Spring flowers

Chapter 188, the third wife is sick

Someone came to invite him, and Chu Huaixian followed. Xiaochu wanted to sit alone in the room for dinner, but the three sisters came to accompany them, so that Xiaochu had to accompany them.

"Is this big sister's hairpin new?" Xiufang swept at the beginning of her hair and saw that she had an extra white jade phoenix washing hairpin, not to mention how exquisite it was, and her workmanship was also exquisite.

Xiaochu held it with his hand and smiled at Xiufang. This is one of the things sent by Prince Zhao. Chu Huaixian sat down and watched Xia Lu collect the things and picked it up for Xiaochu.

After dinner, he was gossiping, and Chunshui went back and forth to Xiaochu: "Say that the third lady is not happy. Let's go and have a look." The four girls were surprised together. The oldest Xiufang smiled: "My mother is rarely sick," Yufang, who ranked second, said, "Do you dare to hear it wrong?" The youngest Zhufang said, "Or my father drank too much."

Xia Lu took out a blue flower dress and put it on for Xiaochu. Whether it was the third lady or the three officials, she always had to go and see it when she knew it.

The third lady slept in the room and moaned. When she saw the little girl coming, she moaned louder. The real red jacket on her body for hospitality was wrinkled. The third lady covered her chest and said, "I am a kind person. My heart hurts and my liver hurts."

"Is the mother's heartache or the liver?" Yufang said in a serious way, "Dr. Zhang's girl told me that you should use a needle for liver pain, and there is no way to use acupuncture for heartache."

The third lady was asked, blushed and scolded, "Pulling your mother's shame, your mother is so sick, and you are still here to be a doctor." Xia Lu frowned, which seemed to be scolding.

Xiaochu asked about her illness, and the third lady was even more painful. She didn't say anything. Xia Lv said, "The girl is sick now. She has seen it. It's good to go back and rest." Lead the half-stupid Xiaochu outside.

Looking at the curtain put down, the third lady was so angry that her liver didn't hurt, but now she feels a little pain. She covered her heart with one hand and her waist with the other, and said repeatedly, "I'm sick. Why didn't this doctor invite me?" He urged and scolded again: "They are all people who have no conscience at all. If it hadn't been for me, what would you look like?"

Xia Lu and Xiao Chu walking in the courtyard were faintly heard. Xiao Chu shook slightly. Xia Lu laughed at the corners of his mouth and took Xiao Chu back to the courtyard before saying to her, "You can't hear it. It's a good thing that you are confused now. If it's usual, you should talk back."

After placing Xiaochu, Xia Lv came out to shout Chunshui: "You have to look at the cold face in the next few days. Be careful. There are people in our family on the horizontal and vertical door. If you don't want it here, let people pick them up. Chunshui smiled in a low voice: "How many days will the third lady be sick?" Xia Lu also smiled and whispered, "On the day of vertical marriage, she had to get up and take care of her serious illness."

The next day was the day when the Chu family sent the bride price. As soon as the official media invited came to the door, the third lady got up with illness and said, "What can I do without me?" She held her head to see people. When I saw that the bride price was not too much, it was all good. The third wife smiled. According to the words of Mrs. Chu, the bride price was all owned by the Wu family. It is a real bride price, but the dowry does not want the Wu family to pay.

It is unusually lively outside the small courtyard, and it is unusually quiet in the small courtyard. Xiaochu held his elbow and leaned against the small table around the carved bird table on the couch. There was a crisp shout from outside, "Sister." This is a small voice.

"It's Xiaoyi," Xiaochu suddenly stood up and shouted tremblingly, "Is it Xiaoyi?" The footsteps came, and the door curtain hit half a dozen, and Xiaoyi rushed in with a smile: "Sister, it's me."

In the early spring outside the house, the sun was shining, and it was half sprinkled from behind Xiaoyi. Xiaochu was like a different world and stretched out his hand urgently: "Come on, come here." Xiaoyi ran out three steps with a happy smile. Xiaochu ran out one step. The two sisters hugged each other, and Xiaoyi cried out with a "wow" sound: "I thought I would never see you again."

The warm little body was held in his arms, and Xiaochu also shed tears: "Okay? Is it good for you?" Gong Miaoer couldn't bear to come in and said, "Okay? I will treat her badly! I'm not a conscienceless person like you. I dare to take any medicine.

The two sisters hugged each other and retreated two steps, wiped their tears, and shouted to Gong Miaoer, "Don't be angry with my sister." Gong Miaoer sneered: "Why did your sister let you drug us?" Xiaoyi said rationally, "I gave it, I'm willing to do it," and then his eyes widened, "Is it delicious?"

"I'll give you a taste in the evening," Gong Miaoer said, and Lin Xiaoyi was proud: "No more. I've used up all of it. If there is more, I'll give you another meal."

"Three times in total, such a big bag, let your sister put it in my soup pot," Gong Miaoer began to lose her temper again at Xiaochu: "Cousin, your way of treating relatives is chilling."

