Spring boudoir note

Chapter 045 Sampant

Gu Jinzhi came to help Qin Shensi this time.

She looked at Mr. Chen's face a few times and observed his complexion.

Mr. Chen smiled and let Gu Jinzhi look at him.

Gu Yanzhen felt it was inappropriate. He coughed gently and winted at Gu Jinzhi, reminding her not to forget what he had just said to her in the carriage.

Gu Jinzhi nodded gently, indicating that she understood.

"I have never been a teacher, and I have only studied medical scriptures for a few years. If you believe me, I will take the pulse for you first. Gu Jin's way.

Mr. Chen smiled at her and agreed with her words with great encouragement.

Qin Shensi got up quickly, gave up the position beside Mr. Chen to Gu Jinzhi, and said, "I'm sorry to bother Miss Seven." He is very respectful to Gu Jinzhi.

He missed Gu Jinzhi's maintenance at the beginning, and then the reward and other eyes of Princess Minghui. It is also thanks to the princess's blessing to be able to reopen the Qin's Baicao Hall today.

And all this is Gu Jinzhi's matchmaking for him, otherwise he is still an unknown doctor in the princess's mansion, not even as good as the Taoist priest of Zhao Dao. If Zhao Daoyuan hadn't been in Beijing, the princess wouldn't have invited him if she was ill.

Qin Shensi knew that Gu Jin was young and easy to be suspected of his ability.

So he first respected Gu Jinzhi and raised Gu Jinzhi's status.

Gu Jinzhi paved the way for him, and he naturally wanted to repay him.

Sure enough, when Uncle Chen saw that Qin Shensi treated Gu Jinzhi like a teacher, he looked at Gu Jinzhi with a little more inquiry.

Gu Jinzhi has sat down and seriously called Mr. Chen.

Gu Yanzhen was quite worried: Is this your daughter's intention to show off?

Thinking about it carefully, Gu Jinzhi never seems to deliberately hide anything or show anything.

When it's time for her to take action, she doesn't mind talking to each other and save people's lives as much as possible. Is this a natural warm intestine, or does it remember the vocation of a doctor to treat the sick and save people?

Mr. Chen was ill, and Qin Shensi begged her again. She didn't even shit, so she came directly.

Qin Shensi already knows that she has the ability, and she doesn't need to show off anymore...

Gu Yanzhen looked at his daughter again: Will he become more and more similar to the old man in the future, and his temper will become more and more eccentric?

Will she really see this disease?

Gu Yanzhen's heart turned around, thinking that if his daughter can't see it, how he should cover up his daughter so that his daughter will not be embarrassed.

Then, he heard Gu Jinzhi's soft voice and said to Mr. Chen, "I've given you a prescription. You go and get the medicine. You don't need to fry it. Go back and soak it in boiling water. Drink it while it's hot. It's best to sweat. Go back and drink again, drink again before going to bed at night, get up tomorrow morning, and your voice will be fine..."

As soon as her voice fell, everyone's faces changed.

Mr. Chen's mellow smile also added a little puzzlement: he never knew that the medicine still had to be blistered. Drinking medicine is to fry it in a medicine can, otherwise how can the medicine be released?

Does this girl really understand pharmacology?

Ordinary doctors are not like this, are they?

Uncle Chen, Mr. Chen's subordinate, shook his head and looked at Qin Shensi with his eyes, showing disappointment on his face.

Didn't Qin Shensi suddenly feel like this?

Gu Jinzhi's words are too full, which is a taboo.

When he studied medicine, his father told him that even if he could really know the cause of the patient, he also knew the treatment method. When he spoke, he must remember to be soft and could not assert that he would be fine in a few days.

It's good. If it's not good, it's just to smash the signboard.

The doctor is not a fairy. The patient's body can only be seen roughly. When will it get better? How can this be asserted?

If the patient is forced to ask when he can die, he should also prevaricate with words: come and have a look in three or five days; drink these doses of medicine and wait...

There is no such thing as Gu Jinzhi. Before the patient asked, she explained that she could raise her voice every day.

If she can really speak up tomorrow, naturally she has superb medical skills; what if she can't?

In addition, use boiled blister medicine...

I haven't said that in the medical scriptures.

Qin Shen's mind was confused for a moment. He got up with a smile and went out to find the gentleman sitting in the hall. He asked for pen, ink, paper and inkstones and asked Gu Jinzhi to open the prescription.

He didn't even ask, as if what Gu Jinzhi said was ordinary.

But as soon as Gu Jin's words fell, Qin Shensi did have a surprise on his face.

Uncle Chen and Mr. Chen both understood that this doctor Qin offered Miss Gu like a Bodhisattva. Even if Miss Gu says something wrong, he will carry it.

