Spring flowers

Chapter 254, the third master cheated money

The third lady came out of Mrs. Chu's room and remembered that she hadn't seen Xiaochu for a few days, so she turned around to see Xiaochu. Standing under the weeping door, I heard the continuous laughter in the yard. The third lady smiled first and said to her girl Yulan, "Look at them lively." Yulan was also envious: "The young lady is young, so they are playing. The third lady is not old. Why don't we play?

There are ** as big as a sea bowl on both sides, with red, white, purple and yellow; and there are all kinds of small **, white is tribute chrysanthemum, and yellow like stars. The west wind blew gently all over the courtyard, and the cheap third lady gave it a first.

"Where did you get such a big**?" The third lady caressed the fragrant stamens and couldn't put it down. Seeing that she didn't seem to be able to move, Yulan told the third lady knowingly, "That's the number. She said that the prince got it and didn't dare to reward it first. She sent it to the master. She was scolded by the master, saying that the prince was not doing his job and liked to make flowers and plants the most. Third lady, you think," Yulan whispered, "Who doesn't know that our young lady used to be a flower girl. Son, it's to please the young lady.

Mrs. Chu first laughed and scolded Yulan: "Where did you get the news of selling dog skin plaster? Is it in the old year? How much does your finger mean? How can I see it? Yulan said aggrievedly, "It's not the news of selling dog skin plaster, but Lao Ding, the doorman, who told me." Stretch out your fingers again: "Three fingers, three hundred taels of silver." The third lady's tongue stretched out and took it back after a while. Her heart was uncomfortable and oily. She scolded Yulan with a straight face and said, "As far as you know, don't say it in the future."

People in the porch have seen the third lady and Yulan coming in. Because they went to enjoy the flowers, Dong Ran said, "Let's go to welcome them. What else does the third lady think of the flowers? I'll welcome you when she finishes reading it. Xiaochu looked at her: "If you don't want to welcome her, just say no." Dongran smiled and said, "Look at your mouth, young lady. It's like I'm lazy."

The wet nurse scolded Dong Ran: "I owe it! If the prince knows that you talk to the young lady like this, he will definitely hit you!" Dongran came over and beat the wet nurse's back a few times, and then smiled at Xiaochu: "The young lady doesn't care about it. The wet nurse is the one who wants to coax." The wet nurse turned her hand back to dye Dong and scolded, "Geasy mouth! After the third lady has finished enjoying the flowers, welcome them quickly.

Winter dyed the spring water and threw the wet nurse's words to the spring water: "What about you, let's go together." Spring water took the steps. I didn't need a veil to wipe my lips with the back of my hand, and then showed Dong Ran: "I'll eat an extra piece of meat stuffing and wipe it clean early. There's no oil." The two came to welcome the third lady with a smile, and the third lady smiled again: "In your yard, you are happy every day." Dongran never let people speak. He answered, "The third lady, you have a good brother, and it's also..." He stopped in time and blushed. The third lady still took a look at Dongran and laughed, "Girl who hasn't married, do you know what's happy?" Dong Ran made a "bang" and covered his face and ran away.

Yulan and Chunshui laughed back and forth. Yulan said, "It's time to count her mouth the fastest!" The words were snatched in other people's heads, and they didn't say a word. He took the third lady to the porch and went down the steps early in the morning. To go to the room, the third lady stopped and said, "No, you are making shoes. I will also look at the patterns. It's the best here, and you can see the flowers."

Xiaochu asked someone to pour tea and gave an embroidered stool to the third lady. The girls brought out another mahogany chair. Xiaochu sat down and asked the third lady to look at the nearest ** in the porch: "Green **, it's rare." Yulan also talked quickly. In fact, she wanted to please her once but overdo it: "The young lady has seen more flowers than others. I think it's more rare that you haven't seen before." Mrs. Chu turned her eyes and said, "Let's stand aside." Yulan was wronged again and retreated.

Xiaochu didn't pay attention to it, but Mrs. Chu took over by herself: "Green is rare, but it's not difficult to see." Xiaochu said heartlessly, "It's the first time I've seen it, but it's too expensive." Yulan wanted to answer the phone and ask how much it was, but she was afraid that the third lady would say her, so she opened her mouth and closed it without saying it.

When "money" is mentioned here, Mrs. Chu, who has just enjoyed the flowers, is sad. Thinking of Brother Yu's new collar just now, and looking at the swaying ** in the yard, Mrs. Chu looked at Lin Xiaochu, who poured tea for herself. In a month, she came out more white and fatter than before. She looked elegant. No matter who saw it, she would not say that she used to be a girl.

Again, before Lin Xiaochu, his waist was straight, not a girl.

The working people are the most glorious, and their aspirations are not poor. Lin Xiaochu told Lin Xiaoyi that the poor should make money with their hands and their faces should be high. Now that the working people have become a feudal ruling class, Lin Xiaochu certainly can't change it. When there are no outsiders, he still feels like the girl in the house in the countryside of the People's Liberation Army.

"How about Brother Liang?" Xiaochu has nothing to do in the room, and what he finds every day is a decent new feeling. When I asked today, I was not angry. I thought about my son in the bottom of my heart, but I didn't show it. The third lady agreed randomly, and Xiaochu really didn't know how to ask questions. She shook the shopkeeper and came to ask the workers.

