Hu Zuofei of time travel

Chapter 83 Bargaining

Chapter 83 Bargaining

In the morning, the general's mansion.

Mo Qingcheng sat listlessly at the dining table and frowned: "Why is there this tofu soup every day? I'm tired of it!"

Since I returned to the general's mansion, I have had the opportunity to have this dish every day. Sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the evening. Anyway, I have to eat it every day without exception. At first, I still feel that it tastes good, but no matter how delicious it is, I will get tired of eating it every day.

"Yan'er, tell the kitchen to change some patterns tomorrow!" He Liancheng put a piece of meat into the ink dance bowl, "Try this!"

"It can't be changed. Dr. Hu specially ordered that the wisp of vegetables is good for my wife's health, which can clear blood and detoxify, remove evil blood, and make new blood!" Yan'er tilted her head and said the right way.

This dish was specially invented by Dr. Hu for Mo Qingcheng's illness. It not only tastes good, but also has excellent nourishing properties. It's much better than taking medicine. Mo Qingcheng doesn't know the reason why she should be bored, but Yan'er knows that for Mo Qingcheng's health, she does not hesitate to Hit Mo Qingcheng.

"But you can't eat it every day!" Mo Qingcheng curled her lips. Since she arrived at the general's mansion, her appetite has become difficult, and she wants to eat something fresh every few days.

"D. Hu also said that it was better to eat every meal. I was worried that my wife would not get used to it, so I ordered the kitchen to cook only one meal a day!" Yan'er said a little aggrievedly.

He Liancheng raised his eyebrows gently, "Since Dr. Hu ordered it, that's definitely right. Just eat more!"

Dr. Hu has been in the general's mansion for many years. Although his medical skills are not well-known, he is also first-class. The most important thing is that he is loyal enough to ask, not to talk nonsense, and to prescribe medicine is just right. Therefore, the general's mansion has not changed doctors for so many years, which can also be seen that He Liancheng's trusts in this Dr. Hu.

"Don't do to others what you don't want! You don't even eat it, but let me eat it!" Mo Qingcheng's eyes drooped and ignored him.

"Who said I wouldn't eat it!" He Liancheng picked up the spoon and scooped a spoon. After eating, he didn't forget to squeak his lips, "Well, it smells so good!"

Mo Qingcheng smiled and said, "You can eat all the delicious food!"

"That won't work. This is your royal soup!" He Liancheng frowned slightly and pretended not to dare, "Why don't you have a meal every two days in the future!"

Helian became a coaxing Mo Qingcheng and couldn't help but have a verbal battle with her. He knew that Mo Qingcheng was soft but not hard. If he forced her to eat, she would not only not eat, but also fight with herself. On the contrary, if she coaxed her to eat, although she was a little unhappy, she could still accept it in her heart.

"No, make a meal every five days!" Mo Qingwu shook his head. Two days are not the same as one day!

"No, two days!" He Liancheng will not let go.

"Four days!" Seeing that he was unmoved, Mo Qingcheng had to reduce it for a day.

"Two days!" The tone is resolute.

"The three days!" It can't be reduced anymore.


Mo Qingcheng took a breath and tried to come another day. Oh, no, why should I listen to him!

"Yan'er, tell the kitchen to make a meal every three days, don't make tofu every meal, don't make soup every time, and change the taste!" Mo Qingcheng was about to attack. Seeing that He Liancheng was so thoughtful, he gave up.

"Well, I'll write some recipes for you later, and you can do it in the kitchen!" He Liancheng was still a little worried, and finally added another sentence.

"Okay!" Yan'er stood aside and laughed wildly. The general still had a way to deal with his wife.

After dinner, He Liancheng studied recipes in the study. Mo Qingcheng and Yan'er kicked the shuttlecock in the yard. Although Yan'er was a subordinate, Mo Qingcheng regarded her as a friend and the first female friend since she came to this world!

"Sister Yan'er, Butler Zhong is looking for you!" The two were kicking happily, and a little girl ran over breathlessly.

"I'll go right away!" Yan'er nodded to her and said to Mo Qingcheng, "Madam, I'll go back. Don't kick the shuttlecock on the roof again!" This is the last shuttlecock!"

Mo Qingcheng was speechless. From the beginning to now, she had kicked eight shuttlecocks to the roof. She was embarrassed and waved her hand and said, "Go quickly!"

After Yan'er left, Mo Qingcheng was bored again and ran to the study sweatily. "Chengcheng, accompany me to kick the shuttlecock. Yan'er was called by Uncle Zhong!"

"I won't!" He Liancheng waved his hand and looked at Mo Qingwu amusedly. He was a general, how could he play with women's things!

"I'll teach you!" Mo Qingcheng took his arm, frowned and said, "It's simple. Yan'er taught me that I will do it for a while. Are you more stupid than me!"

"I don't have time," He Liancheng put the book on the table and shrugged helplessly, "Look, I'm studying recipes!"

"I can see that you don't want to be with me at all!" Mo Qingcheng shook his hand, and his white face was full of sad eyebrows, as if dark clouds. "If you don't accompany me, I'll go to Zhong Xin. Yan'er said that Zhong Xin is awesome!"

