Spring flowers

Chapter 226, three high-five

Xiaochu and Xiaoyi were talking about Zhuang Huanzhi's letter in the room. This time, there were so many words that I couldn't remember, so I only remembered a few sentences to tell my sister. Xiaochu guessed in the house for two days and felt that this Zhuang girl was too powerful. She calculated the family's money first and sold it. The official practice was deep enough.

The Zhuang girl is pressing step by step, slowly blooming her like a crystal lotus flower layer by layer. Xiaochu thinks so.

Why does a girl who hasn't got married move her mind regardless of shyness? Xiaochu looked at the fine wind outside the room again. When the wind rose, the flowers and plants swayed. Miss Zhuang was so swaying and beautiful, of course, to compete for Chu Huaixian's love. To put it bluntly, the heart of Mr. Chu turned to her.

At this point, Lin Xiaochu is self-aknowledge. She doesn't have a family background of Ms. Zhuang, and she doesn't think she can talk to the officials. It's just that there is such an official fortune, and Xiaochu's self-knowledge has come up again. In the officialdom of identity and official positions, those who are officials, those officials and wives, can look up to themselves a little.

There is no need to work hard to win the hearts of these shallow-minded people. Just like Chu Huaixian is still booing and asking questions. Xiaochu thought of the past, he lost his reputation and hurt him and hurt himself. In the future, he must have a lot of wives and concubines. Xiaochu did not overwhelm Chu Huaixian's heart.

But in the future, you have to think about it well.

I don't know if there is a son or a woman in the womb. It is impossible to run with the ball at this time. Will they not have a father in the future? When I thought about this, I felt that my situation was still difficult. After Miss Zhuang entered the door, she always wanted to win over Chu Huaixian's heart. Otherwise, can you let the room be messy and take the house for Chu Huaixian as you are now?

Think about it again. Those two are not safe. There is this next strategy, and after Miss Zhuang enters the door, how the wind direction will be determined.

Thinking about Chu Huaixian, Chu Huaixian came in outside. Xiaochu leaned on the couch and looked at Chu Huaixian attentively. Today, he is a dress with dark arrow sleeves. He looks more refreshing without the wide sleeves of the past. His eyebrows have always been dark, and his eyes are gentle and kind. When there is no smile, Xiaochu especially remembers that snowy night. Chu Huaixian stopped in front of his carriage. His cold eyes can scratch people's bones.

"Can you fight with people in the study? Wear this dress upside down." Chu Huaixian came in, and Xiaoyi laughed and retreated with a salute. Chu Huaixian went to Xiaochu and sat down, reaching out and touching her cheek as usual, sometimes gently twisting it. Xiaochu took his hand and touched the buckle on his arrow sleeve and asked.

Chu Huaixian leaned down on Xiaochu's side and smiled and his eyes overflowed: "Look at the kids' fists and feet, let Wade come to play for a while." Today, Xiaochu was more or less tighty. He spread the veil in his hand and put half a mask on his face and laughed at Chu Huaixian: "Are you going to hit him or let him play for a while?"

"Anyway, he cried when he left." Chu Huaixian said that Xiaoyi's head came out of the door again, and Lin Xiaoyi came to complain: "He said that he had a horse in the forest early in the morning. I went to see him in the morning, but there was no him at all. Only a few old black husls shouted and flew away.

Xiao Chu laughed and scolded her: "Xiaoyi! There is no black old man in the morning. Xiaoyi said, "Yes, my sister doesn't believe it. I'll go to see it tomorrow." Chu Huaixian raised his hand with a smile and said, "Okay, I'll scold him tomorrow." Lin Xiaoyi's head suddenly withdrew, and Xiaochu pretended to complain to Chu Huaixian: "Look at you spoiled her, but in three days, you have sued five times."

The unlucky Chu Huaide was trained by Chu Huaixian and then targeted by Lin Xiaoyi. Xiaoyi's five-time situation is either that Chu Huaide stained his clothes, or Chu Huaide came out to hang out when it was time to read. I have sued five times, and three of them are right. As a result, Mr. De scolded three times, and he still doesn't know who is the god.

"You don't know yet. My father called the third uncle, me and Wilder away and scolded for no reason." Chu Huaixian put his hands under his head. He said he was scolded, but one leg staggered up and shook leisurely. Xiaochu sat up straight and divided his apricot thin silk into half of Chu Huaixian: "It is said that the epidemic is serious outside, so be careful to catch a cold while lying down."

Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "You care about me today." Xiaochu choked, and it was really rare for her to take the initiative. Being uncomfortable, he turned away and said with concern, "What did your father scold?" Chu Huaixian said easily, "Say that you want to grow up." Xiaochu opened his eyes and said, "Why do you say that?"

"I don't know." Chu Huaixian knew that Chu Huaide's words behind him that he wanted to revenge when he grew up spread into his father's ears. Xiaochu lowered his head and couldn't think of the reason, so he threw it down and didn't want to.

Yu Zhao occasionally passes through the outside, and this time be careful not to enter the room. In April, Chu Huaixian said that he was sullen and asked the door to change the bamboo curtain early. Through this bamboo curtain painted with flowers and birds, you can see the young couple in the room, leaning side by side on the brocade couch.

The jade photo, who was about to walk away, saw the shadow of the inside of the bamboo curtain flashed. It was Chu Huaixian who sat up straight and twisted, as if he were rebuking people. Yu Zhao's heart was pounding and he was trying to watch. After being pushed behind him, Chunshui came over and said, "You are in my way." Yuzhao scolded in his heart and walked away.