The third lady of the working man didn't want to talk too much about her children, and for a while, she was reluctant to leave the autumn wind with the fragrance of chrysanthemums. He casually picked up the small shoe face made by Xiaochu and said, "Your needle and thread are better than before," Xiaochu was ashamed. The needlework must be done every day. She made a few stitches and left them away, so it's not good.

"The wet nurse can do everything. I worship her as my teacher." Xiaochu said, and the wet nurse smiled cautiously: "The young lady is killing me. The young lady has been in confinement, so she is born. Everything will be fine when you are familiar with it soon.

There are more than a dozen steps next to it, and there is a brazier at the corner of the corridor, with an iron burning on it. Xiaochu didn't let others take it: "I'll do it, I'll do it," and when she took it back for a while, the wet nurse was worried again: "Be careful not to burn it." Under such intimate care, Xiaochu became capable: "I said, I'm the best at pulping and burning iron."

Yulan suppressed her laughter, and the young lady began to say the words in her village again. In the past, these pulping jobs must have been done less.

This is really the master and servant happy. The young lady has no airs, and the girl is accompanied by laughter. The wet nurse sat quietly, listened to them laugh unconformly, and restrained another sentence.

The third lady sat and felt happy. But I can't sit for a long time, so I will leave. Yulan also missed it and said to the third lady, "This place is full of flowers. Let's ask for two pots and go back. You and the young lady are not relatives. The third lady who praised the flowers in the yard had a black face: "We also have it in the yard. Why do we need hers?"

When she came back, the third lady forgot the flowers and asked someone first: "Brother Liang is awake?" Just go to the room. Yulan glanced at the third master's yard with her eyes, and there were many flowers, ** as well. It's just that those big flowers in the sea bowls are not available, and I feel that the whole courtyard has lost their spirits, and it's a little wither in the afternoon. Magnolia is in her eyes, not as many others.

Brother Liang is in the room, and the wet nurse and girl are cleaning up. The third lady asked and realized that she had vomited milk and drowned her clothes. The third lady was so angry today that she said, "Brother, give it to me." Holding Brother Liang in his arms, the three husbands said to the wet nurse and said, "I won't be here for a moment, and there will be these things."

Brother Liang, who had tears on his face, fell on his mother's shoulder, opened his mouth and yawned.

As he was patting and coaxing, the third master came in from the outside and happily held a book for the third lady to read: "This is a lonely book, which is rare in the previous dynasty." Brother Liang, who was awakened, cried, and the third lady was angry with the third master: "Go out! I didn't watch the child go to bed!" The third master touched his nose and turned unhappy. Seeing his son crying loudly, he forced to look at him: "Good brother, I cried so loudly. Will it be a general or a senior official in the future?

Is it loud? There are still people crying loudly in this family. Today's nameless evil fire fell on the third master. The third master took a step back, looked at Brother Liang's tears reluctantly, and said peacefully, "What's wrong with me? You don't listen to that." The third lady knew that she could only say this. To this useless person, did she mean to coax him back with a golden collar, or pointed to him to make some strange good things for himself? None of these three masters can do it!

Mrs. Chu gave the child to the wet nurse and calmed down with the third master: "I like the newly bought book. How much is it?" The third master thought it was encouragement and raised his eyebrows again: "Fifty taels of silver, Huaixian also wants it. I grabbed it first. Wait for me to show it to him in the evening and make him envious.

"Mudan, take fifty taels of silver and give it to the third master." Mrs. Chu was weak: "Really? Then send it to him. If you want to come to Huaixian, you also want to say it's cheap.

The third master was happy and showed the treasure-like pages of the book to Mrs. Chu: "This paper is better than Chengxintang paper." Third lady Pu Yan said to him: "That's great." The third master liked it and searched for something that made the third lady like and thought it was a reward at this time: "You are so good today. By the way, you said **, Huaixian has made a lot of flowers, and I will accompany you to reward it."

Speaking of flowers, the third lady is even more listless, this useless person! He said, "I'm tired. You can see for yourself." The third master smiled and said, "My niece is here. If you don't go, how can I go to see it alone?" At this time, the third master saw the third lady's depression, put down the book and thought, "Why don't you like it? I didn't mess with you today. If you want to say that Brother Liang is fine, he will definitely not mess with you.

The third lady was amused and said to the third master, "He can't say anything. How can he provoke me?" I'm tired. Let's read in your aunt's room. The third master was the one who chased him away but didn't leave. He has a private house in his own hands, but Yueyin is under the control of the third lady. Usually, the family's New Year's and festivals are also under the control of the Third Lady. The third master buys things privately and does not belong to the public, he has to come to this "little father-in-law" to ask for money.

Today, the money was given freely. The third master had the intention of "retributing to the favor" and also cared about the third lady once, but he had to find out the reason why the third lady was unhappy. It was there that I guessed: "Where did you go today?" Then he suddenly realized that he came and whispered, "Is it because my second sister-in-law doesn't like it?"

"Are your ears beckoning?" Third Lady Daqi: "I just came back from my mother's room, but it's only half an hour." The third master laughed. Today, he was extremely playful and lit his face that was not a few years older than Chu Huaixian: "You have always looked down on me. I will shake it for you today. Of course, I know that the eldest brother came back from his mother's room and called me for another lesson.

Go back and touch the book: "I was so angry that I was scolded. Think about the two of us, no one dares to do this. The official who lived under the front door building wanted to give me money and I said no. I didn't want him to be so clever. Knowing that I was looking for a book, he gave me this book, a lonely book, which is valuable.