Spring boudoir note

Chapter 481 Freshmen

Section 481 Freshman Zhu Zhongjun left for less than two hours, and Gu Jinzhi's amniotic fluid broke.

The child deliberately tortured her, and Gu Jin thought with hatred.

"Help me..." Gu Jinzhi calmed himself down and made sure that the amniotic fluid was broken, so he called Qiu Yu and Mu Ye and helped her to the building in the main courtyard.

The building has long been cleaned up into a temporary delivery room.

A bed of huā pear wood was placed and the brocade quilt was made. The day before yesterday, Gu Jinzhi asked the maid to hold the quilt in the sun for fear that the child would suddenly arrive in the next few days.

Now it seems that all the preparations have not been done in vain.

Qiu Yu and Mu Ye were very nervous: "Princess, are you going to give birth?"

"Don't worry, don't worry." Gu Jinzhi comforted them, "Go and boil the hot water, call the stable mother over, and then go to Gu Zhai. Tell Mrs. Gu San to come and see me. Take good care of the second young master and the third young master. Don't let them run to the delivery room and hit the filth.

She ordered in an orderly manner.

Autumn rain and leaves are also calmer.

They first helped Gu Jinzhi to Baoxia, and then called the maid to explain what Gu Jinzhi ordered one by one and let him get ready.

Mother-in-law arrived first.

"There's still a little later. I'm not busy." Gu Jinzhi said to his mother-in-law.

She knows better than her mother-in-law.

The stable woman looked at it and said with a smile, "As long as the princess is not in a hurry. When she gives birth to a child, she is most afraid of being a mother first. Princess, lie down first and wait for a little time..."

This stable woman was introduced by Song Paner, and she is also a talkative woman.

Gu Jinzhi smiled.

Song Pan'er will also come soon.

"Where's the prince?" Song Pan'er asked Gu Jinzhi.

She didn't know that Zhu Zhongjun was leaving today.

Gu Jinzhi didn't mention this matter much to her mother. She was afraid that her mother would be worried. He was wordy again; Er Laixuan got married, and his mother was busy. I don't have time to listen.

"Just left..." Gu Jinzhi began to have a little contractions, but it didn't take long.

She can make room to talk to her mother.

"This is too unlucky." Song Pan'er didn't care about Zhu Zhongjun's relationship, and he only had a daughter in his heart.

She was so nervous that she even forgot that Gu Jinzhi had given birth to three children.

But. Song Pan'er was not there for the previous three children.

This was Song Pan'er's first presence. She chattered endlessly, explained how Gu Jinzhi how to have a child, and then said, "...Don't be afraid. When it's time to give birth, work hard. I'm here.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Mother. I gave birth to Yanshan, Yanying and Yan Shao, and I know it. It's you, don't worry. There will be a while. If you are in a hurry, I will also be in a hurry.

Song Pan'er was slightly stunned, then smiled and said, "I'm confused."

She seemed to be greatly relieved.

If she cares, she will be confused.

Gu Jinzhi laughed.

With such a smile, there is another contraction.

Song Pan'er looked at her like this. The man became nervous again and said, "So fast?"

When she gave birth to Gu Jinzhi and Gu Xuanzhi, it was more difficult. Later, Xiaoshi and Xiaoshi. It's because Gu Jinzhi rubbed her around every day. It was easy to give birth, but not so fast.

"When I was born in Yanshan, I suffered a little. It's much easier for Yan Ying and Yan Shao..." Gu Jinzhi gasped to suppress the contractions. "But it won't be so fast. It's just that it hurts, and the mouth of the uterus is not open, and we have to wait for a while.

She is both the mother of three sons and a doctor. She is very clear about the whole process, although she did not check it.

It's gratifying that after this contraction, it hasn't hurt for a long time.

It's much slower this time.

After Gu Jinzhi was born for three hours, the child finally landed.

is a girl.

"Yes... Yes... It's Tong Tong..." Gu Jinzhi was exhausted and was about to fall asleep, and he didn't forget to tell his mother the child's baby name.

This is Zhu Zhongjun's favorite name.

He has been looking forward to Gu Jinzhi having a daughter, and now he has finally had one, and Gu Jinzhi is slowly relieved.

She is very happy.

But no matter how happy you are, you can't be tired.

Then, her eyelids fought.

She endured her last breath and dropped the placenta, and then she couldn't cheer up anymore.

She fell asleep in a daze.

In the dream, there was a white and fat little girl, with a silver bell-like voice, giggling. Gu Jinzhi also laughed and shouted Tong Tong.

The girl rushed to Gu Jinzhi.

is about three or four years old.

Gu Jinzhi can tell that this is a dream, but she is too tired to wake up at all.


On September 13, Zhu Zhongjun had just left Beijing. At dusk, Gu Jinzhi gave birth to a baby girl, nicknamed Tong Tong, weighing seven catties and three taels, which was heavier than the three sons born by Gu Jin.

Women in this era are not in good physical fitness, and their children are generally relatively thin. It's good to be born with five or six catties. But if you can be born, it will be only seven catties and three taels, and it will be quite heavy in later generations.

At that time, Gu Jinzhi always felt that her stomach was very big, and the child also had the strength to kick her. It was because she was so good-looking.

Because the child is heavier, he was born white and fat, not red or wrinkled, and the water is cute and pleasing. Cry a few times, feed her milk, and open your mouth to know how to eat.

Before the child was born, the Empress Dowager booked several wet nurse for the child in the * house.

After the child landed, Song Paner helped Gu Jinzhi and sent the people from other halls to the palace immediately report to the empress dowager.

