The strongest chief

Chapter 11 The Beginning of the Divine War


When Jiulong heard this, he sighed slightly, and his life expectancy was endless, which was not necessarily a good thing. Looking at his relatives and friends leaving one by one, he was also heartbroken. However, he could only send white-haired people to black-haired people, and he heard Euro Tartison's murmur.

"Salina and I have been in love for a lifetime, and there is no regret. It's only a pity that we didn't leave a child, and it's all destruction energy that destroyed my children!"

"It's really a cycle of cause and effect. It's not happy. It has powerful power, but it has lost the family of children and grandchildren, cause and effect, cause and effect. Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with it... I can still remember that Salina likes children..."

Speaking of this, Euro Tatison slowly stretched out his hand, and a trace of dark ink-like energy spread, and the strong destructive power exploded. The squeezed space made a squeaky smashing sound. The smell of the black hole suddenly spread in the secret room, and the whole space seemed to be shrinking rapidly, but it was constantly derived.

"Ha ha...!" Jiulong raised his eyebrows and felt this breath. Jiulong was also shocked. I'm afraid he couldn't cope with this energy. It was really horrible. Then he raised his eyebrows and smiled, "It seems that the name of the god of destruction is not in vain. It really lives up to its name!"


As soon as Euro Tatison waved his hand, the breath of destruction immediately converged, picked up a glass of wine, drank it, smiled indifferently, and said in a low voice, "Brother Jiu..., I have understood the true meaning of destruction, and in troubled times, destruction of faith is everywhere. I'm afraid it won't be long before I can become the Lord of destruction. "God's throne!"

"Lord of Destruction?"

"Yes, Brother Jiu, he thought that the 500 Molin cavalry was dead and resurrected. It was the Lord of Destruction. He took 500 people as the furnace and wanted to resurrect himself. However, in the battle of Mancra headquarters, more than a dozen Molin cavalry were killed and injured, so his remnant soul could no longer be condensed, which passed on the breath of destruction to I broke through the ten-level realm in one fell swoop and fought to the peak of the mainland from then on.

"So that's it...!"

Kowloon suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the Molin cavalry returned to their previous appearance at that time, but Europa Tatison became a strong man in the ten-level realm.

"Thanks to you these years, otherwise, the Kowloon tribe would have disappeared long ago. There is such a grand scene there now!"

"This is nothing. Since Salina's death, she has no intention to worry about anything. In addition to cultivation, it is to develop the tribe, strengthen the tribe, and develop the demon hunting guild of the dead man of Katu and Salina's mercenary guild to the whole continent. Therefore, our Kowloon tribe is called the holy place of cultivation."

"Come on, brother, let's drink. Let's stop talking about these annoying things. Let them go. The direction of our expedition has changed. It's no longer the military war on the mainland, but the war of the gods!"

Two generals who had fought on the mainland and were invincible and invincible, raised their glasses again, and the crisp collision sound announced that they would move from one form of war to another form of battle!

............The voice of Kowloon seemed to be elongated, buzzing, and spreading to the ears of all the gods above the sky..., especially the "game war of the gods", which echoed for a long time and spread throughout the fire plane.



The sound of the sky bursting came, and the smell of a huge black hole was brewing. A white ribbon, like a spiritual snake, shuttled through the black hole space, thorn, thorn! The whole black hole space was shattered.


The earth-shaking explosion sounded, and a huge air palace rumbled and shattered. At the moment when the palace shattered, a scarlet arrow rushed out of the black hole and shot at the top of the white ribbon in an instant.

The white ribbon seemed to be spiritual, and hula began to rotate, like a huge wave, wrapped around a scarlet arrow, clicked, and the whole arrow suddenly burst.

The space immediately regained calm, revealing the angry face of Helen, the cloud god. She stood quietly and looked at the brown figure thousands of miles away. Yes, that figure was Lawen, the goddess of love, and she was also known as a hunting god!

At this time, Lawen's blood surged, and her expression was indifferent. She quietly looked at Helen, the god of cloud, and the bow of love in her hand buzzed and vibrated, as if she was extremely angry.

Suddenly, the goddess of love made a riding posture. Strive through both arms. Suddenly, the bow of love was pulled away again, and two scarlet peach hearts spit out a wisp of red silk thread and wrapped them around the arrow of love. Then sprinkle it gently. Amber's bow string bounced back transparently. Cut the air into a buzzing sound.


