The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 43 Rescue

After dinner, Xiao Tian put on elemental armor as usual and tried to get familiar with the performance. Liu Tai, the chief bodyguard, came in and asked him for instructions in a low voice: "General, the assassin caught that day has been shouting to see you, saying that there is a military situation to report, do you think?"

"Oh?" Xiao Tian stopped his activity: "I've been so busy these days that I forgot about this - didn't you judge him?"

Liu Tai's face was embarrassed: "General, you didn't order, and coupled with the difficult march these days, there is no..."

Xiao Tian began to remove the armor: "Bring him."

Soon, the assassin was brought in. In order to prevent him from hurting people, the guards brought him heavy wooden shackles.

The assassin is medium-sized and ordinary-looking. He is the kind of person who can't be recognized by people.

He was dressed in muddy blue cloth, and he was so covered with mud that he could not see his original color. The blue hair is soaked and sticks to the scalp, and the face is pale.

Days of rain soaked the wooden shackles wet, heavy and heavy. Xiao Tian even clearly saw a small gray mushroom growing in the cracks of the wooden shackles.

Strangely, the assassin's eyes were very calm, with neither a cold and hateful look nor begging for fear.

Xiao Tian became interested: "Don't you want to see me? Just tell me what's going on!"

The assassin did not answer, but looked at the left and right guards first.

Liu Tai is not happy: "Nima, you are still not honest! What are you looking at?

Xiao Tian waved his hand to him to go out. Liu Tai closed his mouth and bowed to withdraw.

Then the assassin bowed and saluted. It was inconvenient for him to bend down with heavy shackles: "See you, sir, I'm sent by your little son to secretly protect you."

"Little boy?" Xiao Tian was confused: "Which little boy?"

"Your little prince, Mr. Qingqing."

Xiao Tian: "..." He sighed helplessly, "Are you?"

"I'm Zhang San, the number one killer of the Heavenly Killing Gang. There are also Li Si nearby, and Wang Wu are also secretly protecting you."

Xiao Tian is ironic. No wonder he has always felt something wrong recently, but he didn't feel malicious.

Qingqing, a naughty child, sent people around him and didn't say hello to him. Fortunately, he showed mercy and didn't kill him that day. Otherwise, he really didn't know how to end it.

In fact, Xiao Tian felt a little strange at that time. Although the people outside were spying, they did not seem to be malicious. He just restrained the other party. Later, because of the incident of the elemental armor, I simply forgot about it. If the killer Zhang San wanted to see him, I'm afraid that the number one killer of the Tian Killing Gang was still planting mushrooms behind the team.

When the matter was clarified, Xiao Tian ordered Zhang Tai to unload the heavy shackles of the number one killer and asked him about Qingqing's killing gang in the sky.

Speaking of which, Qingqing is also a person who can cause trouble. The naughty child couldn't be the leader of the abandoned gang. Unexpectedly, he found another way and took the three people who escorted Ao Yuning back as his subordinates, took them to pick three rudders of their killer gang Tiansha gang, and finally hit the Tiansha headquarters.

When Qingqing singled out the three masters of the Tiansha gang with amazing strength and captured the three lives alive, the whole Tiansha gang was boiling.

No one believes that this naughty child with a hole-filled hip-hop suit and an innocent smile on his face is so powerful. But the fact is clear that the three masters, whose strength is unfathomable in the eyes of the gang, can't support two rounds under him.

Everyone can see that this naughty child has a decisive evil spirit, which is no worse than those senior killers in the organization. Maybe this naughty child also has hundreds of lives in his hands.

At this time, Xiong Bei came forward to speak properly.

The smiling but evil child in front of him turned out to be the son of the world-famous General Zhu Guo?

Everyone knelt down.

Including the three moves, they were paralyzed to the ground and full of unconvincedness. The three masters who thought they had been hit by evil spirits also struggled to get up and kneel on the ground.

I thought that "General Xiao's son" would punish everyone on behalf of justice, but everyone was worried and didn't know if they could save their lives?

I didn't expect that this young man had a unique taste. Not only did he not punish everyone, but he proposed to be a big helper?

When such a big backer came to the door, the three masters of Tiansha were overjoyed and lay on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly, saying that everything was under the command of "General Xiao's son".

Qingqing successfully subdued Tianzai, and the first thing he did was to send three strongest killers to Xiao Tian to protect his boss.

The naughty child didn't know what to think. The people in the gang thought that he was Xiao Tian's son, and he did not deny it; he sent a killer to protect Xiao Tian and did not say hello to Xiao Tian. This first killer suffered so many sins in vain. If Xiao Tian's charming eyes had not felt that he was not malicious, this unlucky guy might have lost his life at that time.

Xiao Tian told Zhang San that his mission was over, and by the way, he was asked to inform Li Si and Wang Wu, so that he would not notice one day and kill those two casually.

Unexpectedly, Zhang San did not listen to him: "Please forgive me. The order received by the villain is to protect you until you return to Tianjiao. If you have any instructions in the middle, the children will completely obey, but this does not include the order to let the villain go back. If you go back like this, the villain will face the master facelessly.