The Empress Dowager was very happy, and the wet nurse sent it.

A total of five were sent. Let Gu Jinzhi choose two. Don't starve her precious granddaughter.

Gu Jinzhi fell asleep, and Song Pan'er helped to choose a wet nurse.

She only chose one.

Even the princess has only one wet nurse, and the Luyang Palace is not so luxurious. Song Pan'er knows how to be measured in this kind of thing.

The wet nurse's surname is Liu.

Liu is about 20 years old, and the second child is six months old. He was born white, loyal, charitable and silent. Song Paner looked at people with the most vicious eyes. At a glance, she felt that Liu's character and heart were good, so she chose her.

Tongtong also likes her.

Liu's milk was fed, and Tong Tong opened his mouth and ate it.

Go to bed when you are full.

Song Pan'er came in a hurry. I forgot to bring my new daughter-in-law. In the afternoon, Zou Shuanglan went to give him a good call. Seeing that my mother-in-law was not there and asked the people in the main courtyard, I knew that my mother-in-law had come to the royal palace.

She also followed.

"Why did you come here?" Song Pan'er asked with a smile.

She knew that her new daughter-in-law was more quiet and shy, so she was also particularly polite and gentle, afraid of scaring Zou Shuanglan.

"Please go. Sister Haitang said, "My mother is here, and my daughter-in-law came to have a look." Zou Shuanglan's voice was soft, cowardly and pleasant, like a beautiful woman in the south of the Yangtze River. "Did the seventh sister give birth?"

"I gave birth to a girl." Song Pan'er said.

"That's great. The daughter-in-law heard from her husband that the seventh sister and her brother-in-law are looking forward to a daughter..." Zou Shuanglan said.

Song Pan'er nodded.

It can be seen. She and Gu Xuanzhi had a good relationship, and Gu Xuanzhi even told her such words.

Song Pan'er is very happy. She hoped that they would have a good relationship and give her a fat grandson as soon as possible.

Gu Jinzhi didn't wake up until midnight.

Song Pan'er and Brother Xuan's daughter-in-law were outside. The two chatted softly, and Gu Jinzhi could hear a little noise.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and shouted at his mother.

She wants to sit up.

Song Paner heard her shouting and hurried in. Seeing that she was about to move, he pressed her shoulder: "Lie down... but are you hungry?"

"I'm not hungry. I'm a little thirsty. Gu Jinzhi laughed.

The maid poured water.

Zou Shuanglan took it and brought it forward in person.

Song Pan'er and Qiu Yu helped Gu Jin sit halfway. Song Paner took the tea cup from Zou Shuanglan's hand and scooped a little with a spoon. To Gu Jinzhi: "Just touch your lips. Don't drink too much water. You will suffer later."

I just had a baby, and it is inconvenient to go to the toilet.

Gu Jinzhi really dares not drink too much.

She gently wet her lips several times with her mother's hand, and then she said forget it. I didn't drink it, and then asked my daughter, "Where's Tong Tong?" Take it over and show it to me."

"I'll go..." Zou Shuanglandao, she is still a little shy, but very positive.

"Go ahead." Song Pan'er said with a smile.

Zou Shuanglan went to hug him.

Gu Jinzhi envied, "Mom, you are so gentle to Brother Xuan's daughter-in-law. I've lived my life, but it's the first time I've seen you like this.

"You girl!" Song Pan'er pretended to be angry and gently patted Gu Jinzhi's hand, "Lan'er is not like you. You were so dull when you were a child, my voice was not heavier, and you couldn't hear me. Now I complain that I'm not gentle to you.

Gu Jinzhi's smile.

This smile, it hurt a little below, and it stopped quickly.

Zou Shuanglan quickly brought the child over.

The wet nurse Liu also followed.

Gu Jinzhi looked at her a few times.

She didn't have time to see the wet nurse.

"This is Tong Tong's wet nurse." Song Pan'er introduced.

Gu Jinzhi nodded and smiled at Liu.

Liu hurriedly knelt down and saluted.

Gu Jinzhi let her get up and said with a smile, "Take good care of the young lady in the future..."

Liu Shidao is.

Gu Jinzhi took Tong Tong from Zou Shuanglan's hand.

The child sleeps with his eyes closed, with thick fetal hair and slightly upturned lips, like Zhu Zhongjun. Others can't be seen for the time being. Gu Jinzhi was very happy and gently grabbed her little hand in her hand.

She never gave up.

After holding it for a while, her hands were a little heavy, so she put the child in her bed.

"Give Tongtong down to the nursing mother. She's sleeping. Don't quarrel with her." Song Pan'er said aside.

"It's okay. Put it here with me." Gu Jin said, "Mom, have you had dinner with Lan'er?"

She knew what Song Paner was going to say next, so she simply expelled the guests so as not to suffer.

Song Paner frowned.

The wet nurse was uneasy and stood on the ground, not knowing what the princess meant.

Not only the wet nurse didn't know, but Zou Shuanglan didn't quite understand, but Song Paner saw the signs.

Gu Jinzhi didn't seem to want to give the child to the wet nurse.

"Not yet..." Song Paner answered Gu Jinzhi's words. Gu Jinzhi was not allowed to be capricious. She came forward and said, "Come on, take the child down. Let's take a rest. You should also rest early and get up tomorrow morning to eat."

She asked the wet nurse to take Tongtong away.

When the wet nurse heard this, she stepped forward a few steps.

Gu Jinzhi waved his hand gently and said to the wet nurse, "Liu, you can quit first."

When she said this, there was no smile on her face, and her tone was a little serious.


Second update, ask for pink tickets~~~Roll for pink tickets, kiss~~