Spring flowers

Chapter 248, quiet and clear

The Chu family has a new son, and the happy people will continue without waiting for the full moon. Chu Huaixian helped his father treat guests and then entertained his guests. He never came back during the day. When he stepped back on the moon at night, Mr. Chu was looking at it under the shadow of the flowers. Today, Xiaochu turned his back to me again and went up and moved his hands again.

When Chunshui saw the prince coming back, he wanted to blush at him. Seeing that he went straight into the room, he had the intention to remind him to check that Chunshui was a girl who had not married. He had the intention to tell the wet nurse that Chunshui did not open his mouth. She could only watch Chu Huaixian go in.

Under the red candlelight, Xiaochu has heard it. She really didn't dare to turn her back and ignore Chu Huaixian again. Just like last night, she held her back tightly against the bedboard, pulled the quilt to resist, and stared at Chu Huaixian coming in.

Such a wild little animal!

Chu Huaixian sat down in front of the bed and said to Xiao Chule: "Your husband comes in. You don't have to be polite and don't have to stare at me." With that, he wanted to brighten his arm: "Your hand is grasped, and you twisted your arm." Xiaochu was thinking about how to get through the harassment of Mr. Chu at night. When he saw him say that he was carrying a quilt in one hand and five fingers in one hand, he couldn't help but shine brightly to Chu Huaixian.

"Do you still want to arrest people?" Chu Huaixian's eyes lit up, and Xiaochu stopped in time. The harasser came up again, kissed Lin Xiaochu again, and put one hand into his clothes.

Chunshui heard a familiar "Uh, huh" outside. This was the time when Mrs. Chu's mouth was blocked and she wanted to protest and couldn't say anything. Hearing Chunshui's ears, she was awe-inspiring again, systematically withdrew with the girls, and then closed the door.

The stars are all silver everywhere. The girls' mothers are waiting outside and looking at each other. They all want to laugh but dare not laugh.

Chu Huaixian let go of Xiaochu and hugged her and said, "Brother Yu is born well." Speaking of children, Xiaochu was much quieter. Seeing Chu Huaixian, he regretted: "It's just not white?" He looked at Xiaochu carefully: "You are not black." Xiaochu, who was taken advantage of and was angry, said, "You were black when you were a child." Chu Huaixian smiled and thought that of course he didn't feel bad for Xiaochu to speak. But in front of their parents, I guess they can't listen to it alone.

Fortunately, fortunately, I told my father that I would be allowed to rest after Xiaochu. If Lin Xiaochu goes to give his respects, Chu Huaixian is still a little worried.

In September, the autumn wind was even worse, and His Royal Highness King Liang recovered for several months and finally couldn't stay at home. The serious illness has not yet healed, the horse can't ride, and the sedan chair feels swaying. King Liang ordered someone to set up the car, and his voice was hoarse: "Go into the palace."

People around him were overjoyed: "The emperor often let people see it. If he sees His Highness, he will definitely like it." King Liang didn't say anything and got into the car to the gate of the palace. The general guarding the door was also overjoyed and came to the car to salute: "The emperor must like it when he sees Your Highness."

The carriage went to the palace. King Liang closed his eyes and leaned against him. Everyone said this, and he was not afraid to shoot it. When the royal brother saw himself, he might not like it.

There was a wry smile at the corners of Liang Wang's mouth. Fortunately, I really had something to do today.

At the gate of the palace, I got out of the car and reported it. I was listening to the good words of the eunuchs. Some people came to invite: "Your Highness, please come in immediately." King Liang Yili dressed whole and went inside. I haven't seen you for a few months, and the osmanthus flowers are heavy, and they seem to be strange.

bow your head and come in and salute to the imperial court. This has always been a familiar way. King Liang walked halfway today and suddenly burst into tears. After the book, the emperor also looked at King Liang in a complicated mood. Seeing him kneeling down, he said slowly, "Get up, you're all right. I'm relieved."

When King Liang heard this sentence, he was suddenly excited and raised his head and choked, "Brother, all right."

The emperor pretended to be surprised: "Well, I should like it. Why?" He waved with a smile, "Come here and let me see you." King Liang took a few steps forward. The emperor looked at him and smiled again: "You have lost weight."

The west wind rose from the window. When the emperor heard the wind, he suddenly bowed and coughed fiercely. King Liang felt sad and helped him carefully. He apologized and said, "Brother, I haven't visited you for a long time. Is your brother?"

"There is no..." Although the emperor was coughing, he barely said a word with a smile on his face, and then he spit out a mouthful of blood. Although it was not much but a little, it was enough for King Liang's soul to fly away. He was frightened by the blood on the emperor's lips: "Isn't that agreed?"

The white silk hand caught the blood, and the white silk hand was particularly amazing against the bright red blood. It was the emperor himself who held the silk handkerchief. He looked at himself at the blood handkerchief and closed it and handed it to King Liang: "Take it away." That voice didn't seem to want to look at it again.

King Liang carefully held the silk handkerchief and cried in his voice: "Although I can't come, I have also asked the imperial doctor. It's better to say it's early." When the emperor saw him like this, he finally sighed unbearablely: "Life and death, as long as you die, you are worthy to see the emperor." King Liang couldn't hold on any longer. His legs were soft and he knelt down and begged for mercy, "Brother."

"You, you, you..." The emperor's weak posture pointed to the king of Liang under his knees, and there were tears in his eyes: "After I return to the west, you have to reassure me." This sentence was slow and powerful. King Liang felt that it was not this lonely word, but the countless eyes of his ancestors. He held a bloody silk handkerchief in his hand, fell to the ground and cried.

