Spring boudoir note

Chapter 278 Stop Boiling

Gu Jinzhi didn't look well when he got home.

Song Paner asked her sadly, "Is the emperor's illness very difficult?"

The emperor's illness is not tricky, and the emperor is very tricky.

Gu Jinzhi doesn't have much strength to talk. She is indeed a little tired. Now she just wants to go back to her yard and sleep hard in the warm bed smoked by Mrs. Tang.

"It's not easy to cure." Gu Jin said, "He is mentally ill."

Song Paner didn't understand what mental illness was, but when she saw that Gu Jinzhi didn't have the strength to speak, she didn't ask much and said, "Go back to rest. I'll ask someone to send the dinner to you later."

Gu Jinzhi laughed and said, "Mom is the best."

Song Pan'er laughed and scolded her little clever.

Back to my yard, I wish my mother and a few maids laugh again.

Seeing Gu Jinzhi coming back, he was busy serving her clean face and changing clothes.

I made tea for her.

Gu Jinzhi said, "Go ahead, I'll lie down for a while..."

Several people looked at each other in constere face, and it was still early outside. Gu Jinzhi's living habits were quite regular. How could he lie down in the middle of the afternoon?

Zhu's mother wanted to ask, Gu Jinzhi had waved his hand and went to bed without taking off his clothes.

Several close attendants saw something strange and didn't dare to talk too much.

Zhu's mother forced a smile and pulled Gu Jinzhi up: "If you want to sleep, take off your clothes first."

Gu Jinzhi pretended to be sleepy and let them take off his coat.

Several people are interesting and no longer speak.

The inner room is very quiet.

I wish my mother and Nishang helped her put the curtain on.

** As soon as the light darked, Gu Jinzhi turned over.

Her mind was in a mess, and all her thoughts surged up together.

Zhu Zhongjun's face is actually the clearest of these thoughts.

She didn't know why she suddenly thought of him.

His appearance in middle-aged and old age has become very blurred. I only remember that he is now a teenager who looks like the king of Luyang, wearing straight soap boots and a jade hairpin with a white face.

He looked anxious, he looked calm and idle, and the Buddha was clearly in front of him.

In a daze, Gu Jinzhi was half asleep and half awake.

She had a dream.

I didn't sleep well, so I knew it was a dream in my heart, but it was like a fantasy, as clear as people and scenery.

In the twilight courtyard, the smoke is light and the rain is light, and the willows are tired and the lotus is sad. The wind and rain were thin, hitting the embroidered clothes, and even the pear blossoms were trembling.

Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi walked slowly, as if they had sent him to the outer court every time in the past.

Somehow, the rain is getting more and more urgent.

Zhu Zhongjun slipped and fell.

And Gu Jinzhi continued to move forward.

She seemed to hear Zhu Zhongjun's rapid shout behind her: "Gu Jinzhi, Gu Jinzhi!"

It's more and more urgent.

But she couldn't turn back and walked quickly. I wanted to turn my head to look, but I couldn't get more and more.

She gasped in a hurry, and she woke up completely.

The messy shallow dream ruined all of Gu Jin's mood.

She couldn't sleep all night.

After tossing until the third watch, I slept for a while.

I got up early, had breakfast, and someone came to the palace.

The emperor didn't sleep for a moment last night. He was already exhausted and fell on the couch.

The Empress Dowager did not allow other imperial doctors to interfere.

These are all the sequelae of her last illness.

After such a long time, the Empress Dowager still clearly remembers how she was treated by one idea after another by the people of the hospital.

There is no way to reason for this kind of sequela, and even the emperor has to listen to her.

Gu Jinzhi rushed to the Qianqing Palace. Not only the imperial doctors and the empress dowager were there, but also the concubines. Gu Jinzhi saw the Empress Defei in the side hall.

Concubine De and Concubine Tan, surrounded the Empress Dowager.

Zhang Shufei obediently stood behind Tan Guifei.

And other concubines stood behind Concubine De one after another.

The new Cheng Lifei, the biological mother of the second prince, was not present.

Seeing Gu Jinzhi coming, the Empress Dowager seemed to see the life-saving immortal. She waved her hand urgently and asked her to come to her side. Concubine Gu De gave up her position to Gu Jinzhi.

"Go and see the emperor. No matter what, we have to come up with a way to make a prescription. If it goes on like this, what will happen?" The Empress Dowager said seriously.

Gu Jin's way is.

She got up and entered the inner hall.

Before going around the mantle, he heard the woman's low cry.

The voice is gentle and full of sadness.

"...Your Majesty is so sad that it is difficult for my concubine to die. When my concubine was pregnant with the second prince, I was too careful. The child was not enough to be born, and he left His Majesty and concubine early. The woman cried and said.

She is Cheng Lifei.

Although she admitted that the second prince was born to died, she also said that she was very careful when she was pregnant.

That is to say, someone in the palace wants to hurt her.

Gu Jinzhi paused.

She wanted to wait for Cheng Lifei to finish crying before going in.

The chamberlain has already been approved.

Gu Jinzhi had to go in.

She didn't look up. She knelt down to comfort the emperor and concubine Li.

"Let's get up." The emperor's voice was slow and weak.

Gu Jinzhi stood up.

The emperor said to Cheng Lifei, "It's boring."

The tone is gentle and a little pity.

Concubine Cheng was very well-behaved. She got up and saluted and went out.

Gu Jinzhi then sat down to diagnose the pulse.

She had a pulse for a long time, and there was no expression on her face.

The emperor could not see how serious his condition was from her face.