The hundred-long arrow of love shot at Helen, the cloud god again. The whole space rolled continuously, and the space tide surged crazily, sweeping everywhere, and the white clouds and blue sky there disappeared!


Helen, the god of clouds, snorted coldly and was not afraid of this arrow at all. She saw her slender fingers stretched forward, a streamer, and the white ribbon stretched leisurely. The front end of the ribbon suddenly turned into huge clouds. The clouds evolved everything, like a dog eating the moon, like a dragon horse galloping, like an angry dragon going to sea, like a blue whale spitting. Interest.

The arrow of love fell into the clouds, and only heard the roar of fluttering. The ever-changing white clouds exploded and disappeared invisible in an instant. Only a huge black hole appeared and swallowed up all the energy in an instant. In this swallowing, a large amount of sunlight became extremely dark with a hum, and the whole earth was crashing. A sound fell into eternal darkness.

The people on the ground immediately screamed, thinking it was a solar eclipse, worshiping the gods and praying for the gods to save them. Day. For a long time, the black hole disappeared and everything calmed down. The sun shouted and spread to the earth. People cheered and celebrated the sun's recovery.

"Hellen, the cloud god, you bullied people too much. Why don't you destroy my hunting palace indiscriminately? God-level strongmen are not allowed to fight in the fire spirit plane. Don't you ignore these regulations? Destroy thousands of creatures on the fire spirit plane and the fire spirit plane, so that you can be willing!"

"God of hunting, why did you erase the memory of Kowloon, why did you kill Alice, and even if Alice's son hunted Mesomea, you don't know the importance of Mesomea to me? It's thousands of times more valuable than your palace!"

"! ! !"

As soon as the goddess of love heard it, her anger turned into a frivolous smile. Looking at Helen, the cloud god, her face turned red, and her heart was extremely comfortable.


Suddenly, the goddess of love picked up her finger, and a red peach heart appeared and rotated smoothly. The peach heart is transparent, and the scenes are constantly interpreted inside.

The transparent peach heart is an extremely beautiful place, where the grass is everywhere, the cattle and sheep are full of mountains, the wind is high and the clouds are light, and the sky is bright and the sky is refreshing.

On the back of the red horse, Helen floated with the wind, smiling and cutting... Especially in the moment when she looked back, her long soft hair poured down, revealing her white neck, charming face, but inlaid with a pure smile...!

On the messy grass, Alice's skin was tender and slightly red, wrapped around Jiulong's body. The two caressed, moaned comfortably, overturned the clouds and rain, and the red waves were continuous.


In this peach's heart, Jiulong's whole memory of Helen and Alice is preserved.

"Hellen, you are more crazy than me, betting on a treasure, which is frightening. Unfortunately, once the millennium plan is subverted, it has become a sharp blade to kill itself. It's really funny. A god-level strong man actually promised each other with his body. Is a mortal man worth it!"

"Poor Mesomea is also your split. Your heart is so deep. You have all the tricks, but you don't want to be a hundred secrets... If you make a mistake, you will lose the whole game! ! ! ...As a sister, I'm saving you!"

"Snake and Scorpion Poisonous Woman!"

Hearing this, Helen was furious, and her beautiful face was congested and looked a little ferocious. Then she took a deep breath, forcibly calmed her mind, and then looked at Lawen, the goddess of love.

"Rawen, give me back the memory of my brother Jiulong and kill the hatred of Mesomea and Alice. We will take over. Otherwise, we will never stop. Your cultivation seems to be as good as me. Please take care of yourself!"

"! ! ! Let me take care of myself!" Lawen smiled and said, "You'd better take care of yourself, 'Brother Jiulong...', what a close call. I really envy you!"

"What a despicable and shameless!"

Hearing this, Helen scolded even more, and her eyes were about to fall blood. She looked at the red heart in Lawen's hand and felt inexplicable pain in her heart. If Jiulong lost this memory, her plan would definitely fail, and Jiulong would also fall into an eternal place.

The lover is suddenly lost, the child disappears, the father and son turn against each other, and Kowloon will fall into the source of all evil and be manipulated by the goddess of love!