Spring boudoir note

Chapter 357 Worship

Si Jian drove the carriage and soon left the city.

Gu Jinzhi lifted the car curtains and looked out, with a vein of green mountains and decaying grass everywhere. The late autumn is full of prosperity, and the eyes are full of desolation.

Her hand loosened, and the curtain fell, covering the remnant autumn in her sight.

The carriage is fast and a little bumpy.

Gu Jin's stomach is very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, it didn't take long and arrived at the destination soon.

Liujiazhuang is a small villager, inhabited by ordinary people, diligent, simple and kind people.

The gorgeous carriage entered the village and attracted the attention of the farmers, but no one thought much about it.

"It's to Zhen's house, isn't it?" Someone muttered in a low voice and continued to work.

The fields in Liujiazhuang are not fertile land, and the harvest is unsatisfactory.

If you encounter a year of famine, you will have to pay heavy land tax if you don't collect any.

The land tax is too heavy. Even if it is tax-free every few years, the people of Liujiazhuang can't afford it. They all sold the land to a master surnamed Zhen, and then rented the land of Master Zhen's house.

The rent of Master Zhen's house is lighter than the land tax.

No one knows the origin of Master Zhen. All he knows is that he is young, with one wife and three concubines, and a kind old father.

Master Zhen does not often go to Zhuangzi. His wife and concubine stayed to serve his old father. The family was very kind and never bullied others.

The people in Liujiazhuang respect the Zhen family.

A few years ago, there was often a nobleman in the city who came to visit Mr. Zhen's house. In the past few years, there have been fewer and fewer people, but there are also people coming during the Spring Festival.

So, when you see the gorgeous carriage, everyone knows that it is going to Zhen's house.

The carriage really stopped at the gate of Zhen's compound.

Zhen's courtyard is not grandiared from the outside.

In the ordinary courtyard, there is a tall sycamore tree at the door, with golden leaves everywhere, and the branches are bathed in the thin sunlight in late autumn. The gray courtyard wall of the grinding bricks is not high, but the scarlet door looks thick, and a pair of brass doors are quietly buckled upside down.

Si Jian stopped the carriage, jumped down and knocked on the door.

A family came to open the door and asked doubtfully, "Who are you looking for?"

"Is your master here?" Si Jian smiled and said, "We come from the city to see your master, and say hi to your grandmother and grandfather by the way."

"The master didn't come back." Jiading said, "Come back another day."

Although the tone is polite, there is no doubt that you have to close the door again.

Si Jian hurriedly resisted the door and accompanied his smiling face.

Gu Jinzhi has got out of the carriage.

She stepped forward and said to her family, "Go in and tell me and let your grandma come out to see me."

Gu Jinzhi went to visit the eldest princess today, so he was gorgeous: brocade smoke, red jacquard, water shadow red densely woven gold thread acacia long skirt, covered with silver-red silk cloak, gorgeous eyes; combed a high bun, left and right two red gold ruby butterfly flower hairpins, facing the sun, brilliant.

With such a body, she was not the daughter of an ordinary family. She also said that she would let her grandmother come out to meet her. Her tone was so natural that the family guessed that she must be a nobleman in the city.

In the past, there were often noble people in the city. I had never seen this family, but I had heard of it.

He hesitated, closed the door again, and turned around.

The "grandma" called by the family is Zhen Mo's wife, Ou Shi.

The doorkeeper told the little maid on the second door about a noble thing outside and asked her to go in and tell her.

When Ou Shi heard the news, he couldn't help wondering: Who is the Tan family?

Since the death of Zhen Zhen, the aunt of the Zhen family, only the fourth grandmother of the Tan family takes Sister Yu to Zhuangzi for half a day to visit the old man. The doorkeeper has only been here for two years. He hasn't seen Aunt Zhen, but he has also seen Sister Yu. If Sister Yu is here, won't she come to ask for instructions?

Who else is there?

The Zhen family has lived here for nearly ten years.

In the early years, Zhen Zhen was favored in the Tan family, and someone in Tan You's wife's family once provoked.

Ou Shi can't help but be irritable. Is he looking for trouble again?

Although I don't like it, I don't dare to neglect it.

Ou Shi got up and took the maid and the woman to the gate.

At first sight of the person at the gate, Euclid's feet softened and almost fell down.

Fortunately, it was in the blue sky and the sun, and in the eyes of the public, if it was night, Ou Shi would be scared to death: why did the sister-in-law, who had been dead for several years, suddenly come back?

