Spring flowers

Chapter 232, the lesson may not be right

Xiaoyi girl has something on her mind, not hurt spring or sad autumn, but she can't figure out who is right. My sister loved Xiaoyi the most and said, "You like Xiaoyi best." My brother-in-law also felt sorry for it and said, "You have to follow the rules and principles." The wet nurse said, "Learn from Sister Xiangzhi," Chu Huaide said, "You don't have a good person in the future."

With his head down, Xiaoyi sat on the pavilion near the water until Chunhen came to look for him: "It's dinner. The prince is in the room, and the young lady are waiting for you to eat." Xiaoyi doesn't know whether it's right or wrong, but his brother-in-law is at home and has to follow his brother-in-law's words.

As Chunhen went back, Xiaoyi entered the room alone, saluted Chu Huaixian and his sister, and sat down honestly waiting for dinner. Xiaochu had something on his mind, and he didn't seem to like Chu Huaixian today, and Xiangzhi's problem was not too small. From the perspective of Xiaochu, the person concerned should have the courage to take the lead first, so that the people behind can spread the fire for her.

The burden of the daughter suppressed Lin Xiaochu.

"The two women who sprinkled away are not good. They have changed, and the little girls, Qingyue and Qiuyue are extremely stupid, and they have also changed." Speaking of this, Chu Huaixian asked Xiaochu, "Have you changed the lotus flower?" Xiaochu was surprised, "Why?" Then he understood that he was ready to find an opportunity to speak for Xiangzhi and his good face immediately turned dark: "I didn't say anything to Yuzhao." Thinking that a person beside him was no longer there, Xiaochu shivered and struggled to Chu Huaixian, "The lotus will not help me spread anything, and you can rest assured of her."

The reason for Lin Xiao's uneasiness in the death of Yu Zhao lies in his original intention. She and Chu Huaixian's hearts are in the same knot. Chu Huaixian refused to talk about Yuzhao to Xiaochu. First, Yuzhao died for fear of shock Xiaochu, and second, Chu Huaixian would revisit the scene of hatred when he mentioned it and passed it privately to the outside. At the beginning, Xiaochu was given too much freedom to let her walk freely outside. It was later that Grandma Liu helped her spread the message that she had the scene of running away in the New Year.

At the thought of this, Chu Huaixian was so angry that he couldn't wait to argue with Lin Xiaochu again. At this time, Xiaochu is not the time to argue.

This contradictory mood made Chu Huaixian think wrong. He thought that what Xiaochu said behind his back to Yu Zhao must be angry when he heard it. If not, Xiaochu can tell himself how to talk to Yu Zhao, a person who knows is not good for Xiaochu.

Thinking of this, Chu Huaixian is happy. Lin Xiaochu is still around and has a child in his stomach. What Xiaochu and Yuzhao said is useless, and Lin Xiaochu made Chu Huaixian feel uneasy. It is estimated that so far, the people of the Chu family are also worried about Lin Xiaochu.

Chu Huaixian didn't want to say anything, but he didn't want to mention the old things that made him angry, and he didn't want to know what Xiaochu let Yuzhao pass on, so that he couldn't control himself. He was really rude to Lin Xiaochu.

Xiaochu completely believes that the reason why Chu Huaixian did not let go of Yuzhao is nothing more than killing chickens for monkeys. Judging from what he didn't say, his husband didn't want to scare him. The pregnant person is still the biggest. Judging from the fact that he scared a few people around him, his husband was shocked by the people around him, so that no one dared to convey any news or anything to Lin Xiaochu in this yard.

Bo two people are reluctant to mention it. Xiao Chuti also felt forced, just like at this time, Chu Huaixian suspected his old neighbor Lotus again. Of course, Xiaochu is a reasonable struggle.

"If you don't change, don't change. You're in a hurry." It's really the biggest pregnant woman. Chu Huaixian smiled quickly. Lin Xiaochu has a bad temper recently. Mr. Chu has a headache. If he can't provoke Xiaochu, he will try his best not to provoke her. Xiaochu saw that Chu Huaixian was soft and sneered and said, "Speaking of which, I should be grateful to you. If you change someone else, you will change it directly. At least you still know how to ask me."

