Spring boudoir note

Chapter 389 Go Home

Section 389 Go Home

March 18 of the ten years of Shuntian is the day when Gu Jin's daughter's daughter came out of the cabinet.

The spring rain that fell all night did not stop, and the rain was drizzling.

Maybe the drizzle is thin and cold, which annoys the flowers, and the path is full of falling flowers.

Wearing a big red wedding dress, she came to kowtow to Gu Jinzhi in heavy makeup. The skirt was stained with wet petals and added beauty. The drizzle brushed his face, and the powder on his face was slightly removed, but his eyebrows were shiny, shy and charming.

For the first time, Gu Jinzhi felt that he was very beautiful.

She was saluted.

After that, Zhilei and Nianlu sent Wei out.

Gu Jinzhi and Zhu's mother sent it to the gate of the main courtyard in person.

The spring rain washed the bluestone slabs of the path to make it clear and transparent.

Wei Wei took a few steps, suddenly stopped, and looked back at the direction of the main courtyard. Gu Jinzhi and Zhu's mother stood under the umbrella and looked at Wei Wei.

I wish my mother had already shed tears in her eyes.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and motioned her to move on.

Wei Wei made a blessing again, and then he went out.

The wedding dress with gold weaving and jade embroidery was wet by the light rain, but gave birth to a few bright and bright eyes. In the breeze, the skirts are flying, dancing with the willow catkins all over the sky.

I wish my mother a sad face.

Gu Jinzhi personally took Zhu's mother's hand and took her back to the main courtyard.

In this way, he married Si Jian.

Gu Jinzhi set up a three-entry house near the royal palace for Si Jian. On the day of the wedding, the magistrates in the royal palace went to the hustle and bustle.

The maids in the inner courtyard also went to marry Wei Wei.

Only Gu Jinzhi, Zhu's mother and other little maids are left at home.

Even Yanshan's wet nurse, Gu Jinzhi also let her go.

In the evening, the spring rain gradually became urgent, hitting the tender green new branches, rustling, and Gu Jinzhi and Zhu's mother were a little lonely.

Gu Jinzhi miss Zhu Zhongjun very much.

He has been to Henan for half a year and has not returned yet.

Gu Jinzhi knew that things were difficult, but he was still worried about Zhu Zhongjun.

Yanshan woke up, and Gu Jinzhi fed him once. Gu Jinzhi was very satisfied that he was in such a healthy state because he was born prematurely.

Satisfied and satisfied, I can't help worrying: Rongnan was born with more than six catties, only a full moon and more than ten catties, growing fast.

Yanshan was born with more than four catties and only more than ten catties in eight months. This comparison made Gu Jin worried.

She hugged Yanshan and slowly coaxed the child to sleep.

Yanshan was full and yawned, which was very interesting.

He looks like Gu Jinzhi.

When I was about to fall asleep, I suddenly heard the sound of rapid footsteps.

Zhu's mother, who is accompanying Gu Jinzhi, is stunned. Today is to wish my mother's only daughter to get married. I wish my mother is inevitably sad. She is holding back the sadness and stunned. Hearing the footsteps, she reacted first, thinking that there was something wrong with Wei Wei, so she jumped up and opened the door of the courtyard.

Gu Jinzhi looked through the window lattice, and she didn't get up.

In the drizzle curtain, a tall figure rushed in quickly with a cold rain.

Zhu's mother called the prince behind her, and she was all submerged.

Gu Jinzhi hurriedly hugged the child and stood up.

Zhu Zhongjun is back.

"I'm back..." Before he entered the room, he shouted outside the window.

Gu Jinzhi hugged the child and greeted him.

"The prince is back." Gu Jinzhi said with a smile.

I didn't know what to say in thousands of words, but I said such a cliché.

Both of them laughed.

Regardless of the presence of the maids, Zhu Zhongjun came forward and hugged Gu Jinzhi and Yanshan, waking up Yanshan.

