Hu Zuofei of time travel

Chapter 110 Liu Qing is crazy

As soon as I returned to the main hall, I saw Zhong Sheng sitting at the table and writing something. He was surrounded by a large circle of people, and his faces were shining.

"Cough~" He Liancheng frowned and coughed softly, and they immediately dispersed.

At this time, Mo Qingcheng noticed that there were six open gift boxes, two boxes of red silk, a box of jewelry, a box of silver, a box of tea, and a box of miscellaneous gifts, which contained gold hairpins, rings, earrings, jade pendants and other accessories.

"General, madam!" As soon as Zhong Sheng saw the two coming back, he quickly put down the pen in his hand and got up.

"Is this sent by the Fu family?" He Liancheng looked at these bride price unbelievably, and the small family of the Fu family could get so many bride price.


Mo Qingcheng smiled indifferently. Presumably, this is already the property of the Fu family. Although this betrothal gift is nothing for the general's mansion, it is enough for ordinary people. It seems that the Fu family still cares about this marriage! Uncle Zhong, turn these bride price gifts into cash and count them in the cuckoo's dowry!"

"Yes, madam!" Zhong Sheng lowered his head slightly, "Is the cuckoo's dowry ready now?"

Mo Qingcheng looked at He Liancheng. She was really not sure about the dowry. It's too much. It broke the Fu family. It's less, and it looks shabby. In the future, Dujuan has no place in the Fu family.

He Liancheng thought slightly, "Let's pay back the bride price twice. After all, people who went out from the general's mansion can't let others see jokes!"

Mo Qingcheng nodded. With these dowries, even if Dujuan leaves the Fu family in the future, he doesn't have to worry about livelihood problems.

"Madam, Abi is coming!" Yan'er came over with a small step and whispered in Mo Qingcheng's ear.

"Go ahead. I'll discuss some details with Uncle Zhong!" He Liancheng whispered, and his eyebrows were full of tenderness.

When she came to the inner room, Mo Qingcheng saw a girl in a long green cotton coat. Her figure was ordinary, but her dark eyes were very touching and could not be ignored.

"I have met my wife!" Abi walked to Mo Qingcheng and made a steady salute. Her movements were skillful and generous, without any twisting.

Mo Qingcheng nodded with satisfaction, but this girl was a talent, "Are you Abi?"

"Madam, it's the slave!" A Bi got up and looked at Mo Qingcheng with clear eyes.

"Are you and Dujuan a sworn sister?" Mo Qingcheng slowly sat down, and his eyes did not leave Abi for a moment.


Mo Qingcheng picked up the tea on the table and took a sip of it, smiling at the corners of his mouth and said, "You must have heard about the marriage of the cuckoo. Although she is not my own sister, I have always regarded her as my own sister. If you are really for me, I will also help you find a good family in the future!"

"Madam, the loyalty of the maidservant can be revealed by the sun and the moon!" Abi looked at Mo Qingcheng with deep eyes. She didn't want to stay at Mo's house for a long time. If she hadn't signed the deed of sale, she would have been angry with Liu Qing all day long.

"Good!" Mo Qingcheng stood up and helped her up. "Du Juni has told me what happened last night. You did a good job!"

"Mrs. Xie praised!" Abi breathed a sigh of relief. Before she came, she was worried that Mo Qingcheng would not look down on her little tricks.

"Cuckoo!" Mo Qingcheng glanced at the cuckoo, and the cuckoo came to Abi with a handkerchief.

Abi took the veil inexplicably, opened it, and said doubtfully, "Madam, this is..."

"These are just ordinary herbs. You just need to put two tablets in Liu Qing's tea every night!" Mo Qingcheng looked at Abi's worried face and smiled, "Don't worry, it won't be fatal. It just makes her hallucinate. Even if you don't pretend to be a ghost in the future, she will see ghosts!" Because there is a ghost in her heart!

Abi carefully put away her handkerchief and stopped talking. She was a little surprised by the calculation between Mo Qingcheng and Liu Qing, but Mo Qingcheng didn't say anything, and she didn't need to ask. As long as she did her best!

"You go back first and try to go out as little as possible in the future to avoid Liu Qing's suspicion." Mo Qingcheng winked at Yaner, and Yaner took out a bag of broken silver and handed it to Abi. Abi did not refuse and took it readily.

Last night, Abi deliberately said that she would arrange someone to be on duty, just to make Liu Qing believe in herself and not doubt herself. It's better to have someone on duty now, and the "ghost wind" can blow louder!

Sure enough, when Abi returned to Mo's house, she was told that she had been transferred to Liu Qing to serve him, and the monthly case increased. In this way, it will be better, and she doesn't have to find a way to apply medicine to the tea!

Abi pretended to thank Liu Qing gratefully. Compared with that trivial monthly case, the general's wife was much more generous and rewarded 20 taels of silver at one time, which was enough for her family. Of course, people are always insatiable. What she expects more is that Mo Qingcheng can find a good husband for her. After all, the most important thing is for a woman to marry a good man!

With Abi on duty, Liu Qing fell asleep early in peace. It was false to say that she was not afraid of what happened last night. Even if she pretended to be careless during the day, she would still be scared at night.

