Hu Zuofei of time travel

Chapter 170 What happened

Chapter 170

Li Meiren had the emperor's backer and was not afraid of the queen. She walked out from behind the emperor and began to continue to talk about what happened.

"That morning, I discussed with Chu Haiyu and asked someone to come to the empress dowager. After learning about the matter, the empress dowager was very angry and immediately wanted to execute Mo Qingcheng, but Jiang was still old and hot. She wanted to confront Mo Qingcheng before she was convicted. I was a little panicked for a moment, and then the empress dowager enlightened me a lot of words. , it was said that the emperor's concubine was soon told to the world. If such a thing happened again and hurt the royal face, I thought that this matter would be so serious, so I began to think about it carefully.

But at that time, Chu Haiyu at the scene said more, 'Mo Qingcheng pushed our master to the ground yesterday and viciously wanted to get rid of our master's child. Our master turned pale with fear. Such a vicious woman is really the scourge of the harem. Even if she loses the royal face, she must not take it again. .' At that time, I was woken up by this lowly slave maid. I think I thought about how I could be influenced by this maid for the emperor. The Empress Dowager also stared at Chu Haiyu very much. Chu Haiyu knew that she was getting more and more far away and didn't talk. I began to suspect Chu Haiyu. After all, she was more nervous than me at this time, and I felt that it didn't make sense.

"At first, I suspected that Chu Haiyu, a cheap maidservant, must have fallen in love with the emperor, and I was jealous of Mo Qingcheng. I was very annoyed that I had listened to this subordinate's words and began to think about the consequences of exposing Mo Qingcheng's words. The consequences were similar to now. The emperor and the empress dowager will definitely never see each other again. Believe me, and I also indirectly eradicated Mo Qingcheng. This is the result that other concubines in the harem want to see most. Didn't I dig a hole and jump down by myself? So I just want not to drag Mo Qingcheng into the water for the time being. Now that I have provoked the Empress Dowager, I can only eat my own results. I want to keep Mo Qingcheng to make the women in the harem restless.

Li Meiren's words have aroused many people's deep thinking, especially Shen Mushu and Shen Muchen. They feel that the battle between this woman will always be endless, and the more they love Mo Qingcheng, the more they push Mo Qingcheng to the forefront of the storm.

"Although I thought so, I was still convinced that it was the porridge sent to me by Mo Qingcheng. Then when I reflected on Chu Haiyu's idea, I began to doubt whether I was manipulated by Chu Haiyu. I was trapped in it and couldn't see right and wrong at all, so I came up with a way."

Li Meiren said to the Empress Dowager Zhuang, "I don't know if the Empress Dowager remembers that day that when Mo Qingcheng met me at the scene, I was talking about silver-eared lotus seed porridge?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't expect that Li Meiren would dare to ask her questions. She originally wanted to refuse to answer, but when she saw that everyone was looking at her, she thought about it carefully. When Li Meiren questioned Mo Qingcheng that day, she did say that Mo Qingcheng had sent her a bowl of white fungus lotus seed porridge, so Empress Dowager Zhuang nodded and said, "Ai Jiaji Get it!"

Only this sentence, Mrs. Zhuang doesn't want to say anything to Li Meiren anymore. What's wrong with a bowl of porridge? I don't believe how many waves she can make.

"It's good for the Empress Dowager to remember. In fact, after the concubine noticed the strangeness of this cheap maidservant, she deliberately told a lie. On that day, what my father-in-law sent was actually bird's nest porridge. After I said it was white fungus lotus seed porridge, Mo Qingcheng did not show a strange appearance, and when he answered my words I have always thought that what my father-in-law gave me was silver-eared lotus seed porridge, so even if I ruled out the suspicion of Mo Qingcheng, she was not the one who wanted to harm me, so on the contrary, I became more suspicious of my maid.

"When I inquired with my father-in-law, I knew that Chu Haiyu was originally a maid in the laundry room, but she was transferred in time when there was a shortage of maids in my palace a few months ago. After she came over, she was very diligent and dexterous, so I asked her to be my personal maid."

"I wanted to know Chu Haiyu's background, so I began to investigate it. As a result, I found a shocking secret. Chu Haiyu, a bitch, actually did that kind of thing with the little bodyguard, so I ruled out the suspicion that she liked the emperor and wanted to rectify Mo Qingcheng, and began to suspect Chu Haiyu's thoughts. She However, I have no grudge against Mo Qingcheng, but why did I pull Mo Qingcheng into the water? The whole thing is very strange, and I dare not trust her even more.

"After that, I investigated her while guarding her." Li Meiren said this, and the queen's face can be imagined. Although the people at the scene were not sure from Li Meiren's words that Chu Haiyu was sent by the queen to monitor Li Meiren, they also began to believe in what Li Meiren said. After all, her reason was too sufficient to believe.