There was a woman who had also seen Zhen Zhen and exclaimed.

Eou's own clutched his chest tightly.

Seeing this situation, everyone else was stunned, and the doorkeeper also got out of the way.

Gu Jinzhi came in, gave a blessing to Ou Shi with a smile, and said, "Grandma Zhen..."

Euclid subconsciously took a step back.

Even under such a bright sun, Ou's felt a chill on her back, and the piercing chill poured in from the top of her head, and she shivered.

It's so uncomfortable to hit ghosts in the daytime.

Eleine has always been timid.

Si Jian followed Gu Jin, and the two guards stood around.

Seeing Ou's gaffe, Gu Jinzhi stood still and did not move forward.

In a little, Euclis came to his senses, and his voice trembled a little: "...Who is it? My concubine is clumsy and doesn't know noble people.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Speak inside."

Ou Shi recovered from shock and fear, and his mind was a little clear, and he thought of one thing that his husband usually mentioned in his words.

She tremblingly invited Gu Jinzhi to the main courtyard.

When she got to her yard, her out-of-body soul finally fell to her body and hurriedly saluted Gu Jinzhi: "Wenry to the princess."

Ou Shi heard Zhen Mo say it once or twice that Miss Gu Jiaqi looks really real, and Uncle Tan is very infatuated with her and is a little fascinated.

Not long ago, Miss Gu Jiaqi and the king of Luyang got married, which was known in the capital, and Ou Shi naturally heard about it.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and helped Ou Shi.

Eori took the opportunity to get up.

The maid served tea.

Ou Shi sat at the head of Gu Jinzhi. She couldn't help looking at Gu Jin's eyes. This time, she looked at the side face.

From the side, it's not so similar. Zhen Zhen's face is very soft, and the side face is also very soft; while Princess Luyang's side face is deep and the outline is very clear.

This is not very similar.

While sitting with Euclid, he secretly winted at a woman at the door.

The woman quietly turned around and went out.

"...The princess is in a lowly place today. What do you want to do?" Ou Shi took a sip of tea, put the tea cup and asked Gu Jinzhi.

"Lord Zhen is not at home?" Gu Jin's rhetorical question.

Ou Shi smiled and said, "Isn't it wrong for the princess to call him? What kind of adult is he? He is just following Lord Tan and running errands. At his age, he is just a boy. Besides, he is not often at home. He will come back in two or three months and stay for a day or two.

"Lord Tan value him very much and rely on him for everything." Gu Jinzhi followed Ou's words and said, "Don't be modest for him."

Her tone is very familiar, as if Zhen Mo is her brother.

The more he listened to it, the more shocked he became.

Her finally softened her face and turned slightly purple.

Gu Jinzhi saw that she was really too timid, so he said directly, "I had something to discuss with Lord Zhen. Since he is not at home, I will say no to the old man, and it's time to say goodbye.

The old man didn't know that there was a woman like Zhen Zhen in the world.

Gu Jinzhi suddenly went to see him, didn't he scare him to death?

The old man is not scared.

"How dare the working princess go to comfort the old man?" Ou Shi smiled reluctantly, "You are so noble. My old man is just an old blacksmith. Your praise is your grace. I can't stand it."

"Lord Zhen is kind to me." Gu Jin said, "He saved my life. Is it because my grandmother's sudden visit that grandma won't let me? If so, I will be uneasy.

Eou Shi hurriedly said, "The princess misunderstood, and my concubine didn't stop..."

Seeing Gu Jin's slightly restrained face, Ou Shi dared not say more.

She got up and took Gu Jinzhi to Master Zhen's yard.

Master Zhen lives in the small courtyard on the west side of the outer courtyard. The independent door is not only connected to the big house, but also leads to the farmland behind.

The old man planted two jujube trees in his small yard, and there was a chicken coop in the corner.

The hen just laid an egg and cackled. The little maid in coarse clothes touched the egg. When she got up, she saw Grandma Zhen coming in with someone and hurriedly saluting Grandma Zhen.

This is a very ordinary farmyard, which is completely different from the Zhen family's mansion.

"Where's the old man?" O's asked the little girl.

"Sleep in the room." The little girl said.

"Let's see if the old master has woken up. If you wake up, say that a distinguished guest has arrived. Euclidean Road.

The little girl said yes.