Chu Huaixian sat up and was indeed asking Xiaochu. Xiaochu was also angry: "I just asked the Gong family and Mrs. Qin, and the prince was angry. I think they had been here and were stopped by you." Chu Huaixian squeezed his lips tightly and fell asleep again: "You don't have to think too much about others." Xiaochu twisted his body and slept inside and said sullenly, "I will stay in this house all my life in the future?"

"What else do you want?" Chu Huaixian lost his temper: "Turn around and turn your back to me. I don't like it." He said to pull Xiaochu's shoulder. Xiaochu curled his lips and turned his face to be angry with Chu Huaixian. He smiled and said, "You are angry with me, and I don't like it." Chu Huaixian also smiled as if he knew it was wrong: "I'm not angry, but your identity is different now. There is no need to mention those people in the past."

Xiaochu sneered in his heart. Is his identity different? Except for Chu Huaixian, I guess it's still the same for others in this family. Oh, and the eldest girl Xiangzhi, she wholeheartedly called her sister-in-law.

In the deep house, Xiaochu thought about the Gong family; outside the Gong family, Gong Miaoer was anxious and restless. Lin Xiaochu, you are not stupid enough not to know how to ask for private money! One day, you will be ugly when you get old, and Mr. Chu will change his mind. Let's see what you do!

Littlechu ri thought about the night and didn't want to be stuck in this family for the rest of his life. From Chu Huaixian's attitude, it can be known that at least the Gong family must have come to find himself.

On this day, Xiangzhi came to see her, and Xiaochu begged her, "I have a letter to help me pass it on." Xiangzhi smiled gently and blocked the words directly: "The eldest brother told me, and I will tell him whatever my sister-in-law says." Xiaochu smiled bitterly, "Well, thank you very much." At least I haven't received the letter and forwarded it to Chu Huaixian.

When the spring flowers are blooming, Mrs. Chu is also uneasy. Look in the east wing from time to time to calculate when the Zhuang girl will come in; and then look at the butterfly flying in the yard. I have to hold the porch pillar and sigh once.

"Okay, what's the sad thing?" There was a faint voice of Yuzhao behind him. Only then did Xiaochu notice that he was standing here alone. Xia Lu went to get something and wrote her words in the room. Xiaochu had nothing to say to Yuzhao, and also said lightly, "Wound Chun." Yuzhao also said, "Yes, although this spring scenery is good, it wither quickly. Just like a woman's appearance, she gets old when she is old.

Xiaochu glanced at her and said quickly, "Don't you look down on me? You have fulfilled your wife's wishes, and your wife also looks at you and your children differently. Otherwise," Yuzhao said word by word, "What kind of situation is the prince at home? How is Mr. De? You can see it in your eyes."

"You say it directly." The little heart is calm. Yu Zhao said clearly again, "Before the banker came in, you have the final say in this room." Xiaochu raised his eyebrows and pushed it away with a calculating look: "You know that the banker is coming. I'll make up my mind at this time. I won't attract this hatred."

Yu Zhao asked Xiaochu in turn, "What do you want to do?" Xiao Chuping said calmly, "When she comes, she is a virtuous person, and naturally he will give you an explanation. I won't stop her from talking. Yuzhao lowered her eyes and looked at her half-exposed toe: "I don't want you to be so smart. No matter how virtuous the banker is, we are the water on her feet. The more virtuous she is, the more people will praise her. No matter how virtuous you are, only people will say that you buy a good one.

"As long as you understand. If you want me to make up my mind, I will wait for her to come in. Xiaochu sneered: "I won't buy this virtuous reputation." I know that my reputation is innocent. Lin Xiaochu felt a pain when he thought of this. The spring flowers in the courtyard are thick, and the boundless spring color is faintly suffocating; the flowers are full of three virtues and four virtues.

Yu Zhao stretched out his hand and said, "You and I have three high-fives, I advise you to remember that at this time, you may not be happy all your life." Xiaochu nodded slightly and didn't think she was rude. At least although she was threatening and selfish, it made some sense. The sleeves embroidered with folded branches and flowers stretched out his palm and gently hit Yuzhao three times. Xiaochu asked quietly, "Can you go out?"

"What are you going to send?" Yuzhao can also be seen through at all. Xiaochu's words came to his mouth and swallowed them. This is Mrs. Chu's person, and it is unreliable. If she gave the letter to Mrs. Chu and knocked herself down, she would be happier than keeping herself. Xiaochu slowly turned around and said, "I'm just asking."

Yu Zhao looked at the light figure wrapped in Lingluo and went to the room, and reminded him again: "Three high-fives." The body in Lingluo did not reply and went straight back to the room. Yuzhao felt that a big event had been completed and stood in front of Huaxiang for a while before going back. Xiangsheng asked in the room, "What did you say when you talk to her through the window?" Yuzhao didn't tell her, but said, "She asked me something, and I told her."

Chu Huaixian came back in the evening, and Xiaochu was bored and said little. She has always been like this recently, generally the same as when she was a girl before getting married. A little attention is enough for Chu Huaixian to be happy for a long time. It's common to see that she doesn't like it. It was not until he fell asleep that Chu Huaixian said seriously to Xiaochu, "I like to know that you take care of yourself. I like it the most. If you want to go out and quarrel with me, I won't be considerate of you.

When Xiaochu heard it, he got out of his life and kicked the quilt away. Chu Huaixian looked coldly, reached out and took the quilt back to his hand, pressed Xiaochu down first, and then covered her with the quilt. Xiaochu lost his temper and huddled in the quilt without saying a word. After a while, Chu Huaixian came to see him again. Xiaochu was already asleep.

It's time for pregnant women to fall asleep.