned to death, or maybe he was scared to run away. Such a little man did not deserve more attention.

A year later, almost everyone forgot this human tragedy.

The surviving teenager came back quietly one night, sneaked into the enemy with a sharp blade, killed all thirty people in their family, and set off a fire before leaving, burning a large village to the ground.

When the teenager rushed to the city owner's mansion, the city owner who killed his parents was highly elemental. The teenager injured the city owner, but was also stabbed by the city owner in his neck and was seriously injured.

He struggled to escape and was rescued by a beggar in a ruined temple outside the city, saving a life confusedly.

The injury was barely better. Ding Yifei said goodbye to the beggar and left some of the gold and silver he snatched from the dander's house to the beggars. He wandered around, hoping to learn kung fu and go back to avenge his parents.

He has been wandering for a long time, and the scars in his neck make him afraid of getting into trouble wherever he goes, and no one will take him in. Until he came to Shiyang City, he knew that the owner of the branch hall loved money as much as his life. He gave all the gold and silver to the crooked old seven. The crooked old seven looked at the face of a lot of property, promised him that he could stay to learn kung fu, and also hired a doctor to treat his injuries.

"My injury fell after killing, not by the owner of the museum."

Ding Yifei's expression was sad and indignant, and Xiao Tian could feel the sadness and indignation in the hearts of the young people in front of him.

Xiao Tian was cold: "Are you begging for Hao Ba and others?"

"No, no!" Ding Yifei shook his head repeatedly and kowtowed on the ground: "What they do has nothing to do with me. They took me in and I gave them money. We are clear. The general is kind to treat my wounds, but I don't want to stain the general's hands. When I get revenge, I will naturally correct the laws of the country, but I dare not hide this from the general.

He lay on the ground and dared not look up, nor could he see the expression on Xiao Tian's face.

For a long time, Xiao Tian said in a low voice, "Get up and tell me the city of your hometown, the name of the bully who killed your sister and the name of the city owner. When I verify it clearly, I will naturally give you an explain. Now, you still have to treat your injury. Even if you have really killed someone, you have the right to get treatment.

Ding Yifei got up from the ground and stood aside, bowing his head and dared not look at Xiao Tian's face.

Thinking of Ding Yifei silently making beds and luggage for himself on the day he first arrived at the dormitory and persuaded himself to escape when he knew that he had offended the owner, Xiao Tian's expression softened a lot: "Brother Yifei, I believe you are telling the truth, but it still needs an investigation process. You don't have to be afraid. Even if you have killed someone, I think Xiaogang Zhihui and I will still treat you as brothers.

Ding Yifei raised his head with tears on his face and shouted, "General!" He cried and couldn't speak.

In fact, the reason why Ding Yifei told Xiao Tian about this is that on the one hand, he really doesn't want to splash sewage on Hao Ba and Lao Qi, and he doesn't want to spoil Xiao Tian's good intentions. On the other hand, I am keenly aware that this is a good opportunity for revenge.

Relying on himself to practice ancient martial arts skills in the martial arts school, and lacks the guidance of a wise teacher, I'm afraid that I can't beat that city owner in my life, let alone kill him to avenge my parents. The last time he was able to touch his house was because he was unprepared. Will he have such good luck next time?

In the past year, Ding Yifei's ancient martial arts have made slow progress. Thinking of his parents' blood revenge, he woke up countless times in the middle of the night.

When he learned that "Wang Lei" turned out to be Xiao Tian, the general of Zhuguo, Ding Yifei's first feeling was embarrassing - he also advised him to run away quickly, but he didn't expect him to be General Zhuguo!

The second feeling is ecstasy!

There is hope for revenge! As long as the general sends a word, the city owner will be put to justice, and the blood revenge of his parents is expected to be repaid.

He also hesitated. If Xiao Tian knew that the wound in his neck was not caused by persecution, but by murder, would the legendary upright and selfless general take action to treat himself? Will he kill himself with a clear sentence?

The wound in his neck affects the muscles and nerves on his face. Whether it is eating, talking, laughing, or crying, he will feel pain. He can only let himself speak as little as possible and control his face as little as possible. If it hadn't been for his parents' blood revenge, Ding Yifei would have been unable to commit suicide.

If General Xiao helped him treat himself, then... Ding Yifei trembled with excitement at the thought of getting rid of this hellish pain.

Is it healing or revenge?

After a painful ideological struggle, Ding Yifei decided to take revenge. He made up his mind that after revenge, he immediately committed suicide.

Xiao Tian knows very well what Ding Yifei is thinking.

Although he is only one year older than Ding Yifei, Xiao Tian has experienced much more things over the years than Ding Yifei.

Even if Ding Yifei used his own suspicion, Xiao Tian did not think there was anything wrong with Ding Yifei doing so. A teenager has lost all his relatives and is able to have goodwill to the world and the people around him. This young man is actually a very kind person in essence.

In fact, he is the same person as him. It's just that I was lucky enough to meet Qingqing and Master and take revenge with their help. However, Ding Yifei met Hao Ba and the crooked old seven. It's really a fantasy to kill a city owner with his own strength. Since the city owner can beat the innocent people who came to sue to death, he has a way to die.

Whether public or private, you should help Ding Yifei.

When the two returned to the martial arts school, there was a lot of trouble in the city owner's government.

In the eyes of the people outside, the city owner ate the bear heart and leopard gallbladder today, or simply went crazy.

He actually ordered to tie up Hao Ba, the owner of the powerful Tianjiao branch in Shiyang City! Although it is very gratifying to do so, people are more worried that he will end up like Hao Ba's two brothers...

And the performance of the students of the Shiyangcheng Branch today is also suspicious.

Some people rolled up their sleeves and scolded as usual. Looking at the situation, they planned to jump up and fight with the government officials and snatch their museum owner, while others had an indifferent look on their faces and watched the play with their sleeves. They even found that several students' eyes flashed with joy and joy in their eyes. Light.