Spring flowers

Chapter 78, confess again

The twilight was covered with a layer of gold by the water, and Lin Xiaochu showered in this gold, ** crying on his shoulders. Although the cry was not loud, it gave Chu Huaixian a sense of darkness. How dare this girl be sad? Chu Huaixian quietly stood in front of a thick tree, and his face gradually became as dark as the waterside at night. It was not silvery and white, but dark and tolerant.

After the last sunset fell into the skyline, Lin Xiaochu raised his tears and said quietly, "No matter where I am, I will live well." Shaking his hair, he sprinkled the last trace of melancholy into the rising starlight. Xiaochu jumped up hard and said to himself, "Okay, now go back and give Xiaoyi a big smile, as..."

The last word "flower" has not been said yet, and Xiaochu was shocked! The prince is wearing a floating cyan feather coat, which is a wide-colored robe that his family often likes to wear. He stood in front of the old tree, which was as calm and steady as he had stood here since ancient times.

This feeling shocked Lin Xiaochu the most, which means that the prince has always been behind him...

"You, prince," Xiaochu only said these words when he ate, and somehow took a step back. A big hand reached over and grabbed Lin Xiaochu's skirt and put her heavily on the ground before she exclaimed. Chu Huaixian's face was calm: "If you retreat again, you will be fed fish."

This heavy release hurts Xiaochu's feet. The crescent rose slowly. With this light, Xiaochu quietly looked at the yellow mud road by the water, and he was a soft embroidered shoe. It would be strange if it didn't hurt!

"Lin Xiaochu, why are you crying?" Chu Huaixian took two steps to sit down on a flat stone, beckoned Xiaochu to stand in front of him, and asked her easily. Xiaochu reluctantly squeezed out a smile: "I, I'm worried about my illness, I, the patient's sadness..."

Chu Huaixian smiled, and his feather clothes floated with a smile, quite like a narcissus. The fairy said something, but it could break the dry smile of the mortal Xiaochu: "I didn't escape, so I cried?" His eyes suddenly became cold with a smile, and he looked at Lin Xiaochu like the tip of a needle.

Such a man is scary! Lin Xiaochu took half a step back and stubbornly raised his head to look at him: "No!" Xiaochu himself was shocked when these decisive words came out. Hurry up and look at the smiling tiger's face. Chu Huaixian smiled gently again, and his smile was full of clarity. It's like saying, what are you thinking, I know.

Xiaochu lowered his head silently and said dryly again, "I just met my cousin and said that I was lazy and pretended to be sick." Chu Huaixian smiled and teased: "Don't pay attention!" Xiaochu suddenly became angry: "Why are you doing this!" Encountering Chu Huaixian's cold eyes, Lin Xiaochu suddenly lost his temper with depression, and his voice lowered as if whispering, "Why?"

"I like you," Chu Huaixian said. In response to Xiaochu's confused eyes, he felt that he was pricked and said, "I kind of like it." To a girl, Mr. Chu felt that it was funny to confess. Besides, this love is limited to Xiaochu's identity as a girl, and there is no more.

She had known for a long time that Xiaochu accepted this matter calmly. Chu Huaixian patted his side: "Sit." Xiaochu sat on a stone a few steps away from him and said, "Am I a spring flower or an autumn flower?" Chu Huaixian didn't understand: "What?"

"Do you understand this too?" Lin Xiaochu decided to make fun of it. This is a rare opportunity. She pressed her finger: "I can't see it at night. It's a flower shelf during the day. The prince said that he likes to make an appointment. Chu Huaixian snorted.

"It's like you see peach blossoms in spring. Will you see peach trees in winter?" Xiaochu said cunningly, "There is a large area of bare peach forest on the white snow tree, without the fragrance of plum blossoms and without the beauty of plum blossoms. Will you go to see it?" Chu Huaixian said slowly: "You are a good comparison. I won't look at you in winter."

When he was angry, Chu Huaixian suddenly turned his head and became strict: "I spoil you! Say whatever you want. How should you talk to me? Don't you know!" Xiaochu lowered his head, which means that he knew.

"I like you, so I want to keep you. As for your disagreement, then think about it again." Chu Huaixian is still conceited: "I won't force others, and I haven't met anyone worth forcing. One day, you will figure it out. Who can you marry, a peddler or a pawn?

Lin Xiaochu was enraged: "I will definitely marry a good man!" Chu Huaixian said lightly, "Oh, that's really good. But now, you are a girl who sells her body. I just want to ask you, would you like to stay in my room or somewhere else? Or go to the second master's men." Lin Xiaochu hated: "Speaking of this, I will be soft. The second master hates me so much that I don't want to lose my skin.

Chu Huaixian squint at Xiaochu: "Grandma likes you. I said you hurt your hand to protect me. Look at me, have you thought of it?" Mrs. Chu? Xiaochu muttered, "No wonder people come to see me." She waved her arm, and the scars on it healed early, and there were no deep scars. It seemed that they could disappear in a few months.

"It's safest to stay at home." Chu Huaixian's words were very important, and Xiaochu remembered that she cried confused just now. Curiously, "Is someone going to frame the little prince?" Chu Huaixian tightened the corners of his mouth again and said, "Be careful what you say."

