Spring flowers

Chapter 242, Lin Xiaochu is incomplete and ignorant

When Tang He walked out of the Prime Minister's mansion and stood at the corner of the street. He is no longer excited, but confused. What he did, attract people to do bad things, and then denounce him. The second master of the Chu family this time can't run away. I have known the second master for so many years, and I have some feelings for him. Tang He sighed and saved a lot of money in his hand. Get yourself an official quickly and leave Beijing.

being an official? Maybe it's not good. I'm used to the ups and downs of these officials, soup and walking along the street. It's better to go home and get three big houses with a few mu of thin fields. I want to be bullied again without an official position.

All kinds of people are walking on the street, and the businessmen are sweating to attract business. The pedestrians are either smiling or sad. All sentient beings suffered, and Tang He sighed that even if he wanted to leave, he had to finish the things at hand.

The sky is sunny, and it is said to be good weather. Du Tang and looking up at the sunny light, he knew that there were dark clouds behind him. Beijing is going to be in chaos!

There was a sudden disturbance in the crowd. When the sound of running came from behind, Tang and his body were also pushed fiercely from behind. Tang, who almost fell down, stood up and held the door panel of the fruit shop next to him. He just said angrily, "What are you pushing?" I saw three young thieves running fast. Looking at the back, it's even more scary. Four or five strong men held the guy in their hands and shouted, "Kid! Don't run if you have the ability!"

"What's going on?" Tang He and the passers-by who stopped looked at it for a moment and asked the people next to him. The person next to him did not reply, and the clerk of the fruit shop behind replied: "One of the people running in front is the son of Qiu Guan's family, and the other two don't know each other. The one behind is the casino hitter. According to my guess, he lost the bet and was beaten.

He said the first two sentences, and the latter sentence doesn't need him to guess. Everyone knows it. Someone sighed: "Qiu Guan also has thousands of taels of silver, which is enough for him to bet on."

The clerk of the fruit shop said again, "Let me, if you don't buy anything, don't stop my business." Let's make way.

Other people just talk about other people's family affairs. After Tang and two sentences, he also walked away. Slowly walking in the flow of people to live a long life, dressed in blue clothes is like shopping leisurely. He walked along the teenager's running road and slowly walked to the place where there was another arrow in front of him. There were many onlookers. Longevity laughed and caught him beating.

Among the onlookers, there was a high and low scream and begging for mercy. Duoshou found a corner behind the room that could not be squeezed by a person and leaned against the board wall to listen to the fun.

"There's going to be an accident again," the screams kept screaming, and the people who watched and listened couldn't bear it. After the crowd dispersed, several big men and eagles held several teenagers in their hands like catching chickens. These teenagers either have blood on their faces or have blood on their bodies. Longevity: "It's really cruel." Then he said to himself, "That's it."

The big men dragged away the teenager and scolded while walking: "I don't ask who opened this game. How dare you come to the ground of the seventh master of Qin to be wild!" Let your family take the money to redeem it!"

The warm sun shines on longevity, and longevity is not in a hurry to leave. When his body was tanned, he wiped the sweat on his head and moved his body and said, "It's good to take a shower at night." Follow the flow of people home.

Chu Huaixian was in the study and came to see him: "A total of three, Lou Dayou, Zhao Heng and Zhang Xiu, lost money in the casino. Now they are detained and waiting for the family to take money to redeem people." Next to him stood Chu Huaide's little man, who lowered his head and didn't say anything. Chu Huaixian asked Xiao Gener, "Just these few people?"

"There is also Mr. Yang Jing, who is a business family. He went out to Taiyuan with his family the day before yesterday and said that he would not come back until two years." Xiao Gener lowered his head and replied, and his hand trembled. The eldest son suddenly lost his temper and found Mr. De's friends one by one.

Chu Huaixian heard, "When will he come back? You come back to me." Xiao Gener answered, "Yes." He grinned in his heart and refused to let go.

Let Duoshou go out, Chu Huaixian raised his face and once again told Xiao Gener fiercely: "You told me that these people always want our family to be loud when they are with Huaide. After suffering like this, they will definitely come to find Wilder. Tell me when you come. Xiaogen said again, "Yes."

"Wide is recovering from his injury. The injury led him to study hard and stop walking." Chu Huaixian calmed down and hated Chu Huaide. This is his only closest brother at present. If he hadn't found out, he would have learned bad. Chu Huaixian sighed and married Xiaochu. In front of him, others wanted to make criticism. No matter how bad Wyde learns, it's not more criticism.

Thinking of this, Chu Huaixian said to Xiaogen again, "Food and sex, White is not big, and it's not small. With that in mind, you lead him at home. Several of the maids in his room are not all right. He is small and can't distinguish. Why should he go outside? Xiaogen was stunned and didn't expect this matter, and the eldest son also said it.

After he came out, Xiaogen's thoughts were extremely crooked. The other words of the eldest son are for the sake of Mr. Wilder, and Xiaogen can also hear them. But in this girl's words, Xiaogener secretly thought that Mr. Huaixian had married the wrong marriage, so he thought that Mr. Huaide would also marry a girl, which would not show that he was wrong alone.

Well, it should be like this! In the spring breeze and clear water, Chu Huaide's little man Xiaogen heard Chu Huaixian's words and came up with such an idea!

In the study, Chu Huaixian called into Xi'er: "You prepare some regular salutes tomorrow to visit Qin Qi and tell him that he did well. I like it. Another one has gone out. When will he come back? I will bother him again.