Yanshan opened his eyes and looked at Zhu Zhongjun. He was powerless to cry and continued to sleep.

Gu Jinzhi gave the child to Zhu's mother.

The couple went into the inner room.

Zhu Zhongjun finished his outfit, was half wet by the rain, and his hair was also wet. Gu Jinzhi told the maids to prepare hot water and bathe Zhu Zhongjun.

After bathing, Gu Jinzhi personally served him to change his clothes and wiped his hair.

He was much darker and thinner. Gu Jinzhi was trying to express that he felt a little sorry for him, but he hugged Gu Jinzhi's waist and locked her lips tightly.

His wet hair fell off, stained with Gu Jinzhi's cheeks, which was a little cold. He hugged so hard that he almost crushed Gu Jinzhi, and he kissed Gu Jinzhi so hard that he couldn't breathe.

His hand naturally untied Gu Jinzhi's clothes.

Gu Jinzhi was held to ** by him. After his legs were naturally separated, Zhu Zhongjun's eyes were hot. When he was confused, he stopped and asked Gu Jinzhi, "Is it okay?"

He doesn't know how long it will take for a woman to have sex after giving birth to a child.

In such a scorching situation, he can stop and ask, cherishing Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jin's heart moved slightly, and his voice gasped a little. He said, "Well, you can..."

Before she finished speaking, she came in hot and hard. Gu Jinzhi has not been emotional enough to let Zhu Zhongjun travel, which is a little dry. After giving birth to Yanshan, she had sex for the first time. It was a little tight, and a burst of pain came. Her eyes were almost dark, and she couldn't help the sound of pain.

Zhu Zhongjun sneaded again.

He has entered Gu Jinzhi's body, but has not moved.

"Is it hurting?" He asked.

Gu Jinzhi nodded and said, "Slow down..."

Zhu Zhongjun said hello.

He kissed Gu Jinzhi's lips, gently described her lip line, and sucked her neck. Gradually, he could feel the wet, hot and tight package, bursts of contraction, bursts of squeeze, which almost made Zhu Zhongjun disarm and surrender.

He stopped and gradually suppressed the pleasure before he controlled himself.

He hasn't touched Gu Jinzhi for a long time.

Since Gu Jinzhi was pregnant last year, his body has been not good. Zhu Zhongjun did not dare to touch her for fear of frightening her and the child. After that, she gave birth to Yanshan, and Zhu Zhongjun went to Henan.

Calculate carefully, it has been a year and three months.

I felt the soft, wet and hot meat wall again, bumping into his **, which made Zhu Zhongjun very emotional. He looked at the woman's cheeks under him, which were a little ruddy. He was gently bitten by his slightly swollen lips, and frowned, as if in pain.

But her wet heat let Zhu Zhongjun know that she was just restraining her lust.

In the end, Zhu Zhongjun let her down.

Her tightness made Zhu Zhongjun quickly pour out.

He couldn't hold on.

After the two bathed, Zhu Zhongjun waited for his hair to dry, but Gu Jinzhi went to bed first.

She is more plump than she has just given birth. She is no longer full bone at all and can touch some meat. Zhu Zhongjun was very gratified.

She fell asleep, her slender feathers were quietly, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and she seemed to be very happy in the dream.

Is it because he came back?

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhongjun was satisfied.

He kissed her gently on the back.

In a daze, Gu Jinzhi groaned in a low voice.

This sound, like a magic spell, ignited all the desires in Zhu Zhongjun's heart.

The second time, his ability exploded amazingly.

Gu Jinzhi also gradually woke up.

Waves of impacts broke her breathing.

She didn't know the time. She only felt that after she was thrown into the clouds, her brain was blank, and her IQ was all repulsed by **. She even wanted to hug Zhu Zhongjun and say I love you.

She regained consciousness in time. She didn't say I love you, and smiled and gave Zhu Zhongjun a kiss.

