Spring flowers

Chapter 49, the first day of duty

Someone will praise her for Dongran's mouth. Xiaochu didn't care. Chunhen is a little girl, and there is also a winter dyeing. The three people followed Chunhen into the front room. Chu Huaixian just nodded, and Chunhong took them to talk outside. Lotus heard a glance at Xiaochu. Sure enough, Xiaochu stayed in the room, and she followed Qiu Bai, like Qiu Bai managing the clean sweep of the tables and chairs in the yard.

I told her in the morning that Lotus would not be sad about this, but the little sadness in her heart could not be avoided. After this arrangement, Qiu Bai called the lotus out. Qiu Bai did not clean but only arranged for someone to do it. She did not take the lotus and gave the lotus to a little girl Qiu Ming who kept it: "You will take her in the future."

The girls in the room don't have much to do. In the early morning, they only follow the spring red, and the spring red is amiable, like a spring breeze. The prince is often not in the room during the day. He gets up early in the morning to practice martial arts. Sometimes he eats breakfast in the study, and sometimes he goes out after eating. This is the New Year. There are many people to come and go, and he is even more idle. You won't come here for the first time. Don't worry about everything.

Xiaochu said gratefully: "Follow your sister in everything." There was Xiaozi sitting under her, and Chunhong sat on the couch, which showed that her identity was different from others. Sitting with her was Xia Lv, who was even more smiling and talking. With such two maids in the front, Xiaochu was even more relieved.

There was a voice outside, and the little girl Jiaer looked outside and said, "The eldest girl is coming." The curtain was high, and a middle-sized man came in. There are jade embroidered butterfly clothes on the body and a blue Xiang skirt underneath. Chunhen pushed Xiaochu and Xiaoyi and whispered, "The second master's house."

The eldest girl Xiangzhi is the eldest daughter of the Chu family. When she came in, she smiled and said, "Sit down. I heard from my mother that the eldest brother bought a girl. The eldest brother is a picky person. It must be good for me to have a look."

"It's her, her name is Xiaochu." Chunhong Xialu smiled at Xiaochu together. Xiaochu came to salute. Xiangzhi was a kind person. She took Lin Xiaochu's hand and looked at it carefully. She didn't think she was so beautiful. Xiangzhi said politely, "It's really good." Looking at the spring red and summer green, and the little girl who has not grown up in the room, they are all good.

Lin Xiaochu didn't open his face. It can be seen that Xiangzhi looked at it once and looked at Xiaoyi again, and then came out. Holding the little girl who came with him, Ta Xue came to Mrs. Chu's room and told her grandmother, "White face, eyes are like apricots, and nothing else is good."

Mr. Chu, who was crooked on the couch, was relieved and had no interest in Xiaochu: "In that case, I won't look at it. Your parents were so anxious that they said something charming and beat people for her. It's just that they can't see everything when I'm old. Your eldest brother wants to go out to play, and even want to see a few fresh faces. Your father hurriedly sent two girls over and told me to prevent anyone outside him. Where is the little man's family..."

I wanted to say that there was nothing that was not fishy, but finally I thought that Xiangzhi was a girl to marry. Mrs. Chu swallowed the words and comforted Xiangzhi, who had blushed, and said, "You are a good child to your grandmother. If your grandmother has something to do, you still have to do it with it."

This comforted Xiangzhi better. Xiangzhi took the beautiful fist in the girl's hand and gently beat Mrs. Chu. Thinking about my parents telling my relatives and grandmother at home that my eldest brother grew up, it's worrying to play outside. That's not what my grandmother doesn't like. It can be seen that talking too much is not good.

After Mrs. Chu's nap, Xiangzhi came out and went back to her room. Several old plums in the family were in full bloom. After playing for a while, Xiangzhi suddenly thought of asking Chunhong for a flower and helped the little girl to come back to the eldest brother's room. Anyway, he was not there during the day and could safely find the girls.

I walked outside the room and saw a small girl with my third aunt.

"Is your wife in the room?" Xiangzhi asked and understood: "Isn't Cousin Xiuyuan also here?" This is another good thing done by parents. They all come to see this new girl.

The lotus wipes the things to be placed for the New Year in the wing room and looks into the main room from time to time, worrying about Xiaochu. Several girls poured in the morning, and then the big girl she had just recognized in the courtyard came again. Lotus said to Qiu Ming, the little girl who brought her, "I suddenly remembered something to tell Xiaochu. Can I go over?"

The two people wiped the copperware in their hands, so that they had no one else. Qiu Ming said to the point, "You don't have to go. You should be glad that these people didn't come to see you. Otherwise, how much do you want to listen?" The big girl is a kind person, and the cousins are never polite. Qiu Ming sneered: "I have to laugh at the endless heart that they only stare at the prince in their eyes, the prince in their mouths and the prince in their ears."

Lotus silently bowed her head to do things. After a while, Qiu Ming was also curious and listened to nothing in the room: "I didn't scold you. It can be seen that you are capable. Let's go, let's see the fun." Lotus couldn't make such a sound, so she put down the cloth towel in her hand and Qiu Ming went to the room to ask for something.

