Spring boudoir note

Chapter 009 Medicine to

Mrs. Song was a lot thinner than when Gu Jinzhi came to see her last time. Her whole body was full of skin, and her big eyes, which were already bright, were more hollow and the corners of her eyes were blue.

Song Paner remembered the usual benefits of Mrs. Song, and her heart was sore, and her eyes became foggy.

Song Yu also looked uncomfortable.

Mrs. Song and she were completely different before.

After taking the medicine prescribed by Zhang Yuan last night, Mrs. Song's head was much lighter, not as heavy as usual, and her eyes were not dazzled. She looked more energetic than usual.

But the symptoms have not been alleviated too much.

Seeing Mr. Gu, she was powerless to shout at her in-laws.

Mr. Gu nodded slightly.

Song Yu hurriedly asked someone to move a chair for them to sit down, and then ordered tea to be brought.

Mr. Gu waved his hand and said, "Let's see a doctor first." Then he turned his head and looked at Zhang Yuan without emotion. "Has Dr. Zhang diagnosed it? I don't know if I might take a look?"

Zhang Yuan was very angry: I haven't heard him call him Dr. Zhang for a long time. He has been called a magic doctor for many years, and he is famous.

This one is old-fashioned!

"Gu Lao, please!" Zhang Yuan showed no emotion on his face, and his smile was still gentle, but he sneered in his heart. Zhang Yuan once looked up for a case of this kind of difficult and miscellaneous disease.

Mr. Gu may not have the means.

Let's see how this old man makes a fool of himself and let him put on airs now! Zhang Yuan thought fiercely.

Thinking like this, the anger in my heart was reduced by half.

Mr. Gu sat down and focused on giving the pulse of Mrs. Song.

After a moment, he withdrew his hand and said to Mrs. Song, "It's not a serious illness. A few pairs of medicine can be recovered. Mrs. Uncle is relieved."

Mrs. Song's eyes showed the ecstasy of survival instinct, and she said repeatedly, "Thank you for your help!"

Mr. Gu nod.

"Let's talk outside?" Mr. Gu got up and said to Song Yu and Zhang Yuan.

Song Yu agreed to make a felt curtain for Mr. Gu and Zhang Yuan in person. Gu Jinzhi followed closely, and the four of them went to the next room outside.

Song Pan'er and Gu Yanzhen stayed with Mrs. Song.

After sitting in the west room, the maid served tea.

Gu Jinzhi sat at the head of his grandfather.

Zhang Yuan looked at her face several times and was surprised: Since she is a nephew, instead of following her mother in the inner room, she serves Mr. Gu? What kind of rule is this?

Gu Jinzhi also looked at him.

When the two of them bumped into each other, Zhang Yuan smiled faintly and moved his eyes away, thinking that the girl was only in her teens, but she was not afraid of anything.

"Gu Lao, the younger generation asked for advice today. I don't know how Mrs. Song's illness is. Please ask Mr. Gu to get lost and learn from the younger generation. Zhang Yuan said respectfully, but he couldn't help touching the usual beautiful Beard.

This is his subconscious action when he is proud.

Mr. Gu said, "I haven't had a pulse for several years. Whenever I come here in advance, I will never go beyond Dr. Zhang's truth. Let's talk about it first, Dr. Zhang.

When showing his ability, if Mr. Gu said it first, there is something wrong with Zhang Yuan!

Obviously, he came first.

At this point, this old man is kind. It's just that what's the use of being kind? You have to have real skills. Zhang Yuan sneered in his heart again and said, "In the foolish view of the younger generation, the eldest wife is the proof of Yang Ming's enthusiasm."

Yangming refers to the meridians.

Hand Yangming large intestine meridian, foot Yangming stomach meridian. What he meant was that Mrs. Song's illness was a gastrointestinal problem.

Most of the doctors in the past also treated Mrs. Song in this way.

"....... The disease is on the surface, and it should be solved with sweat. Ephedo sweat, I thought it was appropriate. Zhang Yuan said with a smile, "I don't know if Gu Lao can see him?"

"It's not necessarily the proof of the sun, is it?" Mr. Gu's tone remained unchanged, with a little indifference, "I think it was caused by the wind and cold of the old lady more than a month ago, the wet evil invaded the body, wet and sleepy, resulting in damage to the spleen and yang and bad temper."

Zhang Yuan almost laughed out loud.

Looking at Mr. Gu's indifferent face, do you think how incisive you are?

Mrs. Song has a headache and can't defecate. How can it be caused by her bad temper? It's simply a donkey's lip that doesn't match the horse's mouth! No wonder Mr. Gu can't get along in the hospital!