Zhu Zhongjun's hair was half dry. He complained that there was no hair dryer, so he hugged Gu Jinzhi and fell asleep. This feeling was extremely down-to-earth, the most down-to-earth night after coming from Luzhou.

It rained in spring all night, and it cleared up the next day.

Gu Jinzhi slept very sweetly. Before she opened her eyes, she heard the sound of birds outside. She turned slightly and looked at Zhu Zhongjun still sleeping. Without disturbing him, she crept up and got out of bed.

It has reached the beginning of the day, and there are three poles in the day.

The carved window lattice is covered with green gauze, and sunlight penetrates through the cracks. The branches outside the window cast a shyao shadow on the window.

Gu Jinzhi put on his own clothes and went to the clean room to wash.

When she came back, Zhu Zhongjun also woke up.

He opened his eyes, yawned, stretched out and said, "What time is it?"

"If you are tired, sleep a little longer; if you are hungry, get up." Gu Jin's way.

Zhu Zhongjun smiled.

He turned over and continued to sleep.

Maybe he was very tired outside. Zhu Zhongjun slept until lunch.

He got up for lunch and played with Yanshan in his arms for a while. It was not until Yanshan was sleepy that he handed over the child to the wet nurse, and then said to Gu Jin, "Yanshan looks like a child who has just been one month old..."

Yanshan has been in Yanshan for eight months, and it is indeed like the full moon in Rongnan.

Gu Jinzhi and Lin Yi helped him a lot if he survived.

Premature birth made him too weak.

Gu Jinzhi is very guilty.

If I had stayed in the capital to give birth at that time, maybe the child would not have been like this.

But she thought that as long as Yanshan was alive, she could help him take good care of him and make him a normal person. Gu Jinzhi is careful about this.

"Take your time..." Gu Jin said, "After a few days, you will grow well. He has grown faster than before recently..."

Zhu Zhongjun said nothing more.

Gu Jinzhi changed the topic and asked him how things were going on in Henan.

Zhu Zhongjun's face suddenly showed pride: "I've got something. I asked someone to build a secret room in the mountains, and everything has been moved to the mountain. The blacksmiths who build weapons are ready..."

He needs to prepare his own weapons.

Zhu Zhongjun wants to build an army comparable to the Shenji Camp.

And the magic machine camp uses a fire gun, which is the predecessor of the cannon.

To make cannons, in addition to iron ore, gunpowder is also needed.

Zhu Zhongjun has been busy for a while.

Gu Jinzhi asked: "..... Can't you stay at home for a long time?

Zhu Zhongjun gently hugged her shoulder and whispered, "Uh-huh. I'll take care of Yanshan. Thank you for your hard work. When I'm done, I'll stay with you at home every day.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and gently hugged his waist.

From March to the end of the year, Zhu Zhongjun has been busy with weapons.

He wanted to build a stronger army, and the artillery was also improved.

When the experiment always failed, the secret chamber built in the mountains exploded three times.

Fortunately, the secret room was built secretly, and Zhu Zhongjun tried his best to cover it up, and no one noticed it.

In the past ten years, Zhu Zhongjun was busy making cannons, Gu Jinzhi was busy feeding Yanshan, and Lin Yi was busy making poppy pulp.

It's the end of the year, unconsciously.

In October, Zhu Zhongjun received a special edict from the imperial court to let them return to Beijing for the Spring Festival this year.

Yanshan has been 15 months and has grown to 16 catties.


was thin, it was not outrageous. He gradually entered a healthy state.

Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi discussed the Spring Festival.

He can't leave, and Gu Jinzhi doesn't want to ride Yanshan, and neither of them wants to go back to Beijing for the Spring Festival.

"We won't go back." Zhu Zhongjun said to Gu Jin, "I will write a letter and explain the matter clearly... It is not appropriate for you and Yanshan to travel long distances."