The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 31 Runner

The minds of several men were not on the fat girl. Hearing this, the niggar said to the two people next to the man in white: "This fat girl is handed over to you two. We don't care about it. In case she is killed..."

The two came without saying a word to replace the three men who besieged the fat girl and gradually forced her away from Meining.

The three men rushed to the opposite circle surrounding Mei Ning as if they were about to be forgiven.

"Your Highness, please accept your fate. Who let you Menijian not have General Xiao?"

imposed a short light stealth and muffler on himself and the horse, and quietly approached the battlefield. Xiao Tian, who wanted to catch them off guard, heard this. There was a chill all over his body and almost fell from the horse's back: Where is this? More than a dozen of you bullied other princesses from other countries. Why did it come to my head? Does this mean that you bully other single women because of me?

Xiao Tian was furious and thought that he would kill these bastards for a while.

Meining quite agree with this. She clenched the sword in her hand and smiled, "Yes, if I have a character like Xiao Tian, how can I have a foothold for orcs and Huodong?"

She shouted at the man in white who turned sideways in the distance and didn't want to look here: "Do you really let your subordinates do this shameless thing? If so, I have nothing to say!"

The man in white raised his eyebrows and turned around to speak, but saw a shocking scene: a knife composed purely of elemental forces rotated and flew over, cutting off the nigger's arm that grabbed Mei Ning like a fast knife, and blood sprayed Mei Ning all over. The knife then trembled and disappeared into the air.

The nigger's arm fell to the ground, and his fingers were still scratching.

The nigger unconsciously smiled and said, "The legs are long enough and the breasts are big enough. I like it. Don't compete with me...ah!" He suddenly saw that Mei Ning's skirt was sprayed with blood, and the blood flowed from his arm! Your own arm! Why did it disappear?

From the time the knife appeared, Mei Ning was ecstatic. God really didn't give up on me, Menijian. It's saved!

With the heartbreaking scream of the black-faced old seven, the buzzing element knife suddenly appeared in the person. Every wave took away a person's life, then quickly disappeared, and once again appeared in the key part of another person.

However, with a few blinks, a large number of bodies lay down on the ground.

Just shocked the two men in the uniform of the fat girl: "Element! This girl actually has elements to protect her!"

The fat girl took advantage of their distraction and ran back to Mei Ning: "Miss, are you all right?"

Meining looked around: "I'm fine. Who is it? Who saved me?" She bowed to Yingying in the air: "Ao Yuning thanked her for saving her life!"

Her real name is Ao Yuning? Xiao Tian was hidden not far away and thought playfully in his heart: what he just said was indeed a pseudonym.

The man in white looked at a loss. He held the handle of the knife in his hand. I don't know whether to go forward to invite the war or run away while the other party didn't kill him?

In the blink of an eye, only a dozen subordinates he brought were still standing there and the two brothers who had followed him. Others were either dead or injured. They lay on the ground, but they didn't even see the shadow of the enemy. They only saw a knife condensed by elemental force flying around.

Such an ability is only available to elements. But which element is this? There seems to be no gold element on the mainland? What method did he use to be invisible?

The man in white suddenly thought of a man and trembled with shock: "Are you General Xiao...?"

The clear male voice came from somewhere: "Go back and tell your master that I'm in charge of this matter. Don't touch them again."

The man in white and the other two knelt down and kowtowed like garlic: "Yes, yes, I don't know the general's arrival and offend the general's tiger power. It's a crime!"

It's still the male voice, but it's far away: "The three of you are still human. For the time being, I will spare your lives, and then I will find you to do evil and kill without mercy!"

The voice is getting farther and farther away, but the last three words of unforgivable killing were extremely clearly transmitted to the ears of every living person, making the three five-three rough men in danger, and the two-strand battle stood unsteadily.

Ao Yuning's eyes lit up and stared in the direction of the sound far away: General Xiao Tian?

The fat hands folded into the shape of a horn and shouted loudly to the distance: "Hey! General, don't go. Our young lady is looking for you!"

The jujube red horse ran fast, and Xiao Tian had already gone far away, and he didn't hear the angry shouting at all.

Horseshoes gallop and the breeze blows on the face. Xiao Tian ran all the way along the road.

He is still gossiping in his mind: What did Menijian's princess do when she came to Philpu? Is it possible that she wants to marry Luo Bing? Looking at her appearance, she is also worthy of Luo Bing, but the princess's behavior seems to be smart and ambitious, and her elemental power is even stronger. She can be called the best among women. I don't know if Luo Bing can stand it?

It must be Philpu's local killer who hunted her down, but it's not certain where the people behind the killers are.

I don't care. Anyway, Rocky and his son have a headache. It has nothing to do with me!