"....... Mr. Gu, is there any basis for this? Zhang Yuan suppressed his smile, but he never looked modest again.

He is not an arrogant person, but he has just been extremely dissatisfied with Mr. Gu's attitude. Now that Mr. Gu is shallow, he is no longer polite.

Such a person has actually achieved the recommendation of the hospital. What a good luck he is!

Mr. Gu didn't want to talk to him. He turned to Song Yu and said, "I don't know if I lost the prescription that Sister Jin opened last time? If you don't lose it, take three doses and keep it for one day.

Song Yu accompanied a smiling face.

Where did Mr. Gu come to see a doctor? Obviously, he came to ask for justice for Gu Jinzhi!

My sister said that an old child is really like a child when he is old. Does Song Yu care about Gu's two children? He smiled and said yes, and his attitude was a little perfunctory.

Zhang Yuan looked at Gu Jinzhi in surprise.

Mr. Gu said "sister", and there is no doubt that she is this girl!

Look at her small, combed a bun, have you turned ten years old?

Mr. Gu has been out of his mind in the past few years, right?

Zhang Yuan couldn't help laughing.

Mr. Gu didn't think so at all, as if he hadn't heard it, but still didn't look at Zhang Yuan. The stranger couldn't attract the old man's interest at all, so he took Gu Jinzhi to leave first.

Hearing that the old man was leaving, Gu Yanzhen and his wife were also busy.

Song Yu sent it to the hanging flower door in person. When he came back, he said to Zhang Yuan, "I'm really sorry, Dr. Zhang! The old man is old, and the junior can only follow his will..."

Zhang Yuan's heart all came out, and he laughed: "The old man understands it!"

He is in his fifties and can be called old in front of Song Yu.

Song Yu sent someone to take Zhang Yuan's prescription to get the medicine, and fried it for Mrs. Song to drink.

On that day, Mrs. Song felt that her head was much lighter, and she felt better. She was happy and exaggerated that Yuan was really a magic doctor.

Zhang Yuan smiled carelessly. There were too many such compliments. He didn't feel anything when he listened to it every day.

Just remembering what the old man of the Gu family said that his spleen was damaged, he felt funny and thought that he would definitely tell his colleagues when he went back to Suzhou.

Such a person has actually been mentioned by Tai Hospital!

But the next afternoon, Mrs. Song's head hurt again.

It doesn't work after taking the medicine. My stomach hurts, but it doesn't come out.

Zhang Yuan felt cold in his heart: Did he see it wrong, or did the dosage of medicine be small?

He can't allow his signboard to be smashed in Yanling Mansion!

He increased the dose again and let Mrs. Song take it.

As a result, in the middle of the night, Mrs. Song's illness intensified, and her abdominal pain was like a wringing, which was not available before!

Mrs. Song couldn't stand the pain and began to cry. While crying, he scolded Zhang Yuan as a quack. Zhang Yuan came to the pulse again. She covered her head and didn't show him.

Zhang Yuan has never received this kind of treatment over the years, and his face has turned blue!

Song Yu looked at his wife's uncomfortable and couldn't care about taking care of Zhang Yuan. She was distressed to hold his wife's hand and was helpless.

His wife was sweating profusely and pale, which made Song Yu, a seven-foot man, cry.

The second master Song Xi and his wife heard that the eldest wife's condition had deteriorated, and they also came to visit the doctor in the middle of the night.

The old lady is indeed worse. I don't know if she can survive tonight.

Song Yu's concern was chaotic. Listening to the old lady moaning, she had no idea. Thinking of the same heart when I was young, I had a kindness for more than ten years. For a moment, I was disheartened and sat by the bedside to wipe my tears.

The second master Song Xi said, "Brother, didn't Mr. Gu come to see it yesterday? What's the recipe he opened?

Zhang Yuan stood aside, and his face turned pale with anger. Hearing Song Xi's words, he couldn't help snorting coldly: "There is no prescription at all. The dialectic is unclear. Are you trying to kill the first lady?

"Is there a way for that magic doctor to relieve my sister-in-law's pain at this time?" Song Xi also has a cold face.

Zhang Yuan choked.

He didn't.

If he had known that Mrs. Song's difficult disease was so difficult, he should not have come and damaged his reputation. If this can't be cured, it may spread to Suzhou tomorrow. In the future, he will not do it as a magic doctor!

Some diseases are really unprecedented, and doctors can't cure all diseases.

Sometimes when you are sick, it depends on your creation. If someone is not created, God should not take it, and the doctor can't pull it back.

Zhang Yuan was anxious and angry, and now he is regretful.