The emperor lay on the desk and said in a low voice, "Cry, just allow you to cry this time." He took advantage of this to nourish his spirits. King Liang did not dare to cry for too long, and after a moment, he wiped his tears. First, look for a small brazier and put the silk handkerchief in and burn it. There was no news that the emperor was seriously ill. This thing was kept to make rumors.

He did all this in an orderly manner, and the emperor smiled and watched him finish it. When he came back, the king of Liang returned to normal, saluted the emperor and said, "I'm here today to return to my brother. Recently, there have been too many officials participating. I heard that the imperial brother has decided on several officials and asked him to be beheaded after autumn, and asked the imperial brother to think twice.

The emperor smiled meaningfully: "You still care about the affairs of the dynasty, and I can let go of half of my heart." King Liang was ashamed of his ability and said with a smile, "I'm on the sickbed. As long as I can listen to it, of course I will listen to it. Now I can not only listen, but also talk and walk around. Of course I want to come.

"Ha ha, you came here, just to make me think twice?" The emperor was happy to hear it. King Liang smiled but said seriously, "This is a fight between the two important ministers. Why didn't the royal brother scold him?"

The emperor smiled again: "You are really well." After a while, he felt in good spirits. He sat up straight and said to King Liang, "Chu Shaofu somehow, Prime Minister Zhang Cheng is aggressive. Third brother, do you think I should scold him?" King Liang thought about it and said, "Please scold them severely. These two people are simply joking about state affairs!" There are no less than a dozen senior officials above the fourth grade, and there are many small officials below the sixth grade. Brother, why do you want to tolerate them?

"Ah, I'm thinking," the emperor said lightly: "Third brother, look at my side, do you want to clear it?"

The thunder array rolled over from the heart of King Liang and smashed it heavily, making King Liang sober from his ignorance. The thunder made him praise: "Okay!" Then he raised his thumb to the emperor regardless of the etiquette of the emperor and ministers: "High!"

"Hmm!" The emperor snorted. King Liang smiled, withdrew his hand and smiled at the emperor: "I am disgraced." He smiled again: "Since I was a child, my mother and concubine told me that you are a born good emperor."

The emperor caught a waste manuscript on the case and fell over: "A natural good emperor, alas!" It turned out that the smile on his face disappeared, and there was another violent cough. King Liang came forward to pat and stroked, and did not dare to mention the imperial concubine again. But I recalled the little words my biological mother, Princess Zou, said to me.

"You have a lot of fun. It's best to be a prince. In my opinion, you don't have to think about the throne, just become the emperor. You can't bother these hearts. I'm not afraid that you will be annoyed, but I'm afraid that you will lose the society and the country. This is what the imperial concubine said back then. Liang Wang was sad and missed his mother, which really made sense.

This prince has been a good man for more than 30 years. As long as he likes everything in the palace and is in line with the system, King Liang can enjoy it. If it is not in line with the system, King Liang can also look more. And now if the royal brother I rely on goes away and the king of Liang is confused, what should I do?

Murder? Revenge?...... As the emperor said, some things are not that simple.

The emperor coughed and gasped, but this time he did not spit blood. His thin fingers pointed at the memorial on the case and said to King Liang from time to time: "These people have been sent to prison. This year, if... You remember, let Chun'er pardon them. King Liang quietly burst into tears: "Yes." At this time, King Liang did not remember that Prince Chun was the biological son of Empress Zhang.

"If I were still there next year, I wouldn't use them to stay for you." The emperor said it again, and the king of Liang understood again: "It turns out that brother, your heart is as clear as a mirror." This compliment made the emperor smile fiercely, and then patiently urged the king of Liang: "Remember! The country is the top priority!"

King Liang bowed his head in shame: "Yes."

"I have ordered a number of private sea boats in Fujian to spread the secret order, lock him into Beijing, and then confiscate the sea ship." The emperor closed his eyes slightly and said to the King of Liang one by one without looking at the memorials.

King Liang listened respectfully. The emperor narrowed his eyes and couldn't help laughing when he saw that King Liang was honest as he had before: "You've stayed enough. Go back." King Liang smiled and asked with doubt, "What do you think of the close salesman of the Chu family?" The emperor was funny: "What do I think? It's how he told me!"

Liang Wangying said, "Yes! Yes!" The emperor looked cold-eyed: "The Ministry of Criminal Justice is investigating. I showed him his folds, and now I'm waiting for him to explain it to me. It's not good to tell, hum..." If there is an echo in the palace, King Liang said, "Lord Fu, how can you not tell well?"

"Brother, I have always felt that what you said is pertinent." The emperor and the king of Liang made a small joke, and the king of Liang himself laughed. After resigning, King Liang was still worried about Chu Shaofu's unfounded people. Whether to throw a ghost out or tear it clean.

From what King Liang heard, it is impossible to tear it clean. King Liang was worried about others, and someone whispered in his ear: "The Empress is here."

King Liang's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he saw that the queen and her party were approaching. King Liang had to see the driver and bow down. The queen has always been kind and airless. She said kindly, "If the third emperor comes to the palace, are you going to go out?" Liang Wang lowered his head with a calm face and said "um". Hearing the soft sound of the dress, when King Liang looked at it again, everyone else had retreated. There was only the queen and himself here.

The queen smiled with pleading and suddenly bowed to King Liang. King Liang was shocked and hurriedly waved his hand away: "This can't be done." I'm thinking, what are you going to do? The mother of a country saluted herself. The queen's voice came carefully: "The emperor loves the prince very much. Please be easy-going when you see him. The emperor is really sick."

King Liang, who made the emperor so angry that he vomited blood, entered the palace in a few months. The virtuous Empress Zhang thought about it and had to tell him to be relieved.