Hu Zuofei of time travel

Chapter 55 Banquet Courtesy

Although King Cheng returned, the emperor was very happy. He cherished this lost son and feasted the ministers at the Yuehua Hall. Even if Mo Qingcheng was reluctant, he had to follow He Liancheng.

Yuehua Hall, this is the second time I came here. Looking at the golden plaque, Mo Qingcheng sighed for a while. Three months ago, he was still a cousin of Wen Wangxiu. His father disliked him and his sister bullied him. Fortunately, he met He Liancheng. Everything on him seemed to be out of line with him, but it seemed so harmonious. He stubbornly smoothed his arrogant and indifferent personality.

Should he say that he is his own nobleman or the messenger of fate?

"Prince, Princess, Side Princess!" He Liancheng asked An to break Mo Qingcheng's thoughts. She withdrew her sight and saw Mo Qing dance in a pink fireworks skirt, showing her exquisite figure without reservation. She affectionately held the prince.

On the right side of the prince is a quiet beauty. Her eyebrows are picturesque, her lips are crimson, and her goose-like face is slightly thin. Her figure is plump and round, and her curves are charming. With the fiery red clothes swinging in the wind, she suddenly floats like a fairy in the sky. Presumably this person is An Xian.

She is really a comfortable sister. Both her eyebrows and beautiful temperament are surprisingly similar to Anyi, but the comfortable looks more pure.

"Qing the city to the prince, the crown princess, the side concubine, please!" Looking at the three people without a trace, Mo Qingcheng bowed slightly, bowed Yingying, and deliberately bit the side word.

Sure enough, as soon as Mo Qingwu heard it, his face turned red, bit his lips, stared at Mo Qingcheng angrily, and did not dare to say anything.

"Sister is polite, and the general is polite!" An Xian's eyes turned, his thin eyebrows jumped slightly, and naturally took Mo Qingcheng's hand. "I've heard that my sister's national beauty and ice muscles and jade bones have been different at first sight today!"

As soon as An Xian opened her mouth, Mo Qingcheng knew that she was not as gentle as she thought, at least she still had some thoughts.

"Where is the reputation of my sister? Last time, our girl Yaner said that her sister was dignified and generous, beautiful and delicious!" Mo Qingcheng also generously took An's hand and walked towards Yuehua Hall. "It's not like my sister who doesn't know manners. She doesn't say hello to her when she sees her sister, just like seeing a stranger!"

An's thin lips raised slightly, with a gentle smile, but she looked extremely sexy. She was silent, but the corners of her eyes looked at the two sisters. They looked a little similar, but Mo Qingwu was vulgar and arrogant and rude, completely comparable to half of Mo Qingcheng.

It is rumored that Mo Qingcheng and the Mo family have broken off their relationship. Now that they see it, they are indeed like strangers. An Xian has always been dissatisfied with the prince's preference for Mo Qingwu. Seeing that Mo Qingcheng did not like Mo Qingwu, he was a little closer to Mo Qingcheng in his heart and kept holding her hand to the Yuehua Hall.

Mo Qingwu frowned and gritted his teeth with anger. A pair of apricot eyes stared at the two aggrievedly. His face turned pale and his breathing became heavy.

He Liancheng followed Mo Qingcheng with a handsome face with a shallow smile. His Qingcheng was indeed different. In the past, she was afraid that she was not in the mood to deal with a woman who tried to win over and flatter her, but now, she can take it calmly.

The five people invited the emperor and the queen together and sat down separately. An Xian deliberately came to Mo Qingcheng and kept whispering to her.

"Brother, sister-in-law!" The elegant voice came slowly, and the man in an apricot yellow robe paced to the prince and looked at him with a smile. His deep and slightly hoarse voice, soft but strange.

"Second brother!" After raising his eyebrows gently, the prince got up and smiled and patted the man on the shoulder excitedly, "You're finally back!"

The man's posture is extremely slender, and the ink hair up to his waist floats at will. His face is like crown and jade eyes like stars, but his eye bags are quite heavy, the corners of his eyes are slightly raised, his narrow eyes are faintly narrowed, and the corners of his lips are sometimes rippled with a rippled smile. He is still the same as five years ago, elegant and free, but his eyebrows are more calm and vicissitudes.

Mo Qingcheng lowered his eyebrows and smiled. Obviously, the two had always been at odds, but they still had to pretend to meet again after a long separation. This is really the sadness of the royal family!

Five years ago, although Shen Muqi was the eldest son, he had not been crowned prince. Just because Shen Muchen's light was too much, he was always covered up. The ministers' calls for Shen Muchen were the highest. The emperor was difficult to refute for a moment, so he had to temporarily suspend the prince in the air. It was not until Shen Muchen defeated the border and his whereabouts whereabouts were unknown that the emperor promoted him to the throne of Shen Muqi. .

Now that Shen Muchen is back, Shen Muqi must be starting to sit on pins and needles again, and it is difficult to lie down!

The two pretended to be intimate and exchanged for a while, and Shen Muchen came this way. He Liancheng took the lead in getting up and saluted Shen Muchen. Seeing this, Mo Qingcheng also got up to salute. Shen Muchen saluted him respectfully without any arrogance of the prince.

"How are you, madam?" Shen Muchen's tone revealed enthusiasm and fantasy, and his affectionate eyes were shining like morning dewdrops.

Mo Qingcheng looked indifferent and said insipidly, saying "good", and then there was no follow-up.

Mo Qingwu beside him saw Shen Muchen taking the initiative to talk to Mo Qingcheng, and his eyes were full of waves. The second prince was as beautiful as a crown jade, and his female posture, implicitly implied the natural domineering of the king, and like his name, he was a little crazy. Although Shen Muqi is the prince, he is also a little inferior in front of him.

It's a pity that he is not a prince, otherwise she will become his woman! Mo Qingwu's eyes were sharp, and he looked straight at Mo Qingcheng. Why should a good man revolve around her? However, she still pretends to be a gesture and doesn't look at people!

Mo Qingcheng, I hate you!