The strongest chief

Chapter 26 Ancient Tree of Life

When killing the grass elves, Jiulong only felt that his soul had left the body. Although the perception still existed, his body was erratic. He saw it in a trance and gently integrated into his arms. In his hazy consciousness, he could no longer feel anything.


This is an ancient forest. The sun above the sky shines with golden light, shining on the confused earth. A river passes through the forest, making a pleasant sound.

The tall trees can join the sun and the moon, covering the sky and the sun. The screams of beasts are sometimes heard, the insects and cicadas are hissing, the river frogs are cooing, and the beautiful birds are flying and shuttled through the forest. It is so beautiful.

On a huge canopy stands a green palace. The vine branches in the hall are wrapped and the leaves are green. Although it is a hall, it is like a bird's nest. The space of the bird's nest is not large and can accommodate two people tightly. Suddenly, dark clouds rolled in the sky and pouring down.

The heavy rain watered the trees and made a rustling sound. The fish in the river sometimes rolled out of the water and jumped happily in the water. Unexpectedly, the long-awaited kingfisher spread its wings in the air and hit the fish like lightning...

Listening to the rustling rain, Alice slowly opened her eyes and was shocked. She saw her whole body**, tightly intertwined with Jiulong, snuggled with each other, breathing each other's breath.

Alice quickly withdrew from Jiulong's arms. Looking at this scene, her face suddenly became gloomy. Such a strange scene has appeared for the second time, and this time it is even more excessive. It is intertwined and rubbing against each other. If it hadn't been for the two of them, Alise would have suspected that she had lost her body in Kowloon!

Fortunately, with the lesson of the previous car, she hurriedly moved away, took off a piece of green fan-sized green, pulled down the flexible vines, wrapped up important parts of her body, and then took off the green leaves and covered Jiulong's body. Then she took a long breath!

Listening to the rustling sound, Jiulong already knew what was going on, but he pretended to be unknown. When the sound stopped, he opened his eyes confusedly and looked around, but he did not dare to move his eyes to Saint Alice's face and tied the green leaves to his waist as if nothing had happened before he looked at Saint Alice. .

At this moment, Alice's face was sad, her two bright eyes were full of tears, and her face was pale and pitiful. Jiulong looked at her face and suddenly flashed an unbearable light. It was really God's will. Why did all this happen!

Kowloon picked up the amethyst unicorn blade, slowly handed it to Alice and said, "Kill me. Maybe I'm dead. Such a thing will never happen again!"

Saint Alice did not take the knife. She waved her tears, curled her head stubbornly, took a deep breath, turned her eyes back, looked at Jiulong's apologetic, and somehow sat silently like that. She raised her head and looked at the sky. In the dark, she saw a pair of huge hands and Jiulong's clothes The essence of the clothes was put together and quietly retreated.

A feeling of sleepiness hit. Alice gently rubbed her stomach and felt that she was going crazy hungry, but when Jiulong took out half a cake, slowly handed it to her side, and muttered, "Alice, eat it. Even if we are going to die, let me die in front of you!"

Alice was speechless. The feeling of hunger attacked her sleepy body from time to time. She picked up the cake. She hesitated, divided it into two halves, turned her head and handed it to Jiulong. She silently chewed the rare delicacy.

Kowloon took the cake and looked at the little food. He didn't know what he was thinking. For a long time, he slowly put it away. Maybe these foods can still support her to live another day!

Kowloon knew that the world here was strange and unpredictable, and he did not dare to be careless, but there was always a lesson from the front car. He didn't have to beware everywhere. He slowly got up. After leaving the bird's nest, he saw the pouring rain pouring down. He stretched out his hand, felt the cold rain and looked at the sky silently.

Suddenly, he had an idea, picked up a handful of rainwater in his hands, handed it to his mouth, and drank it comfortably, but he felt hot all over, and the true qi in his body involuntarily turned into magnificent energy in an instant, but the hunger and thirst did not diminish at all!

Suddenly, his eyes lit up. He saw two red strange fruits on the treetops, emitting a seductive fragrance. Jiulong's cultivation was excellent. He stepped on the treetops, watered, jumped, and picked the fruit. Looking at the two round golden fruits, Jiulong hesitated, but did not dare to eat it!

"What are you afraid of? At worst, you will die!" Suddenly, Alice's cold voice came from behind him.

Jiulong was stunned and took a bite without hesitation. The golden fruit melted in his mouth, and a clear stream suddenly flowed into the limbs of his whole body. Jiulong only felt that he was fluttering, and his body was full of energy, his muscles and bones were weak, and his cells were active, which was so unpleasant.

Jiulong slowly opened his eyes and was suddenly overjoyed, because he no longer felt a little hunger, click! Click! Jiulong didn't think about it. He ate the fruit directly in two big mouths in a row. It was strange to say that the fruit didn't even have a core. When he finished eating, he only felt that he was full of energy and had endless strength in his limbs!

Kowloon's body jumped, brushed back to the bird's nest, handed another fruit to Alice, smiled and said, "Eat quickly, I'm sure you won't be hungry anymore!"

