The strongest chief

Chapter 54 Dragon Battle in the Wild 4

Chapter 54 Dragon Battle in the Wild (4)

The sky is high and the clouds are light, the moon is shining, the stars are shining, the shadows of the trees are hazy, the lights in the military tent are dim, suddenly bright and dark, and sometimes there is the hissing sound of war horses, and the atmosphere is full of killing...

In the military tent of the 18th heavy cavalry, Jiulong sat upright, picked up the lamp and looked at the sword. A cluster of candlelight rose and did not go out. Kowloon's figure was looming, and his face was full of sadness and confusion. He gently stroked the bow meteor. The simple bow was as delicate and soft as a girl's skin, round and delicate.

"Yijun's heart is like the water of the West River, flowing eastly day and night!" Mesomea's figure floated in the dim light, and Jiulong stroked the bow, missing his lover, and slowly rippled his heart with infinite melancholy.

"Hight!" Suddenly, a fierce shout came, but it was the two sergeants standing guarding outside the tent of the Chinese army. The loud voice awakened the meditative Kowloon. Jiulong put away his bow and said calmly, "Come on!"

"Yes!" As soon as the sergeant outside the door heard Jiulong's order, he immediately walked into the door, smashed his chest with his fists, first saluted Jiulong, and then said respectfully, "General!"

"It's so late at night, but it's noisy outside. Who is so bold? Who dares to disturb the heart of the army!"

"General, two hundred men shouted outside to see you. The sergeants said that the general had rested and let them leave quickly, but they shouted that they had to meet the general!"

"Hmm?" Jiulong frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said slowly, "Let the two of them come in!"

"Yes, General!" The sergeant immediately took the order and left, and soon there was the sound of the footsteps of military boots. Jiulong's big knife and golden horse sat on the handsome chair, with cold eyes and looked down at the two centurion who came in.

As the captain of the heavy cavalry team, Jiulong naturally has ten centurions. The two people who came in are dressed in military uniforms, with cold faces, motionless like ice, and have a majestic military power.

"General!" After entering the Chinese army tent, the two centurions first bowed slightly to Kowloon and saluted the army. Then they slowly raised their heads and looked at Kowloon's face, with an incredible look on their faces. Kowloon's face was handsome. Although he was resolute and cold, and his eyebrows were extraordinary, he had a white velvet beard on his chin and slightly childish. The tender face made the two veterans despise each other. The two looked at each other, and there was a smile on their faces.

Kowloon carefully observed the two centurors for a long time. The two centurors, one old and one young, saw that the old man was in his fifties, behaved calmly, and showed this resolute spirit between his eyebrows, which showed that this man was old and extraordinary. He was a strong man who had experienced hundreds of battles!

Another man is in his twenties, with a slightly dark face, electric eyes, eight feet tall, and a tiger's back and bear waist. Although he stands still, he is righteous, wise and agile, and seems to be proficient in the battle array and a veritable battlefield veteran.

Kowloon's eyes are slightly narrowed, and his eyes flashed. Especially when he saw the young man, he was overjoyed. Such a heroic talent has unlimited potential, and it will not be a thing in the pool in the future!

"So late at night, the two generals didn't go to rest, but ran to my army tent and shouted. What's the style? Now, what's the matter with you? I will uphold justice for you!" Kowloon is calm, not in a hurry, and talk about it!

"Huh!" Suddenly, the old centurion snorted coldly, and the whole shaking tent trembled violently. Then, he shouted sharply at the young centurion: "Kid, it's really unreasonable. You just say that you are more powerful than me, thinking that you can be as young and powerful as my old man who has been on the battlefield. General? I'm going to challenge myself in front of the general of the thousand-person team!"

"The old and immortal thing is really lifeless. I'm a seven-foot man, and I'm afraid that you will never die!" The young man snorted coldly and did not let him at all. The two fought against each other and fought with each other in a blink of an eye.

However, when they saw an old man and a young man fighting together, the Kowloon pupils contracted slightly and did not make a sound to stop them. Instead, they carefully observed that although they did not do * live ammunition, they were as agile as a leopard and as fierce as a lion.

"The carving bug's little skill is really self-sufficient!" Jiulong looked at the two people fighting together and felt a little funny in his heart. Looking at the intention of the two centurion, it was that the drunken man did not want to drink. He cared about testing the temper and character of Jiulong, his immediate superior. To be precise, he was provoking Jiulong.

