Spring boudoir note

Chapter 418 Shocking Change

Section 418 Change

Gu Jinzhi sat up and asked Zhu Zhongjun to tell the matter in detail: "Why do you want to recruit in person? Where is there a war?"

Thinking of the last blizzard, it seems to have been raining for a long time, and the blizzard in the northwest is probably even bigger.

It should be that the nomadic tribes on the grassland are looking for trouble again, right?

Gu Jinzhi's heart poured into a lot of chills.

"Last winter, there was a blizzard in the grassland for half a month. Herdsmen and livestock were killed and injured, and the Mongols robbed our border guard town of Guyuan.

This time, it was the Alliance of Varans and Tatarites. Two Mongolian cruelers attacked Guyuan at night, and the soldiers defending the city had traitors and collapsed. The Mongols entered Guyuan and slaughtered the people all over the city. The mansion reported that it arrived at the court yesterday, and the whole dynasty was furious. Zhu Zhongjun said.

Guyuan is a large town at the border gate, and the population is only afraid to be more than 10,000.

Mongolian soldiers enter the city, and the slaughter of the city is inevitable.

Gu Jinzhi felt depressed.

They need so much blood to live and work in peace today.

"... Since the emperor ascended the throne, he has never suffered such a big loss. The western garrison is afraid of low morale. Moreover, the Tatar and the tiles were capricious, and the court also tried to do business with them, but they were not subdued.

When the former emperor was alive, the same was true of Tatar and Whara. The former emperor personally conquered three times, and the grassland was calm for more than ten years. Nowadays, there are repeated disturbances in the grassland, and I'm afraid it's difficult to calm down if you don't recruit in person. Zhu Zhongjun said slowly, "The prince is about to be weak, and he will also assist the government for three years. There is someone in the country of supervision, and the emperor's personal expedition is inevitable."

Fighting is a disaster for the people.

Once there is a war, the tax will be increased by several times or even more than ten times.

The hard-working farm man is undoubtedly a catastrophe.

And those soldiers who go on an expedition may be lifeless to return.

How many wives and children are separated?

But in order to avoid more innocent casualties, war is essential.

"The three armies have not moved, and the food and fodder go first. I'm afraid that the people of Anhui, Huguang and Jiangsu and Zhejiang have also suffered for several years." Gu Jinzhi sighed.

Every time the tax is increased, Anhui, Huguang and other places will definitely increase the most.

"No one wants to fight." Zhu Zhongjun said, "But the emperor does not march in person. The northwest is not calm, and the loss is even greater.

Gu Jinzhi was silent and did not answer.

"...I want to tell the emperor that I am willing to stay and assist the prince in supervising the country." Zhu Zhongjun said, "In order to avoid him from going on an expedition with me."

Gu Jinzhi's heart suddenly came up.

She clenched Zhu Zhongjun's arm tightly and said, "He... he will let you go with him?"

Zhu Zhongjun gently took Gu Jinzhi's shoulder and said, "There is such a possibility..."

"You don't want to go." Gu Jin said, "You..."

Her breathing became short.

may be pregnant. Let her mood change so quickly.

She can hardly suppress her emotions. Let it be exposed directly.

In case Zhu Zhongjun can't come back. Gu Jinzhi's support is about to collapse.

She was thinking yesterday that Zhu Zhongjun's dependence was so strong and loyal that this kind of thing happened today.

Zhu Zhongjun patted her gently on the back and said, "Don't be afraid. Gu Jinzhi, I won't go. I don't have to go either. Do you really feel at ease when you become the emperor and let the prince supervise the country? How many of the ministers in the court are the emperor's confidants? I am his own brother. He is using people. He trusts me more than others. How could the Empress Dowager be willing to go? Think about it, I will definitely stay."

The emperor's personal expedition, his safety needs to be guaranteed.

Compared with the personal safety of the emperor, the security of the imperial court is the top priority.

Say a cold word. When the emperor died, the prince could succeed to the throne, and the court was still royal. At this time, civil unrest should be prevented.

The Empress Dowager will definitely leave Zhu Zhongjun.

With Zhu Zhongjun in charge, other people who are ready to move will also have scruples. I don't dare to bully the prince when he is young.

In this way, Zhu Zhongjun will not leave the capital for a while.

Gu Jinzhi was not happy.

In exchange for such a result, there is nothing to be pleased with.

I don't know how long the war will last.

For a while, she became sentimental.

Besides, this is just Zhu Zhongjun and her guess.

No one knows the emperor's heart.

What if the emperor wants Zhu Zhongjun to go?

Gu Jinzhi snuggled his head in Zhu Zhongjun's arms and whispered, "I thought about something yesterday..."

"What's the matter?" Zhu Zhongjun gently stroked her hair.

"...I'm thinking that I trust you very much. Betrayal in marriage will not happen to you. You are always the support of our mother and son. I don't want to work hard anymore. I just want to rely on you. Gu Jinzhi said slowly, "I mistakenly thought you were going to the battlefield today. I'm really panicked. If you go to the battlefield, I will prepare for the worst. I really can't afford it..."

Zhu Zhongjun held her arm and suddenly tightened.

He didn't say anything.

For a moment, Gu Jinzhi felt his choked.

He wet his eyes.

In the early stage of pregnancy, hormonal disorders are not too serious, but Gu Jin's mood is indeed fragile. Maybe this is the original her, just because she pushed her to be pregnant.

She felt that Zhu Zhongjun's eyes were wet, and her eyes were also wet.

This night, when Zhu Zhongjun went to bed, he did not let go of Gu Jinzhi's hand.