Lin Xiaoyi twisted his nose and made a grimace and praised, "My sister does everything right. This medicine has a lot of money, and I'm only willing to give it to you." Gong Miaoer blew her beard and stared. Xiaoyi twisted her body and rolled her eyes. Xiaochu, who was full of tears, suddenly felt a surge of anger in her heart. She smiled and wiped away her tears and thanked Gong Miaoer, "Thank you for taking care of Xiaoyi."

Lin Xiaoyi is lively and can also put medicine into other people's soup pot three times. She knew in her original intention that if she had been embarrassed, she would have been tortured long ago.

This thank-you made Gong Miaoer uncomfortable and immediately shouted, "I'm not taking care of her. I'm withholding her to ask for credit to my son. Even you, I also want to withhold it." Xiaochu was stunned, and Gong Miaoer scolded: "It's extremely stupid. If you want to go out of Beijing, you should come to me. Anyway, we are also relatives, aren't we? Although this relative is newly recognized," Gong Miaoer looked at the house he was in. Gong Miaoer said, "It's not worse than your relative."

This strong man stood in the room and scolded. Xiaochu sat on the bed with Xiaoyi in his arms and didn't say a word. Gong Miaoer scolded before lowering her voice and said dissatisfiedly, "If you want to get married, why do you recognize your relatives? My Gong family has lived in Beijing for three generations, and my family is not bad."

Chunshui, who eavesdropped outside, asked Xia Lu, "Is this also the girl's relative? Did he come to scold people for not recognizing his relatives or something else? Xia Lu curled his lips and said, "Who knows?"

The room shouted, "Pout tea." Chunshui rushed in. It was Gong Miaoer who wanted to drink tea. He drank three bowls of saliva. Then he talked with Xiaochu as usual and still complained: "Taoer slept for a day and a half before she woke up during the Spring Festival. At that time, I thought that if she didn't wake up, I would definitely fool you and accompany her."

Xiaochu was a little soul-rewrapped and said, "When you see Miss Taoer, accompany me." Xiaoyi laughed and huddled in her sister's arms and told her, "That medicine is really good, but he didn't take it." Gong Miaoer's hand pointed to Gong Miaoer's eyes. Of course I didn't eat it.

Send Xiaoyi away, Xiaochu was in a much better mood and didn't get better for a long time. The third lady came over at night and said for a long time: "I'm all for you..." The third lady in the west of the moon went back, and the spring water shouted Xia Lv: "Little girl, she is confused again." Xia Lu counted her fingers and said, "It hasn't been a few days. Let her be confused."

A few days passed in the blink of an eye. On the last day before marriage, Chu Huaixian looked at the last dowry to go to Wu's house. Looking back, he saw the big red happy lantern on the door, the happy couplet and other things on the door. Chu Huaixian was satisfied. In the end, my parents tried their best to do the marriage for themselves. Of course, the marriage of Mr. Chu is a big thing for him.

When he came in to see his father Chu Shaofu, Chu Shaofu looked at the case*. When he saw his son coming in, he still didn't look at his face and didn't want to see his expression. Chu Shaoxian came over with a smile: "Thank you for your father's decent reward." Chu Shaofu slowly said, "Oh": "Did I reward you? I don't have any decent myself. How can I give it to you? Chu Shaoxian smiled again and changed the tea for his father's desk. Thinking that several of his friends got married, there were rewards in the palace. He wanted to ask a question. Thinking that it was not easy for his family to do decent things, so let's forget it if there were no rewards in the palace.

Leave here and go back to the new house to see it again. Mrs. Chu is in the house. The marriage will be held tomorrow, and Mrs. Chu also swept away the displeasure of the previous days and was full of joy. The eldest grandson of Gongruo Jewelry was about to get married, and Mrs. Chu smiled. Chu Huaixian walked around with his grandmother. Mrs. Chu pointed to the bed tent with a smile and said, "Well, I gave you this bed net. You can be satisfied, right?"

"If you don't give it to me, will you keep it for Wilder?" When Chu Huaixian wants something, he will say, "In the future, Huaide's marriage will be better than me." After letting Mrs. Chu and Mrs. Chu hate it, give him a lot of things.

At this time, Mrs. Chu said unhappily, "Are you still not satisfied with such a delicate bed curtain?" Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "It's not that I'm dissatisfied. Is it that my grandmother has a better pair? Can I keep it for my great-grandson?" Mrs. Chu did not deny it and said with a smile, "When you get married again and marry a good daughter-in-law for me, I will give you that." Thinking about Lin Xiaochu, he got angry again: "What is this marriage?"

Chu Huaixian said quickly, "You'd better keep it for your great-grandson. It's not bad to give me this." Mrs. Chu returned to be happy and said, "It's not bad. You can look for it in the prince's family. There will be no one as good as me."

At this time, the Wu family was finally carried with the dowry and carried to the hospital. The Wu family's small yard was crowded with dowry. The third lady was even more uncomfortable and said to the three officials around her, "I thought the bride price was good. Look at this dowry, which is several times more than the bride price. These are the dowries prepared by the Chu family for the big girl?"

A girl can have such a blessing. This dowry full of the yard made the Third Lady very unhappy.