Chu Huaixian seems to be looking for trouble when listening to this talk, and he can't give in to this step. His black eyes swept over Xiaochu's face and said lightly, "It's someone you know. Of course I want to ask you. As for other people's other things, don't ask. Xiaochu looked out of the room, outside the bamboo curtain painted with plum orchid bamboo, and the courtyard went deep to the hanging flower door.

"You are going to lock me in this yard," Xiaochu is not looking for trouble this time, but has been asking, or she wants to provoke, and she doesn't object. Chu Huaixian has been prepared for a long time: "Your life is not as lively as you used to be, but ordinary women come like this."

When dinner was put on, Xiaochu held his chopsticks and smiled at Chu Huaixian: "You see me like others." Of course, Chu Huaixian understood that Xiaochu was thinking about her own identity. Of course, Chu Huaixian understood better that so far, Xiaochu did not feel that his identity was low. What she said means that she would see differently in the eyes of others. Xiaochu had other meanings. Chu Huaixian said with puns: "Of course, it's two different things for people to look at you and me."

At this point, Xiaochu said that he was tired. With one hand holding chopsticks and one elbow resting on his forehead, Lin Xiaochu smiled and said, "Come here for dinner. You still want me to treat you." Lin Xiaoyi is performing an ancient little lady. Her brother-in-law is talking to her sister, and she stands aside honestly. Hearing his sister's words, Xiaoyi looked at Chu Huaixian, and Chu Huaixian also waved with a smile: "Come here." Lin Xiaoyi must agree respectfully: "Yes." He came with a floating skirt.

"Xiaoyi, where have you been all afternoon?" Xiaochu gave her Xiaoyi's favorite dishes. Xiaoyi stood up and said, "Thank you." Seeing that my sister still had one hand on her forehead, she stood up again and said to her sister, "Sister, sit down for dinner."

Lin Xiaochu can't believe his ears and still has to sit down to eat in his room? She looked down at Xiaoyi and laughed loudly.

"Sister, you have stained the table." Xiaoyi girl is deeply involved in the little lady complex today and is dissatisfied with the rice particles sprayed out by Xiaochu's smile. Lin Xiaochu continued to laugh until he met Chu Huaixian's fixed vision. Chu Huaixian looked at Xiaochu quietly and said to Xiaoyi, "You're very good. Tell you again. Don't learn anything wrong with your sister."

Xiaochu stopped laughing. From her own point of view, it was mainly because laughing was not good for the child, rather than meeting Chu Huaixian's vision. Stop laughing and eating with a low smile. Chu Huaixian couldn't stand it and put down his chopsticks gently: "You laugh before eating, don't be afraid of choking." Xiaochu reluctantly stopped laughing and eating. Looking at the opposite, it was Chu Huaixian, an ancient man who was speechless; looking at the side, it was Lin Xiaoyi, a new ancient man who was speechless. For these two ancients, Xiaochu's meal was still very interesting.

If there is no Xiang Zhilai, Xiaochu will talk in front of Chu Huaixian and Xiaoyi. When talking about Xiangzhi, Xiaochu didn't care. Looking at her respectfully and leaving, there was still a funny smile on her lips.

Chu Huaixian ignored her, and Xiaochu looked like a madwoman at this moment. Mr. Chu picked up a book thrown on the couch yesterday and looked like he was married.

Xiaochu smiled for a while and said, "I used the big girl's clothes and shoes. She is not young. How can she be bought and returned to her?" At the time of marriage, Lin Xiaochu had nothing, and the personal things were all made of the dowry prepared by Xiangzhi for herself.

And Lin Xiaochu himself, the needle finger is ordinary. Therefore, it is reasonable for the Chu family to marry her. Even in the present, find a person who is useless from the current perspective, and people also think that this man has a problem.

