Spring boudoir note

Chapter 488 Jinpin

Section 488 Golden Ging

Zhu Zhongjun is busy interrogating Tan You for the emperor these days.

He doesn't want to help with other affairs.

Now what worries the emperor is not only the turmoil in the world, but also the inexplicably empty treasury. The emperor and the prince knew about this matter, Gu Yantao, the first assistant, knew it, and the household minister and the waiter, who were in charge of the world's money and grain, knew it, but others did not know it.

The courtiers only know that the emperor has frequently summoned the minister of the household in the past two days.

In a few days, the household secretary lost a lot of weight.

A few days later, the minister of the Ministry of Household asked for leave, and there was no early morning.

The secretary of the household department is sick.

What kind of disease is it? No one can understand it. The ministers who went to visit the doctor were all stopped outside the door.

Zhu Zhongjun came back and told Gu Jinzhi: "Wang Luxiang attempted suicide..."

Wang Luxiang is the secretary of the Ministry of Household.

When Gu Jinzhi got married, he was appointed, and Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun remembered him.

"....... Because of the treasury?" Gu Jin's question.

Zhu Zhongjun nodded.

"Your method works well?" Gu Jinzhi asked again. Zhu Zhongjun used money to raise the price of coins, making the money more expensive than the market price, and emptied the treasury.

It's only half a year, and the effect has been shown.

"Yes." Zhu Zhongjun said, "The court has been investigating recently. I asked Uncle Zhang and to reveal the secret of this matter to some government governments in Qianzhuang, Huguang and Sichuan. No one has noticed the profit before. Maybe someone noticed it, but didn't dare. Now I ask Uncle Zhang to send someone to say that they must want to make this money. When the court found out how the treasury was lost, countless people shared the responsibilities for us. Instead, we picked it cleanly..."

After he finished speaking, he sighed unconsciously.

This sigh is meaningful.

Gu Jinzhi was also silent.

Then, she said, "Okay, pick it out as soon as possible. Transferring the profit is equivalent to transferring the risk. After a pause, Gu Jinzhi asked again, "How's the imperial prison? Has the evidence been made?"

It's too difficult to ask for evidence, so you can simply fabricate the evidence yourself.

This is Zhu Zhongjun's idea.

He didn't tell the emperor. I just talked to Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi agrees.

"It's almost done." Zhu Zhongjun said, "You have to do a good job. This time, I'm going to pull the prince in. The emperor wanted to replace the prince in his heart, so he could take the opportunity to make an article..."

Gu Jinzhi suddenly fell silent.

What she had agreed to, she suddenly became silent...

She looked at her husband.

The words turned a few times in my heart and almost blurted out, but I couldn't find the right words to express them.

This made Gu Jinzhi stunned for a moment.

She was so stunned that Zhu Zhongjun had several guesses in his mind.

"What?" He asked Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jin recovered and shook his head.

She bit her lip gently.

Zhu Zhongjun got up and put her in his arms. He bit her earlobe gently and said, "If there is anything, just say it. We don't need to think about it. If you have something to say, just tell me..."

Gu Jinzhi laughed.

She dodged his lips and turned around and climbed on his neck.

Looking at each other, Gu Jinzhi's eyes are burning: "I'm not living up to your thoughts. I just think. The prince is useless and saved, and you can't come forward. Otherwise, the emperor must suspect that you already have a power in the capital, and it is not good for you to have private friends. It's just..."

It's just that it's not easy to make Tan You die so happily without stirring the prince in.

You need to find a crime that Tan You must die, and rebellion is the best choice.

Tan You's rebellion will definitely involve the prince.

The emperor himself can abolish his son. It's not necessarily happy to let outsiders make peace.

The emperor's other close ministers and favorite ministers can talk about this matter, but Zhu Zhongjun can't.

"...The emperor came back this time, doubting this and that. Did you find it?" Gu Jin said, "If you cross over, sooner or later you will doubt it. We can't afford the unwarranted charges.

After listening to it, Zhu Zhongjun didn't speak.

His eyes were quiet and he couldn't see his emotions.