"Chu Haiyu's family has an old mother and a younger brother and two sisters. She was only 14 years old when she came to the palace. She was left by the mother in the laundry room because of her cleverness, but she fell in love with a bodyguard. Probably their fornication was discovered by the queen, and the queen used this handle to control Chu Haiyu. In me When I was favored, the emperor said that he would choose a few people in my palace to take care of me. I didn't think much about it. When I saw Chu Haiyu, I wanted it.

"But the matter was far from as simple as I thought. After I found that Chu Haiyu was the queen, I was on guard against her. She and the bodyguard even brought it to my palace. I accidentally found out that she said it was her brother, and I had no evidence to say that she was her. This matter was over. She used me to pretend The news of pregnancy asked me not to tell outsiders about her brother. I have some strangeness in my heart how to reveal this matter casually.

"But one day, when she sorted out my usual outfit, she put a musk-flavored savor bag on my waist. I was so stupid that I didn't know that pregnant women could not wear savor savor bags. Fortunately, the doctor who came to treat me said that I knew that Chu Haiyu, a girl, had done such a thing. She would definitely It's because I want to be exposed in front of others, and that's why I have to guard against her.

"I prevented her from sending porridge first, and then the words she said in front of the empress dowager made me more and more suspicious. I asked Chu Haiyu to pretend to go down to sleep at night, quietly found the bowl of porridge that had been poured out, and asked the close-to-body Mama send the porridge to the imperial doctor for examination. As a result, the doctor said that there was a lot of arsenic in the porridge. Therefore, I have such a big hatred with the queen. I usually don't interfere with her, but she wants to treat me like this, so I designed that the queen bumped into my servants to wash the sheets today, and I also deliberately attracted the queen to take the bait. If the queen is not eager to expose me, how could she not figure out that my sister is actually and in the future? "

After Li Meiren finished speaking, she giggled very cheerfully.

"You didn't come to Sunflower? So what did I see in the morning? Of course, the queen would not think that she was blind. It was taken out of Li Meiren's bedroom. How could she not come?

"Last night, Guizhi accompanied me to warm the bed. Of course, it's not mine!"

It turned out that this incident was fake by Li Meiren in order to lead the snake out of the hole, and Chu Haiyu failed to report it to herself in time. It turned out that she had been controlled by Li Meiren for a long time. Although only Chu Haiyu was involved in the arsenic matter, and she was also unconscious, the best way was to die without proof. As long as the queen clenched her teeth and did not let go, the emperor would not conjud her guilty.

"Hahahaha!" The queen's laughter suddenly came to mind, which made everyone at the scene a little confused.

"Beauty Li, Beauty, how can you doubt me so much? You said that Chu Haiyu, a cheap maid, wore a musk savor bag for you to show your feet, and then said that her father-in-law sent you arsenic porridge, but she was suspected of pushing Mo Qingcheng, but there were always signs that these things were fundamental Don't you know what's wrong without me? I'm not in this matter, and you can't even spit people's blood.

Everyone was reminded by the queen's words and felt that this was the truth, and the expression on Empress Dowager Zhuang's face eased a little.

"Don't forget that Chu Haiyu is actually the eyeliner you put beside me. If you hadn't forced her, she wouldn't have done anything for you. Aren't you afraid of her being a hostage?"

Li Meiren's words worried Queen Hongjin again. She quickly glanced at Chu Haiyu lying on the ground and found that the blood stains on her body were really miserable. Such a situation, coupled with her kick just now, it was impossible to pretend.

So Queen Hongjin said reassuringly, "I don't know why she is afraid of her, and from your point of view, everything may have been planned by her, whether it's musk savor bags or arsenic, naturally has nothing to do with her. Although I don't know why she did this, but It can be seen that her behavior is very vicious, and there is no need to keep it. It's better to leave it to me and return justice for my sister.

When Empress Hongjin said these things, she did not involve herself at all, and what she is doing now is just to help Li Meiren punish her servants.

"I've received the queen's kindness, so what my sister means is that I misunderstood my sister before. I'm really sorry for my sister!"

The queen was dedicated to solving things, so she smiled and said to Li Meiren, "You and my sisters don't want to say these words. For the sake of peace in the harem, I will deal with Chu Haiyu now!"

The queen's motivation is very suspicious, and she is the only one who feels that her lies are round and impenetrable. Even the Empress Dowager feels cold when she sees Hongjin's eagerness to eradicate the rebels now.

Hong Jin walked to Chu Haiyu step by step with blood in his eyes. Shen Muchen wanted to see what the unruly woman was going to do. Suddenly, he was very quiet in private. Several people watched what was crazy about this woman.

But at the moment when the sand flies and stone, Chu Haiyu on the ground opened his eyes motionless. Suddenly, he was so scared that he pushed his feet away and shouted repeatedly to avoid it.