Spring flowers

Chapter 282, when the official of the building met the eldest son of Chu

In the crying, the official Lou was embarrassed and pretended to persuade him, "Fifth brother, don't cry. When the eldest son comes, he will give us an explanation." The teenagers were all alive and cried with them: "Five aunt, don't worry, there is no explanation about my sister. Let's sue the official desperately."

Then he said, "It's a big thing to destroy people's name festival. You can't destroy Huai De." Chu Huaide was scared as soon as he heard the cry. He was overjoyed to hear this and said in the crying, "Yes, yes," and it was Lou You who said this again. Chu Huaide gave him a thumbs-up.

Chu Huaixian sat coldly. How long did he practice at home? Is that what I said, or is it no matter who comes from our family? Maybe the second uncle will come, it's different. Looking at Chu Huaide again, no wonder he can't handle it well. This family came up as if Chu Huaide had seen all the people in their family.

"I'm here to talk. There is something sad in your house. Today is not a convenient time." Chu Huaixian waited for them to cry for a cup of tea. It was estimated that he could only howls if he cried again. Then he stood up calmly and motioned to the official. He did not arch his hand and said lightly, "Let's go back first. When can we sit down and talk?"

At such a time, Chu Huaide wanted to put oil on the soles of his feet and hurriedly replied, "Yes, brother, let's go back."

The crying suddenly stopped! A man's eyebrows were stunned, and more than a dozen eyes shot together.

Compared with these sadness, Chu Huaixian is leisurely, with the expression that the dead in your family have nothing to do with me. He shook his sleeves, lifted one of his feet in boots, and was ready to go out. This posture of lifting feet is careless and has no psychological burden.

One step, two steps... In the third step, he raised his left foot and didn't fall down. Behind him, he stared at his big eyes. The official Lou laughed and said, "Son, why are you angry?" Chu Huaixian turned around, two black eyes took a deep look at the smile of the official Lou, and then looked deeply at the crying person next to him.

This crying and smile is just a contrast.

Of course, Chu Huaixian wanted to make fun of him and said sarcastically, "Are you a family?" The senior official of the building exchanged eyes with the five officials of the building, and the senior official of the building asked to sit down again: "Let's sit down and talk." Chu Huaixian stood still and continued to satirize: "You have to be in a good mood when you speak. Besides, I have inquired that your family has only had a happy event of money recently, and you don't plan to do nothing.

All the people in the building family were sad once. Chu Huaixian laughed himself: "In this first month, look at me talking, don't be surprised."

Then he returned to his seat and glanced at the crowd with his eyes. The big official of Lou wink, and the men returned to their seats. Everyone looked at Chu Huaixian. The women went back and had a few shy eyes before leaving, which cast on Mr. Chu.

After that, Chu Huaixian said first: "Huide's wife has decided on the Chen family, and this can't be changed. The Chen family is a cautious family, and several generations of poetry can withstand the wind and rain. I won't listen to a gust of wind to deny Wilder's marriage. The senior official was only embarrassed: "Haha, our family is also cautious."

Chu Huaixian said: "Only when you have a husband can be noble." That's all.

The senior official said, "Do you always know that there is something first?" Chu Huaixian said, "The eight characters have been changed."

Humanity: "If you have seen the face, you should take responsibility." Chu Huaixian said, "Young and ignorant."

Lou Dayou is his own brother. He came up again in a daze: "If this marriage doesn't work, my sister's life will be saved?" Chu Huaixian's divine eyes collided with Lou Dayou's eyes. Lou Dayou insisted for a moment and then avoided it. Chu Huaixian said, "How can I smell it at ordinary times?"

Everyone is in a stalemate here. Chu Huaide listened hard and felt that the eldest brother was so hard that he could learn by himself. As a party, he can't stay out of the matter, clear his throat, and decide to be a peacemaker: "My eldest brother is the most reasonable person."

The officials of Lou did not say anything, and the five officials of Lou were not popular. Lou's friends were not angry with Chu Huaide... Chu Huaide said, "You say," and closed your mouth tightly.

"Our Lou family started from scratch, and my brother is the fifth generation. The Zheng family has many shops and our family has many boats. Although it is not one of the best all year round, it can stand and withstand the wind and waves. Go abroad and go to the south of the Yangtze River. The official changed the topic and began to talk with Chu Huaixian.

Chu Huaixian didn't mean to smash people. He had the intention to ask: "The year before last, I heard that there were many boats in the Qian family, and in another year, I heard that there were many boats in the Wang family. I was very surprised why it seemed to be on the wind and waves, the same every year." The senior official of the building laughed and was complaous: "This is a prince. You don't know what we do. When we go abroad, there are strong winds and waves, and there is no fleet. Even hundreds of people with goods, hundreds of people, tens of thousands of silver are missing. Therefore, our family is not one of the best, but it is tenable.

Chu Huaixian then understood: "So that's it." The official of Lou said again, "It's better to go inland, and you will encounter robbers and water thieves. You can jump into the water cleverly and run away. You don't have to pay for this life and money first. You don't lose some property, and most of the time you don't lose the boat. The Qian family you mentioned went to foreign countries and died more than a dozen people. If you just lose money, you will lose your vitality.

Speaking of this, the official Lou stopped in time and said with a smile, "So our girl, not the little jasper, often walks in front of people." Chu Huaixian first heard Chu Huaide say about this matter. One of the biggest loopholes in it was that why didn't the girl stay in the embroidery room?

