The strongest chief

Chapter 4 Level 4 Warriors

The night is as quiet as water, with quiet breathing, painful moans, and sometimes the impact of steel, rendering the whole dungeon extremely gloomy and horrible.

Lockus lay quietly on the cold floor, looking at the dark dungeon with desperate eyes.

Dream back to your hometown, where there is your own beautiful home, which is a home in the era of science and technology, a comfortable and comfortable life, the great father's love and mother's love tolerant of themselves, meaning death, but let themselves come to this inexplicable world.

Lockus said softly on his lips: "The so-called time travel is probably like this. Accidental death and accidental time travel make him feel the real human warmth."



Lockus' lips trembling and whispered the name gently. Since the moment he was resurrected, the name has been deeply imprinted in his mind.

Locus turned out to be the illegitimate son of a duke of the Omael tribe. He was plotted between brothers and demoted to the frontier to fight. Unfortunately, he was captured. From then on, he became a slave, hesitated to resist fiercely, and was beaten to death by slave traders. Unexpectedly, he was unlucky attached to him.

"I'm not Roxus, I'm Qin Yun! I'm Qin Yun!" Lockus' lips tremled and said, "No, Qin Yun is dead. I'm Lockus!"

Pain, sad, helpless and confused!

Since I was born, the status of a slave has hindered me. God is unfair! I hate that heaven took my young life, but with another unknown suspense...

Rockus quietly took out a chicken leg from the cuff and chewed it gently, but the cold chicken leg became the supreme delicacy in the world.

"I need strength, I need strength!" Qin Yun said fiercely while chewing the chicken leg, because he learned from Roxas' memory that this was an unknown space with magic and fighting spirit.

Powerful magic often has the power to destroy the world, and fierce fighting spirit often has the power to break mountains and split mountains.

The original Roxus was a veritable four-level warrior. Originally, the four-level warrior was an extremely powerful existence on the mainland, but after being captured, he did not develop. His long-term hunger and frequent whipping made him unable to lift a trace of fighting spirit at all.

Rocksas, who was full, quietly felt the changes in his body, and a trace of light in Dantian disappeared, slowly swallowing the energy of food.

Gradually, more and more gathered, in the blink of an eye, the whole Dantian field was full of hot airflow, and the fiery red light kept flashing, illuminating every cell in the body.

"Is this fighting spirit?" Lockus felt the transformation in his body, full of surprise and joy.

The wounds of the whole body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than half an hour, most of the wounds of the whole body healed.

Roxas opened his eyes and looked at the steel chain with a strong fist. He pulled it gently and swallowed the diamond chain easily. But he didn't break it, because once he broke it, he could guarantee that he would never have a good life from now on.

It didn't take long for Lockusus to feel hungry again. At this time, he took out half of the roast chicken, chewed it gently, and ate it with the chicken bones. It was not until he finished eating all the food that he stopped and gently licked his mouth. My lips closed my eyes again. I was busy treating my disabled body just now, and I didn't have time to study my current physical condition at all.

Suddenly, he entered a fiery world, where there were hot waves everywhere. The powerful red heat flowed through his whole body, tossed up and down, and the waves were turbulent, and the waves hit the case, rolling up tens of millions of ripples in circles.

"Is this the fire attribute fighting spirit? Is this the strength of the fourth-level warrior?" Lockus couldn't help muttering to himself, to be precise, Qin Yun muttering silently.

Suddenly, a circle of golden light emitted from the brain, and the whole body was red and golden, intoxicating.

"What is that?" Qin Yun suddenly condensed and carefully looked at the golden light suddenly shot down.

In Qin Yun's brain stands a golden nine-storey pagoda, emitting peaceful golden light. Nine golden dragons surround the golden pagoda, emitting majestic light, and the powerful momentum is clear.

"What is this? How can this kind of thing exist in Roxus's brain?" Qin Yun looked at the golden tower doubtfully and didn't know what the golden tower was for, but the peaceful gold made him feel like he was illuminated by the long-lost sunshine.

"How can these nine golden dragons look like Chinese dragons? Is there really that kind of legendary divine object in this world!"

Qin Yun was shocked again, and then he said softly, "From then on, the name of this tower is Jiulong Tower, and my name is Jiulong. In order to remember my dream home, in order to give birth to me and raise my Chinese land!"

(Kowloon, that is, the emperor, nine is the most extreme, the dragon emperor, and Kowloon means godless king.)