With a crack, Jiulong suddenly patted the case, and Zhan Zhan burst out and looked at the two centurions in a moment. In an instant, the two immortal centurions immediately stopped fighting. The two looked like they succeeded in conspiracy, aiming at Jiulong's domineering posture, lowered their heads, and quietly listened to Jiulong's next The thunder was furious.

Jiulong stared at the two people. Although they lowered their heads, they could feel their disgrace. Jiulong's eyes narrowed slightly and said thoughtfully, "It's a blessing, not a curse, it's a misfortune that can't be avoided!" After all, what should come will come, so let me set an example to the monkey and be a policeman!"

"Come on!" Kowloon shouted with a little chestnut.

"Yes!" Sure enough, a sergeant immediately ran in. The sergeant glanced at the two centurion who lowered their heads and smiled secretly and quickly lowered his head.

"Invive the other eight centurants in. Stealing chickens and dogs is not a general!" Jiulong raised his head and said confidently.

"This!" The sergeant looked embarrassed and lowered his head. He was afraid that he would see Jiulong's face and not speak obediently.

"Why don't you go quickly!" Jiulong suddenly shouted fiercely, and his voice was extremely loud, which made the corporal trembling and ran out in a panic. Jiulong then looked at the two centurioners with a joking face and jokingly said, "Are you two centurors surprised how I know that you ten centurians are talking to each other and unreasonable? "It's noisy."

Suddenly, Jiulong was furious, his eyes were cold and unparalleled, his majesty could not be defied, and his huge roar was deafening: "I really ate the bear heart and leopard! Who lent you the courage to openly provoke the boss? Do you want to die?"

"Hmm!" At the moment when Jiulong broke out, the same cold hum came. The voice was extremely loud and majestic. A graceful man with a feathered scarf opened the Chinese army's tent and walked in calmly, followed by seven wearing generals.

The seven generals wore standard armor and stood an earthy snake sculpture on their helmets. Jiulong recognized at a glance that they were eight centurions under his command, together with the two previous demonstrations, no more, no less, exactly ten.

"Dear General of the Thousand Team, you don't know that the invincible Leren army is a strong-oriented legion. Without strength, all rights are like dung, and the person who dominates power is naturally not as good as dung!" The prince with a feathered scarf is against Kowloon. There is no respect at all. Instead, it seems that he is the boss of Kowloon, with a ** Kowloon face.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" The angry Kowloon suddenly laughed and looked at a group of ten people. He didn't have any respect for himself. Instead, he was respectful to the prince and was a little surprised, but this was also expected.

"So, you have to be beaten by me to be soft!" Kowloon was not afraid at all and paced slowly towards the weapon rack.

"The general is indeed a current affairs person. In this case, please ask the general for advice!" The prince with the feathered scarf suddenly changed his face and brushed it. The fan in his hand threw it out, rubbed his fists and palms, stared at him, and put on a fighting posture.

This man's speed was so fast that he didn't give Jiulong time to pick up his weapons at all. Suddenly, he punched him. Suddenly, the wind was angry, the wind and clouds were changing, and the fiery fighting spirit was endless, attacking Jiulong like a male lion.

"I don't measure myself!" Jiulong snorted coldly and was not pretentious. He suddenly turned around and punched out. The golden light surged and attacked the fiery red fist like a storm.

pu chi——

The two fists collided, and there was no unexpected violent roar, but glued together like two magnets. The two punched each other like that, stared angrily, and competed for strength.

"A centurion is a six-level warrior, which is really surprising!" Jiulong's face turned slightly red. He looked at the young man standing opposite him and said with surprise.

"Hmm!" The prince didn't buy Jiulong's account at all and snorted coldly, "What about the captain of the thousand-person team? He is not a six-level martial artist!"

"The ignorant are innocent, and you probably don't know the power of my Kowloon!" The prince's tone was a little funny, "Give me your name, and the general can spare you a dog's life!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" The young centurion suddenly laughed, and waves of extremely powerful flames were delivered along his arm, trying to force Jiulong to defeat him.

"It's a big joke that you want to spare me a dog's life. Ten of my brothers were born to die and fought on the battlefield. Every time they fought, they crawled out of the dead. In the end, they didn't even get the captain of a thousand-person team. You boy has no merit and no cultivation. How can you do to be a general of a thousand-person team!"