Spring boudoir note

Chapter 198 History

Gu Jinzhi reminded them that they should think about it carefully and let the mother and daughter of the Su family calm down slightly.

It needs to be considered. It must be risky.

Mrs. Su looked at Su Ruqing.

Su Ruqing asked again how to use the medicine, what are the risks, etc.

"You need to use the drug of violence, and your face will be black for at least three or four months to slowly get better..." Gu Jin said, "Miss Su, the drug of violence, right? There are always some dangers. In case it gets out of control..."

In case of getting out of control, it's not as good as it is now.

Su Ruqing was silent.

Then, she saluted Gu Jinzhi and said, "Miss Seven, let us think about it again..."

Gu Jinzhi said yes and told her, "Don't worry. When have you figured it out and when to come back? I won't leave Beijing for a year and a half.

Su Ruqing thanked him again.

Her salute movements are very standard and gentle, her words and deeds are soft and dignified, and her upbringing is very good.

Compared with her, Gu Jinzhi is a little careless and has not been disciplined.

It's a pity.

After seeing off the mother and daughter of the Su family, Song Pan'er still sighed: "What a pity! Growing up like this, no wonder the Ning family is going to withdraw from the marriage.

Song's mother said, "Miss Su's words and deeds are quiet and gentle. There is no big mistake. The Ning family is too arrogant..."

Ning Xi and Yi Yan Hou Ning Na are both people who can't be lost.

"You can't blame others for being arrogant." Song Pan'er said, "If you are ugly, you will withdraw from the marriage, which is indeed arrogant and bullying. But where is Miss Su ugly? Hers is simply terrible. Ning Xi of the Ning family is the eldest son, and Su Ruqing married the patriarchal wife. Can she hide from anyone? Even if she can avoid socializing and worship her ancestors every year, she can't go? At that time, the Ning family will not lose face?"

When Song's mother thought about it, Song Pan'er came to the point this time, and said with a smile, "It's still my wife who has insight. In a door like the Ning family, the eldest daughter-in-law wants to host the feed. Su Ruqing's appearance will be pointed out, and there is no light on the Empress Dowager's face..."

Therefore, when the Ning family wanted to withdraw from the marriage, the Su family didn't say anything, so they quit quickly.

Ning's family can't be blamed for this.

I can only blame my children for growing up, the more terrible they are.

"When the scar on the face disappears, there is a mark on the face, at least it is not so terrible and ferocious. When the time comes, you can choose a low family, and you should be able to marry." Song Paner sighed, "In my life, I don't ask for anything else. I just hope that the children will be healthy... I can put up with the other things. If the children have something to do, I can't hold on..."

Gu Jinzhi followed his mother, listened to her and Song's mother in silence, and smiled at this moment.

She has also been a mother.

At that time, Rongnan was her life.

She can tolerate Zhu Zhongjun stepping on her and climbing up, but she can't tolerate him typhoid Rongnan.

Suddenly thinking of Rongnan, Gu Jinzhi felt a little sad.

It's okay in the afternoon, and Gu Jinzhi went to the pharmacy again.

The pharmacy is still cold.

The old man is at the top.

Lin Yi sat in the corner of the lobby and slowly turned over the book.

Big brother Gu Chenzhi is also seizing the time to recite the medicine book.

Si Jian and the two guys, A Liang and Gui'er, whispered something.

Zhu Zhongjun is still practicing swords with Sun Ke in the backyard.

Seeing Gu Jinzhi, Si Jian hurriedly greeted him.

Gu Jinzhi said hello to everyone and went into the top.

The old man is reading a book.

Gu Jinzhi shouted at his grandfather.

The old man looked up and motioned her to move the chair to sit down.

Gu Jinzhi moved the chair by himself and asked him, "What is Grandpa looking at?"

The book the old man read has no cover.

The old man said, "It was the prince who brought it here to see. I brought it here to have a look. So these are all written by you..."

The tone is full of sighs.

Gu Jinzhi was shocked.

"...I'm writing to play when I have nothing to do." Gu Jinzhi's explanation.

The old man smiled gently and said, "What are you nervous about? I don't ask too much. It's just that these medical cases are wonderfully written. Even the hot and humid climate can be taken into account. It's really not easy. It's worth seeing..."

Those are some medical cases of illness caused by the rainy season in South China.

Gu Jinzhi was silent and didn't know what to say.

"It will also be printed in the future and left for future generations to see." The old man smiled and said to Gu Jin, "I'll read quietly for a while. You go out to play."

Gu Jin's way is to come out of the top.

There happened to be a man who bought fried goods at the door, so Si Jian went to buy two catties of melon seeds and wrapped four parts in paper.

He gave Gu Chenzhi and Lin Yi a copy, sent another copy to Zhu Zhongjun, and also sent a copy to the old man, and then made melon seeds with A Liang Guier.

Gu Chenzhi and Lin Yi didn't eat, and the two were talking.

"... When I was studying, there was also a word called "Sweeping." Gu Chenzhi said to Lin Yi, "In the future, I will sit in the hall and don't want to use this word. What do you think I should change?"

Before I learned the craft, I began to think about taking words.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and sat next to them.

Si Jian brought her tea.

She drank tea slowly and listened to her eldest brother talking to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi listened to Gu Chenzhi's words, thought for a moment, and said, "Do you still need to take the words?"

Mr. Sitting is not so advanced that he needs to take a special word.

Gu Chenzhi is a little embarrassed.

Gu Jinzhi laughed beside him.

