Spring flowers

Chapter 204, return

There was another hour of secret conversation in the room, and Chu Huaixian and Master Chu San could only hear a few words by chance outside the curtain. The third master took a fierce look at Chu Huaixian and wanted to communicate with him. Chu Huaixian was expressionless and stayed straight outside the curtain. Seeing the third master's eyes, Chu Huaixian didn't look at it.

It was late when I came back, and it was late at night. Seeing the shadows in the room, when someone stood up, the sky was full of stars, and the night wind was already a little cold.

Lord Fang came out again, and he was the only one with a smile. He arched his hand to the third master and said gently to the prince, "In that case, I'm just waiting for the prince in my family." Chu Huaixian cared about his father and only answered the teacher: "Yes." Listen to the third master say, "I'll send it to Lord Fang." Chu Huaixian didn't say anything more. He sent Lord Fang and his adults a few steps. Under their refusal, he came back to see his father.

Chu Shaofu was in good spirits under the lamp. He smiled when he saw his son come in and handed him something under his hand. Chu Huaixian took it over and said in surprise, "Is this true?"

"Half of the people on it are students of their father's children." Chu Shaofu still smiled. Just now, there was a sound of spring thunder. Shaofu said with puns: "Spring thunder has been hit, and hundreds of insects have woken up. The hundreds of insects in Beijing are the same.

Chu Huaixian was surprised and suspicious: "Father?" Chu Shaofu waved his hand casually and said anxiously, "The little man's family hasn't happened. What are you panicking about?" Chu Huaixian calmed down and said with a smile, "It's not a panic, it's about caring for my father." Chu Shaofu slowly said "Oh" and closed his eyes slightly.

Chu Huaixian, who did not dare to be shocked, looked at the things in his hand again. Seeing that several adults who were in common with the family were not on it, they smiled secretly. No wonder their father said that nothing had happened. Although most of them were their father's students, they were not the best at ordinary times.

Maybe this matter will not touch the root.

Just thinking about it, Chu Huaixian immediately changed it. This matter will not move to the root at all.

"Huai Xian," Chu Shaofu opened his eyes and asked his son with his eyes, "What do you think?" Chu Huaixian thought about it and suddenly felt blessed: "This matter is not small. His Royal Highness King Liang will definitely take the initiative to ask his father." Chu Shaofu said, "What else?" Chu Huaixian thought about it again and asked carefully, "Lord Du..."

Chu Shaofu hummed softly: "Although he is not on this, he also wants to wear it." Chu Huaixian understood and whispered happily, "Go back to my father, my son went to the field and also met a few scholars. Maybe I can say something when I look for them. In addition, if there are more these people in Beijing, they are not assassins, and there must be many people who play and make trouble. The father can greet the military commander and let them strictly investigate and seize it.

"That Zhang..." Chu Shaofu asked this question, and Chu Huaixian quickly said, "Zhang Changji." Chu Shaofu said lightly, "Looking for flowers and asking Liu is not a good person."

Chu Huaixian said, "Yes, playing in the middle of the night is not a good person."

There are many stars in the sky, and there seem to be dark clouds surging. Chu Shaofu walked down the steps and looked up. After the spring thunder, it is the Waking of Insects. What will this move be?

There is someone at hand to help him. It is his son Chu Huaixian. Chu Shaofu Moming got angry with him again and said, "Don't be attentive." Chu Huaixian came back to help: "I will help my father." The father and son stood here for a while, one wanted to help, and the other didn't let him help. Finally, Chu Shaofu scolded, "You are so attentive, it's okay." Only then did Chu Huaixian help himself and the father and son came out together.

Mrs. Chu, who couldn't understand the third master's lust, felt that she was forced to make fun of her husband. Master Chu San was in the middle school, and he was in an all-knowing position. He said, "If you don't understand anything, just ask."

"Is it said that Huaixian is under a disguised name?" As soon as the third lady said it, the third master's face sank. The third lady pretended not to see it and asked him again, "Master, are you also a nickname?"

The third master said calmly: "My real name." The third lady still looked confused: "Your real name? The name of the third master is the same as the first two words of the eldest brother, but only the last word is different, right?

"Of course, my eldest brother and I are the same generation, and of course the second word is the same." The third master had understood what his wife meant. He wanted to go away, but he felt that he should win, so he was still sitting.

The third lady got it. Thinking that she had worked hard for more than a year, this person actually made a contribution. Mrs. Chu said again with a smile: "The examiner reads the paper and sees the name of the third master. Maybe he knows it in his heart."

The third master brushed his sleeves and angrily left behind a sentence that he thought made the third lady sad: "You're tired. I'll go to Sun's room." Mrs. Chu whispered to herself behind, "Thank God, I'm quiet this night."

One night, the third master was complacent, and the third lady hated to come up. Looking at the tail of your list, you still think how tall you are.

I slept until dawn one night and went to Mrs. Chu's room and Mrs. Chu's room. Mrs. Chu asked the third lady, "Go back and rest. What does the third master want? Just come and get it." The third lady did not want to encourage Master Chu's momentum, but when Mrs. Chu heard this, her eyes seemed to be angry. Every time Mrs. Chu came back, it was mostly for the fire in Mrs. Chu's eyes.

As soon as I sat down in the room and drank only one bowl of tea, the guests came. The girls came in and replied, "My third uncle is here." Mrs. Chu said, "Please." Mrs. Wu came in and said, "My uncle is in the middle of it. My aunt doesn't pay attention to me anymore." Mrs. Chu said, "Where did the third sister-in-law say this?"

"My eldest daughter, the young lady in your house, the house is full of mountains and seas, but I don't know when she will return to peace?" Mrs. Wu has a look. Mrs. Chu explained, "It's not for people to go home to talk about it. She is sick, so she can't return to peace after a full month of marriage."

"Oh, that's why I came to see her sick." Third Lady Wu came to ask for guilt. When she arrived, she didn't dare to lose her temper, but her face was still: "My son-in-law is in the middle of it. Why didn't anyone send a letter to my home?" Mrs. Chu saw that she was looking for something. At that moment, she calmed up and said, "I'm not letting someone tell you."

Wu Sanniangzi patted her hands on her knees: "My life is hard. I always think about our aunt, and I have burned Gaoxiang for her several times. Auntie, who knows my heart?"

"I understand what the third sister-in-law means," Mrs. Chu said, "I'll take you to see her, but you can speak softly." Wu Sanniangzi blinked and said, "Ok."