Spring boudoir note

Chapter 325 Receipt

After sending Zhu Zhongjun away, Master Tan was in a calm mood for a long time.

He has experienced many storms and waves in his life.

The visit of the King of Luyang, those words were like warnings and childish words, which made Master Tan restless.

He paced back and forth in the study and carefully recalled the words of King Luyang.

There is something to say in the words of the King of Luyang.

But what is the purpose?

Master Tan paced for a moment, and finally sat down, closed his eyes and meditated.

He sorted out the thread of the matter.

About half an hour, he opened his eyes slightly, and his forehead was already sweating.

He breathed a sigh of relief and his expression calmed down.

He called the book boy and took a towel to wipe his sweat.

After a break and had lunch, Mr. Tan also took a nap.

After waking up, Lord Tan was still in the study.

At the beginning of the afternoon, the golden sunset shined through the screen window and fell on the wide desk, and the light dust danced in the beam of light.

Mr. Tan has been practicing calligraphy, and now he looks up.

He called the book boy: "I went to the Jinyiwei office to find the uncle, and said that it was not worth it today, so I bought three pairs of sauce elbows for me from Dongmen Street."

Shu Tong Dao said, "Which number of Dongmen Street should I bring to you?"

"Uncle knows." Lord Tan said.

The book boy didn't dare to ask more questions and hurried away.


Tan You just came out of the government with his cronie Zhen Mo.

He is indeed not on duty today.

The book boy is not too early or too late to hurry up.

"...what's the matter?" Seeing his grandfather's book boy, Tan You's heart tightened.

"The marquis said, let the uncle take back three pairs of sauce elbows from Dongmen Street." Book boy's way.

Tan You's face suddenly became solemn.

He nodded and said, "Go back and tell the marquis first that I'll buy a sauce elbow and go home."

The book boy is.

On the way back, the book boy couldn't help thinking, why didn't the uncle ask which shop to buy sauce elbows? There are so many shops selling sauce elbows on Dongmen Street. The old marquis is not a long-term favorite. He seldom buys them, and there are no familiar shops.

For these things, it was not the turn of a little book boy, and he quickly ran back to the Tan family.

Tan You got the news from his grandfather and didn't go home until Xu Chu. He bought a sauce elbow, which delayed a whole hour.

His entourage Zhen Mo really picked up the sauce elbow.

Entering the door, Tan You took it in person and gave it to the old man.

"You all go out. You don't have to serve here." After Tan You came in with three attendants, Lord Tan said to several calligraphers.

The bookboys hurriedly retreated.

In early autumn, it was a little late in the dark.

At this moment, it's already the first moment, and it's just black.

One after another, some people came to the study.

In just a quarter of an hour, the outer study was full of people. They are all ministers of the court, as well as the first assistant Xia Wei.

Xia Wei, the first assistant of the dynasty, was born in the Wang ethnic group in Shandong. He himself is not a few years younger than Lord Tan, but because of his family, he lost to Lord Tan for more than ten years and became a student of Lord Tan.

About eleven or twelve people came, and Tan You personally closed the door of the study.

"...I'm afraid Wang Xian has been exposed." Master Tan said all the words of Zhu Zhongjun today. Everything was silent in the study, and everyone was shocked. No one said anything. Lord Tan said again, "The king was able to win by surprise, but now he has to abandon it."

The imperial historian Wang Xian is not so upright.

He has the support of the Tan family behind him.

Because he often impeached the Tan family, and even impeached the most, the court, including the emperor, did not know that he was a member of the Tan family.

It was not until the matter of King Luyang that he showed his feet.

"This time, we are going to 'the queen'. Unexpectedly, when I came to the King of Luyang, there were many loopholes. I didn't choose the starting point this time, and I suffered a big loss. That's all for now. You all keep your strength and fight again in the future. Lord Tan said.

Everyone who was unusually silent was quietly relieved.

Mr. Tan's words reassured them.

They are really afraid that the Tan family will let them face the difficulties.

They rely on the Tan family and want to save their lives and official positions.

"Teacher, why did things get exposed so quickly?" Xia Shoufu was a little puzzled, "Is it that the Gu family also wants to fight for the queen and deliberately makes things difficult for us?"

Lord Tan smiled and said, "Gu Yantao? He doesn't have the ability to pull us out now. The king of Luyang used to be a fool, and we didn't pay attention to him. This is a loss to him. There is a good man behind him.

Everyone was shocked again.

When everyone chose the King of Luyang as the starting point, they considered that he was a fool who had just recovered his intelligence.

Unexpectedly, I kicked the iron plate at once.

"You need to find out." In addition, an adult said, "Master, we have lost Wang Xian this time. We can't be confused!"

Master Tan did not say that he would sacrifice Wang Xian.

It can be seen that the current idea of these people is to let the imperial historian Wang Xian pass everything behind their back. They are so at ease.

Lord Tan also thinks so.

"Of course, you have to check it. Since he is a high man, he will naturally guard against our investigation. It's not easy to be exposed. You have to take your time. You can't be in a hurry. Now, let's put everything on Wang's dedication. Let's get out of here as soon as possible. Lord Tan guessed everyone's thoughts and said with a smile, "Tomorrow in the early morning, don't mention the king of Luyang, just say that the king sacrificed the crime. The king was put into prison, and the matter of the king of Luyang was over..."

Use "no end" to end the matter of the residence of the king of Luyang, which is beneficial to the royal family and the Tan family.

Xia Shoufu's eyes sank for a moment.