Xiao Tian galloped against the wind and left this matter behind.

Late night.

In the city of Cannes, the lights are lit. The lanterns at the door of each shop and various element lights make the city brilliant and bright at night, and the stars and moons seem to be a little more lively than during the day.

Tianjiao headquarters.

Compared with the adjacent snack street, it is dark and silent. Except for several street lights on the main road, the dormitory building and teaching building are dark. Tianjiao headquarters implements militarized management, and there is a fixed time to turn off the lights, get up and eat, so at night, the headquarters quietly seems to be haunted.

Wu Yi carried a small burden and tiptoed out of the side door of the building.

A big man of more than 1.8 meters, in the dark night, sneakily carrying a small bag, is easy to be misunderstood that he has just engaged in some kind of blind profession.

Wu Yi carefully looked left and right at no one and put the burden in his back waist. He suddenly disappeared, as if the figure just now was just a phantom.

The next moment, he appeared by the woods of the east gate of the school and looked up to the sky and smiled: "Haha! Finally escaped! I'm finally free!"

He looked left and right: "Where should we go next? Menijian? There are many beautiful women there, but I don't like Mei Guoniu. Why don't you go to Bayannor? Forget it. In case he is caught by Napoleon again, he will just get out of the tiger's mouth and enter the wolf's nest..."

Black Qiao's old voice interrupted his intention**: "Old monster, now you can't even get out of the tiger's mouth..."

A person came out from behind a small tree, which was Xiao Tian's other master: Hei Qiao.

The old man was full of indignation and stretched out his left index finger and pointed to Wu Yi: "You, you, you, you, you let me down! My good disciple gave you such important things, so many important things waiting for you to deal with, and you became a deserter!" The more he said, the more excited he became. His fingers were about to poke Wu Yi's eyes: "You are so irresponsible!"

Wu Yi was not embarrassed when he was smashed by Hei Qiao. He salivated his face and laughed happily: "Old man, don't worry. I'm a visiting professor in Tianjiao, also known as a consultant. What is a consultant? Consultant, if you care about it, just ask, but if you don't care, don't ask. Now that I can't take care of it, I don't want to ask. What do you think?"

Black Joe had no choice but to take this cheeky guy. Lord Yao Sheng sighed, "Oh, I feel fine when the sky is here. Even when the fat man is here, we don't have such a hard time? I didn't expect that the fat man had only left for a few days and forced us two old guys to this extent. It's really..." He looked solemn and pointed to Wu Yi's small door: "Go back quickly! There are so many things waiting for you to deal with! Tomorrow morning, Liang Jucai's life-threatening ghost will come again! You deal with him, I don't care!"

"What?" Wu Yi suddenly found something. He circled behind Hei Qiao and grabbed Hei Qiao's right hand. There was a small burden in this hand. Wu Yi compared it with the burden in his hand: "Yeah? What did I see?" Wu Yi smiled proudly: "So you didn't come to stop me. You also want to run away? Now I've been caught, old man, what do you have to say?

Two old, treacherous and slippery guys looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Since the fat man left home for his honeymoon, Tianjiao's daily affairs have fallen on the two old men.

At the beginning, the two still felt fresh and rushed to exercise power. Often, they gave different orders to each other, making the people below at a loss.

But not long after such a day, the two found that the job was not as easy as they thought.

The affairs of the auction house every day, the personnel or financial affairs of the branches of Tianjiao, and the most important thing is the food, clothing, housing and transportation of orphans sent from all over the country, which made the two old guys hurt their minds and heartbroken.

Every day, the auction house's daily income is used to accommodate these orphans, but Tianjiao also has thousands of mouths waiting to eat every day. The two only see the money flowing out every day.

For good, local branches can still pay some money back every month and barely make a living.

There is nothing he can do. Heiqiao has to go back to his old business and set up the elixir furnace to support this big family. But a person's power is limited after all. Even if he is covered with iron, how many nails can he hit?

When he was most impoverished, Hei Qiao was moved and planned to sell himself on the streets of Cannes. Or simply perform on the street with Wu Yi...

In a word, all kinds of methods have been thought about to only maintain Tianjiao from closing down for the time being.

Tomorrow is another day when various departments ask for money. Thinking of the remaining seven gold coins and thirteen silver coins in the account, both of them had a big head. They packed their own bags and secretly ran away, ready to throw this mess to the other party to worry about it. Anyway, I will quit!

No one thought that the two old guys had a sharp mind, and even the route and time to escape were exactly the same. As a result, they caught each other.

Two old guys who are more than 600 years old, you are holding my ears, and I are holding your beard and supervising each other back to the headquarters.