The strongest chief

Chapter 89 Mian Heights

Ten days have passed. As expected, before the decisive battle with Laren's 500,000 army, the Chicagotes army began to sweep the remaining Laren army everywhere in order to eradicate the grass. The troops led by Kowloon were also included in the blacklist of sweeping.

In these ten days, Kowloon led 8252 iron riders and frequently shifted their positions to heal and recuperate. After ten days of rest, more than 800 soldiers have mostly recovered from their injuries and their combat capabilities have been restored to their peak, but in the more than ten-day tug-of-war, Kowloon's army lost nearly 200 people.

These two hundred people are not very good at work or are seriously injured. At this moment, there are only 630 people left in the army. After a terrible and bloody breakout and more than ten days, the team led by Kowloon was sharply reduced from 5,000 to 930.

These 930 people can be said to have gone through hardships and fought hard. There are few left. They have experienced the most difficult years in their lives. The grinding of war and the washing of iron blood have made them grow rapidly. They were originally Leren's elite iron riders, coupled with the hard battles for several days. At this time, they are no longer what they used to be.

On the open-air camp, the huge bonfire crackled, and the prey on the fire was green and shiny. From time to time, the fat oil dropped, and the fragrance overflowed and filled the forest.

The impassioned war song was extremely loud, and the sergeants ate meat. The strong horse nibbled on the delicious young grass not far away, and the forested swords and halberd reflected the cold light in the sunlight. The laughter was filled with a strong killing, and the bloodshed has already become their usual smell.

Kowloon and ten guards and generals gathered in a circle. They held a fat barbecue in their hands and enjoyed it. Jiulong chewed fiercely, but their eyes shot around like wolves, which was the vigilance he had cultivated for days.

Involuntarily, Jiulong turned his eyes to the ten guards around him. These ten people ate meat without saying a word and turned a blind eye to Jiulong. Looking at the ten guards, Kowloon's murderous intention sometimes flashed and sometimes disappeared.

Ten guards were sent by Count Enger to monitor themselves. Although they have made great contributions in the past ten days, this * makes Jiulong unwilling to eat and unable to sleep at night. In the past, Jiulong was loyal to Lailun and kept these ten people, but at this moment, the world has changed, and these ten people have become a real threat to themselves.

Kowloon is thinking about a way that can be perfect. These ten people are indeed brave and not afraid of death. That's true. Jiulong has nurtured a love of talent. However, these ten people are not afraid of life and death, which is called Kowloon's helpless. Perhaps, this matter is not urgent, and the water will come naturally.

Nalan Jitai, the general around him, glanced at the whole army and said slowly, "General, although our army is small, it is not what it used to be. The whole army is all middle-level warriors (fourth, fifth and sixth-level warriors). The combat strength is unfathomable. For today's plan, we must find a way out!"

"Are they all intermediate warriors?" Jiulong asked knowingly.

"Yes, all the sergeants, except for 11 seven-level warriors, there are 50 six-level warriors and 220 five-level warriors, all of whom are fourth-level warriors." When Nalan Jirantai spoke, he made a sound and had a hundred times confidence. He believed that such an iron horse must be ten and invincible!

Kowloon did not hear that his spiritual power was not here, but always watched the wind and grass around him. He had to carefully refute any sound to avoid a careless battle.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Jiulong frowned and thought about it. He threw down the barbecue in his hand, pulled out the dragon knife with a choking sound, and suddenly shouted harshly: "All of them immediately stop resting, put on horses, and prepare to meet the enemy!"

Brush! Brush! Brush! Brush! Brush! Brush!

As soon as the six hundred and thirty sergeants heard Jiulong's order, they immediately put down the barbecue in their hands, choked, pulled out the weapons inserted beside them, and immediately turned over their horses. With lightning, they prepared for the battle at a high speed without 100 breaths. Six hundred sergeants had finished lining up.

The majestic horses were lined up in a neat line, waiting for the array. The sergeants stood solemnly, the cold light of weapons in their hands flashed, and a murderous aura suddenly rippled away. It seemed that the tragic battle was about to begin. Thousands of meters away, snakes, insects, rats and ants, large and small animals all restrained their tracks and quietly avoided.

Kowloon rode and stood in the front, quietly waiting for the arrival of the enemy. Ten minutes passed. Sure enough, a team of about 1,000 people were looking from afar. They turned into zero into a huge phalanx, running towards Kowloon at a speed of lightning.