It's not that Zhu Zhongjun hasn't thought about what Gu Jinzhi said.

But at the critical moment, how can he let Tan You go?

He wants to avenge Gu Jinzhi.

Hearing Gu Jinzhi's words shows that her mentality is much more open-minded. She no longer entangled with the enmity in front of her, but looked at the long-term.

Zhu Zhongjun is gratified.

But I feel sorry for her.

If a person can learn foresight and need to block his own grudges, she will be much less happy. Zhu Zhongjun would rather Gu Jinzhi than the woman in the past.

He held Gu Jinzhi's waist, which was a little tight.

He is like a child, burying his head in Gu Jinzhi's chest.

"Then we can't kill Tan You this time." Zhu Zhongjun said in a muffled voice.

"It's okay, it's okay." Gu Jinzhi gently brushed his green silk, "You can't cut down the big tree with an axe. He took off his skin this time and kill him next time.

After a pause, she said again, "The beheading is too cheap for him. When he falls into our hands, he can't survive or die. Make him a human..."

She said in a fierce voice.

Zhu Zhongjun hugged her waist tightly, almost holding her breathless.

In the end, he looked up and kissed her lips gently, and his voice muttered from between his lips and teeth: "I'll do the revenge. You're still you. You're Yanshan's mother, my wife, and you're not the executioner."

Gu Jinzhi just responded, kissed him, and did not answer his words.

To this day, she doesn't mind being a pedun pedun.


In a blink of an eye, it was March 15, and it had been half a month since the emperor returned to Beijing.

Zhu Zhongjun interrogated Tan You for half a month.

The prince and Yuan Yuye acted up and down in the hope of removing Tan You and the prince so that the prince would not be implicated. The style of the prince and Yuan Yuye chilled the hearts of the ministers of the Tan family.

Everyone has no hope for the prince.

Everyone is guessing what will happen to Tan You.

When Zhu Zhongjun was preparing for the early morning, he handed over his ultimatum.

March 15th. He got up early.

Gu Jinzhi also got up and changed his clothes for him.

After breakfast, she went from Zhu Zhongjun to the gate of the courtyard and gently straightened his clothes. He said softly, "Come back early today."

This is what she sends Zhu Zhongjun out every day.

Zhu Zhongjun nodded.

In the morning of March, the fog lingered, like a veil around the shoulders.

Zhu Zhongjun strode out. As soon as he took a few steps, he seemed to have something in his heart, so he looked back. Gu Jinzhi did not enter the house. Still standing at the door.

She in the morning, the shadow of the golden hairpin, is leisurely and gentle.

Seeing Zhu Zhongjun turn around, she waved her hand gently.

Zhu Zhongjun smiled, turned around and continued to walk out.

When he arrived at the palace gate, after the early morning, the emperor did not go to the court, and the prince did not arrive.

Zhu Zhongjun was puzzled. After waiting for about half an hour, Zhu Zhongjun knew that the situation was wrong. He turned around and went to the Qianqing Palace.

Sure enough, in the Qianqing Palace, the empress dowager, the empress, the crown prince, the king of Jin and all the concubines were there. Everyone's face is either sad or tired.

It can be seen that they haven't slept all night.

Zhu Zhongjun came forward and saluted the empress dowager and the empress. He saluted the prince again.

"Mother, is your brother safe?" After the salute, Zhu Zhongjun asked the empress dowager.

The Empress Dowager sighed slightly, closed her eyes to the people in the room, and replied vaguely, "Vulssible..."

While talking, several imperial doctors came out of the inner hall, including people Zhu Zhongjun knew: Qin Shensi, Peng Leyi, Zhang Yuan, and even Gu Chenzhi.

Seeing Gu Chenzhi, Zhu Zhongjun was a little surprised.

The Gu family did take the palace salary, but Gu Chenzhi did not walk in the imperial hospital.

Zhu Zhongjun's surprise flashed by. It's not out.

When the imperial doctors came out, the prince and the queen greeted them first, got up and took them to the side of the palace to ask the emperor's condition.

The Empress Dowager got up and went to the inner hall.