He held her tightly.

The next morning, Gu Jinzhi opened his eyes and found that he was still holding his hand tightly, and her fingers were a little numb.

She wanted to pull it out and surprised him at once.

Zhu Zhongjun pretended to be nothing, got up and got out of bed, and then asked Gu Jinzhi, "Would you like to sleep for a while?"

Gu Jinzhi didn't sleep well last night.

Her head is dizzy.

But in the way that Zhu Zhongjun told her last night, she didn't dare to sleep and said, "Are you going to the palace?"


"Come back early. If there is any bad news, send someone to tell me early." Gu Jin said, "Otherwise, I won't feel at ease for a day."

Zhu Zhongjun smiled and said, "It must be good news. You can sleep a little longer..."

In the snowy day, it's bitterly cold.

Gu Jinzhi's head was dizzy and his body was heavy. He didn't want to get up, so he lay **.

The maids put down the brocade tent again.

Zhu Zhongjun told the maid again that no one should disturb Gu Jinzhi when visiting.

Gu Jinzhi also wants to sleep.

But there are so many things in her mind that she goes over and over again.

She fell asleep in a daze. She didn't sleep well and faintly heard the footsteps.

The little maid on the second door came in and said, "The bodyguard beside the prince is back. If you have something to say, come in and tell the princess, if you are in a hurry.

Gu Jinzhi quickly sat up and his head was dizzy.

She put on her clothes and saw Zhu Zhongjun's bodyguard through the screen.

The bodyguard said, "Your Majesty personally traveled to the north of the desert, and the prince accompanied him, which has been decided. The prince asked the princess to pack up his clothes and leave tomorrow.

Gu Jinzhi's legs softened and fell to the ground.

She gasped for breath, and tears rolled in her eyes.

Then, she thought again. Why is it so fast?

It is said that you can't leave immediately. At least transfer the army.

Select generals and transfer troops. It takes two months to prepare. Why did the bodyguard say he would leave tomorrow?

She walked around the screen and found that the house was empty.

And the maid behind him didn't know where she had gone.

Gu Jinzhi was suddenly frightened. People wake up.

It turned out to be a dream.

In a daze, it's so half true and half fake.

Gu Jin's back was soaked and his hair was sweaty.

She sat blankly in **, feeling unwell for a long time.

She didn't get up until the middle of the afternoon.

She called the maid to wait on her to bathe and change her clothes.

The maid hurried to prepare hot water.

Gu Jinzhi soaked in hot water for a quarter of an hour. It was not until the water became cold that she got up and her skin was wrinkled.

Then, when the maid combed her hair. She looked at herself in the bronze mirror as if she didn't know her.

When did she become so fragile and useless?

Returning to his mind, Gu Jinzhi restrained the look in his eyes.

Seeing Qiu Yu and Mu Ye standing behind him, Gu Jinzhi asked if there was anything wrong today as usual.

"Mrs. Shen is here. The maidservant replied. The princess didn't see the guests today, and the wife of the Duke of Shen was a little unhappy. She asked the maidservant to bring words to the princess..." Qiu Yu said carefully.

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

She wondered who the wife of the Duke of Shen was.

The Duke of Shen seems to be very familiar and important.

The woman who gave birth to a child is stupid for three years. Gu Jinzhi's third son is less than two years old. Now she is pregnant again, and her mood is abnormal. For a moment, she only felt that the three words "Gong Shen" were in her mouth, but she couldn't remember what the relationship was.

"What are you talking about?" Seeing that the autumn rain paused for a long time, she asked her.

"...The wife of the Duke of Shen said, the princess... The princess is a nobleman. Since you don't want to see her... Then, the money you owe her is still not paid..." Qiu Yu hesitated for fear of Gu Jin's anger.

Gu Jinzhi now remembered who it was.

is Jiang Xin.

She borrowed Jiang Xin's money, which she remembers very well.

Jiang Xin married Xu Qin, the former commander of Jinyiwei and now the general soldier of Xuantong.

In those years, in order for Xu Qin to be worthy of Jiang Xin, the emperor awarded Xu Qin the title of Duke of Shen. The reason is that the emperor went to the northwest with the former emperor, and Xu Qin saved the emperor's life.

Gu Jinzhi has heard about it for a long time.

She always remembers it in her heart.

It's just this moment. I just had a nightmare, and my brain was chaotic, but I didn't remember it.

She has long wanted to visit Jiang Xin.

It's just that she had been in the palace before, busy with the matter of working on the Tan family; she left the palace on the fourth day of the lunar new year and stayed in her mother's house for a few days; when she came back, it was Brother Xuan's business, which made her worried; Brother Xuan's matter had not been solved Now...

"Show me yesterday's greetings." Gu Jin's way.

Muye quickly went to look for it.

She has finished reading the previous invitation, not Jiang Xin's.

Only yesterday's one didn't finish it.

Muye quickly found it.

Sure enough, Jiang Xin handed over the post.

Gu Jinzhi secretly scolded himself for being stupid and wanted to see Jiang Xin today.

As soon as she stood up, she was spinning in front of her eyes, and she almost fainted.

She didn't sleep well, which made her very uncomfortable.

She can't go out like this, let alone take a carriage.

She shouted Qiu Yu: "Go to study ink, I want to write..."

She wrote a greeting post to Jiang Xin, which contained a text message, briefly explained her situation, and promised to visit Jiang Xin tomorrow.

After writing, she asked the maid to take off her newly combed hair.

She lay down and went to bed again.
