The strongest chief

Chapter 73 Coincidentally Take Tonas Canyon 3

At night, the silence, the winding army stopped on the outskirts of Tonas Canyon, and clusters of bonfires burned slowly. Sometimes a batch of patrol troops shook, and a long hiss of horses came from the half-rate, adding some tragedy to the quiet night sky.

In the army tent of the 18th Heavy Cavalry, Jiulong sat quietly on the handsome chair, closed his eyes and calm, and sat two people on the left and right. They were the two generals of the light cavalry thousands of soldiers who were laboriously sent to Kowloon by the vanguard general.

"General, the 14th and 15th teams of my light cavalry are all ready according to the general's instructions. When will the general march and smuggle into the Tonas Canyon!" The speaker was the general of the 14th light cavalry, who had long green hair and was strong and extremely strong. When he turned his eyes to the thoughtful face of Jiulong, his eyes flashed with a trace of fear. Although they were all six-level warriors, they were respectful to Jiulong.

"But General Dole is in a hurry. It's too early to march at this time!" The speaker was the general of the 15th Light Cavalry. He had short yellow hair, stubble, bright eyes, upturned the corners of his eyes, and murderous, but he was also obedient to Kowloon.

"General Meng Jiake, the sky is dark and the march remains unchanged. If we don't march in time, isn't it a waste of time, and our army will smuggle again. If we don't seize the time, I'm afraid we will miss a good opportunity."

Kowloon still closed his eyes and recuperated. The two generals discussed with each other, but Jiulong meditated and said slowly after a long time, "General Meng Jiake said it. It's too early to march at this time. Please don't be anxious. Everything is up to me!"

"Well, everything is decided by General Roxas!" But Dor and Meng Jiake took the order with their fists, and then the military tent calmed down again, and the time passed slowly.


Suddenly, a figure flashed away, as fast as lightning, like a ghost, and jumped into the military tent in a momentary manner. When the figure changed from virtual to reality, a handsome and romantic figure came into view. This person was really Eurorot Tattison, the 100th captain under Kowloon.

As soon as Euro Tatison entered the door, he muttered a few words in Kowloon's ear, and then stood up respectfully waiting for Kowloon to speak.

After listening to Euro Tatison's words, Long slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of joy appeared on his face. He stared at General Kodor and General Meng Jiake and said seriously, "Two generals, the time is ripe. Now please return to your headquarters immediately. After listening to the order, you can march according to the original plan!"

Kadole and General Meng Jiake looked at each other and immediately took the order. Only Jiulong and Euro Tartison were left in the military account. Kowloon looked at Euro Tartison, grinned and said in a low voice, "Oro Tartison, the 18th Heavy Cavalry Team will be led by you for the time being. There must be no mistake!"

"General, please rest assured that Euro Tatison will live up to the general's high expectations!" Euro Tatison immediately took the order on his chest and then left.

Kowloon watched Europa Tartison take the order and said calmly, "Alpha, ten of you come in!"

"Yes, master!" It was the ten dead men given to Kowloon by Count Enger who entered the door. These ten people are tall and outstanding, and they are no longer under Kowloon. At this moment, they just deserve to be useful!

After the ten dead men led by Alpha entered the account, they stood in the tent without saying a word, expressionless, calm and silent. A breath of death was brewing. Jiulong looked at the ten people carefully and was even more shocked. The ten dead men were all seven-level warriors. , all of them are amazing people, but they are willing to be the dead of Count Enger, which is unbelievable.

"Gentlemen, tonight I led 3,000 troops and smuggled into the Tonas Grand Canyon, but the Grand Canyon is full of thorns and it is very easy to hide various organs and hidden weapons, so on this expedition, I will take the lead in entering the Grand Canyon, pass along the way, break through the thorns, and open up a safe road for my 3,000 soldiers and horses."

"It's all up to the master!" Ten dead men answered with one voice, and their answers were straightforward and not sluggy at all!

"In this way, we will go immediately, and there must be no mistake!" After Jiulong gave the order, he led ten guards to go. The air slowly squirmed and condensed into a figure. This person was Count ENG.

"Mingxiu plank road, secretly cross Chencang! General Jiulong is really a genius. He can be said to be a genius. He is really an outstanding hero!" Count Enger sighed for a long breath, and then his voice faded again.

