Spring boudoir note

Chapter 250 Niece

"It is very likely that the marquis inherited it to Sister Xin, isn't it?" Mrs. Jiang asked Gu Jinzhi again.

Gu Jinzhi had to explain again: "It's not very likely, it's only possible. If you have color blindness, it will only be passed on to the young masters at home. The color blindness of girls is inherited from their father..."

Mrs. Jiang nodded.

She remembered a thing that the Marquis of Yuanping had not intended to talk about.

If she doesn't say it, she can't judge it herself.

"Marquis, his clothes are either gray or blue and cyan. These are all for me, and he doesn't care much about it. I remember that one year, the palace was rewarded with a few brocades. The princess and I put them on the kang and said that we would make clothes for Sister Yun and Sister Xin. They are all red, pink, silvery and big red.

It happened that the marquis came back and saw it, so he asked where the satin came from.

I heard that it was rewarded in the palace, so he said, why don't you appreciate some brightly colored ones, so that you women can make clothes, but reward these?

The princess and I don't quite understand. At that time, the princess smiled and said that it was not bright enough? The marquis frowned.'s eyebrows

I also said that these are all for Sister Yun and Sister Xin. That year, it happened to be the new red one in Beijing. But the marquis said, when do girls dress like boys? Then he left.

The princess and I don't quite understand what he means.

It's just a small matter. Later, the marquis didn't mention it, and I forgot to ask. But it's very unusual, I always remember. Now when Miss Seven said it, it corresponds to this..."

Gu Jinzhi nodded and said, "In the eyes of red blindness, red will be mistaken for gray, so the marquis saw the red brocade and regarded it as gray. He was surprised why you made gray clothes for girls..."

According to Mrs. Jiang's description, Jiang Liang, the Marquis of Yuanping, may be red-blind.

It's just that in this era, people don't have the concept of color blindness.

What's more, men in this era, not to mention choosing cloth for clothes, even people serve them, so Yuanpinghou has never made a joke about wearing red clothes as gray.

Since he was a child, Yuan Pinghou, as a man, does not need to sew clothes and embroider, and has less frequent and close contact with color. Unlike the ubiquitous traffic lights in later generations, Yuanpinghou, who lives in this era, is just red blind, and he may not pay attention to it himself.

Even if the family thinks he is strange, it is not easy to refute him.

"Miss Gu, can you cure Sister Xin's eyes?" Jiang Yun, who was listening in silence, suddenly said.

Gu Jinzhi shook her head and said she couldn't.

"Is it really not possible?" Jiang Yun didn't give up, "You want to think..."

"For this, Miss Er has even lost the courage to live. If there was a way, not only to let her see the colorful world, but also to save her life, how could I keep it? Gu Jin's way.

Mrs. Jiang quickly stopped Jiang Yun and said, "Miss Gu is compassionate. Can she lie to you?" Then he apologized to Gu Jinzhi, "The little girl spoke recklessly."

Jiang Yun also said, "I'm worried and eager to speak recklessly. Miss Gu, don't have the same experience as me."

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said it was okay.

Explained clearly, Gu Jinzhi got up and said goodbye.

Mrs. Jiang sent her to the door of the hanging flowers.

It happened that Qin Shensi came in.

The two said a few words. Gu Jinzhi did not say anything about Jiang Xin's color blindness. He only said that he should re-make the soap horn thorn cannon into charcoal, fry it with rhubarb, and give it to Jiang Xin.

Take it for ten consecutive days.

Qin Shen wrote it down on April 1st.

Gu Jinzhi went home.

Song Paner asked her how long Jiang Xin's illness would last.

Gu Jinzhi told Song Pan'er about Jiang Xin and Yuan Pinghou's color blindness: "Mom, don't say it, it's good for us to know. I watch the Jiang family act, and I care about fame..."

Song Pan'er is also the first time to hear about the word color blindness.

"Why do I chew this tongue?" Song Paner said, "What is color blindness? Tell your mother about it carefully."

Gu Jinzhi explained to his mother again.

Song Pan'er was quite surprised when she heard it.

"I can't see the color. What does it feel like?" Song Paner smacked his tongue, "It hasn't been cured yet. It's really pitiful. If it were me, I would have hit my head to death.

The feeling of not seeing color is similar to watching black and white TV, right?

When Gu Jinzhi was a child, when he was in Changzhou with his parents, there was a black-and-white TV at home.

I also watched it with great interest at that time.

She can't deeply understand color blindness, and can only vaguely guess that it is similar to watching black-and-white TV. Of course, total color blindness will never be upgraded to a color TV.

Everyone else is watching the color TV, but they are watching black and white. This feeling of scratching the heart and lungs is probably very difficult.

He didn't know that he was color blind, and thought he had a serious illness, which made Jiang Xin particularly pessimistic.

"It's not enough to kill you." Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "She has been like this since she was a child. It's because she is so careful that she is so sad. Some people are blind halfway and can't see anything. Don't they live well? At least she is much better than the blind man..."

Song Pan'er smiled.

"Isn't she suffering from other diseases?" Song Paner asked again, "Can it be cured?"

"It improved last time." Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "This time I made sense with her again. As soon as the depression in my heart is relieved, it will probably be better."

Song Pan'er didn't ask anything more.

For the next few days, the Jiang family did not bother Gu Jinzhi again.

It can be seen that the medicine is effective.

If it didn't work, Gu Jinzhi should have been invited for a follow-up visit.

Gu Jinzhi's heart was also relieved, and he learned to make needles and thread from Master Cheng and Zhu's mother again. This time, I feel a little better than last time, and I don't prick my hands anymore.