"Chiyan Jue" is a profound fighting spirit cultivation secret book, which is one of the strongest fighting spirit secrets in the upper class of the Omar tribe. From the memory of Roxusus, "Kowloon" can get a lot of things, understanding of the mainland, understanding of the world, understanding of martial arts cultivation, accumulation of combat experience, and so on. Everything can be known from "Kowloon" in Roxus's memory.

Although Roxus is the illegitimate son of a duke of the Omar tribe, in this world of the law of the jungle, whoever has a hard fist is the truth. Roxus relies on his strong cultivation talent and has cultivated to the realm of a fourth-level warrior at the age of 20, which makes some of his brothers and sisters feel great power. Threat, coupled with the fact that Roxus* is not good, so he was killed, that is undoubtedly.

In a trance, Jiulong entered a state of epiphany. This is a golden ocean, with waves beating on the shore, and huge waves rolling and cling.

A high tower towered into the clouds, and nine dragons on the golden tower were hovering, swallowing clouds and spitting fog, emitting dazzling golden light.

Kowloon looked up at the tower. The huge tower was boundless, thousands of miles wide and tens of thousands of miles wide. The towertop was daunting!

"Hahaha!" A rough, wild and unrestrained sound suddenly raged, and the shaking space rumbled, slightly vibrating, the space collapsed, and black holes formed one after another, making "Kowloon" tremble.

"The Emperor Dragon Tower, which has been sealed for 100,000 years, has finally seen the sun again!" This sound sounded, and the vicissitudes of life were helpless. The magnificentness was not enough to describe the majesty of this person's voice. "As soon as the emperor dragon came out, thousands of dragons bowed down, the universe was peaceful, and the world was auspicious! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

"Kowloon" looked down at the tower and was shocked. This scene, this momentum really made him feel absurd. Is it unlucky to travel through time again?

"Hm! You are my descendant, opening the supreme imperial dragon tower!" At this time, this shocking world, but the voice of dominating the world has become approachable and soft as jade.

Kowloon was at a loss and didn't say a word. He quickly bowed to the Emperor Dragon Tower and made a respectful and sincere look.

"Why don't you kneel down and worship the master!" This sound sounded again, which really hit the heart and shocked the soul.

As if he had been bewitched, Jiulong involuntarily knelt down, looked respectful and said slowly, "The disciple knocked to see the master!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Suddenly, there was sweaty laughter, with a trace of vicissitudes, a trace of expectation, and a long-lost kindness. "From then on, your name is as you said to be 'Kowloon'. You are no longer Qin Yun or Lockus! There is another mystery when you come here. I look forward to your return!"

"Who are you!" Jiulong' suddenly shouted, and his heart was unwilling, aggrieved, angry, and boundless anger surged up. He hated the injustice, hated the injustice of the land, and left his relatives, but came to this wild and uncivilized alien space. His pain, pouring the water of the world and five lakes, was difficult to wash. From then, there was a deep in his heart. Scars, an indelible imprint of immortality.

"My heir, you remember your identity. You are my descendant of China. Here, your task is to spread the Chinese civilization, sow the seeds of civilization, and carry forward the supreme civilization of China!"

"Huaxia...Huaxia..." Jiulong said silently. This word is too far away from him. Three meals a day have become problems. What else can he talk about spreading civilization and teaching all sentient beings? Jiulong couldn't help saying, "Is this my mission?"

"Your mission is more than that, and it will be known immediately!" The majestic voice suddenly became melancholy, hesitating and at a loss.

Kowloon quietly listened to the loud sound coming from all directions. With the change of the sound, the emotional tone of this space changed, and there was melancholy everywhere.

Suddenly, a golden leaf-shaped object floated down from the sky and melted into Kowloon's body in the blink of an eye, but Kowloon still knelt respectfully as if it were unknown.

"This is the Emperor Dragon Road I gave you. Practice well. I look forward to your return!"

The last voice is ethereal and looming...


"What happened to me just now!" Jiulong suddenly woke up and was shocked. Was it his own fantasy? Jiulong asked himself that he was not the kind of person who fantasized, so is this true?

Suddenly, Jiulong found that some inexplicable memories appeared in his mind and looked carefully. Sure enough, this was the practice of Emperor Dragon Road.

"Dilong Road!" Jiulong muttered silently, "It turns out that all this is true. I am still a slave..."