Xiaochu smiled at himself and asked, "When can I find out, can I go out?" Chu Huaixian is funny: "You are not a playful person. Who do you always want to go out?" Then solemnly warned: "No matter how fast you run, it's not as fast as the provincial writings, right? You're welcome to run again!"

"If you don't run, what's the politeness?" Today, Xiaochu found that it was good to tease Chu Huaixian. Chu Huaixian thought about it and said, "Do you feel tired? Put the lotus flowers under your hands and listen to your instructions. You can go out for a few more days a month." Xiaochu's eyes lit up, and Chu Huaixian laughed and scolded, "Wild girl, I just want to go outside."

Xiaochu ignored his scolding, calculated himself, and added, "There are many people. If I have something to do, I can go out for a few more days." Chu Huaixian became suspicious again: "What do you want?" Lin Xiaochu opened a smiling face: "Playful, I'm just playful."

Go back to the room again. Xiaochu ignored the strange appearance of the maids and said that he would sit outside for a long time. Xiaoyi and Lotus and other Xiaochu ate. Everyone was happy to see Xiaochu's mood getting better. After dinner, Dongran rarely came to sit down. After a while, Ge Ge told the lotus with a smile, "The prince said that you will return to Xiao Chu in the future." The lotus flower was stunned in the local area, and her mouth was open enough to stuff a big duck egg.

The next day, the steward's mother said that Xiaochu was calm when he met everyone, and only lotus was uncomfortable. Xiaoyi and her sister came back and told her, "It's good that they are jealous." Xiaochu Dale felt that Xiaoyi also felt something in this jealousy.

The lotus was uncomfortable for two days, and after two days, she was at peace with the situation. With Xiaochu, you don't have to sweep the yard or look at other people's eyes. Lotus said, "Just look at Xiaochu's face."

On this day, I came to see Chu Huaixian and saw guests in the study. Zhao Cunzong said first with a smile, "Little Chu girl," Lin Xiaochu met Li. Originally, he said something else. When he saw Zhao Cunzong here, he asked; "May I ask the little prince, can go out freely?" Zhao Cunzong laughed, and Chu Huaixian also laughed.

"She is thinking about playing," Chu Huaixian explained to Zhao Cunzong. Zhao Cunzong was full of smile and could see that Chu Huaixian was a little affectionate about this girl. He squinted at Xiaochu, but he was just a white man with good facial features, which showed that each flower loved each other. Zhao Cunzong said to Xiaochu, "You can go out, but don't run far. In the last sentence, I will talk to you for Huaixian."

Xiaochu ignored this joke and turned to Chu Huaixian generously and said, "I want to go to a place today in the few places you have mentioned," he said wherever he went. Chu Huaixian had nothing to say and called Xi'er: "Hire a car for her and come back early in the evening."

When Xiaochu went out, Zhao Cunzong laughed at Chu Huaixian: "A girl, you have been thinking a lot. I have seen her since the Spring Festival, and I haven't opened my face yet." Xiaochu's thin hair is fluffy, and she is still a girl at first glance.

Chu Huaixian still doesn't pay attention to it: "The little girl is unconvinced. You came to see me today, didn't you just talk about having fun? Zhao Cunzong shook his head: "Of course not. Did I come to see if your second master is at home? Chu Huaixian's face sank: "What did you do about him? Yesterday, I told him again. The second uncle only said that he saw that Prime Minister Zhang's guests were friends, and of course he didn't admit it.

Zhao Cunzong's thoughts are ups and downs, and Chu Huaixian's thoughts are ups and downs. He pointed directly at Prime Minister Zhang, and the person who assassinated Chu Huaixian last time... Chu Huaixian can only grit his teeth and hate the second master, and he can't hate Prime Minister Zhang.

Lotus went out with Xiaochu Xiaoyi and sat proudly in the carriage: "They laughed at me and lowered my class. I said I was still willing to follow you." He proudly asked Xiaochu, "Where are we going?" Xiaochu said, "You will know when you get there, but don't say it at home."

Qin Ji received the fragrance in front of the shop, and Qin Sanguan'er accompanied him. The car only arrived dozens of miles away from the city, and it was already noon. Xiaochu and Xiangxiang walked in front of them. Qin Sanguaner and the clerk took out food from their car. Lotus and Xiaoyi also took what they brought to eat and drink. Lotus understood: "No wonder they stopped several times on the road to buy food. It turned out to be the reason."

The forest is dense in front of me, and there are strange rocks and springs in the forest. The lotus flowers thought they were coming for a picnic. The staff of the Qin family caught up from behind: "Let me get it. It's not light." There are wine, meat and cakes in the bamboo basket, and lotus flowers and Xiaoyi are carrying them. Seeing someone carrying it, they threw it to him, and the two walked empty-handed.

Out of the woods, it is an open space, and the black oily land is strong and fat at a glance. Aroma pointed to this area and said to Xiaochu, "That's it. The price of this area is 2,000 taels of silver." Xiaochu nodded: "I'm coming. It's all flowers." Lotus's eyes widened in the back. Xiaochu, where did she get the money?