Chu Huaide said that he was willing to want it, so why did Chu Huaixian do it? And everyone was choked, saying that the girls were impruous and uncomfortable. Before he came, Chu Huaixian still blamed Chu Huaide; after he came, Chu Huaixian only blamed the Lou family. In such a big house, people who are a little familiar with it don't inform them when they bring strangers in. I want the girl in that building to see Chu Huaide, but I'm afraid it's also White sitting in the room. She came directly to her brother.

This accusation was blocked by the senior officials, and Chu Huaixian didn't want to mention it in the first place. I can be a concubine, but I can't agree today! Chu Huaixian was not angry and felt that he was polite.

The business is so big that the official of the building is also a person who can figure out people's thoughts. Seeing Chu Huaixian smiling and looking at the steps outside the hall. The official of the building made up for the leaks little by little and found a reasonable reason for his girl to be seen by Chu Huaide. He didn't think of it, but originally wanted to say, "Haha, today's melt the snow and water, and the warehouse needs to be turned over. The things transported in the wind and waves are moldy, but it's a big loss. Fortunately, we have many family members, just go and help when you need it.

Chu Huaixian knew that when he met a capable person, he could still guess what I was thinking. He smiled silently and only listened to him.

"Son, our girl deserves to be your brother, and you won't humiliate much in your house." When the official Lou said this, Chu Huaixian's eyes were like snow ice and stared at the official Lou coldly: "My wife is my beloved." The official thought that this person was too sensitive to beat you. If you think that our family is not a businessman, the one you married is the same.

Of course, the official of Lou didn't want to piss off Chu Huaixian. He laughed and said, "That's it. In fact, I admire the eldest son very much." He turned around and asked, "If you want to be ruthless, how can you invite the eldest son?" Chu Huaixian smiled at him, just say everything clearly. I didn't say a word.

It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. The official of the building sent the words to Chu Huaixian: "How about the eldest son? This matter is here. Can you give me a word?" The official of the building smiled.

Chu Huaixian looked up and saw that Lou's official was a fox; Lou's five officials, even the one who wanted to be Chu Huaide's father-in-law, had tears on his face. Although he didn't know where it came from, he couldn't hide the shrewdness on his face; and the teenagers of the Lou family were waiting for an explanation. It seems that there is a posture of Zhuge Liang fighting against the group of Confucianism, but there is no group of Confucianism.

Finally, looking at Chu Huaide, he was young and dizzy and only thought of the word affection, which should be regarded as Jiang Gan who entered Eastern Wu. From time to time, there were women peeping outside the hall, and there was also a group of women's army.

What everyone says in Chu Huaixian.

"Cough," Chu Huaixian coughed slowly and gently. With so many people waiting, you can listen carefully. Chu Huaixian said, "Waide is affectionate, so I'm here; if there is no affection in your house, it won't wait for me to come." The senior official laughed, and everyone in the hall laughed. Then the facial features said, "My girl, since I know that I can't get married, it's tea and rice. Is this affectionate?"

Chu Huaixian thought, you are a scoundrel and dare to say the word affection. He said slowly, "In this case, that's easy to say. Since there is affection, of course, I know that after saving Wilder, this affection can continue. Chu Huaide smiled happily, and the eldest brother was right.

What Chu Huaide is most afraid of is his face and reputation, which is related to his status and heir at home in the future. To put it bluntly, it is related to whether the money is ringing or not.

The five officials of Lou only said one sentence, and now they have heard Chu Huaixian's reply and shut up.

Chu Huaixian returned the style of words to the senior official: "Do you think this is the truth?" The official of Lou smiled or not: "What will happen after it is saved?" Chu Huaide's heart was raised. What he was worried about was no longer his face and reputation, but that Chu Huaixian would not refuse the marriage of the Lou family. You should know that when Chu Huaide first heard Miss Lou hit the wall, he said not: "Save people quickly," but said, "The girl is very beautiful, is this..." When he cried again, he cried loudly: "I hurt you."

What I regret is still the appearance of the Lou girl.

"What should I do after I save it? I have to ask you." Chu Huaixian smiled. That's nonsense to ask! After preservation, if you want to marry, you will be a concubine. To protect Wilder, of course, it is to protect his family first. The five generations in Beijing are better than the Chen family or your Lou family. You know it best! I was so smart just now, but now I'm so stupid to ask me.

The senior official of the building was silent and exchanged glances with the facial features. He originally wanted to have a good talk with the people from the Chu family. If he came to the second master of Chu, he would say that his family was rich; if he came to the eldest son of Chu, who did he marry? Everyone in Beijing knows that it is for love. Now that I can't say let's go together, the senior official of the building said cautiously, "Think back, of course, it's okay. It's just that my brother is still young, and I'm afraid there won't be few people in the room?"

Chu Huaixian leisurely: "No one can control his current feelings."

Coming out of Lou's house, Chu Huaide saluted Chu Huaixian deeply: "Brother, you are really my own brother." Chu Huaixian laughed and scolded, "In the future, you can find less for me." Chu Huaide smiled and said, "Of course."

Chu Huaixian came back to see Xiaochu and was still in her east room. The east wing was cleaned up and became the quiet room of Mrs. Chu. Chu Huaixian smiled beside Xiaochu and joked, "If the mountain doesn't come, it's just me. If I come, I'll come to the mountain."

This is angry. Today is the third day.