"In... Here..." Mrs. Song heard the old man of the Gu family and knew that the prescription that Mr. Gu said yesterday was the one opened by Gu Jinzhi.

She has been on the pillow.

She remembers that Mr. Gu said yesterday that he would be fine if he ate it.

At such a point, Mrs. Song could no longer take care of it and asked Song Xi to send someone to catch the medicine.

Song Xi took it over, took a look, and was a little hesitant.

The handwriting on the prescription can be seen to be immature, and it says that the three flavors of atractylodess, hemp and lotus leaves can't be used as usual. Can this really relieve the stubborn disease?

But they open it, you have to try it!

Song Xi has always been bold in doing things. He immediately took it out and asked the manager to grab the medicine immediately!

After half an hour, Mrs. Song also hurt for half an hour.

She has no strength to scold Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan came forward, gave her acupuncture, and wanted to do the last fight.

As a result, it doesn't work at all.

Mrs. Song didn't cry, but looked at him coldly, full of sarcasm.

Zhang Yuan's face was like a paint shop.

Song Yu looked at Zhang Yuan's eyes and became a little suspicious. Where did his reputation as a magic doctor come from?

Finally, the manager came back with the medicine.

But I don't know why, Song Yu was still worried and gave the prescription to Zhang Yuan again: "Do you see if this prescription is safe?"

Did you ask him until the medicine was caught? Obviously, there is no sincerity at all!

Zhang Yuan was half angry.

Helpless, he missed it! No matter how angry he is, he can only bear it.

After looking at the eye prescription, the anger in his heart was almost vented.

"If this recipe works, the old man will be shirtless tomorrow, climb from this Qingguo Lane to the Gu family in Mayuan Lane, and apologize to Mr. Gu!" Zhang Yuan threw the recipe back into Song Yu's hand fiercely.

Song Yu became hesitant.

Mrs. Song took her last breath and shouted, "Go and decoct the medicine. Are you going to watch me die? Go and decoct the medicine, and don't listen to this quack!"

Zhang Yuan's temples and blue veins burst violently, shook his sleeves hard, and strode out of the inner room.

This kind of rude and ignorant woman is really self-degrading to see her!

Song Yu didn't have time to chase Zhang Yuan and went down to decoct the medicine in person.

After two quarters of an hour, the medicine was decocted, and Mrs. Song drank it in one breath regardless of scalding her mouth.

The heat flow slides from the mouth to the heart.

Song Yu, Song Xi and the second wife Qin are waiting to see how effective the medicine is.

Mrs. Song also knew that the effect of the medicine would not be so fast, but she waited quietly.

It's only half a cup of tea. She has abdominal pain from time to time, and suddenly it's gone.

She suddenly opened her eyes: "I... I don't have a stomachache anymore.

Song Yu and others were shocked.

It hasn't been long since I drank it, right? The medicine bowl is not cold yet.

"Wait a minute?" Song Yudao. He knew that Mrs. Song's abdominal pain was for a while.

Mrs. Song also nodded, but she felt cool and slowly in her heart. I don't know if it was true or an illusion in her heart.

She closed her eyes quietly and waited.

Song Yu, Song Xi and Qin held their breath for fear of disturbing her and waited aside.

After another quarter of an hour, I didn't hear Mrs. Song talk about abdominal pain again.

Song Yu was surprised and forgot Song Xi.

Song Xi is also happy.

Song Yu was about to ask Mrs. Song how she felt, but she heard Mrs. Song snoring slightly.

She...she is asleep!

Song Yu's mouth was wide open, showing an incredible expression. Mrs. Song hasn't slept much since she fell ill.

He waved to his brother and sister-in-law and asked them to go back first and come back tomorrow.

Song Xi and Qin are also excited. Mrs. Song is obviously getting better. It's a good thing to sleep soundly after taking medicine.

Song Xi and his wife crept out of the inner room.

Out of Mrs. Song's yard, Mrs. Song's Mrs. Qin asked her husband softly, "Do you think Mr. Gu's prescription really works?"

Song Xixiao: "Zhang Yuan is acupuncture and medicine, and his sister-in-law's condition has worsened. After drinking the bowl of atractylodes, hemp and lotus leaf soup, the sister-in-law fell asleep. If this doesn't work, what else does it work? Wait, there must be good news tomorrow!"

Qin's breathed a sigh of relief: "Mr. Gu is really a wonderful rejuvenation!"

"Mr. Gu?" Song Xi laughed even more, "That's the recipe Sister Jin gave to her sister-in-law last time!"

Mrs. Song Er was so shocked that she couldn't speak.


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