Spring boudoir note

Chapter 433 Fu Xie

Section 433 Evil

At the end of March, the weather gradually warmed up.

Yanshan and Yanying follow Chen Dingwen to learn martial arts and are sweaty every day.

Therefore, after practicing martial arts, Gu Jinzhi will order the wet nurse to bathe them and change into clean clothes.

Especially in the clean room in Yanshan, Gu Jinzhi asked the nursing mothers and maids to be extra careful. At this time of the day, the heater is still smoked, and Yanshan can't catch a cold when taking a shower.

Even so, Yanshan is still cold.

Gu Jinzhi is most afraid of Yanshan's illness.

Yanshan is premature, and his body is not upright. Every time he is infected with external evils such as wind and cold, it is difficult for him to completely remove the external evil, so he usually gets sick for a long time.

Even if he has a cold, he will cough for half a month.

Every time he coughed up, he couldn't fall asleep, and his whole health deteriorated sharply.

In the past few years, Gu Jinzhi has taken care of him a lot, and Yanshan is just like a normal person. He is not as strong as Yan Ying.

His physical deficiency was brought by nature. Moreover, he is only six years old, and his dirty organs have not yet grown. Now the recuperation must be gradual, otherwise it will hurt him.

Gu Jinzhi is also always careful.

It's not the fault of the wet nurse and maids. Gu Jinzhi didn't blame anyone.

Yanshan has not been cold for more than half a year, so this wind cold is also expected.

When he was cold, Gu Jinzhi immediately prescribed him Pueraria root soup to treat the external cold.

Pueraria root soup is composed of Pueraria root, hemp, sper leaf and licorice, which are all very common medicines.

Gu Jinzhi was worried and asked someone to go to his eldest brother's pharmacy to get the medicine.

Later, after thinking about it, the eldest brother's shop mainly relies on the worship in the palace to make a living. He usually relieves the people without collecting money. There should be no excellent medicine, which is ordinary.

And Qin Shensi's pharmacy relies on quality to win.

"Go to the Qinjia Baicao Hall to get medicine. By the way, tell the shopkeeper that it's the medicine I want..." Gu Jinzhi said to the shobin.

Ordinary medicine, she made such a fuss, and she was really scared by Yanshan.

The boy took the prescription and went to grab the medicine.

Yanshan now begins to sneeze, and his nose is stuffy. It's a little uncomfortable to snuggle in Gu Jin's arms.

When he saw that Gu Jinzhi was too worried, he whispered, "Mom, I don't feel bad..."

What he said means that he is very uncomfortable now.

Gu Jinzhi gently touched his little head, gratified that he did not have a fever, and said, "It's okay if you don't feel uncomfortable." Yanshan, don't catch a cold in the future.

Yanshan nodded.

A minor illness like wind and cold is just a small matter for others, but a disaster for Yanshan.

He was in Luzhou last year. He caught a cold in July, which was also quite serious.

When I arrived in Beijing, it was so cold that I didn't get cold. In the alternation of spring and summer, his body can't adapt to too obvious temperature changes, so he gets sick.

Yanshan seemed to be like this in the past.

Gu Jinzhi also took his pulse for him.

When Zhu Zhongjun came back in the evening, he wanted to talk to Gu Jinzhi, but found that Gu Jinzhi was not in the room.

He thought that Gu Jinzhi had gone to Gu's house, so he asked the maid beside him, "Where's the princess?"

"At the young master's place." The maid replied, "The young master is sick..."

Zhu Zhongjun's heart tightened, and Yanshan was sick, which was the most terrible thing for their husband and wife. Zhu Zhongjun didn't change his clothes and hurried to Yanshan.

As soon as he entered the room, he heard Gu Jinzhi and Yanshan talking.

Yanshan said, "...the medicine is not bitter. Mother, can I not drink it tomorrow? I'm all right."

Zhu Zhongjun couldn't help smiling.

I don't want to drink it tomorrow, which shows that the medicine is bitter.

Yanshan comforted Gu Jinzhi.

At such a young age, he is often sensible beyond his age, which moved Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jin.

The gentleness and kindness of Yanshan is brought by nature.

"Yanshan, my mother will give Yanshan the pulse tomorrow. If it's okay, I won't eat it tomorrow. Gu Jinzhi smiled, hugged Yanshan in his arms, and continued to feed him medicine.

Until Zhu Zhongjun came in.

Yanshan shouted at his father.

Zhu Zhongjun came forward, touched his son's head, and then asked Gu Jinzhi, "What's wrong with Yanshan?"

"Little disease, a little cold." Gu Jinzhi replied.

Zhu Zhongjun frowned inadvertently.

For Yanshan, no matter how small the disease is, it is a big deal.

His illness is always not easy to get well.

In Gu Jinzhi's words, his body is weak and he can't get rid of the evil, which makes the external evil body gradually become evil and can't be cured for a long time.

Zhu Zhongjun did not show concern on his face. He smiled and said, "It's indeed a small disease."

Then he also sat down and talked with Yanshan.

He asked Yanshan how he learned martial arts with his master today.

"...Dad, I don't want to practice martial arts." Yanshan said, "The master said that the second brother has talent, but I don't. Dad, I want to trace the red. There is a red book on my uncle's side. He wants to give it to me. Can I get it?

He feels very tired of practicing martial arts.

Yan Ying often runs around, and he is relatively strong. Although squatting is painful, Yan Ying can stick to it.

Yanshan can't do it.

Every time he squats, he spends less than half of Yan Ying's time. On the fist and feet, he always can't do it in place. The master needs to stop every time and correct his movements one by one.