"Let people do it. It's time for her to get married." Chu Huaixian turned over a page of the book and replied. Xiaochu pretended to thank him, "Thank you, son. As you said, I really stay in this room and can live my whole life." Chu Huaixian said slowly: "Isn't there still a yard?"

Xiaochu ate and laughed and then asked, "Which one is the eldest girl's marriage?" Chu Huaixian said, "This is the matter of my second uncle and second aunt." Xiaochu raised his eyebrows and said, "Mr. Wei doesn't seem to be able to do it?" Chu Huaixian's eyes were on the book and shook his head: "No."

The next day, Xiaochu had only one idea for Chu Xiangzhi, who was in a hurry to ask: "I want you to speak for you, unless you get his fault and force him to speak for you." From the perspective of Xiaochu, my husband is the kind of person who does not drink wine. At that time, Chu Xiangzhi was ill, and Chu Huaixian was still a little relaxed. Later, Mr. Chu repented quickly.

"Is it wrong to take the eldest brother?" Chu Xiangzhi couldn't believe what she heard. Xiaochu smiled and said, "Who can be right?" Chu Xiangzhi shook her head: "Why is my eldest brother wrong?" His eyes involuntarily glanced at Xiaochu, and then realized his movements, withdrew in a panic, and carefully peeped at whether Xiaochu had found out and whether his face had changed. Xiaochu smiled, and the gentle and thick Xiangzhi girl also had an idea in her heart. The mistake made by Chu Huaixian was to marry Lin Xiaochu.

"Coercing people is also a means," Xiaochu thought hard. This idea is the best: "Otherwise, he won't agree, and there is no other good way." This is not a small difficulty for Chu Xiangzhi: "Brother's fault? Will the big brother be wrong? Lin Xiaochu's shallow smile, how to tell the ancient Nazi point of view, is a personal weakness.

Miss Chu went away in confusion, and Xiaochu shouted Xiaoyi. At this time in the afternoon, the golden warm sun in a room. Xiaochu said lazily to Xiaoyi standing in front of the bed, "I like it as before."

"But no one likes it except my sister." Lin Xiaoyi opened the chat box: "Other people like Sister Xiangzhi." Xiaochu smiled and said, "Who are these others?"

Lin Xiaoyi counted them one by one: "Brother-in-law," Xiaochu said quietly, "To him, you pretend to be good." Xiaochu's education has existed before. It is when she meets a flower girl who is looking for trouble and trouble. Unless she crosses over a person carrying weapons and ammunition, she can only bow her head to pass the moment in front of her.

Small and small, every time you are uneven, you have to jump. Xiaochu told Xiaoyi like this: "To such a person, pretend to be good." Of course, I am very unconvinced and wronged.

"There are also people in the family, that is, Chunhen, Bihen and I, who also say that they want to learn from Sister Xiangzhi. Others said, "He said that he couldn't find a marriage when he grew up, and said that Sister Xiangzhi was looking for a marriage. Sister, what the hell is the marriage? Lin Xiaoyi only understands that marriage is marriage, and marriage is like her brother-in-law and sister. But what I understand is still not clear.

In the bright afternoon, Xiaochu answered unhappily this time, thinking slowly: "Mearing is that one person will treat you well and tolerate everything that others think is bad about you." Speaking of this, Lin Xiaochu thought of Xiangzhi's words that the banker's marriage had retreated. Chu Huaixian, his husband, has done a lot to a certain extent.

Xiaoyi clapped his hands and smiled, "So that's it. Then I'm relieved. I thought there was someone who only picked my fault."

On such a sunny afternoon, Lin Xiaochu, a young woman who traveled through modern times, gave a wrong lesson to her sister. She can't be blamed for this, because she doesn't understand herself. What exactly is marriage? Regarding marriage, the elderly people should speak more cautiously, and the young talent meeting will discuss "freedom". There should be a reason why this is so.

In a real marriage, no one will always tolerate the bad aspects of his wife in the eyes of others. Because people live in this world, public opinion is part of it. In ancient times, this is called decent, and in modern times, this is called face.