Naran Jiyantai watched the enemy approach them quickly, and the sharp light in his eyes burst out, and his hoarse voice said to Jiulong, "General, we sang a loud military song and burned a huge flame to attract the enemy. It seems that the effect is very good!"

"Hmm!" Jiulong snorted coldly and said fiercely, "Just kill the enemy, annihilate this thousand-person team, and avenge the dead brothers!"

"Good!" Nalan Ji Yantai gently spit out a word, and his hands slowly held the huge sword, and the muscles of his face twitched gently.

After listening to Jiulong's words, Euro Tatison didn't say a word. He gently opened his mouth, licked his lips with his scarlet tongue, pulled the rein fiercely, and was ready to charge into the battle, kill the enemy, and revenge.


A long hiss of the sword sounded, and Jiulong suddenly raised the 1.8-meter-long sword and suddenly made a charge. After many days of fighting, the sound of the sword of the dragon sword has become the charge of attack. Whenever the soldiers hear the hissing of the heartbeat sword, their blood boils and begin to attack and kill the enemy like a wolf.

"Brothers, annihilate the enemy and avenge your dead comrades-in-arms!" Jiulong shouted like a bell, which made the whole forest tremble.

Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!

The 600 iron horses ready to go are like hungry wolves screaming. Their faces are red, their fighting spirit is surging, and they violently urges the horses. The huge shouts of killing are one after another, rushing to the enemy like a tsunami.


Kowloon also shouted, and the huge dragon-shocking sword suddenly waved out. The length of 1.8 meters was enough to sweep thousands of troops and horses. Kowloon and one horse took the lead, and the wind and lightning rushed towards the enemy's phalanx. Others followed closely and rushed to the enemy's battle.

Seeing that Jiulong led the soldiers to attack, the enemy's battle array also launched a fierce impact. Suddenly, there were four killings, and the two armies encountered each other fiercely intertwined, biting and fighting each other like two giant pythons.

At this moment, the super combat ability of Leren's iron horse was fully revealed. They were like tigers entering the sheep. Once the two armies fought, they became a completely one-sided tragic scene. The enemy's generals were hanged by ten guards by Kowloon before they came into contact with a Leren iron horse, and there was no scum left.

The remaining enemy army was weak and was not the opponent of Leren's iron horse at all. The two armies interspered and separated in an instant. Jiulong immediately turned the horse's head and looked back. The enemy's whole thousand people had been lost, leaving only two or three hundred people.

"Concircle!" Kowloon was ruthless and suddenly issued an order. Suddenly, 600 iron riders were divided into three teams, and the left wing and right wing quickly surrounded them. 200 people led by Kowloon as the Chinese army immediately covered the past. This is the usual combat strategy of Kowloon these days. When they encounter a small force, they are directly annihilated and unfavorable.

Seeing that the army of Kowloon was so brave, Sergeant Tes of Chicago immediately began to flee, but there were also some tough sergeants who were not afraid of death. They knew that they would die, but they resisted to death. Huo Ran, the two sides fought again, and the iron horse led by Kowloon trampled violently. Sergeant Tes of Chicago was cut like a tofu block. Between tossing and turning, the enemy was trampled into mud without even before he could escape. From beginning to end, it is clean and neat, without dragging water.

"Shift the position!"

After annihilating the enemy, Jiulong did not stop and immediately issued an order to transfer its position and left to prevent a large number of enemies from besieging and suppressing. This is also the supreme law that Jiulong and others can survive in this dense forest.

600 iron riders rushed up and quickly withdrew from the battlefield with Kowloon. Within a few minutes, they had already disappeared, leaving only flying dust and the broken arm of Sergeant Tes of Chicago. The bloody smell slowly permeated. Someday, an old crow flew from the tree, which was full of joy.

Kowloon's army retreated extremely fast. It was dozens of miles away from the battlefield. At this time, they stopped. This is a relatively handsome hill. Jiulong disranged from his horse and looked down. Looking far into the distance, he actually saw a large field here.

The fields are full of new seedlings, and busy farmers are planting rice seedlings. They are doing it hotly. The children are joking and chasing and fighting in the world. What a calm and harmonious pastoral scenery.

600 soldiers looked at this picture and couldn't help bursting into tears. The boundless memories poured into the weakest area of their hearts like a tide. This is a sacred pure land and an independent paradise.

"Nalan Jitai, this is your tribe. Do you know where this is?" Jiulong asked slowly.

"General, I know that this is a military important place of my Tonas tribe - the Mya Heights." Nalan Jirentai burst into tears. More than ten days of hard struggle made him feel the peace and tranquility of pastoral life.