That little boy Qingqing can also make you so obedient! Xiao Tian was speechless and had to let him go. Just tell them not to be too close to themselves. They are surrounded by more than 10,000 troops. In terms of safety, no one is as safe as themselves.

Seeing that Xiao Tian did not insist on driving himself away, Zhang Sanru was relieved and happily agreed to retreat.

Xiao Tian stood in front of the window and looked at the sky outside the window. The dark blue night sky is bright and the stars are sparse. Tomorrow must be a good day.


In the city of Nieyo, in the city owner's mansion.

Ao Yuning was dressed in a uniform, holding a bright sword, and her long flax-colored hair coiled high, tied into a bun at the back of her head, looking clean and neat. Her delicate face was fierce, and she listened to the shocking shouts outside.

In the corner behind her, the beautiful young emperor shrank in the corner, holding a bottle of liquor in his hand, and he had already drunk it.

Ao Yuning looked out of the window: * columns of smoke rose in many places in the sky, shouting and screaming endlessly, and the smell of blood and smoke rushed into the human nose at the same time, which was disgusting.

The enemy has rushed into the city lord's mansion, and the garden is full of guards in black fighting with enemies in blue shirts. With the great advantage in the number of enemies, a one-sided massacre is underway, and the green grass is full of red blood and corpses.

"I don't want to die, don't come over... save me..." With the sound of smashing the wine bottle, the little emperor in the corner cried loudly.

The last bodyguard around her was also sent outside to resist the enemy, and she didn't know when the enemy would rush in. Ao Yuning's heart ambled and considered whether to kill her nephew first and then commit suicide, or kill herself directly. Thinking of the end of Ao Chenkong, she decided to kill this useless nephew first, so that he would not fall into Huodong's hands and die in the end.

With a decision in her heart, the beautiful princess held a long sword and walked to her nephew who was trembling in the corner.

The dirty young emperor Orson huddled in the corner and looked in horror at his long-loving aunt, who loved him the most, held a long sword and came towards him with a resolute look on her face.

Those beautiful eyes are filled with a layer of water mist, and... murderous intent.

"Auntie, don't kill me!" He moved his body into the corner in horror and cried with his head in his hands, "Auntie, don't kill me. I surrender, and we can still surrender to them..."

The teenager cried and burst into tears. At this moment, he suddenly woke up and knew clearly in his heart that surrender would also be killed by Huo Dong. It's better to die with such humiliation than to be killed by my aunt's sword.

But the instinct of survival still made him cry: "Auntie, don't kill me... Wait a little longer, the rescuers will come!"

Two lines of tears finally appeared on Ao Yuning's delicate face, and tears fell on the red wool carpet: "It's late... They won't come..."

For some reason, at this last moment, the face of the young general came to her mind.

"Go back and tell your master that I'm in charge of this matter. Don't touch them again!"

But why don't you care this time?

The trembling tip of the sword slanted towards Orson. The young emperor covered his face with his hands and dared not look at the blade. His body trembled, but he had made the determination to die: "Aunt, you kill me... After all, you are dead..."

The sharp blade fell on the side of Orson's neck, and the cyan blood vessels beat rapidly. As long as it was gently scratched, blood would gushed out, and within a few minutes, the young emperor would die happily.

Feeling the cold sword in his neck, Orson calmed down. He loosened his hands and stared at Ao Yuning with a pair of light blue eyes: "Auntie, thank you for everything you have done for me..." He moved his lips and said something, and suddenly there was a huge cheer outside: "The rescuers are coming!"

Is the rescuer coming? Rescuers are coming?! Where did the rescuers come from?

With a bang, Ao Yuning's long sword fell to the ground, and the two nephews rushed to the window at the same time and looked out.

The garden was full of soldiers in gray military uniforms. They mercilessly slashed the rebels who had obviously been defeated, causing the rebels to flee in confusion and bleed into rivers.

There was another massacre in the city owner's mansion, but the murderer just now has become the victim.

Outside the city owner's mansion, Xiao Tian was surrounded by a large group of officers and stood in the wide open space at the door. There are the sound of fighting around, the sound of jingling weapons, shouting and screaming.

Xiao Tian looked at the thick column of smoke in the distance and frowned slightly.

If it hadn't been for the heavy rain that lasted for several days, the army would have been able to come earlier. The rain delayed the army three days and subjected the residents of this small city to the baptism of blood and fire.

For good, the residents here are not from their own country. So far, Xiao Tian can only comfort himself like this.

Accompanied by a small group of soldiers, Iron Eagle trotted happily to report, and shouted from afar, "General, the city lord's mansion has been taken, and the rebels have been eliminated!"

Xiao Tian frowned and asked him, "How are the casualties?"

Xiao Tian didn't ask anything else. The first sentence asked about the casualties of the sergeant first, which moved the surrounding officers, including Tie Ying. He is worthy of being a great general who loves soldiers like a son. Other bigwigs who care about the life and death of ordinary soldiers are more concerned about the property and prisoners in the city owner's mansion.

Iron Eagle saluted: "There are not much casualties, seven deaths and twelve injuries, and the others are safe and sound."

"Do a good job in the pension and treatment of wounded soldiers. Are there any whereabouts of the princess and emperor?