Spring boudoir note

Chapter 080 Reward

The Empress Dowager's bedroom is simple and elegant, full of low-key luxury.

There is a faint incense.

Gu Jinzhi sat on the little brocade in front of the empress dowager and gently rubbed the palm of the empress dowager's hand. Her hand strength was not light or heavy, and the Empress Dowager gradually warmed up.

There is no one else in the inner hall.

The Empress Dowager hasn't spoken for a long time, and she seems to have something to say.

Gu Jinzhi didn't feel weird. He pressed quietly for the Empress Dowager and waited for the Empress Dowager to speak.

Her quietness is very suitable for inner palace life. The woman in the inner palace should be cruel in her heart and soft outside. Like Gu Jinzhi, everything doesn't appear in all kinds of things, which is very good.

The Empress Dowager's heart is better.

She finally said, "Jizhi, Ai's family mentioned it earlier. If you can cure Ai's family, Ai's family will have its own reward."

Gu Jinzhi smiled and whispered, "The Empress Dowager's longevity and health is Jinzhi's greatest reward..."

She was muttering in her heart that her reward would change. At the beginning, the Empress Dowager said that after the Empress Dowager was cured, she named Gu Jinzhi as the princess.

said it clearly, and it is impossible for the Empress Dowager to forget it.

Now, she only says, "There is a reward."

There is a reward, which is a very vague concept.

What kind of method is important? There is no specific measurement, and the standard is only in the mind of the individual.

"Good boy!" The Empress Dowager listened to Gu Jinzhi's words and laughed, "Your mouth is so sweet. I like to listen to you. In the past few days, I have always thought that if I leave you, I will only be empty in my heart..."

"Jinzhi can't give up too much." Gu Jin's way, the rubbing in his hand kept pressing.

The Empress Dowager smiled again.

"... I also told the emperor that I can't bear to part with you. The emperor said that in the six palaces, the ancestral system should have two noble concubines, and now there is a shortage of one. The emperor ascended the throne for only four years. First, he lost the queen, and then after a year, he was seriously ill. In the six palaces, there are only old people brought from the former prince's mansion. They don't add beauty, and they are also very lonely. Ai Jia smiled, and his tone was very glorious, "Ai Jia said to the emperor that since the noble concubine is empty, it's better to choose Jinzhi..."

Gu Jinzhi listened and suddenly made a big look in his hand.

However, she returned to normal again and rubbed the Empress Dowager evenly.

The Empress Dowager thought to herself: Is she willing or not?

If you want, as soon as you enter the palace, you will be a noble concubine, which is a great opportunity to glorify the ancestors. You can be a noble concubine, unless you give birth to a prince or come from a family of meritorious officials.

Gu Jinzhi cured the empress dowager and immediately made peace of peace. If she wanted to, why would she not be happy? Is it as quiet as water anyway?

If she doesn't want to, she will be even more silent.

Anyway, the Empress Dowager can't figure out Gu Jinzhi's thoughts.

"Jizhi, where is the mourning family talking to you?" The Empress Dowager reminded her with a smile.

Gu Jinzhi also smiled gently: "The Empress Dowager, Jinzhi can enter the palace to treat the Empress Dowager. First, his grandfather recommended boldly and let young children enter the palace; second, His Majesty trusts him and surrenders talents. Otherwise, Jinzhi can no longer be able to give filial piety to the Empress Dowager. If the Empress Dowager wants Xie Jinzhi, Jinzhi will not be blessed to bear it!"

That's what I don't want.

The Empress Dowager was slightly surprised.

I don't want to. If it were a little girl next to me, I would have been in a hurry.

The Empress Dowager usually observed Gu Jinzhi, and she had already expected that she was unwilling.

"Silly boy, what I give you, you can bear it. What can't you afford?" The Empress Dowager laughed, and she only thought that Gu Jin was modest. "The position of the noble concubine has been empty for a long time, and the mourning family is also looking forward to someone coming in, opening branches and leaves for the emperor, and also looking forward to a cold and warm daughter-in-law to accompany the mourning family."