This made Gu Jin overjoyed.

Master Cheng and Zhu's mother are also very happy.

If you don't prick your hand, Gu Jinzhi will not have the psychology of rejection, and the more interested he learns later.

October has passed slowly.

In the winter moon, the capital is a severe winter, cold and dry.

On the afternoon of the third day of the winter month, the maid in the old house said that the amniotic fluid of the big * milk forest was broken, so she asked the girl to take care of one or two.

Gu Jinzhi didn't know how to give birth, but he also went there happily.

Song Paner also followed.

On that day, their mother and daughter lived in the old house.

The eldest brother also came back from the pharmacy.

He couldn't enter the delivery room and was uneasy. He urged Gu Jinzhi to help him see how his sister-in-law was doing.

Although it is the second child, the sister-in-law is still difficult to give birth.

The amniotic fluid broke in the afternoon of the third day of the lunar new year, and the child did not land until the early morning of the fourth day of the lunar new year.

is a girl of less than five catties.

The Gu family's generation of children is thin. Whether it is a boy or a girl, the eldest lady and Gu Chenzhi are very happy. And Lin Manjing is a little uncomfortable.

She wants to give Gu Chenzhi a son.

However, seeing her husband's excitement and mother-in-law's smiling face, her suffering quickly passed.

After giving birth to a child, the mothers in the house took good care of Lin Manjing very well. She didn't worry about it, so there was no problem.

The birth of a child is a great joy.

The third ceremony was very solemn.

The old man was also very happy and gave the child a name in person.

Gu Chenzhi's eldest daughter is called Gu Xi, so the second daughter is called Gu Yu.

Everyone called out sister and sister.

Although Sister Yu is only four catties and nine taels, her voice is loud, and she has a lot of strength to cry...

The eldest lady personally helped her choose a wet nurse and took her to her warm pavilion to raise her.

Lin Manjing doesn't have to worry about it at all. He just needs to have a good confinement.

On the third ceremony, Gu Jinzhi also met the fourth sister Gu Shanzhi.

The fourth sister looked at Gu Jinzhi several times, and she seemed to want to talk to Gu Jinzhi.

She has a flat belly and has been married to her mother-in-law for more than a year, but she has not yet given birth.

At the beginning, the third sister-in-law Xia Shi was also pregnant for more than a year. But after eating Gu Jinzhi's prescription, she soon became pregnant.

Gu Jin's hunch that the fourth sister is looking for her, which is also the case.

Sure enough, after dinner, the fourth sister came to Gu Jinzhi and took her for a walk in the garden.

In the old house of the Gu family, the garden is relatively small. Today, there are many guests, and many people are scattered in the garden.

"Why don't we find the third sister-in-law and go to her place?" Gu Jin's way.

Gu Shan's way is good.

When the two found Xia, Xia was also ready to go back to the room. Now that she has a body, the old lady won't let her help her do it.

Gu Jinzhi and Gu Shanzhi sent her on the way.

When they arrived at the third brother's yard, the maids brought tea to eat.

Gu Shanzhi ate tea quietly, talked to the third sister-in-law about her parents' shortcomings, and did not mention the purpose of finding Gu Jinzhi.

It's not easy for Gu Jinzhi to speak first.

Finally, when it came to the child, the third sister-in-law win the eyes of Gu Shanzhi.

Gu Shanzhi then said, "Seventh sister, can you take a look for me?"

Gu Jinzhi naturally said good.

She asked Gu Shanzhi to stretch out her hand and make a pulse for her. By the way, she asked her, "Fourth sister, why did you come to me today?"

Gu Shan's face turned slightly red.

She has also wanted to find Gu Jinzhi for a long time.

But the fourth brother-in-law Yuan Yuye felt ashamed and wanted to be pregnant. Don't ask others, let Gu Shanzhi wait.

Wait and go, wait until now.

Of course, it was not easy for Gu Shanzhi to say this, and only said, "My mother-in-law was not in good health a few days ago. I want to serve in front of her..."

Gu Jinzhi nodded and felt a little clear in his heart.

She took Gu Shanzhi's pulse, found that her pulse was normal, and asked her about the monthly situation.

Unlike Xia Shi, Gu Shanzhi's body is very normal, and there is no obvious Gong Han. As for the moon affairs, Gu Shanzhi himself also said, "If you can live a good life, it won't hurt or queasy."

When she heard about Xia's moon affairs, it was painful and disgusting, so she told Gu Jinzhi at the same time.

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

"Looking at the current pulse, the fourth sister is very good and can definitely conceive." Gu Jin said, "But I haven't seen pregnancy for such a long time, which shows that there are other veins that have not been revealed. Next time the fourth sister's moon is coming, I'll take your pulse again.

Gu Shan's thanks.

She is closer to Xia.

At that time, Gu Jinzhi also diagnosed Xia's pulse in this way, and Xia also told Gu Shanzhi.

After talking for a while, the maid came to look for her again and said that the third lady was going back. Gu Jinzhi got up and said goodbye.

When he got home, Haitang said that Mrs. Yuanpinghou came in the morning and sent a thank-you gift in person.

Most of their second lady has recovered from her illness and has finished the medicine. Please ask Gu Jinzhi to go to the re-examination tomorrow.

"Mrs. Jiang said that she will come again tomorrow..." Begonia Road.


Although it's the 2nd, I still want to ask if the sisters still have a guaranteed pink ticket. If there is, vote for me. What, everyone! RS