He Liancheng's handsome eyebrows suddenly frowned, and Zhong Xin's shuttlecock was really good. When he was a child, neither he and Yan'er could beat him. At that time, he was very proud, because he finally had something better than himself! Twenty years in a flash, the three of them have never kicked the shuttlecock together!

"Qingcheng, you have many ideas. Do you know what can be played by four people?" He Liancheng smiled slightly at the corners of his lips, wrapped his arms around Mo Qingwu's waist, and sat on his lap, "That kind of man and women can play!" He means to compare Men!

"Yes!" As soon as Mo Qingcheng heard the play, he sat obediently on his lap, "Badminton, my favorite!"

"Badminton!" He Liancheng raised his eyebrows slightly, met Mo Qingcheng's eyes blankly, and his thin lips gently opened, "I haven't heard of it!"

Mo Qingcheng's thin silkworm eyebrows shrugged on his bright eyes, and his expression was a little unnatural and said, "Actually, I don't know much about it. It was invented by my mother. You know that my mother is a famous 'talented woman' in the capital. She reads poems and knows a lot of anecdotes! I've known something since I was a child!"

He Liancheng nodded. Li Wan, the charming mother, was indeed a "talented girl" given by the emperor, and today's empress has also asked her for advice.

"Tell me what badminton is like. I'll find a master to build a pair later!" He Liancheng smiled gently and gently stroked her long hair.

Mo Qingcheng picked up the brush, dipped it in ink, and jumped on the paper with a badminton racket between the pen. "The racket head and racket rod should be made of hollow aluminum, the handle should be made of hollow wood, and the racket frame should be tightened with a more elastic line! By the way, there is also a ball. The ball head should be made of natural cork and elastic, with 16 goose blades inserted on it!"

Mo Qingcheng said with his eyebrows. Seeing that there was no movement, He Liancheng gently turned his head and bumped into the tenderness in his eyes. His face suddenly became hot. She quickly moved her eyes and said awkwardly, "That's it. I marked the length and material on the picture. Don't go back. Make a mistake!"

"Qingcheng, did I tell you that your serious appearance is really beautiful!" He Liancheng lowered his head slightly, and a gentle kiss fell on Mo Qingcheng's lips.

Mo Qingcheng's fair and beautiful face couldn't help hanging two blushes. She stood up in a panic and cut her hair. "Yan'er is coming later. I'll go out and have a look!"

Although the two have already been married, they are still at a loss and don't know how to deal with such a thing.

He Liancheng took her wrist, looked at Mo Qingcheng with deep and hot eyes, and muttered in her ear, "Don't go, Qingcheng!"

Mo Qingcheng immediately lowered his eyelids and bit his lips. His cheeks were red and delicate. He whispered, "It's not good to be seen in the daytime!"

He Liancheng's palm gently exerted force, and the door closed with a "bang".

Thinking of what the young manor has done to her, Mo Qingcheng suddenly became depressed again. Up to now, she still doesn't know what He Liancheng is thinking, because since she returned home, he not only didn't say a word, but also avoided talking about it occasionally.

"Don't you dislike me?" Mo Qingcheng's red face showed a melancholy look, and Mo Che's eyes looked at He Liancheng nervously. He hadn't touched herself these days, and she thought he had a grudge.

He Liancheng's eyes were full of tenderness and attachment, and his warm and magnetic voice slowly sounded: "No matter what happens, you are my favorite woman, and I will never despise you!"

Mo Qingcheng smiled, didn't say anything, and gently stroked his eyebrows. She became more and more unable to see through this man, making her more and more fascinated!

"I've been recuperating, just waiting for you to cheer up quickly!" He Liancheng grabbed her hand and his eyes were full of tenderness. "If I don't say or touch you, it doesn't mean I mind. On the contrary, if I say more, I may cause your sadness, so I understand you and willing to give you time."

Mo Qingcheng lowered his eyelids. Although He Liancheng said so, she still couldn't let it go. Didn't ancient people pay the most attention to this? He Liancheng was also a normal man. How could he say that he didn't mind at all?

"What's wrong?" He Liancheng noticed her distractions, and there was a trace of displeasure on his face, and pinched her little face.

Mo Qingcheng was in pain, snorted coquettishly, and said, "You really don't mind... at all? Or, did you deliberately say this to comfort me?

"Qingcheng, do you think I'm this kind of person?" He Liancheng drew a beautiful arc from the corners of his mouth and looked at Mo Qingcheng's eyes, "If I dislike you, I won't marry you at the beginning!"

Mo Qingcheng thought about this and said the same. Although he and Shen Mushu are not husband and wife, after all, he has been married to him for so long that even if he says it, others will not believe it, but He Liancheng has never asked himself from beginning to end and has never doubted himself.

"Qingcheng, no matter what you become, I will not dislike you. I will love you well and cherish you. The relationship between us will not change because of anything!" Heliancheng looked at Mo Qingcheng fixedly and saw the sincerity in his eyes. "Also, I don't mind if you have married King Wen. Don't mind that I once loved Binger, okay?"

The last incident made everyone very unhappy, and He Liancheng also wanted Mo Qingcheng to put it down.

"Well, good!" Mo Qingcheng nodded and said, "No matter what difficulties we will encounter in the future, I will never give up on you!"

He Liancheng didn't make a sound, just hugged Mo Qingcheng tightly.