In the room sat Xiangzhi and Xiuyuan, as well as the daughter of the second aunt's wife, Xiuxiang. Xiaochu is smiling and saying, "The fragrant powder on the girls smells really good. One of my relatives is in the fragrant powder business, so I can smell it all good."

"Does he have the latest plum powder in the palace?" There is no one who doesn't love the women when they dress up. Xiuyuan said with some lust, "Mother Feng Yushi, who took me to worship, their eldest daughter is going to the palace, so use this powder."

Xiuxiang has heard a faint displeasure: "There are many people entering the palace. Why does my cousin only want to have a friendship? For example, the young lady of Lord Zhang's family and the young lady of Lord Wang's family are all going to enter the palace."

Because the girls came, Chunhong and Xia Lv had already let the couch a place to sit for them. They just pretended not to hear them. Lin Xiaochu was not funny. When he came, he was very angry, like I stole their things, and now he is fighting by himself.

In front of these people who were refuted by Xiuxiang, Xiuyuan couldn't hang on her face and smiled at Xiaochu: "Do you have such fragrant powder in your relatives' home? I'm afraid that even if she can enter the palace, she can't get such a thing. The smell of plum blossoms is cold and cold, which is not for ordinary people.

Xiuxiang just smiled and won't stop fighting with Xiuyuan for a long time. Xiaochu took advantage of this time and said, "Wait for me to ask her. Although she doesn't have this, there are other girls to appreciate. Of course, she likes it."

"You are here to sell fragrant powder," Xiangzhi joked and regretted it. She has always talked less at home. It seems unsteady to tease the girl in front of people, as if she is giving her face.

Xiaochu politely said to the three girls, "I remembered it for a moment and won't talk about it anymore." The quarrel around Lin Xiaochu was gone. The three girls sat for a while and made an appointment to go out to see the plum blossoms.

"Do your relatives really sell incense powder?" Xia Lu said first, "You don't use it well. If there is a good one, send it to me, so that I won't go back to my parents to ask for it."

"You usually have monthly silver and ask your parents for it." Chunhong wanted to laugh again, and Xia Lu also smiled and said, "I just won't give it to me. It's all my sister who said that there is Yueyin, and there is Yueyin. I still want to save it by myself, but now I can't save it."

Jiaer also followed: "The market seller has no identity, but he made it well, but the prince is not allowed to do this now. Last year, the sisters played once, and the prince said he was naughty.

This is really funny. Lin Xiaochu flashed in front of Master Bao and grew up. The prince learned world economics. Of course, he was not Second Master Bao. Lotus and Qiu Ming quietly went back to work. After stopping for a while, Qiu Ming asked, "That Xiaochu is much more than you." The girl hit the nail on the head again, and the lotus just smiled with her.

I told Xiaochu to go in the evening. Xiaochu was taking pen, ink, paper and inkstone for Xiaoyi and asked her to write on the small table. Xiaochu's eyelids did not raise what Lotus said: "It's still not good to be cight."

The north wind blew over outside the room, which shocked the three people. The wind in Beijing is really strong. Lotus continued to make the bed. Xiaochu settled down Xiaoyi and sat down to embroider the tricks she had just learned today.

"What kind of flower is this?" The new flower looks like a lotus and changes, and the ivory silk thread is matched with water, red, water and green, which makes people unable to put it down. Xiaochu moved the embroidered bandage again and said, "This is a treasure flower. It is said that there is also this in front of the Buddha."

Someone knocked on the door, and Chunhen came to play when he opened the door. Xiaoyi waved his hand like: "I'm thinking about the fireworks you said during the day. When will you see them?"

"The New Year will be the day after tomorrow, and it will be held overnight in the front. It depends on what is not worth." Chunhen came in and just tilted his head and said, "Are you still writing? This is useless."

Xiaochu smiled, and another one said it was useless. The lotus poured another basin of cold water: "It's cold to write more, and it's good to sit on the quilt and talk."

One person came up with an idea, but Lin Xiaoyi couldn't figure it out. Xiaochu asked her to put down her pen: "Spring marks are coming. Let's talk to her and let her guide us." Three people accompanied one of Chunhen. Chunhen was a little fluttering. She really came to give advice.

said to the lotus, "What you wipe is not bright, I just heard Sister Qiu Bai say that that lotus is fine. Let her wipe it again tomorrow." Then he said to Xiaochu, "You are so sharp, but you are too sharp."

"How do you say that?" I vaguely felt that it was inappropriate in the small original intention.

Chunhen said inappropriately, "Last night, the prince said he wanted something, but everyone knew it, but you went up."

"I'm standing next to that thing, close." Xiaochu is like an indoctrination, and I have explained it carefully. Chunhen frowned: "You took it, and you should also give it to Sister Chunhong and ask her to hand it to her. If you want to stay in our yard for a long time, that's it. Our yard is not something that anyone wants to come here. If you stay for a long time, you will know that there are many benefits. Some people in the family are staring at you, don't you know?

If you are not familiar with it, Xiaochu really wants to kiss Chunhen fiercely. This little girl is so cute!