Does this Miss Gu have a lot of power? It's just a teenage girl who can actually let Qin Shensi cover her up like this.

Qin Shensi is from the princess's mansion, and he has the official position of Liupin imperial doctor.

The master and servant looked at each other, and their eyes were a little different.

Gu Yanzhen was also shocked. Although he doesn't understand medical treatment, he has lived for so many decades and has never heard of using boiled water to soak medicine...

Is she tea as a medicinal herb?

And Qin Shensi, as an imperial doctor, didn't stop him...

What is Qin Shensi going to do?

Gu Yanzhen immediately had doubts about Qin Shensi.

And Qin Shensi, with a smile, brought in a small table with pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and Gu Yanzhen was more sure of his suspicion.

Qin Shensi's intentions are bad, Gu Yanzhen thought. It's just that he couldn't think of Qin Shensi's purpose for a moment

Gu Jinzhi turned a blind eye to everyone's expressions. He took a pen, stained the ink book, and quickly finished it.

The handwriting is not good. After all, she is just a little girl. Particularly excellent calligraphy is slowly accumulated over the years. It is reasonable to be young and the handwriting is immature.

It's just this prescription...

The medicinal herbs are exactly the same as the recipe of Xiaoqinglong soup, but the dosage is different.

On the small green dragon recipe, Guizhi spent three yuan, and Gu Jinzhi spent one yuan; she only used one yuan for roasted licorice...

All the medicinal herbs, as they are like this, are exchanged for three yuan for one yuan...


There is Jiang Banxia in Xiaoqinglong soup, and the original recipe is also three yuan, while Gu Jinzhi used nine yuan...

Inexplicably increased the dose at once.

Qin Shensi quickly recited Jiang Banxia's pharmacology in his heart: returning to the spleen, recovering the stomach, Xuanfei, etc.

and the disease of loss of sound, the predecessors said: "The lung is the door of sound, and the kidney is the root of sound." Loss of voice is nothing more than problems with the lungs and kidneys.

Typhoid fever leads to loss of sound, which must be cold and stagnation, evil and yin. Zhongjing's treatment of this case is also mainly tonic yin, focusing on tonifying the kidney.

Kidney deficiency is the root cause.

How can Gu Jinzhi not seek the root, but seek the appearance and focus on the lungs?

Does she think that the kidney yang is not damaged, but just lung qi loss?

Qin Shensi looked at this recipe for a long time and didn't say anything for a long time. He is also not sure. If he is treated, he dares not open such a heavy Jiang Banxia!

Jiang Banxia is toxic, too much...

A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Qin Shen's mind. Is this the reason why Gu Jinzhi let him use boiling water? With boiling blisters, the drug performance of Jiang Banxia is emitted, and the toxic retention is in the drug?

In a word, in Qin Shensi's opinion, this prescription has some swords that go off the front, which is a sharp dose.

"Doctor Qin, what's wrong?" Seeing that he was stunned, Uncle Chen asked him. Although Uncle Chen had expected such a result, seeing that Qin Shensi was stunned and silent, the room was a little embarrassed, and he could only speak out.

Qin Shen came to his senses and did not answer Uncle Chen. Instead, he looked at Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi nodded slightly: "It doesn't matter, Dr. Qin. Don't worry, you can give it to Mr. Chen. It's my responsibility.

The so-called famous doctor dares to use dangerous and unexpected curative effects, and become famous in World War I.

Qin Shensi has not been treated by the princess for many years, but he is so careful and conservative that he can't relieve the princess's illness in time. Once or twice, the princess was annoyed, and then only looked for Zhao Daoyuan, and he, as a royal doctor, became empty.

Now, his problem has happened again!

If it goes on like this, even if the Baicao Hall is opened, it will be mediocre in the future, and it can't be a great ancestor.

He was cruel and handed over the prescription to Uncle Chen and said with a smile, "Uncle Chen, go and grab the medicine for the prince. Remember Miss Gu's advice, don't decoct when you go back, soak it in boiling water..."

"Before going to bed at night, I must drink it again." Gu Jinzhi told him again.

Uncle Chen took the prescription and was full of displeasure. He thought that you joked about our lives in order to coax the children?

When he was about to get angry, Mr. Chen gently took the prescription, got up with a smile, and said to Gu Jinzhi.

He went to get the medicine himself.

Uncle Chen's face was worried and he hurriedly said, "Young master..."

Mr. Chen ignored him and strode out.

Qin Shensi sent him to the lobby.


Thank you for the reward of love ^^, enigmayanxi, enigmayanxi, Laojun Xinhua Road 730.