Spring flowers

Chapter 261, the first post

Master Chu was reminded by Aunt Zhang to pay attention to the Lou family. The next day, when Chu Huaide came back, Master Chu asked Xiao Gener to ask him, "Who has Huai De met in the building?"

Of course, Xiaogen didn't dare to tell the truth, but just said, "The three princes in the second room, the fourth room and the fifth room of the building are all studying with the prince."

The second master looked stiff and suddenly asked after a while, "Is the girl of the Lou family 16 years old?" Suddenly asked, Xiao Gener blurted out, "I heard that 14th." The second master stared fiercely, and the little root fell to the ground and begged for mercy: "The second master, please spare my life. It has nothing to do with the little one."

"You said!" The second master of Chu is cool and knows that there must be mystery in it. Xiaogen said all the things: "It was last year. When I read the book in the middle, it was the girl in the fifth room who came out to deliver food. At first, I didn't say anything to the prince. This year, the prince took her a veil, and I saw it. I was very strong to the prince and advised him to return her, and there was no more.

The second master was so angry that his face rose purple, slapped him heavily, and scolded angrily, "They dare! ..." Then he got up and kicked Xiao Gener and kicked Xiao Gener out a few times. The second master stood still and gasped.

If you are a slave, you also need a few brushes. Xiaogen's reply is always on guard against such unlikable words. Seeing the second master kicking, his hand was already on his chest. He shouted repeatedly to get out, but in fact, the kick was not heavy. In order to prevent the second master from kicking again, Xiaogener fell on the ground and couldn't pretend to pretend. On the one hand, he felt sorry for himself and followed Mr. Huaide. He was not majestic, not like Jin Xi'er, but also when he was majestic. Even if he was beaten, he was much more blessed and lived longer.

The second master is really angry! His only son, Chu Huaide, is a golden jade horse and matched with the poetry of the Chen family. Lou's house? What!

When the ancients were angry, it was the lower ones who vented their anger. The second master blamed the small root, pulled out the chicken feather duster from the big porcelain bottle next to him, and twitched the little root lying on the ground without thinking: "Why don't you go back and forth early!"

These ancient people beat people, in fact, are the same as cruel as Mr. Chu. They are all the same people.

Xiaogener suffered seven or eight times in vain, and could only complain more about his bad luck and wrong Mr. Wilder. Master Chu ordered others: "Go! Come to Wilder!"

Chu Huaide came back and just heard Aunt Zhang finish the marriage. Seeing that people came to shout, he thought that his father was talking about the Chen family's marriage, so he rushed in happily.

The posture of the second master of Chu in the room has not changed, holding a feather duster in his hand, standing in the winter hall, standing next to the brazier with fire, like the momentum of a general somewhere. Chu Huaide just came forward to salute and said with a smile, "Father." The chicken feather duster in Master Chu's hand danced up and scolded while beating: "The indisputable seed! The girl of Changsantangzi, you also went forward to see the lowly seed!"

Chu Huaide hid behind and saw Xiao Gen kneeling in a corner. When Master Chu fought, Chu Huaide did not dare to hide fiercely and retreated in a hurry. The feather duster flew, accompanied by the voice of Master Chu's hatred and Chu Huaixian's begging for mercy: "Father, what did I do?" He scolded Xiao Gen'er again: "Father is angry. What did this slave say?"

Xiao Gener blinked her eyes, half lowered her head, and peeked at the prince being beaten.

The second master was tired and sat back on the chair and gasped. On the feather duster in his hand, a lot of poor chicken feathers fell off. Chu Huaide rubbed the pain and came to laugh: "Father, what did I do wrong?" Master Chu gasped, and two tears fell from his eyes. He said sadly, "Huide, you have to love yourself."

Chu Huaide thought left and right, and tried to exchange glances with Xiao Gener, but he didn't understand the meaning of this. I can only laugh again: "Father, please say it clearly."

The second master became sad. Seeing his son grow up and his son becoming an adult, Master Chu couldn't stand any accident on the way. He couldn't scold the Lou family any more, and he couldn't ask Chu Huaide for details, but he said weakly, "Your aunt has chosen a good marriage for you, and she will make a gift in a few days. No matter what, I don't want to hear it. You tear it away. When you are so old, you have to learn to do your own things and love yourself.

So this is it! Chu Huaide thought that it was an unexpected pleasure to have the Chen family. What else do you want to do? He immediately said, "Father, don't worry, it's nothing. I have met the girl of the Lou family several times, and of course I won't see her in the future.

"That's good, you have to remember! You are from the Chu family. Our Chu family is no worse than the Chen family, but what is the Lou family!" Master Chu heard Chu Huaide's words and came back a little stronger. Cursing is much more powerful than just now.

After scolding Chu Huaide, Master Chu just hurried to see his eldest sister-in-law Mrs. Chu and tell her about the things decided by going to the Chen family. Mrs. Chu was talking to Mrs. Chu. Although the second lady handed over most of the money and most of the things, she did not dare to wait and stood beside her.

