Hu Zuofei of time travel

Chapter 23 Special Task

Seeing that the one-month deadline was coming soon, the dark guard was close at hand. At this time, He Liancheng was injured, and the ten dark guards he brought couldn't help but be a little flustered.

He Liancheng was calm and ordered a well-trained dark guard as a temporary captain to lead everyone to continue training.

Because He Liancheng handled the matter of Zhuqi County very well last time, the emperor was very pleased and specially approved his sick leave and allowed him to recover at home.

So He Liancheng moved a rocking chair to bask in the sun in the yard all day, occasionally went to the training ground to see the progress of the dark guards, and listened to the situation reported by the store by the shopkeeper Jin and Deacon Xiao.

The only thing that makes him unhappy is that every time he flirts with Mo Qingcheng, she always turns her eyes at herself.

"Madam!" As soon as Mo Qingcheng walked to the east training ground, Wu Dong handed a broken Ju to Mo Qingcheng.

Mo Qingcheng glanced blankly and said, "That's good!"

Wu Dong was stunned and didn't know what to say next.

"Do you still want to fight with me?" The tips of Mo Qingcheng's two thin eyebrows raised as his eyes became round, which were simply two ice peaks, coldly spitting out these words.

Wu Dong lowered his head, but respectfully said, "I dare not!"

Since Mo Qingcheng gave mercy to Wu Dong last time, he changed his view of Mo Qingcheng and really admired her.

What tricks does this boy play! What does it mean to show Ju to yourself without competing with yourself?

Mo Qingcheng ignored Wu Dong and said to everyone, "Let's sit down in a circle!"

Wu Dong didn't care about anything. He looked at Mo Qingcheng and sat down with everyone.

Everyone stared breathly and their hearts beat. Everyone knows what will happen next, and they can't help but be a little nervous.

They didn't know why they suddenly dreamed. They kept fighting and running in their dreams, scarred, and didn't wake up until they died.

But every time I dream, I feel that my skills have increased a lot, my movements have become more skillful, and my reactions are much more sensitive. In the dreams of these days, everyone actually appeared. Ten people broke through the siege together and had a lot of tacit understanding, especially the deputy captain Wu Dong, who always protected everyone, rushed to the front, and could persist until the end.

Looking at the nervous and slightly doubtful faces, Mo Qingcheng felt the need to tell them the truth. The most important thing is that today's project is different from the past.

"Everyone must want to know why they fall asleep when they are relaxed!"

Everyone looked up and looked at Mo Qingcheng with 20 eyes. They had been waiting for a long time for this explanation.

"The answer is very simple. I hypnotized you!"

Mo Qingcheng said lightly, but the clouds below were bleak.

"It's similar to the 'jumping god' in 'Zhu Youshu', but hypnosis is not bad for you. I believe everyone has also felt their own changes!" Mo Qingcheng explained.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, but I still don't quite understand.

"Madam, why do you have nightmares when you are hypnotized?" Vice captain Wu Dong frowned.

"It's not a nightmare, but the consciousness I imposed on you, in order to better help you train! In the dream, you will feel real pain, but in fact you will not get hurt, which is equivalent to simulating a real battle!"

Seeing that everyone was thinking, Mo Qingcheng knew that they could not accept it for a while, paused and then said, "Today's training is different from usual. In the past, you used to make mistakes or passively accept instructions. Today, I want you to enter your dreams and take the initiative to complete a task!"

"What task?" Although everyone is a little nervous, they are all ninety-death men and are not afraid of anything.

"I'll tell you when I fall asleep." Mo Qingcheng was not in a hurry to solve the mystery, but to fascinate them first. "Remember, you only have time to smell the incense."

After saying that, the incense in the furnace was lit.

"Now close your eyes, relax, and then relax. You found yourself in the palace.

At this time, many bodyguards rushed up, and there was a row of archers on the roof. You must first avoid the first wave of attacks and then go deep into the palace.

Your task is to save the emperor. He is imprisoned. For the sake of the world, you will save the emperor even if you sacrifice yourself.

Mo Qingcheng used those clear, phoenix-like eyes to look at the dark guard and burn a small section of incense, and then entered the dream, but she had been hiding in the dark and did not appear.

She also quietly dreamed together a few times, and their performance had already exceeded the accident of Mo Qingcheng. I remember that at the beginning of training, she didn't have enough experience and was always killed halfway.

Now these dark guards have only been trained for more than half a month, but they have made amazing progress, especially vice captain Wu Dong. Although he is impulsive and has no shrewd strategy, he always rushes to the front without hesitation.

So when she saw Wu Dong handing Ju to her, she did not suspect that it was fake at all. Last time I fought with him, his foundation was very good, but his potential had not yet been developed. After more than half a month of training, he gradually mastered the essentials.

Looking at them fight freely, Mo Qingcheng raised a smile, and his beautiful eyes closed and returned to reality.