His hands and feet are sore.

His hands and feet were sore at the beginning, and he told his mother.

His mother advised him to insist and practice slowly, and he would not be sour in the future.

But after the second brother arrived, he squatted longer and longer, and his hands and feet were not sore. But Yanshan still hasn't made any progress.

He was far behind his second brother and tired, which made Yanshan lose his confidence and enthusiasm for practicing martial arts.

He knew that his parents would spoil him when he was sick, so he took the opportunity to say what he thought.

Children have their own little shrewd.

"It's good that you want to learn to write." Zhu Zhongjun smiled and said, "I'll buy you a red book tomorrow. However, practicing martial arts can strengthen the body. Yanshan, if you are sick, your parents will be worried. After practicing martial arts, you won't get sick again..."

Yanshan squeezed his lips and thought for a moment. His eyes were timid and he nodded reluctantly.

Gu Jinzhi kissed him gently on the forehead and said, "Yanshan, your father is right. You can't give up practicing martial arts halfway. No matter what you do in the future, you can't give up halfway..."

Yanshan said something good as if he didn't understand.

He took the medicine and fell asleep quickly.

Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun came out of the inner room. Gu Jinzhi said to him, "I'll rest here tonight. In case he has a fever at night..."

Zhu Zhongjun took her hand and said, "You are pregnant with a child. You can't stay up late. I'll guard him. If he has a fever, I'll call you again.

Gu Jinzhi thought that if she didn't take good care of herself, no matter how unhealthy the child in her belly was, her guilt and burden would be added.

She can't have an unhealthy son anymore.

"You still have to go to court during the day..." Gu Jinzhi hesitated.

"It's okay, I can hold on. I'm an old man. What's it like to stay up late by chance? Zhu Zhongjun took Gu Jinzhi's shoulder, interrupted her hesitation, and said, "I'll take you back."

"I'll rest in the warm pavilion here. You are guarding Yanshan. If you have something to do, call me at any time. Gu Jin's way.

Zhu Zhongjun nodded.

It's still early. Zhu Zhongjun asked Gu Jinzhi, "Have you ever had dinner?"

Gu Jinzhi was busy taking care of Yanshan today and didn't think of dinner at all.

Seeing that Yanshan was asleep, he thought that Yan Ying and Yan Shao had not used food, so he said, "Not yet..."

She asked someone to bring Yan Ying and Yan Shao over, and the family had dinner.

After the meal, everyone sat down and drank tea. Zhu Zhongjun wanted to talk to Gu Jinzhi about the court, but Yanying had been talking about the experience of martial arts, pulling Zhu Zhongjun to chatter, so that Zhu Zhongjun had no chance to speak.

After Yan Ying finished speaking, Zhu Zhongjun thought of Yanshan's words just now. He felt that Yanshan could not keep up with Yan Ying in terms of martial arts practice. He should send another bodyguard to teach him and slow down.

Yanshan should not be the same master as Yan Ying. Otherwise, it will not only delay Yan Ying, but also make Yanshan feel frustrated. Children's talents can't be compared. It's unfair for them to compare.

Yanshan's body is weak. He must practice martial arts and improve with drugs. His martial arts can't be interrupted.

No matter how difficult it is, let the child stick to it.

When Yan Ying finished speaking, Zhu Zhongjun hugged him and said, "Dad will take you back to sleep."

Yan Ying shouted excitedly and asked Zhu Zhongjun to ride him around his neck.

Zhu Zhongjun really held him high and put him around his neck.

The father and son are very happy.

Gu Jinzhi shook his head behind him and said, "You spoil him too much... What does it look like to let the child ride on his neck?"

Not to mention letting the child ride on the neck, even if you hug your son, it seems too spoiled. In the future, the child will be raised to be a sling and disrespectful to the father. This is the mainstream concept of this era.

Zhu Zhongjun obviously saw it as if he was not seen.

"If you don't spoil him, who will you spoil?" Zhu Zhongjun didn't care and said, "I'm going to find Chen Dingwen. I'll ask him about Yanshan's martial arts practice, and then change the method. Slow down and don't put too much pressure on Yanshan.

Gu Jinzhi agrees with this.

Yan Ying can say that she doesn't want to learn, but Yanshan has to learn.

Proper exercise can improve the body's immunity and increase its own health.

The camp is full of health, and even if the external evil invades, it can be self-removing, and it will be healthy.

At present, nothing is more important than the health of Yanshan.

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

She sent Yan Shao back by herself.

Yan Shao is the age of learning languages.

Gu Jinzhi chatted with him and tried to talk to him, although he couldn't understand.

He is less than two years old, and his vision is blurred. If Gu Jinzhi does not often appear beside him, he may forget Gu Jinzhi.

If he hadn't been pregnant again, Gu Jinzhi would have fed him more time like Yanshan and Yan Ying.

She played with Yan Shao for a while, yawned a little, and went to Yanshan.

Yanshan coughed in his dream.

Gu Jinzhi was suddenly sleepless.

Fortunately, Yanshan's cough was very shallow and soon disappeared.

For the next half hour, Gu Chen sat by the bedside of Yanshan.

Until Zhu Zhongjun comes back.

Zhu Zhongjun said to her, "I have discussed it with Chen Dingwen, and I will teach Yanshan in the future. He doesn't have to be like Yan Ying for two hours. In the future, he will spend half an hour every day, and after another half a year, he will increase his time..."

Gu Jinzhi feels very good.

Zhu Zhongjun urged her to go to bed.

She repeatedly told Zhu Zhongjun, "If he coughs again, you have to call me."

Zhu Zhongjun said hello.