She took a few steps. Suddenly shouted to the King of Jin: "Shan'er, come here..."

The king of Jin took three steps and two steps and ran to the empress dowager.

The Empress Dowager led him to the inner hall.

Zhu Zhongjun, like other concubines, waited in the hall and did not move.

When the emperor came back from the northwest, his body collapsed in half.

He almost died and returned to the capital.

Before he could cultivate, he found that he had been away from Beijing for more than a year, and the court had been smoky by the prince. For half a month since he came back, he had been angry.

The body is already weak, and he is angry.

Now there is a sudden attack, no matter what the disease is, is it coming to an end?

Zhu Zhongjun thought in his heart and lowered his head quietly.

In a moment, the queen and the prince returned to the hall.

They have already asked the doctor.

The mother and son walked through the hall and went to the bedroom.

When passing by Zhu Zhongjun, the prince looked at him, stopped, and said to Zhu Zhongjun, "Uncle Six, you don't need to serve here. You retreat."

The queen immediately stopped and said to the prince, "It's important to see your father..."

There was some dissatisfaction in her tone.

The prince couldn't figure out the weight at this time, which made the queen a little frustrated.

Is it important to drive Zhu Zhongjun away now, or is it important to be close to the emperor?

What else did the prince say? The queen's eyes came over, with a little sharp.

He had to follow the queen into the bedroom.

The emperor hasn't woken up yet.

The Empress Dowager and the King of Jin have already sat in front of the bed.

When the prince saw that the king of Jin was also there, he was anxious and wished to drive the king of Jin out.

But the empress dowager is here, and the prince does not dare to be presumptuous.

"What did the imperial doctor say?" The Empress Dowager asked the queen in an inaudible voice.

"It is said that your majesty was hot-blooded and hurt the meridians, so he vomited blood. He also said that the coma was mostly due to fatigue and coma. The imperial doctor asked me not to disturb your majesty's rest. The queen approached the empress dowager and whispered.

They spoke very lightly and were afraid of quarreling with the emperor.

The Empress Dowager heard about it and nodded.

She got up and said to the queen and the prince, "In that case, let's go to rest first. Please keep your mother and son here..."

She handed over the matter of guarding the emperor to the queen and the prince. She knew that this was what the queen and the prince wanted to do most before.

The Queen is.

The prince's face was slightly loose.

The Empress Dowager took the King of Jin and came out of the bedroom.

Zhu Zhongjun is still here.

Seeing the Empress Dowager staggering, he stepped forward to help her and said with concern, "Mother, how are you?"

"I'm tired of my family." The Empress Dowager forced a smile and said, "I haven't opened my eyes all night. I'm old. You help Ai's family to go back to the palace first.

Then she said to the king of Jin and others, "Let's all disperse. The emperor needs to rest. Don't nag again. Just have the queen and the prince to serve."

Everyone said yes.

Concubine Su and Concubine De came forward to help the empress dowager.

Zhu Zhongjun followed closely.

When he arrived at the Renshou Palace, Zhu Zhongjun and the empress dowager's mother and son were left in the inner hall, Zhu Zhongjun asked the empress dowager, "What's wrong with your brother?"

"I suddenly vomited blood last night, and then I was unconscious." The Empress Dowager sighed deeply, "The uphea uphea of the northwest battalion. The soldiers led by Tan You are too arrogant."

Zhu Zhongjun understood what was going on.


Recommend a book: Tianjiao, written by Dong Wuyuan. Sisters, read the title of the book clearly. It's Tianjiao, not Tianjiao.

Introduction: "When Lu Changting arrived at the twilight of Huajia, she often recalled that if there was no mubing in Jingjia that year, if the Lu family had not moved north, and if the world was still in a good year of the Great Jin Dynasty, how should she spend this long life?

He will probably marry, have children, play with his grandchildren, and then go smoothly for the rest of his life.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this.

The only regret is that I can't meet him in the ups and downs of the troubled times. "

It's a very good book. I've been chasing it again. The author of the old house fight, there is a final article "The Strategy", the pit product is guaranteed~~ Sisters, if you like it, join the bookshelf RL