Seeing the second master coming, Mrs. Chu smiled first: "I'm going to call you. You have to choose this gift." Two plates of hairpin hairpin rings, with white beads trembling slightly in the stamens, a plate of gold-inlaid with gemstones and jade, and a plate of jade ornaments. Master Chu's eyes straightened as soon as he saw it. He smiled and said to Mrs. Chu, "There are also some in my room. How can I let my sister-in-law take them out?"

Mrs Chu also spoke directly: "This is for Huai Xian. He doesn't need it. He gave it to you." Mrs. Chu just smiled. Of course, Mrs. Chu was uncomfortable. The second master picked one, and the two plates were not much different. He pointed to the jade decoration and said, "Jin is too dazzling. I think the Chen family is a scholar. I definitely don't like it to be too ostentatious."

"Then send this plate over," Mrs. Chu called again: "Bir the prepared things," and asked Second Master Chu to see the rest of the things and set the date for the 16th of the twelfth lunar month. Everyone was discussing. A post was sent outside and replied, "Mrs. Gu, please invite our young lady to be a guest tomorrow."

Mrs. Chu couldn't believe her ears, and the people in the room couldn't believe their ears. Mrs. Chu took the post in her hand and looked at the red plum blossom notes, which were clearly written. It was Lin Xiaochu. Master Chu, Mrs. 2 and Mrs. Chu had their eyes on Mrs. Chu. Seeing that she was not unhappy, but they did not pay attention to it. The sticker in their hand shook casually: "Send it over."

Master Chu, Mrs. 2 and Mrs. Chu 3 breathed a sigh of relief. Before the three pairs of eyes were withdrawn, Mrs. Chu smiled: "What are you doing looking at me?" Out of gratitude to Huaide, Master Chu was afraid that Mrs. Chu would not like it. He wanted to say a word and said, "The Gu family is also close to our family." Mrs. Chu smiled faintly, like the occasional snow blowing in the north wind outside the room: "This is caused by Huaixian."

After saying this, Mrs. Chu called her maid again: "Bir the dark green burden in the cabinet." The girl sent it out, and Mrs. Chu opened it. Inside was a gold and silver silk brocade peony clothes, with bright eyes. Master Chu didn't understand and was guessing. Mrs. Chu smiled at everyone and said, "This dress is also sent to me."

Mrs. Chu was the first to persuade: "Sister-in-law, this can't be used." Master Chu also pushed it. He thought of another thought: "If Huaixian knows it well." Mrs. Chu also advised, "This pattern is rarely woven. Keep it." Mrs. Chu ignored it and asked people to wrap it up again: "Sixteen will be decided, and this one will also be put up."

Everyone can't stop her, so they can only rely on her. Master Chu was not only satisfied with what had been decided, but also uneasy. If Chu Huaixian knew a lot of things in it, he must have kept it in his heart; Mrs. Chu San was frowned when she came out. How to say to Xiaochu? After all, it was her nephew's daughter, and this loss could not be continued for her to eat.

Only Mrs. Chu said to herself in the room when there was no one to wait, "What can I do if I let her go to the palace!"

The north wind took off and snowed again. At this time, Lin Xiaochu was in the room and was stunned by the newly sent post. Which one is the ancient family?

The plum blossom is bright red, surrounded by lace, and the fragrance on it can't help but spread into the nose. In front of Xiaochu, it brought her a lot of pressure.

Lin carefully's mind has changed recently. From the chaos in her heart to the recent peace, she has gone through quite a long psychological entanglement. Chu Huaixian didn't say that he would let Xiaochu go out less, and Xiaochu was also willing to go out less.

Xiaoyi likes Xiangzhi more and more, and because of the small birth, there is also Chu Huaixian in the room. Lin Xiaoyi is at Xiangzhi for half of the time. He came back and kept writing to her female commandments, not to bother Xiaochu very much.

For a long day, Lin Xiaochu can sit for half a day facing a cup of tea or a flower. But her mind keeps flying.

Until this post came, Xiaochu felt that his peace had been broken.

She is willing to go out, but within her own willingness. This post was sent by my mother-in-law, Mrs. Chu, but there is no need to ask, this is Chu Huaixian's close friend. Otherwise, this post would not come in.

From now on, in the dull days, there will be more gatherings of officials. Xiaochu asked herself that she did not want to go to such a place for the time being. If you have nothing to do, Xiaochu is willing to go to the house of a drunken madman. However, her mind has changed a lot recently and she hasn't figured out too many things. She prefers to be more peaceful at home. Anyway, no one is waiting for her to buy rice and put it in the pot, and no one is waiting for her to pick firewood.

It's just how many people will be shocked if they go out. Although they don't have to go in front of their parents-in-law, they must know. Besides, Chu Huaixian knows that he may not like going to the Gong family. Lin Xiaochu didn't want to listen to him or reply to him.

Mrs. Chu went out at this time, and it didn't matter if she slipped out from the back door as before. Where are you going now? You always have to give an idea to the Chu family. How can they say that the young lady went out to visit a man?

Walking according to the post, he walked into the atmosphere of the officials and his friends. Xiaochu sighed and didn't like it; relying on Xiaochu himself, Xiaochu smiled, and the prince must not like it.

It can be seen that the world is difficult! This sentence can be used here.

A post broke Mrs. Chu's heart.