Alice looked at Jiulong's face and flashed shyly. Suddenly, she felt that the two were together and had feelings of helping each other. Maybe it was a little emotional spark from common adversity. Is Jiulong her fate...?

She didn't think much about it and ate it straight down. She only felt that her tired body was suddenly energetic. The trace of hunger had disappeared. She wanted to turn her head and smile at Jiulong Zhanyan, but she resisted and calmed her breath. She said slowly, "What should we do next?"

"Wait for death!" Kowloon said helplessly.

Before the words fell, only a roar was heard, and the whole bird's nest suddenly burst. Before Jiulong and Alice could react, they were directly pumped up. They saw a huge branch waving in the air, like a giant's arm, pulling towards Kowloon and Alice again.


There are dangers everywhere. Kowloon and Alice have been on guard for a long time, and the amethyst unicorn blade is flying in the air and roaring! The powerful true spirit was released, the nine dragons looked up to the sky and chanted, and the amethyst unicorn blade roared and directly cut the branches drawn from the air.

Alice is faster, and the sun hunting bow is suddenly full moon, buzzing! Buzz! Buzz! A fiery red arrow shot one after another, directly through the branches.

It was the towering ancient tree that launched the attack!


After Jiulong landed on the ground, the amethyst unicorn blade shot out of the huge tree trunk, and only heard a soft sound, and the huge amethyst unicorn blade was directly inserted into the tree trunk.

Ah! Suddenly, a tragic howl came, and the huge trunk began to twitch and slowly shrink. The dense green leaves turned yellow one after another, fluttering and falling off. A drop of bright red blood unexpectedly fell down the amethyst unicorn blade.

Suddenly, the old tree said, "Outer, you ate my child, but you didn't repent. You even want to hurt my life again. Do you know what crisis I will face after my death? My thousands of children will come to revenge!"

This sound was like a thunderbolt blowing in the space, but it showed an endless desolation. After listening to it, Jiulong sneered in his heart. Who believed these nonsense followed, he swam around, his palms urged him, and constantly hit his three new moves, 'crubbing the fire dragon in his arms', 'pushing the window to look at the soft dragon', 'Water, Moon, Fire and Dragon'.

yin! Yin! Yin!

Three violent dragon roars sounded, and I saw three long golden dragons flying in the air. A steaming fire dragon rushed straight to the trunk of the tree. A gloomy ice dragon only took the canopy and went away. Once up and down, it hit the yellow dragon. In an instant, the whole huge ancient tree was ice and fire!


The third dragon is more brave. It is the soft body of the first two attacks. Its combat power is doubled, carrying the power of ice and fire, the wind and clouds are remnants, and there are long chants in the sky, stepping on ice crystals, spitting fire, shaking its head and tail, and directly winding directly to the old tree!

The blazing fire is burning, and the amethyst unicorn blade crazily devours the life of the old tree, roaring! The huge tree trunk finally collapsed, and the earth was dusty.

The blood of the ancient tree was finally sucked dry by the amethylin blade, leaving only a dry rotten wood and lying quietly on the ground. All this happened very fast. With a buzzing sound, the amethyst unicorn blade returned to the hands of Kowloon. Alice landed on the ground and looked at the collapsed ancient tree in surprise. The two looked at each other in consters.

"You will regret it, and my children will come soon! They are all evil beings, but only I can suppress..." A vicissitudes of voice slowly drifted in the air and slowly sank into the clouds.

"Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga!" Suddenly, the whole forest moved, all the towering ancient trees trembled, and the gloomy ghosts sounded one after another: "The ancient tree of life is dead, brothers, this is our world!"

Kowloon and Alice are back to back, and they stared at the ancient forest warily!


Suddenly, the sound of breaking the shell sounded, and I saw a crack directly on the trunk of a huge ancient tree, click! The crack became bigger again, booming! A green fist suddenly rushed out and punched the crack open a hole.

Brush! A green figure more than three meters high jumped out and roared! The ancient tree, like losing its main backbone, suddenly turned into a dead tree. A large amount of green light emanated from the ancient tree and injected directly into the green figure.

With the addition of this green light, the figure suddenly rose one meter higher, and a dense golden rings appeared on the body. Suddenly, the whole green figure was green and gold, and the body was strong, tall and burly, and the green muscle lines were like armor-like level. Clear.

A pair of huge green eyes suddenly shot out two blue lights, grinned, the gloomy golden teeth flashed, and a thick voice sounded: "Future people, thank you for killing the old guy. In order to repay you, our tree crowd will devour your soul and flesh and blood!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Suddenly, another sound sounded. Jiulong turned his head and saw such a figure appear beside him. Suddenly, all the big trees were broken, and the earth trembled. The tall figures slowly appeared one by one. They took a solid step and moved towards Kowloon and Alice. Unexpectedly, Surrounded the three layers of Kowloon and Alice, and the outer three layers.

The people here are old and young, some have long beards, rickly waists and backs, some are extremely strong and powerful, and there are some children, but they are short and powerful.

The more golden lines on their bodies, the stronger the breath they emit. Kowloon's spiritual strafing. The lowest-level tree people here are all nine-level strongmen, and one of them is a leading old man, who turned out to be a ten-level warrior!