Ou Shi himself led Gu Jinzhi to the main hall of the courtyard and sat down.

After a cup of tea, an old but smiling voice came from outside the door: "Which distinguished guest is here?"

He only regards it as his own family.

Then, Gu Jinzhi saw an old man in a blue cloth shirt coming in.

The Zhen family is very rich now, but Master Zhen's clothes are just neat. Gebu's clothes are very clean and ironed, and the minion at home is dressed better than him.

Gu Jinzhi was a little surprised.

She stood up.

When the old man saw her, his face changed greatly. He was stunned at the door. He didn't know how to move his feet for a long time and stared at her closely...

Looking at it, my eyes are wet.


Zhen Mo didn't have to be on duty today, and Tan You was fine. He went back to his residence early.

He has a house in the city, a two-entry yard, several maids and maids, not accompanied by a concubine's room, which is very spacious.

His wife, concubines and children all stayed in the countryside to take care of his old father.

I have time on weekdays, and Zhen Mo always practices riding and shooting to pass the time.

The servants put their arrow targets in the yard, and Zhen Mo also changed into convenient clothes and was ready to practice archery. Someone rushed in.

"Sir, I'm from the countryside." The little one said in a hurry.

The bow in Zhen Mo's hand was full. Hearing this, his heart tightened, and he couldn't help guessing whether something had happened to his father. The force in his hand was loosened, and the arrow was fired obliquely.

"Come on in." Zhen Modao.

The boy from the countryside followed him in.

He knelt down and kowtowed to Zhen Mo, and then said, "Grandma said, if the master is fine, go back quickly. There is a distinguished guest at home. Grandma is afraid of poor hospitality, so please go back to accompany him."

Zhen Mo was slightly surprised and asked, "What kind of noble customer?"

He usually doesn't interact with people. Except for Tan You, Zhen Mo doesn't recognize him.

As we all know, Zhen Mo doesn't like people to disturb his family.

"Grandma said that the master would understand when he went back to see that it was a female guest. She is going to pay s-in-law to pay s-in-law. The little one said.

Zhen Mo inexplicably thought of Gu Jinzhi.

He was shocked.

"Go." Zhen Mo didn't change his clothes. He turned around and quickly walked to the stable. After untied the horse, he ran away.

The people who follow him can't be chased away.

After half an hour's journey, Zhen finally arrived home in a quarter of an hour.

He went to his father's yard.

Father and Gu Jinzhi sat side by side, with tears in their eyes.

"Dad." Zhen Mo's head was sweating, and he quickly knelt down to salute his father.

Mr. Zhen wiped the wet corners of his eyes and said, "Are you back? Come on, look who this is?"

He pointed to Gu Jinzhi.

Zhen Mo saluted Gu Jinzhi again: "Princess!"

"Let's get up." Gu Jinzhi laughed.

Zhen Mo was suspicious and stood up.

Master Zhen asked Zhen Mo to sit down and asked him, "Look, do you look like your sister? There are people in the world who are so similar. When the girl came, I was shocked. You saved her life. Why didn't you tell me?"

Zhen Mo was worried.

He didn't know what Gu Jinzhi said to his father.

He had to squeeze out a little smile and said, "Dad, it's a thing of the past. Do you think so? I don't think it's the same..."

"What's the difference? It's exactly the same." Mr. Zhen said. Then thinking of Zhen Zhen, who passed away, his heart was sore and his eyes were wet again.

Zhen Mo hurriedly said, "Dad, you have a rest. It's getting late. I should send the princess back to the city, otherwise we can't afford the curfew in the city."

Master Zhen had a strong reluctance in his eyes and said, "Alas, is the girl really a princess? I thought you were fooling the little boy..."

"How can I fool you?" Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "It's really fate. You think I'm like your daughter, so treat me as your daughter in the future.

Mr. Zhen begged for it and hurriedly said, "How dare you do this? I can't afford it. I can't afford it."

But there is a desire in my eyes.

He was not confused at all. He knew that his daughter had passed away, and the person in front of him was just similar, not true.

"You can afford it." Gu Jin said, "I'll be free some other day, and I'll come to see you again."

Mr. Zhen quickly said hello.

He sent Gu Jinzhi to the door of the yard and repeatedly told her, "Come back another day."

He has never seen many dignitaries in his life. Even when his daughter gains power, he is just a blacksmith, so he has no awe of the princess. He only thinks that Gu Jinzhi is a kind girl.

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