At the end of the diagnosis, Gu Jinzhi did not talk about the emperor's condition face to face, but told him with a smile, "Your Majesty, take a rest first." Then I also said goodbye.

She came out and met the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager asked her how her majesty's condition was.

Gu Jinzhi didn't say much, but looked at the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager understood, sent all the concubines out, and said, "You go down first."

Everyone said yes, and the fish came out.

Gu Jinzhi then opened his mouth and said, "Your Majesty's body, yang deficiency and weakness are all caused by not getting up. Empress Dowager, it's better to make up your mind earlier and let your majesty go to rest. Don't worry about state affairs and family affairs. His illness is all tired of love. If he is hard to support him, I'm afraid it will get heavier and heavier.

The Empress Dowager's face changed slightly.

She squeezed her lips and didn't speak for a long time.

Gu Jinzhi was also silent for a while and said, "Why don't you call other imperial doctors to have a look?"

The Empress Dowager immediately shook her head and said, "When the mourning family was sick, those imperial doctors also said it well, but they cured the mourning family. Your Majesty's illness failed to hit, which shows that they have no reliable ideas. What do you want them to do?

The emperor suffered from insomnia and was the first to see Dr. Sun.

As a result, Dr. Sun made a mistake.

This is the main reason why the Empress Dowager is so cautious and biased.

At the beginning, she was also seen by the people in the hospital.

Seeing the failure of the imperial doctor in the imperial hospital, the Empress Dowager thought of the painful experience of coughing for a year and a half. After experiencing such a disease, her personality is not distorted. It is her cultivation...

Let her put down her prejudices on the imperial doctors, and she needs to work slowly.

Gu Jinzhi didn't dare to say more.

"The Ai family told the emperor about going to rest yesterday, but the emperor didn't want to." The Empress Dowager finally said, "Xiao Qi, I believe in you the most. Think about it carefully and come up with a way."

Gu Jinzhi shook his head and said with great certainty, "Empress Dowager, how dare Xiaoqi hide his privacy? You trust Xiaoqi so much. Xiaoqi dare not let you down if there is a little way.

The Empress Dowager sighed.

She has been silent for a long time.

Finally, she said, "Come in with your family."

Then she took Gu Jinzhi into the inner hall.

The Empress Dowager told the emperor Gu Jinzhi's diagnosis of the emperor's condition in one breath. She was very excited, and finally almost choked: "If there is something wrong with your majesty's body, what should I do for the people in the world, and what should I do for the mourning family and the concubines? The eldest prince is only six years old. Who is this country entrusted to?

It made the emperor look very bad.

Probably the last sentence of the Empress Dowager hit his heart.

In case he can't do it, I'm afraid that this country will be entrusted to others.

He has only one son, and he is not satisfied with that son. If I can't live a long life, I'm afraid that the country will fall into the hands of the eldest prince in the future.

The great prince's foreign power is so great.

Even if he really wants the eldest prince to inherit the throne, the emperor also wants to destroy the eldest prince's foreign family in his lifetime, lest they become the constraint of the eldest prince and make the cowardly and incompetent prince become the puppet of the Tan family.

He sweated a little coldly on his forehead. Instead of looking at the Empress Dowager, he stared at Gu Jinzhi: "I will leave this palace. May my condition be relieved?"

Gu Jinzhi nodded and said, "I'm sure I can."

The emperor is caused by psychological problems, so he also needs to hint at him psychologically, so Gu Jinzhi is very sure.

She wants to give the emperor such confidence.

Sure enough, the emperor's face slowed down a little.

"What does the mother mean?" The emperor asked again.

"Of course, I hope your majesty's holy body will be good." The Empress Dowager said, "If you can leave the palace as soon as possible, just arrange it as soon as possible."

The emperor nodded slowly.

The Empress Dowager breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Your Majesty, Xiaoqi has filial piety and can't leave Beijing." Gu Jinzhi took the lead before the empress dowager and the emperor opened their mouths, "You can't serve your majesty. Xiao Qi recommended one person. I can trust him most in his medical skills and medical ethics.

The Empress Dowager asked, "Who is it? Is it the fourth imperial doctor of Qin Shen?"

The emperor frowned.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and answered the Empress Dowager's words: "It's Dr. Qin. I have a lot of contacts with Dr. Qin, and I am relieved about his medical skills. As the saying goes, if you don't avoid relatives, the imperial doctor accompanying the emperor on this trip must be Dr. Qin.

The Empress Dowager smiled.

The emperor said, "What else does your companion pay attention to filial piety or not?"

Gu Jinzhi's face is slightly stiff.

She looked at the Empress Dowager at a loss.

The Empress Dowager coughed and said, "That being said, Xiaoqi is not a palace concubine. Outside, filial piety is still important. If your majesty wants her to accompany her, won't she be unfilial? No matter how good Xiaoqi's behavior is in the future, there will be criticized. Isn't it not beautiful?

She thought about Gu Jin in every sentence.

The Empress Dowager liked Gu Jinzhi so much and trusted her so much that the emperor knew that he could not be too hasty. He took the opportunity to smile and said, "I'm not worried..."

Three days later, the emperor set out and went to Lishan to rest in the palace for half a month.

The imperial doctor accompanying him was Qin Shensi and Peng Leyi.

There are two other low-level nobles to serve.

Waiting for the emperor's royal journey, Gu Jinzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

The act of taking the emperor away this time is undoubtedly to stop the boiling...

How can I get paid from the bottom of the pot and solve her predicament?

She thought about a few ideas and was rejected by herself.


It's the end of the month again, and it's the time of the 15th outbreak... If it's always like this, will it be despised? RS