"I want to take one. In the future, if you ask me to see a doctor, you have to have a name. My ancestral home is Yanling Mansion in Jiangsu Province. It's better to take the mausoleum of Yanling Mansion. Besides, our family lives in Mayuan Lane, so I'll call it Lingyuan..." Gu Chenzhi entertained himself and still said his thoughts regardless of Lin Yi's questioning.

"Mr. Gu Lingyuan..." Lin Yi read, "It's good, it's catchy. However, Mr. Gu Chenzhi is easier to remember..."

He felt that Gu Chenzhi was overdoing.

However, the time is boring and quiet now. How can I get rid of these boring things?

Gu Jinzhi was drinking tea when he heard the three words "Gu Lingyuan". One of them accidentally choked and coughed violently.

"Slow down." Gu Chenzhi said to her.

"Gu Lingyuan?" Gu Jinzhi blushed and burst into tears. "Do you want to call Gu Lingyuan?"

Her expression is very strange.

"Isn't it pleasant to listen to?" Gu Chenzhi was puzzled, "Mr. Lin also said that it was catchy and meaningful..."

"No, no..." Thousands of feelings in Gu Jinzhi's heart came to his mind, and he didn't know which sentence to pick up for a moment.

She looked at Gu Chenzhi again with a very strange look.

Gu Chenzhi and Lin Yi both laughed and asked her repeatedly, "What's wrong?"

Where can Gu Jinzhi explain it clearly?

She waved her head and got up to the backyard.

Zhu Zhongjun and Sun Ke are resting.

A Liang, the boy, brought the tea.

Zhu Zhongjun poured half of it himself, poured half of it for Sun Ke, and handed it to him in person.

Sun Ke was stunned, and then half knelt down to pick it up.

"You are poor and fastidious, like a sour scholar." Zhu Zhongjun said to Sun Ke.

He has a slight sweat on his face and his temples are slightly wet. Because of sword practice, I blushed, and my skin became more and more fair and my eyes were colorful.

The sun sifted through the treetops, and the warmth shone on his face.

He took the tea cup, drank it in one breath, and then saw Gu Jinzhi and said to her with a smile, "Are you coming?"

He has never been a fool in front of Sun Ke.

Knowing that he is not a fool in this world, in addition to Gu Jinzhi, he has added Sun Ke.

These days, I think that Sun Ke's attitude is becoming more and more respectful, and he has a single-minded plan to follow Zhu Zhongjun. This subordinate, Zhu Zhongjun, was completely subdued.

Gu Jinzhi smiled.

"I have a conversation with the prince. You can go in and cool down." Gu Jinzhi said to Sun Ke.

Sun Ke said, got up and went to the front.

Gu Jinzhi sat on the well platform of the patio with Zhu Zhongjun.

"Gu Lingyuan?" Zhu Zhongjun also smiled, "Is it Gu Chenzhi? It's impossible, right? Gu Lingyuan is so famous. Every time I go to your old house, the main hall hangs a portrait of Gu Lingyuan's ancestor. He is the most famous doctor in your family for thousands of years, right?

Gu's ancestors, only Gu Lingyuan was famous.

At that time, Gu Jinzhi's grandfather always told her that Gu Ling's original ancestors saw a doctor and looked at him to know his symptoms. At that time, he was also a generation of magic doctors and became famous all over the world.

The medical allusions and medical skills of the Gu family were left by that ancestor.

After that, Gu Jin is the only one who can be comparable to Gu Lingyuan for thousands of years...

"Isn't it?" Gu Jin said, "The font size he just took. I'm really scared. It turns out that I really have a little connection with the Gu family... Do you think I'm the one in the Gu family tree?

"Married daughter, what genealogy do you have?" Zhu Zhongjun laughed and said, "Have you ever been a princess?"

Gu Jinzhi thought about it carefully, and suddenly his heart suddenly palpitated.

She suddenly stood up.

The Gu family has never had a princess, but the Gu family has never had a queen.

Isn't Gu Lingyuan the elder brother of Empress Xiaoyi?

The queen and the emperor at that time were very ordinary. In the vast history, there was not much pen and ink left.

Gu Jinzhi is a medical student, not a diploma.

She remembers Gu Lingyuan very well. As for the queen, Grandpa just mentioned it casually at that time, and they were not interested.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that she reacted so loudly, Zhu Zhongjun asked with a smile.

Gu Jinzhi sat back again.

"Our family has had a queen..." Gu Jin's way, and then briefly talked about the Empress Xiaoyi, which she vaguely remembered.

Zhu Zhongjun's smiling face was slightly restrained.

For a moment, his eyes were deep and gloomy, and his mood became cold and serious.

"Will the sixth sister be the queen in the future?" Gu Jinzhi muttered.

This is as incredible as a rookie brother becoming a magic doctor.

She always feels that the sixth sister's ability is a little lacking.

However, the world is unpredictable.

"I can't believe it..." Gu Jinzhi smiled at himself. When he turned around, he found that Zhu Zhongjun's expression was completely restrained, with a blank face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The sun shone on his face without any warmth.

He is like a bottle sculpture, so cold that he has no vitality.

"What do you think?" Gu Jinzhi gently pushed his arm, "Look at the impervious..."

Zhu Zhongjun came to his senses, and there was no smile in his eyes. He just moved the corners of his lips slightly and tried to squeeze out a smile: "I didn't think about anything."

Gu Jinzhi is not sure why.

But Zhu Zhongjun didn't intend to say anything more.

He got up and said, "I'm sweating. I'm going to change my clothes." Just enter the wing.

When Gu Jinzhi entered the hall again, Gu Chenzhi had made sure that he would teach Lingyuan in the future.

"Brother Lingyuan." Gu Jinzhi heard Lin Yi call him like this.


What a late update,"_RS