The emperor said it with golden words, and there is no reason to change it.

Even if Gu Jinzhi didn't want to, he had to go to the palace.

Although the Empress Dowager loved her, she did not dare to disobey the emperor's power for her. She could only try her best to take things to herself in front of Gu Jinzhi.

It is a blessing to be able to enter the palace to be a noble concubine, and the Gu family has suddenly become a prominent magnate.

When she gives birth to a prince again, the emperor will probably reward her father and brother, and from then on, he will be promoted to heaven.

This is what most people dream of, right?

Even if Gu Jinzhi doesn't want to, the rest of the Gu family must like it.

There was a faint smile in the corners of Gu Jin's eyes. Did the Empress Dowager think that the emperor took a fancy to Gu Jinzhi when he let Gu Jinzhi enter the palace?

She is not so naive.

"It's not enough for Jinzhi, Empress Dowager!" Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "There are several older, beautiful and sensible cousins in my family. Empress Dowager, why don't you choose my cousin to help your majesty? The Empress Dowager also said she wanted to thank Jinzhi..."

Since you are thanking her, let's do what she wants.

She didn't say what she said later.

The Empress Dowager was stunned. The Empress Dowager really didn't expect that Gu Jinzhi dared to contradict him like this, which was a little strong and let the Empress Dowager take back her life.

Do you really don't know the majesty of the heavenly family?

The Empress Dowager hesitated for a moment and didn't know what to pick up.

Just when the atmosphere was a little deadlocked, Aunt Cheng's voice suddenly came from outside: "The Empress Dowager, the King of Nanchang and the King of Luyang, come to see the Empress Dowager..."

The Empress Dowager was overjoyed and stood up quickly, only to run out quickly.

But after two steps, she wondered: Didn't the emperor send them back yesterday? Why did they still enter the palace today?

Did the emperor keep them, or did they insist on leaving?

If you really miss your childhood brotherhood and go against the emperor's will, it's really stupid!

The Empress Dowager's heart gradually cooled down, and her footsteps slowed down, a little soft.

Gu Jinzhi hurried forward and helped her.

The Empress Dowager held Gu Jinzhi's hand tightly.

The two of them came out of the inner hall.

The emperor was also there. He personally brought the king of Luyang and the king of Nanchang to the empress dowager to pay his sting.

In the middle of the main hall, a man in an eggplant-colored gray fox leather robe, covered with gold to dig the cloud sea dragon fur coat, and tied with a black waist, isn't it the young son Zhongjun she wants day and night?

The Empress Dowager's eyes are a little wet.

She didn't want to cry, so she held Gu Jinzhi's hand tightly.

Gu Jinzhi also held it back and held the Empress Dowager's hand. The Empress Dowager felt that the strength came from the palm of her hand, and her heart suddenly calmed down a lot.

Seeing the Empress Dowager coming out, the king of Luyang shouted, "Queen Mother, Queen Mother!"

With that, he was about to pounce on the Empress Dowager, like a five- or six-year-old child.

The king of Nanchang next to

was quick-eyed. He grabbed him and whispered in his ear, "Please say hi to your mother first. Don't understand the rules."

The king of Luyang pouted and was a little disappointed.

The Empress Dowager smiled and smiled at their brothers.

She first saluted the emperor, and then sat on the throne.

The emperor and the two princes made a family gift.

"Isn't it for you to go back to the vassal land?" The Empress Dowager stiffly raised her face and her eyebrows were serious. "Now, the words of the mourning family are useless?"

Zhonglin, the king of Nanchang, quickly knelt down and kowtowed to the empress dowager: "The mother's phoenix is sick, and her children and ministers can't serve day and night, which is already unfilial. How dare you leave without permission before your mother recovers?