After telling the words, Chu Huaixian came out and came to the room to see Xiaochu. Xiaochu sat and clapped his hands and sang something under the porch. Seeing Chu Huaixian come in, he put away his hands. Xiaochu turned his face to one side and Xiaoyi stood up. Chu Huaixian asked Xiaoyi to go back, came over and kissed Xiaochu's side face, and said softly, "You will be bored when you see me. I won't come back. You and Xiaoyi don't have a good time."

Xiaochu didn't say anything. Recently, he has been lazy and obsessed. Seeing Chu Huaixian sit down, Lin Xiaochu leaned on him and slowly fell asleep again. Chu Huaixian stretched out his hand and stroked Xiaochu's abdomen gently. He could really sleep.

When I fell asleep, I only saw the light and deep twilight in the room. The light color is in front of the bed, and the dark cabinet table is on several. Xiaochu didn't want to shout, so he raised his elbow to look at the grotesque twilight. This evening is different, and it looks better than the yard where spring flowers bloom every day.

Pregnant women are Lin Xiaochu's treatment. You don't have to call modern time-traveling women first. You are aggrieved! Lin Xiaochu's nature, she felt that she was very condescending first.

Lin Xiaochu is not completely ignorant. He believes that modern time-travelling women can overthrow old politicians in ancient times and make old politicians grateful. The time-traveling woman who thinks so is ignorant and wants to go. But Xiaochu thought that he could have some freedom. Now it seems that it is marrying the wrong person and going to the wrong environment.

Modern time-travelling woman's strong theory believes that no matter what environment a time-travelling woman is in, she should be reasonable. She should, take it for granted, reach out for money and open her mouth and tongue. Even if she hits a wall everywhere in her work and life, she must think that she dies in the end and not to death. People are not called modern people.

Who calls modern people to have a history? Even if history fails and travels through the past, it is reasonable to compete with computers for the idea of such ignorant people.

Lin Xiaochu reflected on himself and couldn't do that! Some people think so that she doesn't need to travel through time. Let her take a history self-examination first to see how many points she passes.

Do you live this kind of life after giving birth to a child? I'm really sad in my original intention. With a long sigh, he shocked Chu Huaixian sitting outside. Chu Huaixian came in and couldn't see his smile in the dusk. From his voice, he could feel that he was laughing. The tall figure dragged very long on the ground, just like another monster.

Xiaochu laughed and felt that he was having fun in his bitterness. Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "Are you awake?" Xiaochu raised his face, and his eyes were bright and bright on the blurred face in the twilight. It looks a hundred times more energetic and full of sleep!

Chu Huaixian stretched out his hand to hold her face and asked gently, "Are you hungry?" Xiaochu muttered, "Do you keep pigs?" Chu Huaixian stretched out his hand and patted her on the cheek and scolded, "It's nonsense again." How can Mr. Chu's child be a pig?

"You can't joke either." Lin Xiaochu turned over and slept on Chu Huaixian's lap on his back. Suddenly sighed, "Ah, ah, that's all my life?"

Chu Huaixian has heard a lot about this kind of remarks recently. Gently stroked Xiaochu's hair and retorted with a smile, "Are you not satisfied? How dare you be dissatisfied?" Xiaochu had nowhere to get bored and joked with Chu Huaixian: "Miss Zhang and Miss Wang are satisfied with marrying you. I'm not satisfied. What do you want?"

Chu Huaixian smiled and was not angry. He continued to stroke Xiaochu's hair and asked with a smile, "I'm not satisfied that Miss Zhang Wang wants to marry me. I married you, what are you going to do?

I'm married, what else can I do? Lin Xiaochu said with great ambition: "When I give birth to a child, I will argue with you for three days and three nights." Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "Listen, you should go out less in the future. Let my parents hear it and scold me.

Under the pressure of this whole ancient system, it is better for the modern time-travelling female Lin Xiaochu to be more realistic and less ignorant. He ran with the ball with his stomach, cheated a bunch of people with his stomach, coaxed a horse, and subverted it with the ball on the horse. He could also avoid the pursuit when crossing the state and county. In ancient times, in a city where the gate was closed at night and the white genius opened the gate, he was a kind-hearted help, and he desperately ignored the investigation, offered rewards, and also helped A kind-hearted person who escapes from freedom.

This kind of thing doesn't seem to happen much.

Lin Xiaochu is still in a deep house.

A few days later, it was July. Mrs. Du was talking to her family at home and saw the people at the door come in: "Qian San is here." This Qian San is a powerful person who sells Mrs. Chu and Mrs. Du. Mrs. Du was speechless: "Let him in."

When Qian San came in, he was wearing an 80% new silk shirt. The first time he walked on the street, he felt that he was extremely honest. He came in and handed over the silver in his hand: "This is the rest of the silver, 1,500 taels of silver. Please click." Mrs. Du took it and gave it to the girls and said, "I can trust you."

At this time, a family member went to see Lord Du: "Sir, there is a Lord Chen who has a good face and said that he came to visit you." After sending the post, Lord Du read the three words "old description" and his heart was bright.

Ask Chen Nian to come in, and Lord Du will change his clothes to see him. I saw a plump man who was not tall or short, looking up at the calligraphy and paintings in the living room.

Chen Nianshu slowly turned his head: "Lord Du, it's late to see you."