Then, he made it as if nothing had happened.

But in his heart, the diaphragm should be uncomfortable, which made Xia Shoufu's expression a little unnatural.

He quickly covered it up.

The older I get, the less important I feel that power is, and the more compassionate I feel. Xia Shoufu felt that he could not adapt to the strife and life and death of officialdom.

Lord Tan deployed someone to raise Wang Xian's crime and so on.

He minimized the exposure.

All of you and your cronies here have no sacrifices, and you don't have to bear the consequences of the failure of the plan. You are very satisfied.

They added another layer of worship of Lord Tan in their hearts.

When Lord Tan's deployment was completed, it was almost the third watch.

Everyone got up and left the Tan family.

Master Tan breathed a sigh of relief again.

This failure is a little cowardly.

But it doesn't matter. It's not a big loss.

This is the case in the officialdom. There are gains and losses. Lord Tan looked very open-minded.

He doesn't care about the gains and losses of the moment, he just wants the final result.

Just like the matter of establishing a prince, the Tan family has planned for several years, but God has helped, and the dragon has turned over, which is rare in a hundred years.

Although the emperor was unwilling, the civil and military officials were convinced.

They thought it was the will of God, and they did not disgust the prince and the Tan family.

There is not much resistance to the prince's accession to the throne in the future

Wait, and you will have a chance.

The Tan family has been slowly seeking their own benefits.


"Brother You, wait a minute." When everyone dispersed, Tan You also wanted to leave, and Lord Tan stopped him.

Tan You stopped.

His expression was indifferent and respectful.

"Brother You, you're not happy. It's all written on your face." Master Tan smiled and said.

Tan You was slightly stunned, and his mind converged.

"Do you think I don't know your original intention?" Lord Tan laughed and asked Tan You to sit down. The grandparents and grandchildren talked.

In this family, there are many children and grandchildren, but Lord Tan only loves Tan You.

Otherwise, Tan You is not torturing his wife and disrespecting his mother.

"Grandfather..." Tan You's voice was a little unnatural, "I proposed to choose the King of Luyang at the beginning. I should be punished to remember this lesson.

"What punishment?" Lord Tan smiled and said, "Didn't I agree to your proposal? Do I have to be punished, too?"

Tan You was silent.

"... Are you thinking about the girl of the Gu family in your heart?" Lord Tan asked directly.

Tan You was shocked.

His eyes were full of anger.

"Grandpa, we shouldn't give up so easily!" Tan You suddenly said, "Let's not talk about whether the queen can be established or not. Let's fight together, at least we can crush the king of Luyang, let him cut off his title, and go back to Luzhou to be a flat-headed person!"

"Then, he will withdraw from the Gu family, and you can marry the Gu family?" Lord Tan said coldly.

Tan You's anger was slightly restrained, and he was a little sober.

"...I'm not doing it for this either." Tan You's sophistry.

"What's that for?" Lord Tan forced to ask.

Tan You suddenly became dumb.

The Tan family has always dealt with the King of Luyang for the sake of the queen, not just to deal with him.

Nowadays, it is not worth dealing with the King of Luyang regardless of the consequences.

Tan You was speechless and fell silent.

Master Tan was also silent for a long time.

He was a little angry that Tan You was so irritable.

Tan You has a very calm temper. Only when he encounters the matter of the Zhen family will he be irritable.

Now that Zhen is dead, there is a Gu who looks like Zhen...

Tan You is enchanted again.

He has been calculating his family more than once.

Like the last time he used the third young master of the Tang family in Chuanning to unite with the Jian Wangfu to deal with the Gu family, he was almost bitten by Gu Yantao.

Now, he wants to use the great cause of the family to crush the King of Luyang and get the Gu family.

"Brother You, it's time for you to get a family and a career. If you get married in October, you can get married in the twelfth lunar month. Lord Tan issued an ultimatum, "The fifth lady of King Shen's Mansion has not married yet. She married the royal family. She is of royal blood.

Tan You's hand clenched tightly.

"Grandpa, I don't want to." Tan Youdao.

"I didn't ask you if you wanted to, I just told you." Lord Tan said.

"Well, she will die sooner or later." Tan Youdao.

Master Tan's face suddenly changed.

The anger surged into my heart for a moment.

Master Tan was silent for a long time before suppressing his emotions.

He sneered: "What if you die? There are other girls who just want to get married. Brother You, are you going to fight with your family like this?

Tan You was pale for a while.

He knows, but he can't be stubborn.

"...I don't want to marry a concubine in King Shen's Mansion." Finally, Tan You said, "If you want to marry, I want Princess Sirou of King Jian's Mansion."

Before he met Zhen Zhen, he had met Princess Sirou, and Tan You had a good impression on her.

Then, he met Zhen Zhen. At first sight, he fell in love and left Princess Sirou behind.

Tan You is not interested in women.

Sirou is the only woman he has paid attention to except Zhen Zhen.

"No." Lord Tan said.

The second update, ask for a pink ticket.

Today's update still depends on the mood (this is so bad...

A book recommended to a friend: "Lady in the Home"; Author: A Wood; House Fighting Article, the heroine was originally a noble daughter of a famous family, and her family was changed. She saved her father thousands of miles away. On the way, she happened to meet her fiance and regarded him as a bodyguard. It was the little white rabbit road inspection Husky. After that, it was found that it was a big gray wolf, and then the whole process of being eaten. HE, the pit product is guaranteed, please feel free to collect it.

The heroine is gentle and quiet, indisputable and noisy. I like it very much. RS