At this time, General Kadol of the 14th Light Caval and General Meng Jiake of the 15th Cavalry stepped side by side and slowly marched towards the Tonas Grand Canyon. Their horses were wrapped in thick cotton cloth, and the well-trained horses would not make any sound for no reason. They were like walking in the ghosts at night, slowly Approaching slowly towards the canyon.

General Roxus's plan is really wonderful. If it is false, it is false. It is confusing. It is indeed the best strategy to smuggle the Tonas Grand Canyon!" General Kadole of the 14th team looked at the silent team and sighed infinitely about Kowloon's talent.

"Yes, General Lockus used his troops like a god. Previously, he attacked the small tribe Crona with only a 100-person team, and now he has smuggled the dangerous Tonas Grand Canyon with 3,000 iron horses. It can be said that it is unprecedented and a rare peerless hero." Meng Jiake also echoed. Kowloon's troops were like gods, which could be called amazing, and he couldn't help but convince them.

"General Meng Jiake, how about you and I follow General Roxus after this Grand Canyon victory?" Suddenly, Dor lowered his voice, looked around and said slowly.

"General, we are the laborious cronies of the forward general. If we want to defect to General Lockusus, we need to talk about it in the long run. Don't be too hasty to avoid changes and regret it!"


Kowloon walked in front of the Tonas Grand Canyon with ten dead men. With their excellent cultivation, all the hidden weapons were destroyed and made silently. The silent night sky was still the same. The night wind came, the shadows of trees, and the soldiers guarding the Tonas Canyon. He waited, but he didn't realize that death had quietly come.

Oro Tatison led a thousand cavalry to slowly move forward. The horseshoes of their horses were also wrapped in thick cotton cloth and walked quietly. Sometimes there was the sound of fine iron friction, which made the whole night gloomy and horrible, like hell on earth.

Behind the heavy cavalry, there is a captain's straw cart, tied with a row of grass people. The battle flag with the snake pattern is ringing under the blowing of the night wind. About ten steps away, there is a flaming torch. The convoy is extremely long and continuous. From afar, you can't see it. The end.

Oro Tartison sat on a war horse and looked around. The gloomy Tonas Grand Canyon was silent, and infinite horror spread all the time. The quiet night was peaceful and quiet, hiding murder...

Suddenly, Euro Tatison raised his arm, clenched his fist, and pressed it down. Suddenly, all the soldiers began to move. The huge war drums rumbled, the charge horn resounded through the world, and the whole Tonus Grand Canyon trembled.

"Fight!" All the soldiers shouted loudly, and the sound of the rush suddenly spread. When the 14th and 15th team heard the killing of the 18th team of the heavy cavalry behind them, they immediately stepped up their pace. The shouts behind them completely covered the noise brought by their walking. Taking this opportunity, they quickly whipped and ran wildly. Crossing the Tonas Grand Canyon.

When the warriors hiding on the Tonas Mountains heard the shout of killing, they immediately began to attack. Under the general's order, thousands of arrows were fired, and the huge stones were tilted crazily. With their attack, the whole Tonas Grand Canyon suddenly began to roar, like a crawling beast, hysterically roaring, wanting to devour the whole part of Kowloon. Team.

Oro Tatison's spiritual strength was put to the limit and carefully feel the movement on Tonas Mountain. Suddenly, the mountains trembled, and the boulders sounded one after another. When Euro Tatison heard it, he suddenly issued an order, "The 18th Heavy Cavalry Team abandoned their chariots, lightly and advanced quickly, through Tatison. Grand Canyon."

The sound of the boulder rolling down the mountain completely brought the sound of the war drum horn, and the sergeant's shouts were drowned. The whole Tonas Grand Canyon woke up. Euro Tatison led the 18th Heavy Cavalry Team to march quietly and quickly.

The bouldron finally rolled down. In an instant, the grass cart was knocked over and torn, the grassman was smashed, the torch began to burn, and the flames in the sky began to rise, reflecting the whole Tonas Grand Canyon.

The grass cart could no longer travel and was paralyzed in the Grand Canyon. The enemies ambushed in the Grand Canyon finally surfaced. They immediately began to act crazily and rushed towards the grass cart, but the fire could not let them get close. They could only look far away and wait to guard the distance. The Grand Canyon is not far from the grass cart to prevent any enemy from passing through.