The Accidental Imperial Concubine

38 palm poisoning

In the trembling of Xiluo and Lu Yuan, the carriage kept rushing on the road and finally came to Fancheng, the nearest city to the dark city. Yuxi has been sleeping muddle-headed for the past three days, and she is exhausted. Seeing Xiluo Luyuan, she felt distressed and quickly wanted to find a doctor for her to see.

Originally, they planned to rush to Yidu all night. After all, the matter of Phoenix Pearl is urgent. But now that I am worried about Yuxi's weak body, I have to change the route and treat Yuxi first, otherwise something big will happen if the wind and cold becomes tuberculosis.

Lu Yuan was very familiar with Fancheng and guided Qingfeng to come to a street. This hospital was not as open as other medical centers, but in an alley. It was silent and nameless, and the carriage could not walk in. Lu Yuan ordered Qingfeng Mingyue to go to the Mingyue Inn in the city first, and Xiluo got off the carriage with Yuxi in his arms. Bingning followed him, and his amber eyes were full of worry. He felt the burning sensation of Yuxi's body, which seemed to be getting worse and worse.

Yuxi's mind has been very heavy for the past three days. Modern people and ancient people always wandered in front of her eyes, feeling dizzy and sad. Although he was accompanied by Xiluo and Lu Yuan, he always felt that he was restless and said a few words from time to time.

Lu Yuan was even more distressed to see Yuxi like this. Why did his sister become like this after Ling left?

Of course, he naturally knew that when Ling Lin left, he left the two of them. One was to protect Yuxi's safety, but to know their actions at any time.

Now Xiao must have notified Ling about Yuxi's situation, and now he should have rushed over. The bond between these two people is really not temporary, but Lu Yuan is cautious when he and Xiluo are going to bear Ling's anger. Ling is not so close to each other, not to mention that this girl is still his heart now.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan felt that the end of the world was coming and knocked on the door. The ancient wooden door creaked open, and a 15- or 16-year-old teenager came out, dressed in plain clothes and asked with big shining eyes, "Are you?"

Lu Yuan hurriedly held his fists, but seemed to be a Jianghu person. "In Lu Yuan, my sister got the wind and cold, and I hope that Lord Li Chen will come out for help."

The teenager tilted his head, looked at Xiluo, looked at a woman in his arms, looked at Lu Yuan in front of him, and nodded, "Let me inform my master."

With a squeak, the teenager closed the door again.

Xiluo frowned, "Xiaoyuanzi, why do you have to come here to see it? Can't other medical centers work? He is not very familiar with Fancheng, but he has always followed Lu Yuan, but he has seen this hospital...

"Xiluo, I don't think Xiaoyu's illness is an ordinary disease. Since I want to see it, I want to see the best. Lichen is the most famous magic doctor of this generation. He is young and capable. I believe in his strength.

While talking, the wooden door opened again and a man walked out. The man was dressed in white, and his face and hair were also tied with white ribbons, scattered behind his shoulders. His face was good, his facial features were exquisite, and the corners of his mouth were smiling. A pair of black eyes seemed to be insightful and with a terrible light.

Of course, Lu Yuan was not a vegetarian. He immediately looked back, and his cyan eyes were full of respect and respect.

The man saw Lu Yuan's blue eyes, and a trace of light flashed in his eyes, and then covered it well.

"Who wants to see a doctor?" The sound is like white jade falling on the bead plate, very crisp.

Xi Luo took a step forward and said, "It's my sister." After saying that, he looked at the person in his arms sadly.

The delicate woman slept quietly in Xiluo's arms, as quiet as a ceramic doll, as if it broke with a touch. Her breathing is shallow, and her face is abnormally red.

Li Chen moved his eyes and knew that the two in front of him were the noble children of the upper four clans.

"Who are you?" The man's warm voice came again.

"In Xia Xiluo." Xiluo's voice was faint. He just hoped that the man in front of him could really cure Yuxi.

After observing in the past few days, he has been walking around the world for many years and also feel that Yuxi's illness is too strange. On the surface, it looks like a fever, but there must be deeper reasons. Otherwise, she would not have slept for three days, during which she just poured some drinks in a daze.

The man was not surprised to hear the name Xiluo. As we all know, Lu Yuan and Xiluo are good brothers. Looking at their eyes, Li Chen has also guessed their identity, "What about her?" Although Li Chen doesn't like to be nosy, he still needs to find out the details of saving people. Moreover, this woman can make Xiluo and Lu Yuan so nervous, and his identity is absolutely not low. There is no need for him to provoke such people.

"Cough--" Yuxi opened her eyes, and the scene in front of her made her a little stunned. She saw herself lying in Xiluo's arms, and the marquis was aside. Then she looked at the person in front of her was as clean as a fairy in the sky. Yuxi couldn't figure out the situation for a moment. She raised her right hand and touched her swollen forehead. "Brother Xiluo, where are we? "li?"

With Yuxi's movements, the wide cuffs slipped down, and the bracelet of Yuxi's right hand was exposed.

Li Chen opened his eyes wide and walked to Yuxi. He reached out and grabbed Yuxi's right wrist. Xiluo was stunned. What's wrong with Li Chen? Lu Yuan was stunned and forgot to stop him.

"Men and women are not close. Your Excellency Li Chen, please let go of my sister." Xiluo was also a little angry. He couldn't take action with Yuxi in his arms. How could he cove his sister, not to mention Xiao Lingzi?

"Where did you get this bracelet?" Li Chen was abnormal, and his tone was full of anxiety and asked Yuxi.

Yuxi didn't expect that a bracelet would make him like this. When he thought of looking for Phoenix beads, the strangeness of the bracelet was about to dispel his idea. He couldn't get a fishy sweet taste in his throat. "Puff--" actually spit out a mouthful of blood directly. The blood stains along Li Chen's white robe slowly stained and dyed a piece of monster. Color.

"Xiao Yu!" Xiluo exclaimed, "Mr. Li Chen, please save my sister. We will promise whatever you want." Seeing Li Chen's attitude towards the bracelet, Xiluo was sure that Li Chen would definitely save Yuxi. God bless Yuxi and never have an accident.

Li Chen also recovered from the exclamation, "Quickly, bring her in and I'll save her immediately."

In the big room, Yuxi Wangzai** fell into a coma. Li Chen took her pulse and frowned more and more. Finally, he put down Yuxi's hand.

"Mr. Li Chen, what's wrong with my sister?" Xiluo asked quickly.

"On the surface, it looks cold and has a high fever, but I found that her pulse is still very weak. As expected, she should be poisoned." Li Chen said lightly.

Xiluo and Lu Yuan took a breath together. What kind of poison did they and Zi Yaoling not notice that there was anyone who could poison under their protection?

"What poison?"

"Yellow Spring Fall." Li Chen said these three words and frowned again, causing more and more trouble.

Xi Luo and Lu Yuan both look unbelievable. How can it be possible?