Spring flowers

Chapter 11, this revenge is not Lin Xiaochu

When he came home at night, Lin Xiaochu was so annoyed that he sat on the kang for a long time and did not move. Knowing that there was such a villain in ancient times, I always avoided it carefully. I didn't expect that the silver of the fifty liang people would become *.

What to do next is to go to the Chu family to be a girl, be protected by Mr. Chu, and let Sun Erhai and matchmaker Qian get the money of the middle man. That's all right.

You can't let this pair of dogs get money. Lin Xiaochu hates that if he has money in his hand, he can leave.

"Little Chu girl," the shout of the money matchmaker came from outside. I'm really afraid of anything. I don't want to see these two people's Lin Xiaochu suppressing his anger and coming out to see the money matchmaker.

Lin Xiaochu, who bit his teeth tightly, just wanted to curse. The money matchmaker who came to the door looked concerned: "I just came back and was caught in the government. Look at my sweat. If it weren't for us neighbors, what would I be worried about?"

"Thank you!" Lin Xiaochu burst out of these two words from between his teeth. Seeing that the money matchmaker pulled a small bench in the courtyard and sat down, she knew that she still had something to say.

Lin Xiaochu, who was so angry that his hair was dizzy, told himself in his heart, endured and endured it.

"Dad Qian, will Brother Zhi be beaten?" It was Lin Xiaoyi who spoke. She cared about the land and asked the money matchmaker. By saying these two words to Lin Xiaoyi and matchmaker Qian, Lin Xiaochu adjusted and sat down.

"He is locked here. You can go to see him tomorrow. You have to send him three meals a day." The money matchmaker's face was full of good intentions. Lin Xiaoyi sincerely thanked her, and Lin Xiaochu just gritted his teeth.

The moon was as bright as a few days ago, and the matchmaker began to complain about Lin Xiaochu: "Did you provoke Mr. Mo or not avoid him? If you say you didn't avoid him, auntie believes you. I think you, Mr. Chu, don't even want it. How can you want Mr. Mo?"

Lin Xiaochu felt dizzy again. The matchmaker felt that she could say Lin Xiaochu well and said, "Sun Erhai said that he helped you persuade him, and you beat him and offended him. I helped you say that he didn't care about you for my face. He asked me to bring you a message. Mr. Mo has to chase whoever he likes. If Mr. Mo forces him to come to your house and asks you not to blame him, it is not easy for him to make a living.

The money matchmaker chattered and said a lot of words. Lin Xiaochu finally lost two ears to the money matchmaker. If he was angry again, he was afraid that he would really faint.

"If I say, Mr. Chu is not better than Mr. Mo?" The matchmaker Qian ended with this: "Mr. Mo is not a good reputation in and out of the city. Now you are in trouble. If you want to avoid him, you can only beg Mr. Chu. You are embarrassed and refuse to go. What should I do for you?

Lin Xiaochu was stunned: "No need."

After Lin Xiaoyi fell asleep at night, Lin Xiaochu looked into the room for a while, and everything was worthless to sell. Mr. Mo's reputation has been heard for a long time, but he wants to avoid it but has no money in his hand.

Although this is not the hometown of jackals, there are jackal-like people like money matchmakers. Lin Xiaochu hasn't fallen asleep for a long time.

When she got up again in the morning, Lin Xiaochu asked Lin Xiaoyi to stay at home. She went to the fifth aunt's house alone and told her what happened yesterday to her. The fifth aunt immediately understood: "Today, I'm going to bring food to the ground. Xiaochu, you hide in my house for a few days with little intention. I'll go home in the evening."

The rich young master came up with a lot of kung fu. The fifth aunt is not too worried about Mo Xiaobao coming to the house to make trouble: "This Zhuangzi is from the Chu family. You don't grow the Chu family's land, but you live here. Your fifth uncle is planting Chu's land. If he dares to come, he will go to the housekeeper Pang.

In the morning, Lin Xiaochu stayed at the fifth aunt's house and washed her clothes. I didn't want Lin Xiaoyi to go out, but Lin Xiaoyi insisted: "There are still some flowers in my backyard. I'll sell them and come back."

In the afternoon, the fifth aunt came back: "I was beaten and my face turned blue. He asked me to tell you that it will be released in a few days. Lin Xiaochu sighed for a long time, and the place was also for himself.

Lin Xiaoyi came back, sweating and mud, and sold less than 50 cents. This is also happy: "Sister, you hide for a few days and I'll sell it." Xiaoyi is young, and her mouth is not as young as Chu, and her income is not as high as Xiaochu.

This big loss is hated by Lin Xiao's original intention, and he also came out of this tone for the future.

Sun Erhai is an idle man, and the matchmaker is a talkative matchmaker. To vent her anger is to let the two of them lose their wealth. As for what to do with them. Lin Xiaochu still can't come up with an idea.

I stopped for a few days and came back, but my face hasn't healed yet. Lin Xiaochu only asked him one question when he came in, "Will you fight all your life?" In the past few days, he had a new idea in prison and asked Lin Xiaochu, "You won't be bored anymore. I'm going to be a soldier. When I become a garrison and become a general, I will live a good life for you two."