As usual, at the second watch, Liu Qing was awakened by a knock on the door. She touched the sweat on her forehead. It turned out to be a dream. In the dream, she saw that Li Wan and Wang's sister-in-law were covered with blood, choked their necks and asked for their lives. Fortunately, Wu'er appeared in time to stop them.

"Abi?" She was still a little worried and called out.

"What's the matter, madam?" Abi pushed the door in and looked at Liu Qing respectfully.

"It's okay, go ahead!" Liu Qing looked at her as if he had heard it wrong.

After half an hour, I just fell asleep and heard another knock on the door.

"Abi, Abi!" Liu Qing lifted the quilt and looked at the door in horror.

"Madam?" Abi lowered her head.

"Did someone knock on the door just now?"

"Madam, I have been guarding outside the door, and no one has knocked on the door!"

"Oh, maybe I heard it wrong!" Liu Qing frowned and twisted into a dead knot. If someone really knocked on the door, A Bi must have known it, but she clearly heard someone knocking on the door. Is it true that the ghost of Li Wan and Wang's sister-in-law found him?

Impossible! I must be too tired and hallucinating!

Lying back**, Liu Qing couldn't sleep. On the one thing, she was afraid to hear a knock on the door, and on the other, she was afraid to have that nightmare again.


A whine similar to last night came from outside the window. Liu Qing's nerves suddenly tightened. She kept telling herself that this is an illusion, this is an illusion, this is an illusion...

But the more she thought so, the more scared she became. She went to bed tremblingly, closed her eyes and opened the window. As soon as she opened her eyes, there was nothing!

She patted her chest and exhaled, knowing that it was her hallucination!


Suddenly, a white shadow flashed from the window, and then quietly disappeared into the night.

Liu Qing only felt a touch of coldness on her back. She even forgot to shout and stood still in a daze, staring like two abacus beads that were about to pop out. Her nervous heartbeat and rapid breathing were extremely clear in the quiet and tremical atmosphere.

"It's really them. They came to me for revenge!" Liu Qing muttered this sentence, and his whole body was like a soul out of his body.

The next morning, when the servants found Liu Qing, she was already crazy. For a moment, the ghosts of the Mo family spread one after another, and no one dared to go out after the second update.

Mo Qingwu was like a bolt from the blue when she heard about this. She never believed in any karma. The reincarnation of heaven must have been done by Mo Qingcheng. It's just that she is angry, but now she has no choice but to even go down the mountain to have a look at her mother. Gritting her teeth, she secretly swore in her heart that one day, she would cut off Mo Qingcheng with thousands of knives and five horses.

Mo Qingcheng was not surprised at all when she heard the news. The only thing she didn't expect was that Liu Qing went crazy so quickly. I really don't know whether Liu Qing's heart was too strong or the herbal medicine was too effective.

"Sister, Abi asked if you wanted to stop taking the medicine." Dujuan stood aside without hiding her smile. Now she has revenged her mother, and she is naturally happy.

"It's only two days!" Mo Qingcheng thought for a moment and said worriedly, "Don't ask her to stop taking medicine. She will stop when Liu Qing's condition becomes more unstable in a few days!"

"Didn't Mr. Fu say that the grass can be fatal? Why didn't you poison her directly?" Du Qin looked at Mo Qingcheng puzzledly. She didn't understand why Mo Qingcheng had to deal with Liu Qing so much.

"Isn't it too cheap to poison her!" Mo Qingcheng's eyes were cold, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. His mother was tortured by poppy, but now she is going to torture her with more vicious means. The fear in her heart can be more tormenting than physical pain! What's more, this is not just one person's matter, but also ink dance. She must be in pain now, like sitting on a needle and felt! In addition, if Liu Qing dies in this way, it will certainly be suspicious."

"The eldest sister's move is really smart, which makes Liu Qing worse than death, and he doesn't realize it!" The cuckoo smiled deeply, and his eyes were full of joy.

Mo Qingcheng couldn't laugh. She frowned and said, "Are you sure that Abi is credible?" She admires Abi very much, but the calmness of Abi's body makes her a little uneasy. She hasn't seen anyone as calm and self-contained as Abi for a long time!

"Don't worry, sister, Abi won't betray us!" Du Kuan said firmly, "She hates Liu Qing more than us!"

"Why is this?" Mo Qingcheng is puzzled. What hatred can compare with the pain of losing his mother?

"Do you still remember A Green?"

Mo Qingcheng thought for a moment and was a little uncertain, "The green who was kicked out of the Mo family by Liu Qing?"

"Well, it was her. At that time, the master only praised A Green's beauty, and Liu Qing suspected of seducing the master. She was not only broken, but also sold to the brothel. A Bi is A Green's sister!" Du Kuan recalled this and felt lingering palpitation. Liu Qing is really a cruel woman!

She knows about A Green. After A Lv was sold to the brothel, she committed suicide that night. Her father committed suicide because he could not accept this fact. Soon her mother also died of depression. This is the death of the family! But Mo Qingcheng didn't know that A Lu had a sister.

More than half of the maids of the Mo family have signed a deed of sale. Their life and death are directly in the hands of the master's mother. Not to mention that Liu Qing sold A Lv to the brothel, even if they kill her government, they can't interfere!

Liu Qing has made a lot of evil, and now this end is still a bargain for her!