The Empress Dowager's face is even worse: "We are mother and son, and we can be born in the emperor's family. It is a rule that the vassal king must not live in the capital for a long time. For the sake of mother and son, regardless of justice, what's the reason!"

She spoke fiercely, but Gu Jinzhi was by her side and saw that her hands were shaking all the time.

Her heart is probably very painful.

These words are all for the emperor.

The emperor smiled and stepped forward and said, "Mother's anger, your body is important. I left my second and sixth brothers. Originally, they were going to go back yesterday, but I thought of their filial piety. Why didn't I see my mother? They were specially invited to the palace. It's all my fault. If my mother is angry, just scold me.

The Empress Dowager listened, and her face immediately turned better.

She smiled and said, "It's sad that I'm confused and blame their brothers. Zhonglin, get up quickly and let your mother see you.

The King of Nanchang just got up from the ground.

During the whole process, the king of Luyang was stupid. Instead of kneeling down, he stared at Gu Jinzhi beside the Empress Dowager and looked at him hard.

The king of Nanchang got up and was about to say a few auspicious words when the king of Luyang suddenly shouted, "Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi!"

He recognized Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi raised his eyes and saw a white and handsome face. He has nothing to do with it. It's a perfect sculpture. It's just that between his eyebrows, he doesn't see the coldness and calculation that Gu Jinzhi is familiar with, but more pure and honest.

When the emperor was present, he lost the etiquette of the emperor and minister.

But the king of Luyang still shouted.

As soon as he shouted, he pointed to Gu Jinzhi, and everyone's eyes fell on Gu Jinzhi.

The emperor's eyes turned slightly.

"Xiao Qi!" The king of Luyang didn't know it. He was overjoyed to come forward, and then pulled the king of Nanchang to look, "Second brother, it's Xiaoqi!"

Seeing him like this, the Empress Dowager went to Luyang for the past three years, and she became more and more stupid and painful.

This is the son she raised in her heart...

But in the end, God doesn't do what people want.

"Sixth brother, do you know Jinzhi?" The emperor asked with a smile.

The Empress Dowager also showed a kind and puzzled look and looked at the King of Luyang.

King Luyang nodded repeatedly, and then shook his head: "I know Xiaoqi! When I came to the capital, I met Xiao Qi. Queen Mother, Queen Mother, I want Xiaoqi!"

It seems that I saw a good toy and wanted to keep it in my arms.

Children are like this. They like whatever they see, and they want to take it for themselves.

The Empress Dowager's face moved slightly.

The king of Luyang had ignored the emperor and the empress dowager, and came forward and took Gu Jinzhi's hand. He was really afraid that she would run away again: "Xiaoqi, you play with me!"

The emperor looked at it, his eyes flashed slightly, and there was a little smile in his eyes.

He said to the king of Luyang, "Sixth brother, if you like Xiaoqi, will you give her to you, okay?"

The king of Luyang didn't understand what "giving" means. He just thought that he would serve him day and night like Qianlan, and said yes.

"After my mother, Jinzhi made a great contribution this time. I have been thinking about how to thank her for the past two days." The emperor smiled and said, "Why don't you make her the princess of Luyang?"

The Empress Dowager was stunned.

Then, she suddenly understood something in her heart.

The Empress Dowager laughed in her heart: After being ill for so long, she really ignored the world's affairs. She actually thought that the emperor took care of Gu Jinzhi, so she wanted to accept her as a concubine...

It's just, why give it to Zhongjun?

The Empress Dowager's heart is stuffy again.

The king of Nanchang, who was standing aside, also changed his face.


Thank you for your reward.

I'm sure I won't go to the palace... Because 15 students can't write palace fighting drama o(╯□╰)o (what a painful understanding, tears). If you get up early to read, if you are satisfied, please support it with the pink ticket. There are a lot of pink tickets, and there is a lot of motivation for 15. Cry for the pink ticket! RS