Lin Xiaochu asked him to think clearly: "It's hard to be a soldier," and he lived with his head up. Lin Xiaochu said again, "But you always fight like this, so it's better to be a soldier." For the sake of thinking, instead of helping officials fight in the middle, Lin Xiaochu thought bitterly that it would be better for him to join the army.

After enduring the pain, Lin Xiaochu still regretted: "Go and ask your sister, or you will sell the house here and find something to do with your sister than to fight here every day, which makes people worry."

"Are you worried about me?" His eyes were particularly bright. Lin Xiaochu always understood what he meant and quickly said, "I think you are my brother." When he said this, he felt that he had become a lotus flower. Lin Xiaochu smiled and said, "You just think I love fighting and have nothing serious, so I want to be a soldier. Soldiers can let go of the fight.

Lin Xiaochu sighed, just like people have hobbies. Fighting is his favorite hobby and sport.

"Think about it carefully." Lin Xiaochu asked the land to think about it again, and the land was very serious: "I think clearly enough. I have made an appointment with a few friends to leave tomorrow."

"Don't be so fast. I still have some money to get some clothes for you." Lin Xiaochu didn't have a good idea. When he heard that he was going to be a soldier, Lin Xiaochu suddenly got the idea.

The land is embarrassed to refuse: "You can ask me to stay for a few days, but I don't need to spend the money." He added, "I have money. I'll leave the money for you and Xiaoyi when I leave."

I found out that I was determined to go to the local area. Lin Xiaochu said, "The money matchmaker came to you to save me, but I met Sun Erhai, who often came to find the money matchmaker. He didn't help and persuaded me to agree."

First, he said, "Sun Erhai is an idle man, and he can't twist Mr. Mo."

"Later, Mr. Mo said it himself, saying that Sun Erhai was right, and I spoke well."

How high did the ground jump: "What! And this sentence..."

Xiaoyi went to sell flowers again, and the land and Xiaochu reassesed at home. The land was furious: "I'll go to them."

"No, fighting can't revenge. I've thought about it. They have to suffer a loss. Lin Xiaochu had an idea that he couldn't think of. Now he wants to leave. He is not afraid of revenge in the future. Lin Xiaochu's idea has been completely completed.

Out of caution, Lin Xiaochu asked again, "Sun Erhai won't retaliate against you, right?" He smiled proudly: "How can he do this? Besides, I haven't decided which military camp I will join. He can know."

I inquired about several barracks at the border and told Lin Xiaochu one by one: "There are four generals in total. It's not good to inquire here. We agreed to go for a journey and then inquire about it. I'll send you a letter then.

"You should take care of yourself, and I will also send you a letter." Lin Xiaochu is still a little sad about the land. The land was overwhelmed by this sadness and lowered his head and said, "You have to wait for me, wait for me to earn wealth and come back to see my sister, see my fifth aunt, and then pick you and Xiaoyi."

After Lin Xiaochu was sad, he raised his head and said, "If you get along well, I'll go too. But if you leave, I have to go too." The ground was shocked: "This can't be done. It is said that if the army is willing to work hard, there will be military merit. You have to give me a few years to work hard."

"Listen to me." Lin Xiaochu said confidently, "Let's talk about it after listening."

First, Sun Erhai: "Anyway, you have to go. I remember you said that he likes to drink and calculate behind his backs. Go and find out what seams he can catch. After calculating him, you can go."

Then there was the money matchmaker: "She likes to show off too much. As a matchmaker, she should not only tie the right marriage. I heard that in order to get money, she also ties the aunts of rich families in the city and the men outside. I guessed that there are the aunts of the Liang family and the aunts of the Mo family."

He patted the table and said excitedly, "You're right. I know where they will meet." He sat down again and asked Xiaochu, "It's not difficult to do these things. What should you do when I leave?"

"I also leave. It's not a place to stay for a long time to be neighbors with such people." Lin Xiaochu told the place truthfully, "It is said that Mr. Chu wants to buy a girl, and he chose me."

To avenge and get to leave from here, Lin Xiaochu thought that he could not avoid Mr. Chu from Mr. Chu, and he could not avoid Mr. Chu, so he had such an idea.

Mo Xiaobao is a confused man who can't remember himself after stopping for a few days. But with people like Sun Erhai and Qian's matchmaker instigating, it's different from time to time.

"I went to the Chu family to be a girl and earned 50 taels of Chinese money by myself. When I get the money and arrive in Beijing, I will walk away from his house to find you with a small idea. Lin Xiaochu sighed: "Where, I really think you are my brother, and we can only go to you."

Matchmaker Qian and Sun Erhai came out with such a strategy and talked with Mr. Chu again. Lin Xiao was sure in his original intention that only when Mr. Chu exactly said that he was in his favor would he be calculated like this.

"This is not a good idea!" I don't agree: "I'm leaving. You can stay with my sister. I'll get up early tomorrow. I'll go to her to be a soldier and send your sisters there."

Lin Xiaochu gritted his teeth: "That's okay, but I have to see the end of Sun Erhai and Qian matchmaker before I leave."